
This website is dedicated to providing material for the officially abandoned (in print), but also officially continued (releases on the net by athas.org) DARK SUN world. Here you will not find any official material (apart from a few hosted bits and bobs), but lots of potentially useful and/or inspiring stuff for different styles of DARK SUN campaigns.

This page was last updated: 31 July 2009

Latest update: Maharduk, the Leviathan Village in 'People and Places' and The Corpse Flower (see 'Monsters') & tidied up the 'People and Places' section which was literally 'all over the place'.

Also: Geocities is closing down so I'm currently looking for a new home for my role-playing webpages. Will let you know when this page is moving and to what address! Suggestions for a new host welcome.

Previous update: The Twin Moon Circus (see People & Places), new gallery & NPC drawings, a bardic artefact, one new class (The Athasian Armourer) and eight new NPCs: three in the Rogue/Bards/Trader section, two psychic warriors and three wizards, one of them an 'almost-Champion'! Updated the Links page.

10th Anniversary PDF Edition will be delayed due to current workload!

Please sign Freedom!'s guestbook, the 'Visitors' Journal'... in character ;)


Here is part of a review of this website from 'Knights of the Dinner Table' no. 68:

'Freedom... is brimming with the sort of minutia that's so important to running a good campaign. (...) The campaign write-ups about people, places and monsters should provide plenty of inspiration for Dark Sun fans, as well as those looking for something stange and brutal to throw at their player characters.'

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