Blood, Fire,Tears, and Solitude
The Life of a Vampyre
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Greetings to my children of the dark curse, and to the kindred of the day, I offer you salutations as well. I am a Vampyre. My name is Exocus. I am not kin with the misguided Goth children that imitate us, because he or she wants a lifestyle that they think they can fit into. They see vampires  lives in movies and books as a romantic and idealistic view of characters we see as the comic book characters of our lifestyle. These kids were not origional enough to be themselves. The Draculas and the Anne Rice characters, like Lestat and Akasha, (though these books are a huge passtime of mine and  were beautifully written and intertwined into history)  are not at all what a real vampires life is like. I am truly a Sanguine/Psycic Vampyre. I do not belong to a coven, or have an elder as a teacher. I am a loner to my gift, and that is the way I have chosen for myself. I am 19 years old. I am young to be on my own in a vicous world, and living in an even less accepting style of life. I am dark but I do not dress like the gothic kids around me. I have a regular lifestyle that I live. I am a student in college, and I play a sport at that school. To be a Vampyre is kind of like having a secret that you trust with very few people, but it is one that puts your entire life in a different perspective. Contrary to  popular belief, you cannot be turned into a Vampyre like so many books and movies like to portray. This dark curse is a genetic one; you must be born a Vampyre. I have done some research on theories in the genetics of the tracing of the dark curse in families with Vampyres and with some experts on the subject in the general population. The general consensus that I have come to find is that they believe that one in ten people are Vampyres, but only one in a thousand ever really discover it.
If you think you want to be a Vampyre, you better really look hard. This life isn't the glorious thing you think it is. To be a real Vampyre is hell. Most likely if you are a dormant Vampyre (you were born one, but dont know it like 99% of the Vampyre community), then you want to stay a dormant Vampyre. Your life is a lot easier like it is now. Think about it, do you really want the one thing that defines who you are more than any other trait to have to be a secret. Some people come out and try to flaunt that they are vampires. You can be almost certain that they are not real Vampyres but kids without a lifestyle. If perchance you are the most defining trait that will give you a hint is the hunger. It is a hunger that does not ever leave you no matter what you eat. I used to eat until I felt sick but I could never get fulfilled. It wasn't until later when I was enlightened to what I was that I learned to feed on the energy of others and fill this hunger. If you relate to any of this that I'm saying and you think you could be of the dark children, contact me. I will not be anyone's judge  to say for sure you are a Vampyre or not, so dont even ask, but I will try to guide you in your journey.
Pick your skull to navigate you. Look through the entire site and keep an open mind to everything and  you might learn something that will save you later.
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Info on Vampyres and how to co-exist if you aren't a Vampire
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