Welcome to the official fanlisting for episode 307 of Dawson's Creek, Escape From Witch Island. To navigate click in the picture.

It's pretty simple. A fanlisting is a place for people who are a fan of (insert something here) ____ get listed, proudly saying "I am a fan!".

So in this case, if you are a fan of episode 307, you should join! When you do your name/info will be added. Got a web site? - grab a code and I'll add your site to your member info.

<Why I love EFWI?>
Unlike the prior portion of the season, EFWI tapped into the essence of each character, allowing the main 4 to be themselves and further the storyline that was building between the group. It also explored new territory as Pacey and Jen, in a freak of nature, were drawn closer. - EFWI has been one of the most replayed episodes of DC, and originally I wondered why. But if you look past the surface, you'll see a taut script and wonderful dialogue.

12.04.02 Uploaded site and submitted it to the fanlistings network. If any one has cast screen caps from this episode, I would be indebted to you. I find this layout dull and uninviting, and need some pics to help spruce up a new look.

This site was created with PS 6 and Dreamweaver. Photo credit: sony/tri-star dc site.

The Fanlistings Network
The Dawson's Creek Network

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws