Welcome to Lascaux Publications.

This site was originally a demonstration on how to create a web site for a class. Since that class is long gone this page has now become my personal page of gaming stuff. Click on the links to the left to go to different areas of interest.

Helsport is the city of adventure that we as a group created in College at UGA.  We as a group however have completely boycotted 3rd edition because it is a money making scheme and not based on contiunation of what was the best roleplaying game.  Thus in our site we refer to both 1st edition and 2nd edition rules since we refuse to buy any 3rd edition products!  

Please note that many of the images presented here were created by me and thus are copyrighted to me as an artist.  If you would like to use the images on your own web site you may as long as you provide a link back to these pages and give due credit, including finical if used in profit making ventures.  However, the mentioning of gaming systems and their terminology are not intended as a threat to those specific companies and it must be remembered that this is an Unoffical website in the eyes of those companies.  AD&D, etc.  are all properties of their respective companies and no infringement of their rights is intended.  Helsport and its characters and images are properties of Lascaux Publications.

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