Fourier Transform Magic
In this tutorial we introduce yet another photo manipulation tool in Gimp, using the Fourier plugin.
The fourier transform plugin works particuluarly well if the photo has a lot of yellow color in it, so in this example, a picture of a lemon is used. Click on "File->Open" to open the lemon image. Looking at it, it is obviously under-exposed, and need some color tuning, lightness/contrast adjustment and even white balance correction.
Let's use Fourier transform instead of doing multiple photo adjustments. First, we need to make sure there is an alpha channel added to the photo.
Right mouse click to call up the cascading menu and navigate to "Layers->Add Alpha Channel" Click on it to add alpha channel to the current image.
Now call up the cascading menu again, and navigate to "Filters->Generic->Fourier". Click on it and let the plugin go to work.
Here's the result after the fourier transformation.
As you can see, the exposure has been corrected, the colors are more vibrant and saturated and the highlights were restored.

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