Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions must be met in order to be eligible to work on The Phoenix Realm website.

1. There will no posting of obscene or derogatory comments. Derogatory reviews are allowed, but there must be nothing serious posted.

2. There will be absolutly NO pornography or adult materials on this website. None, nada, zip, zero, got it?

3. Flameing homosexuality will not be tolerated. I have nothing against gays (I am NOT one), but just keep it to yourself...

4. There cannot be any religous posting allowed. If one religiopn is posted, then all would have to be posted, and that would take up to much room. I just want it to be fair to everyone.

5. You will not give out the username or date to this site TO ANYONE. I don't care who it is, this is completely confidential material.

Well that's about it. If you agree with these terms and conditions, and would like to work on this site, then go ahead and E-mail
Citan with what you would like to put on the site. He will also need to see a small, 2 paragraph sample of a review on your topic of choice.

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