To Chelsey's Place
Chelsey was the first siberian husky that we ever owned. We bought her from Darren Carrier in Lorne N.B. She was unregistered. She was the sister to Sheba and Kimo. She was a black and white bitch with a sunny disposition and was a joy to have.
Unfortunately Chelsey crossed the Rainbow Bridge at the tender age of six and a half months.
We had a problem with her weight so brought her to our local vet for a check up. She found nothing wrong but gave us some medication to increase her appetite. One day she had a seizure type symptom so brought her to the vet again. Again nothing was found. This went on for approximately one month. Although she wasn't gaining weight, she was extremely active. We would join her brother, Kimo, and my cousin, Lauralee on their daily walks. One day when I went to pick Lauralee and kimo up to go for our walk, Chelsey just dropped dead! I worked on her for about 30 minutes performing CPR and mouth to snout but to no avail. Our Chelsey was gone.
After speaking to a few vets in Ontario and Quebec, it was beleived that she died of a congenital heart defect.
This picture was taken the day we brought Chelsey home. My neice, Shelly was holding Chelsey and her sister Sheba.
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