Spectroscopy and Dynamics of the Transition States
Chemical Reactions in Van der Waals Molecules

Khaled Gasmi
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Instituto Pluridisciplinar
Unidad de L�seres y Haces Moleculares
Paseo Juan XXIII,1  28040
Madrid Spain
E-mail: [email protected]

Spectroscopy and Dynamics of the Transition States
Chemical Reactions in Van der Waals Molecules

The study of the spectroscopy and dynamics of a chemical reaction is generally aimed at the deduction of the reaction mechanism and the description of the potential energy surface topology. The disppearance of reactants and appearance of products, i.e., the before and after of the reaction, are events that are precisely determined with the current laser and molecular beam techniques. Howover, to have a comprehensive description of the reaction it is indispensable to know the properties of the intermediate species between reactives and products, namely, the transition state region, whose investigation constitutes one of the most exciting and expanding research fields in molecular reaction dynamics and laser spectroscopy.

One of the methods to study the spectroscopy of transition states in the frequency domain is to use Van der Waals molecules. An atom, generally a metal, forms a complex with a solvent. Usually this molecule is not reactive in its fundamental electronic state but becomes reactive when is electronically excited. Hence, the reaction is photo-initiated by laser excitation and action or photo-fragmentation spectra are recorded which permit the investigation of the dynamics of the reaction near the transition state configuration. 

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K. Gasmi, J.O. Caceres, M. De Castro, S. Skowronek, M. Dorado, M. Morales Furi�, J.L. P�rez, J.L. S�nchez G�mez
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Chemical Physics Letter, 341 (2001) 495-500

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K. Gasmi, A. Gonz�lez-Ure�a
"Femtosecond time-resolved electron spectroscopy of the intracluster reaction in Ba...FCH
Chemical Physics Letter, 337 (2001) 299-305

4/ A. Gonz�lez Ure�a,
K. Gasmi, J. Jim�nez, R.F. Lobo
"Excitation laser fluence effects on the Ba...FCH
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Chemical Physics Letter, 352 (2002) 369-374

5/ V. Stert, H.H. Ritz, W. Radloff,
K. Gasmi, A. Gonz�lez Ure�a
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Chemical Physics Letter

1/ K. Gasmi, S. Skowronek and A. Gonz�lez Ure�a
"Spectroscopy and Dynamics of the Ba...FCH3 Complex Exited in the 735-757 nm Wavelength Region"
Stereodynamics of chemical Reactions
El Escorial, Spain, 1-5 December 2000

K. Gasmi, J. Jimenez, R.F. Lobo and A. Gonzalez Ure�a
"Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Intracluster Reactions Under High Laser Field Conditions"
XIX International Symposium on Molecular Beams
Roma, Italy, 3-8 june 2001

3/ Angel Gonz�lez Ure�a,
K. Gasmi, S. Skowronek
"Studies of intracluster reaction dynamics"
International Symposium on New Trends on Femtosecond Laser Spectroscopy in Chemistry, Physics and Neurobiology
Madrid, Spain, 12-13 february 2002

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K. Gasmi
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5th Iberian Joint Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics
Lisboa, Portugal, 23-26 March 2002

K. Gasmi, S. Skowronek, H.H. Telle and A. Gonz�lez Ure�a
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International Conference on Laser Probing
Leuven, Flanders, Belgium, 7-12 July 2002
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