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Mia's Story - August 14, 2005

Pregnancy Institute

Case studies on Cord Entanglements and Cord Problems Mia was due on August 8th of this year.  On that day I "lost" my mucus plug, but I noticed that I was also leaking some clear fluid. I didn't worry about it because I had a doctor's appointment for the next day and I figured that it could wait until then. At this point Mia was still active, not as much as she usually was so I figured it was because I was starting to get sporadic contractions. 

My appointment went fine... I brought up the clear fluid leak and he sent me to the hospital to check if it was amniotic and to check the heart rate etc. The hospital was unable to determine if the fluid was amniotic because the mucus plug had gone the day before and was making it hard to get a clear reading. The thing that stands out most in my mind is that when they were doing the fetal heart rate on Mia that her heart rate was way down. She was usually 130 - 175, but on that day it was consistently below 130 and they couldn't "wake her up". They used an empty pop can and put it on my belly and flicked the metal tab to make a loud sound, but it wouldn't wake her up. I question now if I should've clued in that something was wrong... but even my mother (who'd driven in from Vancouver) just suspected that she was resting up for delivery.

By Saturday August 13th at 6pm I was having consistent contractions every 3 minutes. We all were excited and drove to the hospital. At this point I had noted a big decrease in Mia's movement but figured she was just resting up for the big moment. I was escorted into a "case room" where they gage how far you are along in your labour before they send you off to labour and delivery. The first nurse (who was new) used the fetal monitor and tried for 5 minutes to find a heart beat. When she couldn't she went to go get a senior nurse and a new monitor. The next nurse was able to get a heart beat... unfortunately it was my own... At this point I had 5 nurses in the room, they'd pushed my husband out of the way and were jabbing an IV into my wrist. I asked them outright if she was dead, but they didn't really respond. They then called in an on-call doctor and an ultrasound machine. I was able to clearly see that her heart wasn't beating and I said "well that doesn't look good" and all the doctor was able to say was "I'm so sorry".

At this point my husband (Ramon) turned white and almost passed out and had to be seated. After that he never left my side and made sure that I was "safe". It was at this point that we were told we'd have to deliver the baby. I asked if I could have a c-section but they "strongly recommend that I have a regular delivery" so that if I want to have future children I don't have to have c-sections and that my recovery time would be much faster. So I was immediately induced (I was having contractions but no dilation - probably because Mia was dead and not releasing oxitocin or whatever) and spent the night with family and close friends. 

The hospital was really wonderful after the initial shock, the nurses were so kind and helpful, and they gave me a big semi private room all to myself.  They were sure to have all visitors check in with them before entering our room. It would've been so awful to have well wishers come through and then have to tell them that the baby was dead.

I decided immediately started on the drugs. They had me on morphine until I dilated to 3cm and then an epidural afterwards. I dilated very quickly to 10cm and gave birth to Mia at 2:47pm on Sunday August 14th. What an incredible feeling to give birth and to hold Mia. I thought I'd be scared because she was dead but instead I was so proud and happy to see her. I knew that Ramon and I made beautiful babies and I never wanted to let her go. I believe that if I didn't have my support "group" (mom, Ramon, my dad etc) I would have run out of the hospital with her right then and there. All I could think about was finding some cave somewhere so that I could go die with her.

It was pretty apparent once I'd given birth what the cause of her death was. Her cord was wrapped tightly around her neck twice - my husband who watched the delivery said that it was so tight. We've ordered an autopsy to make sure that the cord was the only reason that she didn't make it and the results should arrive around the same time that we go in for the doctor's appointment. It was very relieving to know that I didn't do anything to cause her death and that I can have more babies with out that worry.

Unfortunately Ramon spent the morning of his 29th birthday making crematorial  and transportation arrangements for Mia's "remains". He then drove us from Edmonton to Vancouver so that I could go back to my "home" and be with all my family. We've decided to move back to Vancouver because I can't go back into that house and I can't be around all the neighbours and acquaintances who were all looking forward to the baby.

A memorial was held for Mia on August 21st at our cabin on Pitt River.  Close family and friends attended as we planted a tree for her.  We placed her ashes below the tree so that she could become part of the tree.  We did this so that we could have a place to go and visit her and also to watch "her" grow.

Love you lots baby girl - Mommy and Daddy

Mia Ann Scontrino

Our precious little baby: Mia Ann Scontrino.  Born August 14, 2005; 7lbs 14oz.; 22 1/4" long; and a head full of long dark hair.  We miss her so much.

Hand-in-hand with daddy


At first Ramon was scared to see the pictures of Mia, but as time drew on and memories began to fade he was so happy that we had these little mementos to remember her by.


Our little Angel



She just looks like she's taking a nap.  Essentially she is, just a very long one.  We'll see her again some day, but for now she's cradled in the arms of God.




A view of the river from her special spot.  Hopefully she goes there to visit us because that's where we go to visit her.

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Mia Ann Scontrino
Weight: 7lbs 14oz.
Length: 22 1/2inches
Time of Birth: 2:47pm
Time of Death: unknown (Saturday 13th)
Date of Birth: August 14, 2005





The Mia tree we planted for her up at our cabin.  We bought her a Colorado Blue Spruce so that we could watch it grow for years to come.

All of us gathered at Mia's special spot. Not a dry eye out there as we played "Tears in Heaven" for her memorial.  We miss you baby...

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