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Welcome to Adam's Page!
School Pic - 2002/2003
Well I think it's time that I update my page so please be patient while I get it done.
My name is Adam and I was born in July 1986. I'm in grade 11 (french immersion).
I live in NewBrunswick Canada with my Mom, Dad, Stryker, Cassie, and Bear. The last three are our dogs. Stryker is REALLY mine though because he is registered in my name. hehe
I love animals and sports.
Since we get alot of snow here I do alot of snowboarding and I sometimes play hockey when I have the spare time.(which isn't alot!!).
In the summer I like to play soccer,extreme biking as well as hang out with my friends.
My mom is going to make me some buttons so everyone will have an easier time getting around,, but for now, this will have to do. Hope you don't mind. My page may take time to load but please be patient. There are alot of snowboard pics. Oh and PLEASE don't forget to sign my guestbook before you leave ok.
A few pictures of me !
Winter 99/00 My first year riding I rode a Rossignol Butane 158� board with Rossignol bindings. Next year I'll try another type of board. My opinion of this board is good. It with stood normal riding conditions and then some. I give the board a thumbs up!  My only complaint is that the board was too stiff for my liking. The bindings didn't cut it though. They broke after 2 months of use and I  got Lamar bindings to replace them.
Snowboarding/Winter 99/00
Here are a few pictures of my friends snowboarding back the lodge.
This year I am using a K2 Satelite board with my Lamar bindings. I chose this board because of the flexability.  My opinion of this board is poor to say the least. It did NOT withstand the season! I used the board for less than a month and it started seperating from the metal edge. I had it fixed and it did it again. Then my nose cracked under normal snowboarding conditions. I brought it back to the shop I bought it from and they sent it back to the the K2 company. They would NOT replace my board or give me a credit towards another one. They said it was caused by impact damage, which it was not. I babied the K2 because I liked it better than my Rossignol and wouldn't even ride the rails with it. Just used it down hill and in the pipes. Any time I rode the rails or whatever I used a friend's board. I sent it back to the company 3 times and my mom spoke to them on the phone as well and they refused to replace it. So for the reason that they don't honor their warranties on their products I give it a thumbs DOWN and will NEVER buy another K2 board and would advise others from buying them as well. I finished the snowboarding season using a friend of mines board. Thanks man for the loan. Without your kindness I would have been out of the game. Snowboarding 2000/2001
I apoligise for the quality of the night shots!
My signature trick - The Mcwrap
Really a front flip 180 melon grab.
Nose press
I had a broken ribs when I was doing this frontside boardslide.
Tried a switch frontside/boardslide but didn't make it!
My first time trying a backside/board slide and smashing my elbow on the rail in the process.
Same as the other one.
Trying a mctwist in the 1/2 pipe.
Don't know what I was doing here!
Working the 1/4 pipe
Here I am jibbing off the table!
Doing a backflip in the 1/4 pipe and I landed it.
180 grab
Trying a back flip in the 1/4 pipe.
Doing a hand plant in the 1/4 pipe.
Air to fakey in the 1/4 pipe.
Same as the last one.
Here's some pics of my fellow riders and friends.
Luke trying the one footed slide. He made it!
Ryan doing a sweet frontside/boardslide
Ryan doing a 50/50 frontside 180 out.
Ryan 50/50 the flat and slipped off.
Pat trying a frontside/boardslide Jamie doing his thing!!
Pat doing a frontside/boardslide
Ryan trying a frontside/boardslide
Ryan doing a 360
Luke catching some air!
Ryan trying a backflip
Ryan hucking a backflip
Jason doing a 360
Thomas trying a grab
I want to say hi to all my fellow riders and friends. You know who you are. I'll mention everyone at a later time.
I have been asked to join the our local ski team to participate in the 2003 Winter Games that will be held here and I am officially on the team! My coach is a great guy and it'll be fun training with him. We have alot of hard work to do but I feel I am up to the challange. I will NOT be quitting snowboarding!! I'll be on the hills as much as ever, only I'll be doing some skiing as well. My mom said it'll help open the doors to my snowboard career. Any way, whether it does or not,, I will succeed at snowboarding. It's my first love!
OK. Here are some links that I hope you'll enjoy.
Find a snowboard!
Burton Snowboards
Snowboard Goggles
Forum Snowboards
Spy Snowboard Goggles
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