Frances Barratt' s Fanfiction Page 3
-Moving Home-
Frodo is happy and in love with Jessamine Goodchild
Frodo is sad and hurt that Jessamine can't  marry him, because of her weak health
Arriving in Hobbiton Town Centre
Sam Gamgee's house at Bagshot Row
Sam and Frodo, friends for life, unconditionally from now on
Main Page
-A Washerwoman's Tale -by Lassie Rowan Gamwich
-Forever Friends-
by Frances Barratt
Hamfast Gamgee, Sam's father. Also known as "The Gaffer "
Merry brings Frodo good news:
he is offered a place to stay at the Brandybuck's home. Which he thankfully accepted
-Alone Amongst Many-
by Frances Barratt
-A Fork In The Road-
by Frances Barratt
-Burying The Past- by Frances Barratt
-Transition-by Frances Barratt
Frodo finally gets to meet his Uncle Bilbo.... but there are still a few painful matters from the past  that have to be dealt with first.
-Forgotten Memories-by Frances Barratt
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