(A Fantasy)



Copyright 2000 © Richard O Steele. All rights reserved


Part Twelve: Jack and Jenny — Ten Years On!

Chapter 81

Life had been generous to Jack and Jenny in the ten years since they had gotten married. Jack, who was now 38, had been made a partner in his law firm about three years after his return to Manhattan. An accomplished rainmaker and litigator, his yearly income now ranged between a million and a million and a half dollars a year, and was climbing rapidly.
    Unfortunately, Jack and Jenny (mostly Jack) were spending most of that income; in fact, Jack's free-spending habits caused occasional spats between the otherwise still-starry-eyed lovers. The family did own a very large duplex apartment on Central Park West free and clear; at Jenny's insistence they had used one of Jack's enormous year-end bonuses to pay off the mortgage. The two-story corner apartment had a park view and was now worth several million dollars.
    At the same time, however, they rented very expensive summer homes in either the Hamptons or Martha's Vineyard for the summer which, when combined with the cost of spending time in those elegant venues, played havoc with the family bank accounts.
    The Davenports also spent a lot on cars, clothes, schools, restaurants, travel, and other material items; however, because Jack's salary was climbing so fast, they felt that the days of putting away huge chunks of money for retirement were right around the corner. They had decided to start saving (and investing) about a quarter of Jack's income once he hit forty — Jack had promised Jenny he would do better on this score! For now, though, they were spending most of their income in pursuit of the good life.
    Jack and Jenny had two children, John Burke Davenport IV, aged 6, and Jessica Clark Davenport, aged 4‡. Despite their highfalutin names, the children were exceptionally cute, good-natured, well-adjusted little kids. Given the extreme good looks and high intelligence of their parents, they were probably going to grow up to be extraordinarily good looking, super-smart adults, as well. (Jack sometimes wondered, needless to say, if Jessica's figure was going to take after her mother's. If it ended up anywhere in the same statistical neighborhood, Jessica was going to be one sexy young lady!)
    During her months of nursing each child, Jenny's breasts had ballooned to an unbelievable 34R (little John) and then an almost inconceivable 34T (Jessica) cup size; you can be sure that the kids were not the only ones spending time playing with, and feasting on, those huge, sexy monsters!
    Jenny had become almost shocked and dismayed at this fantastic increase in her breast size. "I was a custom size before all this, Jack," she wailed, after little John had come home from the hospital, "but look at me now! I'd better find myself a sail-maker to make my nursing bras!"
    Jack had been a bit stunned himself at Jenny's breast growth during and after the pregnancy; he was decidedly not dismayed by these developments, however! Jenny's R- and then T-cup sizes, even if temporary, seemed to induce a little bit of extra growth in Jack's most prominent physical feature as well!
    When midway through his second year little Jack finally let himself be weaned from his mother's breast, big Jack was more than happy to dust off the skills he had learned as a teenager at Laura Larson's bosom! It came as no surprise whatever that Jenny found herself pregnant very soon afterwards!
    Because Jenny's pregnancy with Jessica followed so closely on the heels of the birth of little Jack, she had not really followed the full fitness regimen she needed to regain her figure. Luckily, Mother Nature and Jenny's genes were both lenient in the face of this relative inactivity. Nature, after all, has a way of making young mothers physically beautiful and highly desirable without their logging endless hours on a treadmill. Jenny, like most brand-new mothers, just glowed on account of her blessed state. As a result, she looked utterly fantastic!
    Still, Jenny was determined to regain as much of her pre-pregnancy figure as she could manage. Certainly, she was resigned to the fact that her girlish 32K-21-32 figure was a thing of the past. After all, a thirty year-old woman who has experienced two pregnancies in a little more than three years, accompanied by breast feeding that had led to an utterly phenomenal, albeit temporary, growth of her bosom, was surely going to find it impossible to return to her schoolgirl measurements. It would take months of jogging up Mount Everest every morning and bench-pressing the equivalent of Jack's weight every afternoon to accomplish that goal! And even that might not be enough!
    Jenny was nothing if not a plugger, though. As soon (with Jack's enthusiastic help) as she had weaned Jessica and her breasts had returned a merely gigantic size, Jenny started putting in several hours a day at the health club. After thousands of miles of running and tens of thousands of sit-ups, Jenny had happily settled for signing off with a very trim 23" waist, slender 34" hips, and an increased weight of only ten pounds. The result: Jenny looked sensational!
    Jenny's body band size was now 34". The mention of a 34" bra, standing alone, is essentially meaningless; much more important to men in general and to Jack in particular is the particular letter of the alphabet linked to that number. In Jenny's case, her letter size evidenced a seriously over-packed and overflowing bra! As a function of her pregnancies and physical maturation, Jenny's K-cup bras were history! Her cup size had jumped from a K to an M! That, Jack concluded, looked really sensational! His hands, lips, mouth, and cock enthusiastically agreed!
    The distribution of these ten extra pounds seemed split between her bosom and the rest of her body. In Jack's view, wherever they had gone, the weight gain had taken the exclusive form of curves and more curves! He had dearly loved Jenny's massive 32K breasts. He passionately loved her even more massive 34M breasts! And from the double- and triple-takes Jenny habitually drew on the street, the rest of the world agreed!
    Perhaps the best gauge of how successful Jenny had been in regaining her figure is the fact that when her cup size was 32K at age nineteen, her bust measured 43", slightly more than twice the size of her waist. As a thirty year-old mother of two, her bust measured 47". And guess what? Her bust was still slightly more than twice the size of her waist!
    The couple had just decided that they want to have a third — and probably final — child. Jenny planned to get off the pill when her current prescription ran out. Given the frequency of their lovemaking, Jack's astonishing (and potent) supply of sperm, and Jenny's own demonstrated fecundity, she expected to find herself pregnant in no time flat! And either a girl or a boy would be just fine!
    Although she enthusiastically looked forward to having a third child, she was not so excited about a third pregnancy. Of course, Jenny recognized that, short of adoption, it was difficult to have the former without the later! Apart from the generalized pain and suffering that accompanied the typical pregnancy, Jenny particularly did not look forward to yet another battle to regain her shape after delivering a baby. Still, Jenny was ready to do battle one more time; she was determined to return to her present shape no matter how much work it took!
    As for Jack, he loved the way Jenny looked right now; she was more beautiful, buxom, and curvy than ever. Jack had certainly made love to bigger bosoms than Jenny's. Given the package, though, they were unquestionably the best!
    Jack did have a particular question about this upcoming pregnancy, though. If Jenny's cup size had increased to a R-cup with little Jack, and to a T-cup with Jessica, what in God's name did Jack have to look forward to when Jenny started breast-feeding child number three? Frankly, Jack couldn't wait to find out!

Chapter 82

After a couple of years of teaching at Columbia on a year-to-year contract, Jenny, now thirty years old, had been appointed an Assistant Professor of English and placed on the tenure track. In the end, neither the Yale nor Cambridge Presses had taken her book; the Northern Illinois University Press of DeKalb, Illinois had published it instead. This was not quite what Jenny had envisioned when she put her book on the market.
    Still, an increasing number of junior faculty — even at Columbia — were finding it impossible to get their first books published anywhere but on the Internet, and so Jenny tried to focus on counting her blessings instead of feeling defensive about having the name of an undistinguished regional university on the spine of her book. She also reminded herself not to be such a snob!
    Much more to the point, Jenny's book, Elizabeth Gaskell: The Intuition of Poverty had earned very favorable reviews. She was now finishing up a second book, tentatively titled Trollope as a Social Historian: The Palliser Novels With The Politics Left Out, which would (with a little luck) be published next year. This time, Yale and Cambridge were showing genuine interest. In fact, an editor at Yale University Press had assured Jenny that she could count on an offer from that publishing house. With those two books in print, plus with a number of scholarly articles and top-notch teaching evaluations on her resume, Jenny expected (fingers crossed!) to be in line for tenure at the end of the next academic year.
    In fact, last year Jenny had been awarded the senior class's great teacher award at graduation. So long as one's scholarly credentials were up to snuff, that award often helped grease one's progress toward tenure.
    Of course, there were a few snotty, breathtakingly unpleasant, largely female members of the English faculty who sniffed that in her case Jenny had been awarded what amounted to the "great-looking" teacher award! That Jenny was the best-looking member by far of the entire Columbia University faculty was a given. Still, the sour grapes expressed by these colleagues — for the most part seriously ugly, rabid-feminist Julia Butler-like representatives of such trendy, vacuous schools of thought as Lesbian Studies, Queer Theory, and what was left of Marxism, none of which Jenny subscribed to in the slightest! — was unfair. Jenny had squarely won the award on account of her academic merit and classroom performance. Of course, one has to admit that her sensational looks hadn't hurt her chances with the students!
    That Jenny's writing was actually readable instead of being couched in unintelligible jargon like so much of the Derridan / Foucaultian / Althusserian garbage pouring out of English departments these days was viewed as an additional offense by these apoplectic colleagues. The specter of an enthusiastically heterosexual, happily married, uncommonly gorgeous scholar like Jenny who wrote about recognizable subjects in a clear and coherent manner was viewed by these academics as an outrageous threat to their peculiar brand of feminist activism. Jenny's habitual use of simple declarative sentences in her books and articles was seen as a particularly unforgivable offence against current standards of scholarship!
    That most of these angry female colleagues would have loved to entice Jenny into their beds — at which point all, and I mean all, would have been forgiven! — only made them gnash their teeth all the harder at Jenny's academic success! In fact, many of these colleagues combined a bitter loathing for Jenny and all she stood for with a deep, almost lovesick, yearning to stick their tongues deep into her sweet, wet pussy while their hands frantically mauled her gigantic bosom!
    Far from being dismayed by such seemingly contradictory emotions, these women were convinced that this tangled combination of impulses actually confirmed the keenness of their minds. After all, wasn't it F. Scott Fitzgerald who said that "The test of a first rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function?" The lesbian wing of the Columbia English faculty certainly passed that test in their reaction to Jenny!
    Of course, the truth is that Jenny had frankly become a Columbia legend — and not, alas, entirely because of her great teaching and informed scholarship. Every incoming male freshman was alerted by upperclassmen to Dr Jennifer Clark Davenport, the startlingly beautiful and incredibly built young English professor who was almost beyond drop-dead gorgeous, looked like an undergraduate, and had a body like you're never seen before in your life, friend! And you should definitely check out those tits, too!
    The result was that Jenny's undergraduate classes were heavily oversubscribed. Graduate students were a more serious bunch; they tended to take Jenny's classes only when they matched up with their areas of concentration. Still, there was a lot of mooning and staring at Jenny — and a notable lack of empty seats — in even those classes!
    Once in class, however, these students discovered that Professor Davenport was a very demanding teacher who expected hard, high quality work in exchange for an A or even a B. No grade inflation in her classes! The students also discovered, though, that she was an really excellent teacher, so that the hard work was worth it. And the view was outstanding!
    Certainly, the attendance rate in Jenny's classes was very high. Of course, her demanding standards made it inadvisable to miss many classes. Perhaps an even more compelling explanation for her consistently full lecture halls, however, was the fact that Jenny was so unimaginably beautiful and built that the male students in particular wouldn't for the world have missed a single opportunity to gawk at Professor Davenport for every last minute of every single one of her fifty-minute lectures!
    It was Jenny's wont to teach in tailored business suits. Naturally, they had to be custom-tailored to accommodate her remarkable figure. It should come as no surprise to learn that she looked absolutely sensational in them!
    At first, the decision to wear such attire might well seem about as plain vanilla a sartorial choice as one could imagine. There is a dramatic difference, however, between the concept of blue, pinstriped business suits in general and the reality of such an outfit draped upon the remarkable body of Jennifer Clark Davenport in particular! For one thing, Jenny, who never saw a short skirt she did not like, had stipulated to her tailor a hemline more than four inches above her knees. This combination of business suit severity with a mini-skirt hemline was almost unimaginably sexy — especially when Jenny had her legs crossed and her skirt had ridden way up to here! No wonder there was always a line of mostly male students waiting to confer with Jenny during her MWF 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. office hours!
    Jenny taught with her suit jacket off. This meant that the class could examine Jenny's huge, round, stick-way-out-from-her-chest 34M tits as they strained very provocatively against the material of her seriously over-packed white blouse for the whole of her fifty-minute lecture! A common view among Jenny's male students was that sitting through one of Professor Davenport's lectures was more sexually arousing than watching a couple of sets at a midtown topless joint like The Treasure Top!
    This sentiment was not only expressed but acted upon by these students! It was a matter of course for Jenny's male students to return to the dorm after class, to lie down on the bed to read, say, the chapters of Ford Maddox Ford's The Good Soldier that had been assigned for the class discussion, and then to find their right hands eagerly gravitating down into their jeans. These boys would soon toss the book to one side. After locking the door, they would proceed to flog their meat to the accompaniment of feverishly vivid images of luscious Professor Davenport striding back and forth along the lecture platform.
    The vivid memories of her fantastically well-shaped legs — so sensually exposed by her short skirt! — her stunningly beautiful face, her long, full, shoulder-caressing blonde hair, and above all her startlingly massive tits as they floated and quivered at the command of her lecture-driven hand gestures, all combined to draw urgent jets of hot sperm out these student's throbbing cocks in no time flat! Indeed, so compelling was this need for release that it typically took these students a remarkably small number of pulls on their puds to blast their spunk high into the air!
    Although Jenny would have flatly dismissed the idea as a laughable fantasy, the truth is that she had been responsible over the years for the spilling of literally gallons of Columbia student sperm in response to her fabulous good looks and shockingly ripe body. Jenny, in short, was just an unimaginably exciting piece of ass!

Chapter 83

As one might expect, the Davenports led very busy lives. They were careful to save time for themselves, however. Their sex life was still extremely active, especially for such relatively long-term marrieds. It certainly helped that they still really turned each other on. Both Jenny and Jack could pass for ten years younger than they really were, thanks to careful eating and daily workouts. They had added no more than a few pounds and inches since that Friday evening when they had first met at JFK airport. The only difference was that while for Jack the pounds and inches had pretty much gone to his still-trim waist, Jenny's added flesh had gone straight to her already massive bosom!
    Jack was as ruggedly handsome, muscular, and virile as ever; he too was a legend at work. Young female associates at the law firm (along with many from the distaff side of the administrative department) checked him out longingly on a daily basis. Because the firm, one of the three or four flossiest Wall Street firms, was such a prestigious place to work, the personnel department had the pick of the crop. As a result, there were dozens of real beauties working at the huge, 500-lawyer law firm — some of them were even seriously buxom! — who would have loved to enter into an office romance with that unbelievable stud Jack Davenport.
    Alas! The man had eyes for his wife only. When these women would spot Jenny at a law firm reception or simply catch a glimpse of Mrs Davenport when she dropped by to take Jack to lunch, they would quickly get the picture. No way was Jack going to diddle with any of them when he was married to one of the most gorgeous and startlingly curvaceous women in New York — or maybe anywhere! And they were obviously so much in love!
    When his male colleagues got a look at Jenny, they had a slightly different, albeit understandable, reaction. They tended first to stare in shock and amazement at this fantasy babe ("What the fuck!" they would murmur to themselves), smile ruefully, and then shake their heads slowly in wonderment ("Jesus! Will you look at that! How is a babe like that even possible?) Next a bit of resentment would rear its head ("And how did fucking Davenport — even a guy as handsome and personable as that asshole — ever get lucky enough to snag a fucking piece of ass like that? Jesus!")
    When work permitted, Jack fit a lunchtime run into his busy day. It was followed by use of the firm shower. Many of his colleagues shared Jack's middle of the day fitness compulsion, so very early on the word that Jack had an enormous, and I mean enormous, pecker had made the rounds.
    Within hours after a colleague had first spotted Jack's remarkable cock in the shower room, the word had spread; before the end of the business day, there was scarcely a cleaning woman in the firm unaware that Jack was as hung as a dray horse! This fact, it hardly needs to be added, markedly increased Jack's desirability in the eyes of his female admirers.
    For his male colleagues, Jack's phenomenal endowment offered a simple explanation for Jenny's obvious starry-eyed love for her husband and her parallel lack of interest in other guys ("Humph! Any woman who took a python like that up her twat on a regular basis wouldn't look at other guys, either!")
    Except when trips out of town made it impossible, Jack and Jenny made love at least twice a day. Jack supposed that his sexual performance must be slowing down at least slightly with age — although Jenny could find no evidence of it — but he still could fuck for hours and continued to shoot astonishing quantities of sperm into his beautiful and fabulously built wife's pussy.
    There is an old-wife's tale holding that if a just-married couple put a penny into a jar each time they make love during their first year of marriage, and then remove a penny each time they make love after their first anniversary, they will never empty the jar. Jack, who like most guys had heard that old saw, had no opinion on its general truth.
    The Davenports certainly kept no jar of their own for that purpose! Yet Jack felt confident based simply upon dead reckoning that he and Jenny would pretty much empty out the jar each year! They might be making love a little less often, but not so that one would notice! The couple's extremely arousing good looks, in combination with the fact that they were still head over heels in love with each other, kept their sexual lives running at a steamy honeymoon level years after the honeymoon was supposed to be over!
    In fact, the couple's main problem was their sleep deficit, a direct result of continually making love long into the night and then waking up early in the morning to do it again! Sometimes, they woke up in the middle of the night to do it then, too!
    Nor did they make up much of their lost sleep on the weekends. They were usually able to sleep in; however, the inordinate amount time Jack and Jenny were able to spend in bed on the weekends was almost entirely devoted to a leisurely but passionate exploration of their remarkable bodies.
    The Davenports had a housekeeper/nanny who helped watch little Jack and Jessica, so that Jack and Jenny did not have to jump out of bed at daybreak to monitor the little darlings' Saturday morning cartoon choices! They did not, therefore, suffer guilt pangs from sleeping in on the weekends while the kids were camped in front of the TV watching cartoons and movies or being taken to the Park by Nanny.
    Still, Jack and Jenny were dutiful, committed parents who spent a big chunk of their lives with their kids. Once in a while the Davenports would roust everybody out of bed on a Sunday morning and, as a family, attend the 11:00 Solemn High Mass at the Episcopal Church of St Mary the Virgin on West 46th Street. They would then make it up to the kids by treating them to brunch at the Palm Court, and then crossing Fifth Avenue for a one-toy-each visit to F.A.O. Schwartz after the meal.
    Even at that, the kids knew that the rest of the day would be largely spent with their nanny (or with friends) because Mommy and Daddy always took such long afternoon naps after Mass, brunch, and the toy store!
    Friends who saw them socially used to joke about how, at about ten or so in the evening, Jack and Jenny would start to hold hands and gaze soulfully into each other's eyes. The friends knew that this dinner party was about to end — at least for the Davenports! After all, the couple were still utterly and completely in love and lust with each other; who could expect them not to seize every opportunity to fall into bed and passionately make love to each other for hours and hours!
    A number of social acquaintances or colleagues of both genders, in fact, would have been very receptive had either of the mouth-watering Davenports been inclined to stray just a bit from the reservation. Jack and Jenny, however, had only eyes for each other; their fidelity was absolute. For Jack and Jenny Davenport, therefore, both life and love were very good, fulfilling, and complete.
    In addition, the Davenports passed a couple of the other standard happy-marriage tests. Are you proud of your spouse? And does your heart still leap when you first catch a glimpse of your spouse when he walks into a room? For the Davenports, the answers were emphatically a mutual yes! and yes!
    They were also each other's best friends. When Jack thought back to how long he had taken to commit to Jenny, he thanked his lucky stars for her loving patience. When Jenny thought back to those events, she would actually shiver in recalling what a close call it had been. Had Jack put off his proposal one night — or even just a few hours! — all of this might not have happened. If Jack only knew!
    But Jenny took great care to insure that he never would know. Even during their long, frank talks in London after their engagement, Jenny had kept that fact locked inside her breast. It was not something that her beloved husband needed to know! Things were much better that way!

Chapter 84

Notwithstanding his steadfast and uncompromising faithfulness to Jenny, Jack still thought about Tina from time to time — how could he not? He and Jenny had the most fantastic sexual relationship. Yet he had to admit that for pure passion and just plain raw sex, some of his weekends with Tina had been the most sensually exciting and fulfilling of his life. Especially that first Club date together in LA! Except perhaps for his engagement night with Jenny, there had never been anything like that; it had been just absolutely unbelievable!
    He would never forget his first look at Tina in the doorway of their Hollywood love hide-away! He had never seen mind-boggling beauty and beyond-giant tits combined in one person like that before or after. Tina was almost too beautiful and buxom to believe! Of course, their relationship had been pretty much one-dimensional — all sex, lots of affection, but no love (at least for Jack), in any committed sense of that word.
    In terms of pure physical passion, in other words, Jack had decided years ago that his couplings with Tina were far and away the hottest sex of his life. Nothing — not his lovemaking with Laura Larson, Carol George, Mona Mountains, June Chest, Terri Hobbs, Patti, or the other numerous extremely beautiful, buxom, and hot partners he had met through the Club — was its equal. And, yes, it was true; for pure sensuality and raw sex, being in bed with Tina had been even more exciting — by a smidgen — than even with Jenny!
    But the lesson Jack had finally learned was that making love at its most exalted involved sex and love. Because he so deeply loved his wife, sex with her was in another dimension than that with these other woman. It was even in another dimension entirely from having sex with Tina. Even the almost incomprehensibly steamy weekend with Tina in L A, or their fantastic coupling in a limousine headed to Manhattan — two of the most thrilling sexual experiences Jack had ever had with Tina — paled in comparison with just an average night in bed with darling Jenny. When absolute, devoted love was added to the physical mix, sex was at its greatest!
    His firm had in fact, sent Jack to Rio a couple of times on business since his marriage. When he told Jenny about his plans for the first trip — of course, he never would have kept it from her — she got a slightly worried look on her face. Jack naturally picked up on it immediately, and gave her a squeeze.
    "Honey," he said, "of course, you know I wouldn't even think of looking up my old friend Tina when I'm down there."
    "Oh, I know you wouldn't, Jack," she smiled. "It's just a wife's reflexive reaction to flinch for a second when her husband is traveling into dangerous territory, I guess!" She gave him a big hug back. "And the fact you brought it up and told me about it in advance makes me realize how much I trust you and how little I have to worry about!"
    Needless to say, Jack did not go knocking on, or even checking the telephone book for the location of, Tina's door. Assuming Tina was free — or probably even if she was not — Jack could well imagine the sort of wild sexual romp they would have enjoyed if he had done so. It would have been fantastic! It was not going to happen, however; he was now Jenny's — completely and utterly. He had been absolutely faithful to Jenny since before the night they became engaged — he was going to stay that way forever without a lapse. Jenny was all he needed, all he wanted. Tina was then, Jenny was definitely now — and later, too. Life was thus great for the Davenports.

Chapter 85

The only black cloud over their heads was a lingering fear that some of their tapes — either Jack's tapes with Tina and other Club members or Jenny's much tamer play-with-her-tits loops she had made while an undergraduate — would somehow surface. If those tapes ever came to light and were connected to either Jack or Jenny, it would be a close call as to whether Jack's partnership in the firm could survive the disclosure. It would unquestionably signal adieu to Jenny's Columbia teaching career! A double standard? You bet! But that's the way life is, my friend.
    Even though the circumstances of the tapes had made them seem reasonable undertakings at the time, the truth is that neither Jack nor Jenny could understand today how in the world they could have been so reckless. They realized that Jack had been thinking with his little head (for whatever that excuse is worth), and that Jenny had been acting out of pressing financial need. Of course, these facts explained the tapes; they did not excuse them.
    Still, as the years went by, none of the tapes ever did surface. In fact, Jack had never seen any Club tapes for sale in the U.S. or any of Jenny's for sale anywhere. He had surveyed some Times Square porn emporiums, and also the Internet, just to make sure.
    Jack had once seen some of his tapes for sale in Amsterdam while he was living in London; he had spotted a display of boxed six-tape sets of the Jack and Tina videos entitled Too Huge to Be True! on special in one porn shop! Man! Did he get out of that place in a hurry! Still, Jack took comfort in the fact he had not seen any Club videos on the racks for some years. He never did see any of Jenny's tapes, anywhere. (He sure saw a lot of Mona Mountains tapes around, though, in American big breast and European busen adult video store sections. His 38-year old former girl friend was threatening giant-breasted Candy Samples' record for longevity as a heart- and cock-throb!)
    Thus Jack continued, from time to time, to look for tapes of either or both of them in the U.S. and abroad in order to gauge what the couple's risk of exposure might be at a particular moment. In terms of reissues of his tapes, he was not even sure the Club still existed, though of course he followed his Harley Street advice and took no steps to find out for sure. At any rate, as time went by and the tapes did not resurface, he felt progressively safer and safer.
    Indeed, the fact that the Internet was just getting started when Jack's tapes were floating around seemed to make disclosure today just a little less likely. In today's environment, of course, the technical differences between European and U.S. video taping would have offered no protection whatever from a world-wide Internet display of either the tapes or scans taken from them.
    As for Jenny, her topless tapes had gone on the market soon after being filmed; however, all three of them mysteriously disappeared from adult video stores very soon thereafter. None of the titles seemed still to be kicking around.
    Jenny assumed that the adult video market nowadays was so exclusively concerned with hard core sex that no distributor would bother to put tapes like hers back on the market. Thank goodness it too had been a pre-Internet production!
    Jenny was seriously underestimating her fantastic buxom beauty — if those tapes were placed back on the market, they would be snapped up immediately and become record-breaking best sellers. Their very soft-porn character notwithstanding, Jenny was so buxom, so fabulously curvy, so fashionably slim, and above all so stunningly beautiful that scans of the tapes, if they had ever surfaced, would have been posted all over the Internet the next day. The tapes themselves would have been for sale for $39.95 from both Score Magazine and H&S Sales the day after that!
    The rest, as they say, would have been history because there were no tapes on the market of anyone as beautiful and yet so buxom and curvy as Jenny — that was for sure! A tape of Jenny would make the TW's girl phenomenon of the late 1990s look like one of Andy Warhol's Fifteen Minutes! It would have tripled the sales of other soft-porn tapes of beauties like, say, Chloe Vevrier or Traci Topps.
    Most likely, therefore, the master tape had just gotten lost in the shuffle soon after the tape was first released, and was sitting in a warehouse or even a land fill somewhere. Fingers crossed anyway! In any event, the matter of the tapes was a cloud that got smaller each year. Before long, the Davenports could reasonably assume they were home free.
    Outside of this steadily decreasing chance of exposure, the Club was entirely behind Jack. During his investigatory browsing in the big tit and busen video tape sections of American and European adult book stores for tapes of himself or Jenny, he had seen displays featuring a few tapes of girls with whom he had dallied as a Club member. Videos of Mona Mountains, Rusty Jones, and Holly Hooters were sometimes on display.
    Only once, however, did he actually run into one of his former dates in the flesh. He and Jenny had taken the Metroliner down to Philadelphia to see a visiting Van Gogh exhibition in that city. As the couple passed into a small gallery in the Museum of Art, Jack suddenly spotted a stunningly huge set of tits stretching out a tight sweater on a woman examining a Van Gogh self-portrait.
    With a shock he realized it was Joyce from Haverford! She was still really looking good; God! her L-cup tits were as firm and pointy as ever! In fact, they looked even fuller than ever; she might well have moved up in the alphabet! She was holding hands and exchanging smiles with a trim, grey-haired, prosperous-looking guy in a J. Press blazer, a Polo shirt, and grey slacks. Having never met Frank, her unfaithful husband at the time of their date, Jack had no idea whether her companion was a reformed Frank or a well-earned replacement model.
    By all appearances, though, things seemed to be going well for her either way. Jack quickly turned his head to avoid eye contact; however, when it came time to move into the next gallery, he could not resist a second peek at those monstrously huge udders.
    Joyce, however, had spotted him herself, and caught him sneaking his look. At the very moment Jack subtly turned his head for a second glance, he found Joyce looking right at him! She knew who he was all right! Joyce gave Jack a brief but very warm smile followed by a even briefer, but saucy, wink. Thank God Jenny had been looking the other way at the time!
    Jack hung back by feigning interest in a Van Gogh painting of a yellow chair so as to let Joyce and her companion get a couple of galleries ahead of them. He never saw Joyce, or any other Club member for that matter, ever again.
    Although he could be a notable klutz at time, Jack had become much closer attuned to Jenny's moods and thought processes than during their courtship. In other words, he usually had a clue as to what was going on! For one thing, he now made a particular point of listening to his bride. For another thing, the mere passage of time had made it easier to be in close emotional tune with Jenny's feelings; he had found that experience, when combined with effort and an exercise of the will, is a good teacher. Jack and Jenny had minor spats from time to time, but never went to bed angry.
    As a result, they invariably got out of bed with satisfied smiles on their faces. Nobody is perfect, and no relationship is without flaw, but all in all the Davenports were one hell of a happily married couple! Although she had really been on the edge of sending Jack packing just before that magic night in Mayfair, she was utterly satisfied in the choice she had made not to do so. Jack was not perfect — what husband was! — but the confidence she had held that, once married, Jack's better qualities would rule his lesser ones, had proved accurate. Unlike a lot of her friends and colleagues, Jenny was a very happily married woman. And Jack, it should equally be noted, was a very happily married — and faithful — man.

Part Thirteen: Tina — Ten Years On!

Chapter 86

Life over this same ten year span been good to Tina in many ways. It had dealt her a number of disappointments as well, however. She was still "on the program." Of course, she too had passed the thirty-year age barrier; she was now 32 years old.
    She continued, though, to look a lot younger than her age. When she had first met Jack, she had the face of a fourteen or fifteen-year old girl on top of the body of an impossibly voluptuous, fully-grown woman. At age 32, Tina appeared to be 24 or 25 years old — tops! But her body was still impossibly voluptuous, perhaps nowadays even ultra-impossibly voluptuous!
    But she had kept in great shape, through rigorous dieting and daily workouts. Still, she had gained both size and weight. Her weight had jumped some twenty pounds, and her breast measurements were now, so far as her bra-maker could determine, unmeasurable — at least insofar as any meaningful numbering and lettering system could describe them. There is no doubt they were unbelievably eye-popping, however. This meant that most of those added pounds had migrated directly to her already inconceivably massive tits. Especially now, Tina's bosom was just amazingly gigantic.
    The truth is that it was almost too huge. Tina doubted that she really needed a 90-inch bust, especially when business had been just great when her bust line was down in the 70s and 80s! As a result, Tina was on a vigilant campaign to shed that added poundage — and inches! When she did, her bust would be a little bigger than when she and Jack were lovers, but she still would have one of the most amazing bodies on earth!
    There was no question about it. Tina was still monumentally sexy and unbelievably beautiful; she still caused major traffic jams when she sashayed down the street. Because she was over thirty, though, her price had declined a bit. She now charged the equivalent of $3,000 to $4,000 a night. After all, even an astonishingly gorgeous courtesan with impossibly huge breasts who looks years younger than her age has to come down in price at some point!
    But that was still top dollar, she thought — except possibly for two up-and-coming young girls who had recently come to her attention. One was a slim, ravishing, super-buxom, mixed race, eighteen-year old girl from England named Tracy who, according to a visiting American client who had "dated" Tracy in Las Vegas, sported a pair of 34V ultra-melons.
    The other girl was a slender, drop-dead gorgeous, eighteen-year old, almost unimaginably buxom (32Z-cup) coloured beauty from South Africa named Christy, of whom Tina had heard amazing things from another client. That guy, also an American, had only weeks before ravished Christy for an entire weekend on Long Island at a business "soiree."
    The first client been visiting Rio to set up a real estate syndicate and the second guy was looking for a Brazilian outfit with which his company could merge. Both fellows had decided while in town to sample the best of Rio's "program." The guys, both of whom were big tit aficionados, went home with huge smiles on their faces after frantically loving up Tina's monstrous bosom and then wildly slamming their big dicks down her still-tight pussy for hours and hours.
    Those two girls' fees were definitely skyrocketing, but for the moment Tina was the still most buxom, if not still the most expensive, escort in the business. She serviced only the highest-caliber clientèle and naturally made only one appointment per day; that "date" would last from early evening until noon the next day — assuming her companion had the stamina to make it that far!
    Tina was thus far from having to troll the Help Disco or work in the various Rio termas to get business. Furthermore, she intended to be out of "the program" long before those days ever arrived!
    Tina had lived more or less thriftily, however; her apartment was in a swank neighborhood but it was reasonably priced, and she spent modestly on her living expenses and needs. Over the years, she had banked lots of the proceeds from those R5,000 to R10,000 a night dates; the result was that she had around six million Reals, the equivalent of several million American dollars, put away for her retirement.
    In fact, retirement was on the horizon; Tina was planning to leave "the program" very soon. Escorts over thirty — even a gorgeous one with a 38Z++ off-the-measurement-charts bosom — were on a downward spiral. For a number of reasons, she was even thinking about breast-reduction surgery. Her tits would probably begin to droop ever so slightly in her mid to later thirties; not even rigorous exercising and dieting could prevent that from happening eventually. What would she look like as a 65 year-old grandma? Tits to her knees? No thank you!
    Especially once she got out of "the program," she could ask the surgeon to make her a E — well, maybe an F-cup at most. Then she would diet and — knock on wood! — recover something approximating her teen-age figure. She would still have plenty of tit — after all, she was fantastically beautiful and curvy everywhere, not just in her chest. She'd still stop traffic even with a 36E or 36F-23-36 figure.
    The surgery would be very painful. Still, with her swollen bank account, she would never have to work again. She could travel. Maybe she'd go to college. She was a little old to start, and the students would be just kids, but it would be both rewarding and fun.
    Besides, maybe she'd meet a handsome, single professor and they would fall in love, get married, and have babies — lots of them. She was willing to bet that even a pair of 36Es or 36Fs might just balloon into something super-sized when she was nursing. Wouldn't her husband be surprised — and pleased — to see their child nursing a 36L tit! She bet he would eagerly take the baby's place once the child was put down for his nap!

Chapter 87

The one empty spot in her life, paradoxically for a woman who was one of the world's ultimate sex objects, was the lack of a man in Tina's life. Not that she wanted for suitors, at least of a type! God! Every time she left her apartment to walk to the corner store, cars would stop and the drivers would get out and try to chat her up — for worse!
    Every other guy she encountered on the sidewalk, it seemed, would try to hit on her — they ranged in age from kids who seem hardly past puberty to old men would have required intravenous administrations of Viagra to keep up with the sort of loving Tina could dish out! She knew exactly what these guys wanted! Given the fact her fantastic buxom beauty garnered thousands of Reals a night in income, Tina was not inclined to give it away to some horny guy she had just met on the street. No thank you!
    Of course, there had been a few exceptions, guys who were interested in the real Tina, fellows who looked beyond her incomprehensible buxom beauty to see the beautiful, kind, smart, and loving person inside. These men usually exhibited these very same qualities and thus became guys to whom Tina was attracted in return.
    They were fellows who on their first date took Tina out to a fine restaurant for dinner, purposefully settled for a chaste good-night kiss at her front door, didn't ask to stay or even refused an invitation to come in for coffee, and then slowly and patiently worked at developing a relationship on succeeding dates.
    This slow, measured pace toward the development of genuine feelings instead of a transitory satisfaction of the glands is what Tina insisted upon in the men in her private life. That might seem like strange behavior for a woman who regularly engaged in almost indescribably steamy sex (albeit for pay), with guys for whom she personally cared not a whit.
    But when it came to sex for love, Tina emotionally had to be highly selective and certain about the guys with whom she ultimately shared her unbelievable goodies. That's just the way it was, and any guy who hoped to get to first base with Tina had to deal with it.
    The truth was that every suitor for Tina's favor was measured against a very high standard, a guy whom they had never met. His name was Jack. So far, all of them had fallen short!
    Many guys on a first date, fully aware of Tina's profession, fairly drooled at the prospect of feeling their hot hands disappear into the vastness of Tina's gargantuan bosom and then burying their cocks inside the warmth of her pussy while sucking on those massive pontoons. They knew Tina's clients paid thousands and thousands of Reals a night for nooky. Not them! They were going to get it for the bargain price of an expensive dinner at an exclusive restaurant. What's more, if they were lucky, the loving might be bareback all the way! (When she was on a "date," as opposed to a date, Tina gave uncovered blow-jobs but insisted on a condom for vaginal sex.) These guys often had a hard-on for the entire length of the date!
    Tina could spot those guys two minutes into the evening! They were clearly misled by Tina's natural friendliness and also the sexy, low-cut, micro-mini dresses she habitually wore on a social as well as business date. Some of these dresses were so low-cut that the top of Tina's gigantic areolae were peeking out! Given the unimaginable size of her bosom and the mind-boggling length of her cleavage, this meant that the top of the dress was just above Tina's waist! Man! If Tina was not wearing a bra (which happened sometimes), and if her skirt was fantastically short (which happened always), her tits could actually hang down to a point just below her hemline! Jesus!
    What was a guy to assume when his date came to the door dressed like that and then greeted him with an absolutely dazzling, drop-dead smile and often even a brief hug? The momentary pressure of Tina's gigantic chest would drive the guy up the wall! Jesus! Who could blame a fellow for assuming that he was going to get very lucky before the sun rose the next morning?
    Unfortunately for them, these guys were uniformly left standing outside the closed door to Tina's apartment after having received a hurried "Thank you for a lovely evening" and a quick peck on the cheek! They didn't even get the momentary "lean-in" pressure from Tina's down-to-the-thighs ultra-bosom she bestowed as part of a hug on otherwise pleasant guys who for one reason or other did not rate a second date. Nope; a guy who assumed he was going to get laid the first night out would be lucky to get even a perfunctory kiss on the cheek. A really presumptuous asshole received nothing more than an air kiss and a handshake — if that!
    None of the guys she dated were customers; she could never have developed a relationship with a client. Some of her boyfriends, Tina found eventually out, were married, so the relationship was doomed from the start. A few were single guys from whom Tina's continuing participation in the "program" proved impossible for them to accept emotionally. There were others who had no problem on that score, but with whom in the end Tina decided to break off for some good and sufficient reason.
    What this all added up to was that Tina could have her pick of just about any man in Brazil for sex, but she could not find the man with whom she wanted to spend the rest of her life out of love. Still, maybe that professor was out there somewhere!

Chapter 88

The truth is that in the last couple of years, there had been no men at all in Tina's life who qualified as candidates for a life-long relationship. She frankly found herself getting more and more depressed at this emptiness in her life. Although Tina was "with" a man several nights a week, her contact with the male sex had recently been limited almost entirely to "program" "dates." This meant that in an emotional sense she was "alone" nearly all the time.
    Tina had found herself getting so blue that she had considered moving up her retirement plans. She had become increasingly convinced it was time to get out of the business.
    For one thing, her life as an escort made it undeniably more difficult to meet the man of her dreams; she just couldn't put the necessary time into it. Besides, the nature of her occupation naturally turned lots of guys off. For another thing, it was just depressing to jump into bed night after night with the leering, fat cats who could afford her company. Tina had decided it was time to get out of the Life and to get a life!
    Tina had also pretty much decided she would celebrate her retirement with breast reduction surgery. She was tired of not being able to walk down the street without causing a major commotion. She just wanted to become anonymous. A simple walk to the corner store to buy milk and bread was a very stressful act. She could count on being hit on and generally harassed as many as a dozen times on a round trip — and she lived only two blocks from the store! Longer trips to go shopping in Ipanema, for example, were much worse. Who needs it? Tina wondered! Lop 'em off, Tina declared!
    Still, Tina wondered if it was premature to take just a drastic step before she met the man of her dreams. What if he loved her the way she was? Perhaps she should retire first, look into taking some classes, and then see how things went. Maybe she should meet the man of her dreams first, and only then decide if breast reduction surgery was a good idea. Shouldn't it be a joint decision after all, she wondered?
    While mulling over these considerations, Tina was seized by an idea. Why not quit "the program" right now, start a regular life, and be ready to meet Mr Right if he finally came along? After all, being off "the program" would certainly facilitate that goal. Besides, she certainly had enough money to live on.
    Still, Tina needed some focus to pull all this together, something to represent this striving for a regular life. She needed a symbol of her desire to give herself to Mr Right, wherever he was!
    All of a sudden it hit her! Why not design a garment that would show off her figure to a degree more astonishing than anything she had ever worn before in her life! This creation would not be worn, however, until Tina actually met and was then certain about her knight in shining armor. When she was sure she had found that guy — and when it was clear that he was sure about her — then, and only then, would she wear that dress. And she would put it on only on the night when, as best as she could predict, the couple were going to commit to each other. The garment, in other words, would symbolize both an end to her loneliness and her total commitment to the man on whose account she would no longer be lonely. The Dress, as Tina had begun to think of it, would become the symbol of her new life.
    Tina had some very definite ideas as to what the Dress should look like. It was going to be amazingly erotic yet still be a dress — Tina was not simply going to design a strip-tease outfit.
    The garment which Tina carefully planned and then ordered from her dressmaker, was essentially a fashion statement that announced: "I'm yours — for life!" A sexier dress would be impossible to imagine. It was going to have a hemline that stopped just above the ripe lower curves of Tina's ass cheeks. The hemline could have gone a bit higher, but Tina wanted her panties to hang out; she felt that would make the outfit particularly sexy. Under the dress, therefore, Tina would wear full-sized silk panties, the bottom half of which would be revealed by the extraordinarily high hemline of the Dress.
    They would be off the shelf panties, however, not a color-coordinated accessory to the Dress. She wanted her man to know that it was her panties he was leering at! The combination was going to be almost unimaginably sexy!
    The neckline on the dress was going to be almost beyond comprehension. The garment was made of a stretchy knitted fabric, and although Tina would wear panties "under" the Dress, she definitely would not wear a bra. Instead, what for want of a better term would have to be called the "neckline" of the Dress would capture only the very base of Tina's ultra-massive breasts. The material would be reinforced and stiffened a bit in that area to keep her gigantic breasts from simply spilling out of the Dress through the inexorable operation of gravity.
    Tina's tits had over time become so inconceivably massive, however, that this "neckline" was actually going to be four inches below waist level! Thus, although a generous portion of Tina's panties would be on full display from the rear, her stupendous tits were going to obscure the entire front of her body down to her upper thighs! Jesus! Who could even imagine a girl whose breasts could drag the front of her dress down to thigh level! God almighty! Tina's cleavage when she wore the Dress was going to be well over two feet in length! No wonder the lucky fellow for whom, one magical night, Tina was going to open the door wearing the Dress would be in danger of simply fainting on the spot!
    Tina would also wear a garter belt and stockings with the Dress. Given the Dress's hemline, both the garter belt and the tops of the stockings would be almost fully visible. "Almost" is the key word here — Tina's massive, hanging knockers would obscure a front view of the garter belt and stocking tops. Still, Tina knew that a dress that revealed all of her stockings and nearly all of her garter straps — even if only from the rear — was going to be almost unimaginably sexy.
    Tina did not plan to wear the Dress after that night because the simple act of walking around with it on was going to be almost impossible; she would be in danger of toppling over! Still, if her man really liked it and wanted to see her in it again from time to time... well, how could she say no?
    Needless to say, she had ordered a matching outer coat to wear if she went out in public while wearing the Dress. The hemline of the coat was sexy enough by itself; the outer wrap had a hemline only an inch or two below the neckline of the Dress. The two gigantic bulges under the coat — at her present size, her almost impossibly massive tits extended from just below Tina's neck to her upper thigh, after all — were going to tell the world that a pair of udders of almost unimaginable size were lurking underneath!
    Tina's dressmaker had created many of the extremely sexy dresses Tina wore both on dates and on "dates." Naturally, no one with Tina's astonishing physique could possibly buy her clothes off the rack. No women's department, after all, carries garments that would accommodate a woman with 38-inch hips, a 25-inch waist ... and a ninety-inch bust!
    Still, not just any dressmaker would do. The one Tina favored had worked for a lot of the very highest end escorts. She knew how to create dresses that erotically revealed a girl's assets but in ways that were more or less consistent with good taste. She had designed and sewn most of Tina's wardrobe. Frankly, though, she was not sure that Tina's proposed Dress met even her relaxed good taste standards.
    When Tina explained the purpose of the Dress, however, the seamstress understood exactly what the giant-breasted woman had in mind. In fact, she went to work on it enthusiastically! The Dress was to be a vessel in which a gift of the highest worth — Tina herself! — was to be showcased and then offered to that most special of men — Mr Right!
    After a number of consultations and fittings, the Dress was carefully hung in Tina's walk-in closet. Now all she needed was the man to wear it for!

Chapter 89

Tina faithfully went through with her plans to retire. Her agency was quite upset; after all, it was going to lose its greatest moneymaker by far. Her clients were even more upset! Even at R3,000 to R4,000 an evening, Tina had lots of regulars. Some extremely rich industrialists and bankers "dated" her five and six times a month! What on earth were they going to do for their hot ultra buxom loving?
    Tina noted on her web site that she was going to retire in a month's time. Any generous and cultured gentlemen who desired her company had to act fast! And act fast they did; Tina was busy every single night of that final month. She felt that she owed her clientèle that one last fling. (For her extra-special clients, Tina passed along the web sites for Tracy in London and Christy in Capetown. She felt sure that those unimaginably buxom and stunningly beautiful teenage escorts would take the edge off her own retirement for those men!)
    Tina started taking some elementary classes in reading and writing at a local secondary school; she frankly needed some remedial work before she would be ready to begin college courses. Of course, she continued to get hit on all the time both in school and out; guys kept coming up and asking her out on dates on almost an hourly basis! Tina had even accepted a few of these offers, but the relationships had uniformly petered out. Alas! Mr Right had yet to show his face!
    As time went on in this fashion, Tina got more and more depressed. Literally hundreds of guys were hitting on her every week! But where was the gem, the One, among them? Had quitting "the program" been a pointless gesture?
    Tina often walked into her closet, took down the Dress, stroked its stretchy fabric, and meditated about its meaning. The fact she had no one to wear it for mirrored the futility of her life. Its continued presence in the closet mocked her search for someone to love.
    God! She was thirty and still unmarried. Were she still living in Rocinha, she would likely be on the verge of becoming a grandmother! She was happy to have escaped that sort of cycle; still, because of her conditioning as a young slum girl, Tina couldn't help thinking that being a single thirty year-old woman was just horrible!
    What's worse, Tina's depression was making her eat too much; she was starting to put on weight. As she mindlessly stroked the spandex-like material of the Dress after yet again taking it down to look at and fondle, she wondered, "Am I even going to fit in the Dress when my knight in shining armor appears?"
    Thank God the material was so stretchy! And thank God that most of her added weight seemed to be going to her bosom! The Dress would fit, all right; it was just that her growing bosom would hang down a bit more than on the day the Dress had been fitted. Now, if only there was a strong, loving man in her life to fondle what had now become 92" monsters!
    Tina had a circle of girl friends — some "on the program" and some not — with whom she spent a lot of time these days. They recognized her depression and decided to try and snap her out of it. They prescribed a girls' night out at Scala-Rio, a fancy nightclub.
    On account of her lingering blue moods, Tina had taken to lying around the apartment in sweatshirts and jeans most of the time; there seemed to be nothing or anyone to dress up for. On this night, though, the girls convinced her to dress to the nines. It was time to look like the Tina of old!
    For their sake at least, Tina agreed. She put on a shockingly short skirt and a stretchy top through which her much too-big-to-believe tits just absolutely and unbelievably jutted! Tina may have been a bit heavier than before her retirement but there was no doubt about it — she could definitely carry the weight and thus looked absolutely sensational! No wonder the girls — they ranged in appearance from cute to absolutely gorgeous — caused a veritable commotion when they were shown to their table.
    It was also no wonder that a steady stream of guys made their way to the table to ask the girls to dance. Most of them said, "Yes," at least to a few of the more handsome fellows who came along.
    On the other hand, one of them routinely (and curtly) said "No" to all of these fellows. Tina was glad to be out having a good time with the girls; she was not, however, in the mood to get hit on. Not tonight, anyway!

Chapter 90

Ernesto Collor de Mello had been sitting at the bar at Scala-Rio for an hour or so. He had flown in from Boston only an hour or so before that. He needed a drink or two — no doubt about that! — and the most festive atmosphere possible to drink them in. He was frankly depressed and disconcerted by the recent turn of events in his life.
    Ernesto — in Brazil, everyone omitted the "Collor de Mello" and simply called him "Ernesto" — was his country's most famous Formula One racing driver. Indeed, he had been one of the most renowned and daring drivers in the world. His brash and adventurous driving had won him many races; however, it had also caused a couple of serious accidents, the latest of which had led him to Boston's Massachusetts General Hospital for a thorough examination and consultation with one of America's leading brain surgeons.
    Ernesto's first accident had cost him his position with Ferrari, for whom he had once been a top driver. He still had a drive for a works team; it was called Lavelle-Peugeot. Using outmoded engines, it was lucky enough to have employed a brilliant young English designer to compensate for that shortcoming. Combined with Ernesto's occasional verve, it all added up to a middle-of-the-grid team which rarely offered a serious threat of getting itself doused in champagne on the podium.
    Even so, when he was able to be brutally honest with himself, Ernesto was forced to admit that the offer from Lavelle-Peugeot was a welcome lifeline tossed to a drowning man. Indeed, this honesty was forcing him to confront the undeniable fact that the racing world considered him a fading star who showed only occasional flashes of his old brilliance. In truth, those glory days of Ferrari were gone forever; heading the Lavelle-Peugeot team was a distinct step down. Still, Ernesto kept plugging; a big win in an important race could restore the luster of his racing career.
    In fact, Ernesto had pushed too hard and too recklessly for that win. This is why he had suffered a serious accident in his last Grand Prix race. Ernesto had actually been unconscious for nearly an hour after the incident. All of Brazil had held its collective breath until the French hospital announced that their hero was at last conscious and out of danger.
    After a several days in hospital, Ernesto was back home in Rio. Still, he was on the shelf until his local doctors pronounced him fully recovered. His career was frankly in shambles. A second accident like the one he had just suffered was serious business in the racing world. It might be too much for even Lavelle-Peugeot! Under the circumstances, the best he could hope for would be a one-off works drive in the Brazilian Grand Prix. And even that would remain available only because Ernesto still attracted major sponsorship money from Brazilian companies. God! How the mighty had fallen!
    And things had gotten even worse! Ernesto had started having severe headaches which these local doctors had been unable fully to diagnose. The trip to MGH for a consultation was suggested.
    The doctors in Boston thought that Ernesto was basically fit, and that the headaches would disappear over time. That was the good news. The less welcome news was that Ernesto still showed clinical signs of his latest concussion. Indeed, that was the problem. Ernesto's daredevil racing style had led to a serious head injury in the accident had marked the end of his association with the Ferrari team. There was clinical evidence of lingering damage from that accident as well. The doctors told him that he would very likely have a full recovery from this new injury. They could not, however, guarantee similar good luck if he were to suffer a third injury of this type.
    Ernesto's neurosurgeon was emphatic on the point. "You've pushed your luck to the limit, Mr Collor de Mello. The odds are excellent that you will simply not wake up from your next major concussion. I think it's time to retire while you're still more or less in one piece. After all, at age 35 you can't have all that many years left to race anyway."
    Ernesto was shattered. "Doctor, I don't know if I can do that. Racing is my life!"
    Dr Jane was unsparing. "Sir, I don't know how you can do otherwise! Racing could end your life!
    "In fact, my advice goes even further. I would give up all contact sports whatever — no more Saturday afternoon in the park soccer with your family, for example. Hell, from what I hear about the traffic in Rio de Janeiro, I'm not sure I would even drive to the grocery store if I were in your shoes! One more serious head injury and you could well spend the rest of your life in a vegetative state in a nursing home somewhere!"
    Ernesto was thinking hard about that advice. The fact that his career was on the skids anyway made the prescription a bit more palatable. Maybe it was time to call it quits. But he loved racing — how could he quit? Ernesto was frankly torn as to what to do!
    Ernesto finished his second drink and called the bartender over to pour him a third. Then he waved it off — two drinks was probably two too many for a guy recovering from a serious concussion! Instead, he ordered an orange juice; a drink like that would help him think about things more clearly anyway!
    Ernesto went back to his musings. What was he to do? Quitting the Grand Prix circuit would cause him no financial pain. He had plenty of money to live on; hell, his family had been one of the richest in Brazil. On the other hand, who would be hurt if he kept on racing? His marriage had lasted only a short time — too short for any children to result. His parents were dead, and because he was an only child, there would be no brothers or sisters to lament his passing.
    Girl friends? Lots of them! But none who really cared for him — or vice versa!! Of course, all of Brazil would care; Ernesto's death or serious injury would occasion a period of intense national mourning and sadness. But Ernesto knew the fickleness of the crowd. He would be essentially forgotten within weeks. All that would remain would be the once-a-year reminder in the newspapers that Ernesto the famous racing driver still lingered in his coma at some exclusive Ipanema nursing home. Of course, that assumed that he had survived the accident in the first place!
    So why not keep on racing? Go out in glory. Become a national icon in the process. Who the hell cared? What was there in Ernesto's life to inspire him to do otherwise?
    Then he thought some more. Perhaps Lavelle-Peugeot might require him to find a new line of work by cutting him loose after this latest incident! Two major crashes is usually one more than the typical racing driver is allowed. And if Lavelle-Peugeot denied him a car, his chances of finding one anywhere else were dim indeed.
    What to do, what to do? Forgetting about the unpleasant subject altogether — at least for tonight — seemed a wise, if transitory, solution!
    Ernesto realized that he had spent his entire stay at the bar by looking down into his drinking glass. He lifted up his eyes to scan the crowd. Perhaps he would spot an old girl friend who could help him get his mind off his troubles. One of the advantages of being a handsome and famous racing driver was that incredibly beautiful women were astonishingly eager to throw themselves into his arms! Maybe he could get lucky tonight!
    Suddenly Ernesto spotted a table full of women. They all seemed to be very attractive. One of them, he noted immediately, was particularly and even amazingly beautiful. It had actually been a long time since he had seen anyone that gorgeous! She was really exceptional! Although he certainly did not want to get caught staring, Ernesto found it difficult to tear his eyes away from her stunning face. Jesus! The girl was just remarkably beautiful!
    Through an act of the will, Ernesto was finally able to rip his eyes away from the face of this drop-dead gorgeous beauty. He managed the feat by almost ruthlessly forcing his glance downwards. As he did so, however, his eyes suddenly bugged out in utter shock! Oh, my God! The girl had a shockingly swollen, utterly colossal chest. Jesus! She was fantastically ... no, incredibly and unbelievably buxom!
    Ernesto now found himself staring at two absolutely massive bulges that were almost grotesquely distending her stretchy dress. Because she was sitting at the end of her table, Ernesto had a side view of the girl that disclosed that these stupendously gigantic mounds of tit meat were resting not just in her lap but on her upper thighs as well! Fuck almighty! Her tits were much bigger than watermelons! Was this some kind of joke? How could tits possibly be that big?
    Ernesto almost felt like rubbing his eyes in disbelief! In spite of his two drinks, his mouth suddenly felt dry! He really loved gigantic tits — an oft-absent attribute among Brazilian women — and these were by a huge margin the most gigantic he had ever seen! Or even imagined! And the woman wearing them was just stunningly beautiful! He simply had to meet this girl! His depression and dark thoughts had suddenly lifted!
    Tina had already run off dozens of guys off before Ernesto came up to make his pitch. After all, in Rio de Janeiro, it was a matter of machismo for even a remotely presentable looking guy to take a run at picking up any reasonably attractive piece of ass he happened to encounter.
    Tina at first affected not even to hear Ernesto's opening line; she kept her head carefully turned well away from the source of the conversation lest she give the guy even a grain of encouragement. She was in no mood to field a fellow's line of patter. Not tonight!
    Out of curiosity and in response to his polite, gentle tones, however, she turned to take a look at the latest of these would-be conquerors of her pulchritude. What do you know? — the guy was really good looking! Plus, he was not full of pick-up rubbish like the parade of guys she had been fending off during the course of the evening.
    Ernesto was about 6' 1", 180 pounds, and quite handsome. He had very light skin, ruggedly chiseled features, and thick black hair. His hair was just beginning to show a touch of grey. The body under his custom-tailored jacket looked as if it were very buffed and toned. His clothes and general manner just breathed prosperity and good breeding.
    In fact, Tina wondered if she didn't recognize him from someplace. He seemed so familiar! Of course, clubs like the Scala-Rio often attracted celebrities ... still ... who was this guy? Somehow, she just knew she should know his name!
    As Tina turned her face to Ernesto, he had the same reaction. He knew this girl! But from where? Ernesto had, over the years, met or spent time with thousands of beautiful woman. But none of them had ever had tits like these! He could never forget a set of jugs like these — they were beyond huge! "Come on ... come on .... You know this girl," Ernesto said to himself. "Who is she?"
    Suddenly it came to him Jesus! This girl might just be Tina! The slum girl who blew him off ... how long ago? ... God! ... fifteen years ago or more. Was it possible? She was heavier and older, of course, but those tits! Who else could it be? It just had to be Tina!
    As this realization struck home, Ernesto was flooded with memories of how sweet and genuine Tina had been. He remembered how smitten he had been with the fantastically giant-breasted young teenager. God! If he had not been afraid of being mugged by Tina's brother — or maybe the entire neighborhood; those favelas were dangerous places! — he would have ignored her refusal to see him and gone back to plead his case. But now ... maybe ... just maybe ... here she was again! Could there be a second chance?
    "Excuse me," Ernesto said, "but I think we knew each other once ... years ago, actually. Is your name Tina?"
    Tina's face suddenly bore the shock of recognition. "Ernesto!" she shouted while clapping her hands. "My God! You're Ernesto!" Tina had of course seen his face in the newspapers many times over the years. She was astounded that she hadn't recognized him right off!
    The two laughed in delight! She was Tina and he was Ernesto ... after all these years! Tina naturally invited Ernesto to join them. Once she had introduced him, her girl friends became highly excited at his presence. All of them knew who he was instantly! Ernesto! At our table!
    Although Tina was really taken with the charming aristocrat, she steeled herself against the inevitable pick-up attempt. Frankly, she was not sure how she was going to deal with it. The truth is that she would love to see Ernesto again! But she was not going to let herself simply get picked up, not even by a handsome, suave racing driver, and not even if this very guy had made her heart thud with passion and affection so many years before!
    At the same time, they did have such a huge unfinished agenda! She had deeply regretted for years the brusque manner in which she had run him off as a fifteen year-old. In spite of the almost endless list of differences between the two, they had seemed so well suited to each other. Was there going to be a second chance to find out if things really could work out after all? Wow!
    Still, Tina was determined not simply to fall on her back for the guy. Even Ernesto would have to run the gauntlet of Tina's slow and easy approach to genuine and lasting love! If he could not do that, after all, he would not be the guy she remembered, and with whom she had spent many wonderful hours so many years ago!
    To her surprise, the pick-up attempt never took place. Ernesto simply talked very politely and in generalities; he was particularly careful to include all the girls in the conversation. Tina especially noticed that Ernesto did not leer at her body or ogle her tits in the least. He was a real gentleman!
    After about half an hour, Ernesto announced he had to leave. Tina was actually a bit put out that he hadn't made more of an effort to pick her up, even though she was sure she would have turned him down flat if he had tried.
    Just as he was about to get up from the table, Ernesto turned to Tina and said, "It was a real pleasure to meet you charming young ladies tonight." Then, after a slight pause, he added, "It was especially a pleasure to meet you again, Tina, after all these years. It is a real joy to run into someone who you expected never to see again. Do you think I could give you a call and perhaps see you again?"
    Then, his eyes crinkled with humor. "Your brother would not take offense after all these years, would he?"
    God! Ernesto remembered it all! Tina actually began to blush — an exceedingly unusual act for this worldly, ultra-titted beauty! "I would love for you to call," Tina smiled in return. Moments later, Ernesto left with Tina's private telephone number safely cached in his suit pocket.

Chapter 91

Ernesto did not call for several days. Tina did not know whether he was too busy to call, whether he simply had decided he lacked interest in her after all, or whether he was just being cagey and coy. Whatever the reason, Tina found herself thinking about the suave, ruggedly handsome racing driver quite often. Why didn't he call? The pain of losing contact with him for a second time in her life would be just plain excruciating!
    Finally, the phone did ring; it was Ernesto. He apologized for not getting in touch earlier but he had been tied up out of town visiting one of his family's cattle ranches in the interior. He had so enjoyed getting reacquainted with Tina that night! Would she be available for dinner sometime soon? Like Saturday night? Tina almost had to remind herself to pause for a moment's contrived reflection before answering, "Yes!"
    Ernesto took Tina to Ouro Verde, one of Rio's finest and most fashionable restaurants. The staff naturally greeted Ernesto by name and seated him at one of the prized tables overlooking the beach.
    Tina had worn her most conservative dress in order to look presentable for this fancy restaurant. Naturally, Tina's idea of "conservative" was faithful to a definition all her own; she was clearly wearing the most revealing outfit in the place. Still, the dress more or less seemed — perhaps less and more! —to pass muster. In any event, if Ernesto thought the dress was inappropriately sexy, he gave no hint of that fact. Indeed, he hardly seemed to look at Tina anywhere but in her face!
    Ernesto was so easy to talk to! He was also so kind and so understanding. He was so polite as well. Even though he was both rich and famous, Ernesto was so unassuming, so down-to-earth, and so genuine. He was truly a gentleman! But he was sexy and really exciting as well. Tina remembered getting utterly infatuated when she had first met Ernesto some fifteen years before. Now, she found herself getting re-intoxicated by this hunk of a man!
    Tina astonished herself by actually telling Ernesto what she had done for a living. On a first date, yet! And yet Ernesto took it entirely in stride. It did not seem to bother him a bit that his date had until recently been "on the program." In fact, he reacted to Tina's story of her progression from grinding poverty in the slums to life as a highly paid escort as if it were the most natural and even estimable achievement in the world!
    Ernesto had patted Tina's wrist and congratulated her on making such an effective escape from Rocinha and then creating such a successful career! After all, he vividly remembered the dispiriting atmosphere of Rocinha himself! How could he be judgmental about how a person escaped those mean streets? Making lemonade out of lemons, is what he called it.
    And, more important still, she was now out of "the program." She had used that profession to good purpose and now had finally risen above it. "Good going, Tina," seemed to be Ernesto's evaluation of her career choice!
    Ernesto told Tina about himself as well. His family was very rich with holdings all over Brazil and indeed the world. As the only child of deceased parents, it was now all his. He had been married to a beautiful model he had met in Paris but was now divorced; he and his wife had simply grown apart and had amicably parted. The long Grand Prix season, coupled with the fact that Ernesto would typically find himself in a different country every week for most of the year, simply made the relationship too difficult to maintain.
    Ernesto and his wife had no children which, although it made the divorce very simple, was a source of great regret to Ernesto. He had not enjoyed being an only child. In fact, he just loved kids and hoped that he might still be able to have a family of his own some day. A big one, he hoped!
    And now? "Don't tell a soul," Ernesto confided, "but I'm thinking of retiring myself! My last accident, even though it put me to sleep for an hour or so, might in the long run have been my wake-up call! I have to think it through some more," Ernesto continued," but I may have driven my last race!"
    The date was a great success. In fact, Tina was breathing a little heavily as she and Ernesto walked from the elevator to her apartment door. Especially after she had disclosed her life as an escort, she expected Ernesto to try and steal at least a good night kiss. Maybe more! The truth was that she badly wanted him to! Yet Tina, as always on a first date, was very wary of her date's potential intentions.
    As he walked Tina to her apartment that night, Ernesto knew that he wanted to explore a relationship with this very special girl. The fact she had been "on the program" was a bit of a shocker, but Ernesto had always been a highly tolerant and understanding person — especially of someone who looked as fantastic as Tina! Besides, the reason she was "on the program" was highly explicable in light of her background. After all, he had seen how she lived as a girl!
    Ernesto was willing to bet that the right guy could wean her away from all lingering traces of that life in a second; hell, he might even be just that guy! Tina just did not seem at all like a typical escort girl. He was determined as a result to treat her with an over-portion of respect, patience, and courtesy.
    Ernesto put that determination into play immediately. To Tina's shock, Ernesto settled for a handshake at her front door! Had things gone that poorly between them? Tina wondered.
    Still, the handsome racing driver had a twinkle in his eye and told Tina what a great time he had had. After the failure of their first date so many years ago, he was overjoyed to have had the opportunity to spend an evening with her after all! He had really enjoyed being with her — he had especially enjoyed their conversation and the sharing about their life histories in which they had engaged. In fact, he asked if he could call her again. You bet he could!
    Ernesto called about mid-week; he asked her to go out to dinner again. Tina was thrilled he had called, and accepted immediately; she did not feel the need to coyly hesitate this time!
    She did put out an emergency call to her dressmaker, however. Although Ernesto had been too much of a gentleman to make any comment, Tina knew that her dress on the first date had been way too revealing. Could her dressmaker quickly fix her up something a bit more conservative for this coming weekend?
    "Well, yes I can, honey," the dressmaker promised. "But there's a limit to what I can do. I'll make the hemline lower and the dress a little looser, but, Jesus, sweetie, there's no good way to hide a 92" bosom!
    Still, Tina felt more appropriately dressed for this second date. She had put on a special double-strap, 22-hook brassiere. It tended to uplift her bosom rather dramatically. This meant that breasts were no longer hanging down below her waist. The down side — if it was a down side, which one million men out of a million would have denied was the case! — was that the industrial-strength bra seemed to make her breasts stick out nearly all the way to the Amazon!
    Naturally, the dressmaker had allowed a stupendous amount of material for the blouse portion of the dress once Tina had told her about the style of bra she intended to wear with the outfit. Jesus! A 92" bosom certainly made wardrobe planning a difficult task!
    Although Ernesto had been much too gentlemanly to leer at her figure, Tina caught a flicker of astonishment in his eye as she welcomed him into her apartment. Tina could tell that Ernesto had very subtlety checked out and then appraised her stupendous body as she stepped back to let him in the apartment. She could tell he was stunned at the way her mammoth, uplifted tits dramatically thrust themselves against the blouse material of her new dress. Yet he did not step forward to give her so much as a welcoming kiss. Not even a peck on the cheek! Jesus! Ernesto was playing it so cool!
    On this evening, Ernesto took Tina to Le Saint Honore, one of Rio's very finest French restaurants. He was certainly treating Tina to the best! When the maitre d' asked Ernesto if he wanted a table or a booth, Tina surprised herself by blurting out, "A booth, please!"
    The evening was very pleasant. Because they were sitting in a booth, Tina was able on a couple of occasions to lean very gently up against her date. She loved being close to him!
    Still, Ernesto — damn him! — was still the cool customer at the front door. He looked deeply into Tina's eyes and told her that the evening had been wonderful! He really wanted to see her again!
    "Yes!" Tina breathed. "I'd love to see you again, too, Ernesto!"
    "I'll call soon," Ernesto promised. He then gently leaned toward Tina.
    Tina was so smitten with this guy that she leaned up against him with some force. She knew Ernesto could feel her massive breasts pushing against the entire length of his body from his chest to his groin — and even below! She wanted to show him just a little how her feelings for him were developing.
    And how did Ernesto react to this subtle proffer of tit meat? He continued leaning against Tina for only a second or two while he gave her a kiss on the cheek! And then he pulled away. Damn the man!
    Visions of Ernesto's handsome face and the momentary feel of his muscular body against hers continued to dance in Tina's head that night as she lay writhing in her bed. Finally, she paid her date the ultimate compliment; she stuck three fingers up her dripping cunt and began to masturbate. She alternated between plunging her soaked fingers in and out of her wet pussy and gently rubbing her totally erect clitoris. Minutes later she leveraged a gigantic breast up toward her mouth, and began to passionately tongue and suck her rock-stiff nipple. Only moments after that, her body was stiffening and contracting with a really strong orgasm. And then another. And then yet another! Damn the man!
    Although Tina could hardly have known, Ernesto was playing it so cool and cagey not because he was playing games with the unimaginably buxom beauty, but because he cared about her so very much! He remembered the sharp pain of her rejection fifteen years before. He intuitively felt that moving too fast with this giant breasted, almost inconceivably beautiful treasure could lead to a rejection once again.
    That was something that Ernesto was not willing to chance. There would be plenty of time for him to express his physical feelings — and, God, did he have them! — once the emotional relationship between the two was firmly established. Sex could wait!
    Ernesto had certainly been awestruck by Tina's incredible physique and stunning beauty at the nightclub; however, the inner Tina had equally blown him away on their first date. Of course, that same inner Tina had captivated him when he had walked around Rocinha years before with the teenage, but even then monstrously buxom, beauty. She was — and is! — so sweet, so generous, so giving, so genuine and so nice. He knew her education had been limited but Tina was so quick, so sharp and so surprisingly self-educated. What a great girl she had turned out to be both inside and out!
    Ernesto had been calculatingly cool with Tina when they had first met years ago in Ipanema; he was being equally so now. But his goals were the same. His goal then and now was to treat Tina very gently and with patience in order to convince her that he was interested in her, not simply in her beautiful face and gigantic breasts.
    After their second date, Ernesto called the very next day and asked Tina out for the evening after that. This notice was a little short but Tina was really looking forward to seeing Ernesto again. "I'd love to," was the quick response.
    On this third date, Ernesto took Tina to Hippopotamus, a private nightclub, for dinner and dancing. The club was very romantic. Tina wore a very short, very clingy dress out of which her monstrously gigantic tits just spewed; her fling with conservative couture had lasted all of one date! This dress had a bit of a V-neck; on account of Tina's preposterously huge bosom, even this modest plunge in the material revealed a massively deep amount of cleavage! Tina was amused to see nearly every man in the place detour past their table on the way to the men's room!
    Her dress was so short that once Tina was seated in the booth, its hemline was only an inch or two below her crotch. Her jugs were now so gigantic that they covered up her thighs almost down to her knees! Tina's inconceivably massive breasts stuck out so far that it was difficult for the giant-breasted beauty to get close enough to her dinner plate to eat! What a body show Tina was putting on for Ernesto!
    Ernesto, however, took it all in stride. Again, he simply smiled into Tina's eyes and appeared to ignore everything below that level. Tina inwardly harrumphed! Was this guy running a testosterone deficit or something!
    After dinner, the couple ventured on to the dance floor. Tina, who habitually got turned off when her dates began stripping her overly-voluptuous body to the bone, was now actually a little miffed that Ernesto had not been paying a little more attention to her fantastically lush charms. The band had begun to play a slow number, so Tina melted into Ernesto's arms for a dance.
    Dancing with a date with a 92" bosom poses special problems! Tina tried to make it easier by just mashing her stunningly huge knockers into Ernesto's chest, pelvis, and thighs. At a point like this, most of Tina's dates who had been granted this favor were sporting raging hard-ons. Was Ernesto getting excited? She could not tell, because the sheer size of her increasingly swollen bosom prevented her from getting close enough to Ernesto's groin to get any sort of a reading on his condition in that regard!
    Still, the couple had begun holding hands once they were back at their table. They were still holding hands as they walked to Tina's apartment door. She was flushed and actually getting a little wet! Ernesto was so handsome and sweet that she could not help leaning into him a little as they walked.
    Ernesto again told Tina what a great time he had. Could he see her again? "Oh, yes!" was the breathy response. The couple looked deeply into each other's eyes. Their mouths slowly came toward each other. Tina closed her eyes and prepared for a long, deeply passionate kiss. It was time for one! She had started to crush her massive jugs into her date's chest. It was time for that, too! Ernesto, however, simply gave her a three- or four-second kiss with only slightly parted lips and then inexplicably pulled back!
    "I'd better get going," he smiled. "It's late and I have to be at my lawyer's office at nine. But I'm really looking forward to seeing you again, Tina! I'll call soon if I may!"
    "Jesus!" Tina slumped against the closed door of her apartment after Ernesto had left. She was thinking hard about the guy. It was great he was such a gentleman and all, but — God! — he could be a little more forward. The truth is that Tina's pussy was absolutely dripping with desire. If Ernesto had only known just how excited and ready to get really acquainted his date of the evening had been! Tina knew beyond a doubt that she had a date with the fingers on her right hand coming up immediately! Jesus! The fingers of both hands!
    Well, Ernesto certainly took his sweet time getting back to Tina! Actually, it only took two days but to Tina it had seemed like a lifetime! What's more, she actually found herself getting really wet as they chatted on the phone. Damn the guy, making her feel like that!
    This time, Ernesto took Tina to O Bistrot Club, a members-own establishment with fabulous food. Tina was impressed that Ernesto was taking her to a place to which so many of his friends belonged; clearly, he was proud to be seen with Tina! This augured very well indeed for the relationship!
    Still, things still seemed to be moving so slowly! It did seem to Tina as if their bodies were a little more jammed together in the booth than on the date before. Moreover, this time, Ernesto himself had stipulated a booth instead of a table. The kiss at the door also seemed a bit more passionate than before. It lasted about ten seconds, and Tina had the feeling that if it had lasted only a few seconds longer, Ernesto's tongue would have entered her mouth. Nevertheless, the fact is that it did not; therefore, Tina was once again left alone in her bed with seriously unsatisfied sexual yearnings.
    At the same time, the couple was getting very, very close emotionally! Tina knew that this is precisely how she had foreseen things would ideally develop with her knight in shining armor. In reality, though, it was so hard to let all things sexual unfold so slowly!
    By now, Tina and Ernesto were talking on the phone every day — sometimes a number of times a day! They enjoyed each other's company so much. They had become emotionally intimate friends. They had even begun attending mass together on occasional Sundays!
    What thrilled Tina about Ernesto most of all was that he was so considerate and so kind. Back when Tina had blossomed into a 26F-cup size during sixth grade, her mother and grandmother had sat her down to have a talk with her about men; they could see that Tina was going to be — or maybe already was! — in need of wise counsel on this point!
    The women spent most of the time warning Tina about the wrong sort of guys, fellows she should be on the lookout for. Near the end of the talk, however, Tina asked, "But Momma and Nana, what's the right sort of man to look for?"
    The two women sat in thought for a moment. Then her grandmother began to speak. "Tina, most girls look for the richest, or most handsome guy around, and that's natural. But the guy they should really be looking for is a kind man. Ask yourself, 'Is this man kind?' If he is, then if he asks, marry him! You'll be happier than if he were rich or handsome!"
    Tina had never forgotten that advice. And now she was involved with the kindest man she had ever met! What's more, he was also rich and handsome! Ernesto was truly the man of her dreams!
    But when, Tina wondered, were they going to become physically involved? She loved the way their relationship had slowly unfolded; this slow and easy pace had allowed them to know each other so intimately on an emotional level. But she still longed to feel Ernesto's full lips mashed against hers and his hands roaming up and down her stupendously buxom chest. What was holding the guy back?
    What Tina did not know was that Ernesto's hesitancy was largely the product of his desire to bring their relationship along very slowly in order to convince the mega-bosomed beauty that he was not just after her body. The truth, of course, is that he wanted to ravish his sweetheart's astonishingly voluptuous body so very badly! He desperately wanted to mash and maul her gigantic breasts. God! Every time he with Tina it was all he could do to keep his hot hands from gravitating to her twin Everests of tit meat! He so badly wanted to lick her areolae — Jesus! — he bet that were just huge! He desperately wanted to suck her nipples. Fuck! He bet they were just astonishingly long and stiff! Above all, he frantically wanted to plunge his cock deep into the depths of her sweet pussy and just splatter her cunt walls with long spurts of hot jism!
    But as Ernesto examined his feelings, he had discovered that there was something else that was holding him back. After a lot of thought, Ernesto had to admit that he was frankly intimidated by Tina's gigantic bosom.
    Ernesto was a suave, world-class playboy. The idea of him being intimidated by a pair of tits, even if they were by far the most massive he had ever seen, was absolutely ridiculous! It was impossible! Still, there it was — whenever Ernesto thought about making a move on Tina's giant chest, this hesitancy held him back. What was going on?
    Ernesto decided that on some level he must have retained a deep yearning for Tina's breasts ever since their aborted date in Rocinha so many years ago. Thus, the act of feeling her up would be the realization of a fifteen year-old unsatisfied desire. A big deal like that could make any fellow's hands tremble!
    On the other hand, perhaps he was just overanalyzing the situation. Maybe any guy would suffer a sudden attack of timidity when he found himself in the proximity of a beautiful, voluptuous woman attached to a 92" pair of jugs! It might be the most normal reaction in the world!
    Still, as the couple got more and more involved emotionally, Ernesto just knew that the time his hands would finally touch the silken richness of Tina's unimaginably gigantic knockers was coming up fast. Ernesto was equally sure that the moment his hands finally touched Tina's tit flesh, his timidity would be out the window in a flash!
    About two months into their relationship, the couple went out, as usual, to one of Rio's finest restaurants. Le Bec Fin, however, was particularly excellent and also very romantic. And so was Ernesto; when he picked Tina up, he greeted her with the most passionate kiss ever! He did it on a whim and surprised even himself! It truly reflected how he felt about Tina, that was for sure!
    The kiss was so ardent that Tina's mouth had sagged open and Ernesto's tongue had plunged deep into her mouth. Within seconds, both of them were softly moaning as they shared their first French kiss!
    "Precious!" Tina whispered, as the kiss broke.
    "I love kissing you so much," Ernesto ventured. "It's so hard to stop!"
    Tina rested her head on Ernesto's chest. "Precious!" she repeated. She was frankly disappointed that he had stopped! As the kiss went on and on, Tina actually wondered if they might just take a pass on their dinner reservations and dine at home — on each other!
    Both Tina and Ernesto seem to realize that they had reached a new, decidedly more physical, level in their relationship. Even though they had yet to make love — Hell, Ernesto had never even touched Tina's monstrously huge bosom! — onlookers at the restaurant would have thought the couple was totally intimate. The two were sitting almost on top of each other in the booth; they held hands nearly the entire meal as well.
    As the evening ended, Tina and Ernesto walked out of the elevator onto Tina's floor wrapped in each other's arms. As they reached her door, Tina melted into Ernesto's arms.
    "Oh, baby!" she moaned.
    As their lips touched, Tina and Ernesto's mouths simultaneously sagged open. Their tongues licked and searched everywhere inside their mouths! Tina had worn an exceedingly tight, short knit dress. On account of the torrid embrace, the hem of the micro-mini dress had ridden up over her hot rump. Ernesto's hands had crept down to begin squeezing and fondling Tina's incredibly luscious ass cheeks.
    The kiss went on and on. Tina had reciprocated by sticking her hands up under Ernesto's suit coat and down into his pants to rub and caress his ass. It was so firm, so smooth! Tina had also begun strongly rubbing her incalculably massive bosom up and down and from side to side against her darling's body. By now, Ernesto's hands were rubbing bare skin; his hands had gravitated inside Tina's skimpy panties. This couple, folks, was getting hot!
    As the ten-minute body massage and face-fuck finally ended, Tina and Ernesto, their lips puffy from the fantastically torrid kiss, stared deeply into each other's eyes.
    "My darling!" Tina whispered as she softly caressed Ernesto's cheek.
    Tina and Ernesto were hugging so very tightly! Still, the stupendous size of Tina's monstrously swollen bosom kept their trunks at an enforced distance. Even so, Tina could feel a gigantic bulge in Ernesto's crotch as the embrace went on and on. The bulge extended between her massive tits and was actually jabbing her stomach.
    How wonderful! She knew that Ernesto was so perfect in so many ways. And now, it seemed, he was turning out to be perfect in every way. Tina knew that if she could feel the bulge of Ernesto's penis all the way though the formidable, meaty barrier of her hanging shafts of tit meat, well, she was hugging a guy with a astonishingly large cock! Wow! For this girl, you better believe, size mattered! It mattered a whole lot! Her motto had always been "the bigger the better!" And Ernesto was obviously huge! On every count, then, this was the man for her!
    Ernesto, whose hands almost mindlessly continued to grope his sweetheart's impossibly curvy rump, could hardly speak. "My love, my everything!" he moaned.
    "Would you like to come in, precious?" Tina asked. Tina was ready!
    Ernesto smiled. "More than anything else in the word, sweetheart," he responded. "But I'm not going to — not this time!"
    "Are you sure, baby?" Tina asked softly, almost in disbelief.
    Ernesto smiled again. "Honey, I'm so unbelievably full of desire for you that ... hell ... how can I be sure of anything right now! But I want this to be absolutely right between us before I do come in to be with you. I'm a hair's breadth from being ready right now! I know that we're almost ready! It will happen very, very soon! But not tonight, precious."
    Ernesto pulled Tina into an even tighter, more loving embrace. Jesus! Those tits! "I have to warn you, though, darling — when I do come in, I don't think I'll ever want to leave!"
    Tina pulled back and smiled into her sweetheart's eyes. "That's not something I need a warning about, darling! What makes you think I'd ever let you get out?"
    Tina and Ernesto were clearly on the brink. They made a date for the very next night. Both had an excellent idea of how the evening would end up!
    On this occasion, though, Tina was determined to take charge. "This time, precious, don't you pick the place. I have some definite ideas of my own. I know just the perfect place for us!"
    That was fine with Ernesto. What the handsome racing driver did not know was that Tina's ideas went beyond the mere choice of a place to have dinner. Tina had decided — she knew! — that tomorrow night was at long last the time to wear ... the Dress!

Chapter 92

When Ernesto called to set a time to pick Tina up, she told him she had picked a very particular restaurant for their date. She had in mind Restaurant Salvador Bahia, a very dim, secluded place where Tina and Ernesto could be totally shielded from the other patrons. Restaurant Salvador Bahia was in fact well known for its dark, totally intimate atmosphere in which lovers could have a delicious dinner but still get very friendly with each other! It was a place in which two lovers could first express and then demonstrate their commitment to one other!
    It was also exactly the sort of place in which Tina could get away with wearing the Dress! She had been to the restaurant once before with a very special boy friend. He had been very important to her, but not so special as to warrant exposure to the Dress. The staff remembered Tina very well — anyone who ever saw Tina was not likely to forget the experience, after all — and knew without being asked to give the couple the most secluded booth in the place.
    When he arrived to pick Tina up for their date, Ernesto proved he was fully human after all — his eyes almost spilled out of their sockets and rolled around on the floor when Tina opened the door wearing the Dress! As she stepped back into the apartment to let Ernesto in, her gigantic down-to-the-thighs hooters absolutely quivered and jiggled. Ernesto felt as if his tongue must be hanging down to the level of his knees at least!
    This was the first time Ernesto had seen Tina's full cleavage, and he simply could believe how massive Tina's tits were in the flesh. The ultra-buxom beauty then turned around to lead Ernesto into her sitting room. The sight of Tina's silk panties sticking out of the shortest dress he had ever seen was making Ernesto's knees shake with shock and desire. The way her fantastic rump swiveled inside those tight-fitting panties was just cock extending! The fact that Tina's garter belt and the tops to her stockings were also in full view only made things more unbelievably erotic!
    And even from the rear, Ernesto could still see a huge amount of quivering and jiggling tit meat. Tina's mammoth bosom was much wider than her trunk or hips! Jesus! Tina was simply amazingly buxom, sexy, and beautiful!
    From the cut of the dress — Ernesto simply could not believe it; he had never even imagined a dress like that could even exist! — it looked as if tonight might be a good night to pay a little extra attention to that face and body! Their relationship was giving every sign of moving up to a new plateau — in all likelihood the final one! — and after seeing the Dress, Ernesto suddenly realized that this ultimate movement was probably going to take place tonight!
    Ernesto was an exceedingly suave guy, however, and managed to keep his cool most of the time. Finding himself face to face with the Dress was severely going to test that sang froid, that was for sure! From the lay of the land, in fact, it looked as though this might be the night to lose his cool once and for all! Fuck! Those tits!
    The Dress was so low cut that Ernesto guessed that 90% to 95% of Tina's massive bosom was uncovered. Jesus! The gargantuan size of her knockers was just unbelievable! Tina's "neckline" — ha, ha! — captured only the base of her inconceivably long, impossibly full hangers of tit meat.
    Because the cut of the dress offered her bosom essentially no support, Tina's massive knockers looked like elongated, fantastically oversized pears. They were so wide! Tina's doublewide shafts of breast flesh protruded on either side of her ample hips by at least six inches — maybe more! Ernesto's hands couldn't wait to measure the distances for himself!
    Ernesto was absolutely stunned by the size of Tina's dark cocoa-colored areolae. Jesus! They were much bigger than dinner plates, except that they were noticeably oval in shape! They had to be fifteen inches in size at least Shit!
    How could he tell? Tina's comically low "neckline" managed to reveal nearly all of her areolae! Jesus Christ Almighty!
    In fact, the base of the Dress was so skimpy that Tina's nipples were on full display. God in heaven! Maybe it was because she had gotten sexually excited wearing a dress like that, but, wow, they had to be two inches long at least! And they were the thickness of wine corks! Man! Ernesto could just imagine himself sucking on those unbelievable nipples. Just the sight of them was beginning to make him unbearably stiff!
    Tina walked up to Ernesto to greet him. Jiggle, quiver, bounce, and shake! The way Tina's massive tits galloped and swayed as she tottered over to her lover on her wobbly, 6" heels was almost too sexy to bear! Ernesto was afraid he was going to leak a load in his pants just from the sight of seeing Tina's massive bosom float and jiggle in response to her taking those few steps toward him! Tina and Ernesto then lightly embraced. Jesus! Her enormous breasts were actually crushing his groin! — unbelievable, just unbelievable!
    "It is so nice to see you, Tina," he said while giving his date a light kiss on her full, fat lips. He would have liked to have done a lot more than that, but their dinner reservations were only fifteen minutes off. Shit! His cock was just throbbing! Wow! Ernesto was in serious need of sexual release!
    The sight of Tina in the Dress, however, made it abundantly clear that this release was going to be his tonight! No girl would ever wear a dress like that if she didn't intend to have her boyfriend's cock plunging in and out of her pussy before the evening was over!
    They were seated in Restaurant Salvador Bahia a few minutes later. Tina had jammed her body up against Ernesto's, and the couple were holding hands. Minutes later, they were slowly caressing their hands and arms. They were really starting to get hot and bothered over each other! Already, Tina knew she had picked the right night to wear the Dress!
    The restaurant staff was keeping its distance. They could tell from Tina's attire and the way the couple was jammed together in the booth that they should rattle some dishes at a respectable distance before coming around the corner to the table. When a couple were this hot, they often appreciated some advance warning before the waiter made an appearance!
    Ernesto's cool demeanor was going out the window. He wanted this girl; he just had to have her! Jesus! Every minute he spent with Tina in Restaurant Salvador Bahia was heightening his conviction that Tina was the girl he had been searching for his entire life! Besides, she was acting like she wanted him, too, and in the worst way, besides. Why not go with the flow?
    Ernesto had placed his palm on as much of Tina's thigh as was not covered by her gigantic bosom. The edge of his hand was lightly pressed up against the small portion of Tina's mega-bosom that was covered by the stretchy-cloth base of the Dress. It was the first contact his hands had made with her unimaginably gigantic knockers! It was inconceivably exciting!
    Ernesto then began to use both hands to stroke and grope Tina's sleek, well-shaped thighs. In no time flat, his hands were above Tina's stocking tops and were even playing with her garter straps! The hot, giant-breasted beauty wiggled her rump in pleasured reaction. Jesus! Ernesto's frantically searching hands were soon up around the swelling curve marking the bottom of Tina's ass cheeks. Fuck! The Dress was so short that a fellow could find his hands all over his sweetheart's ass before he had even encountered her hemline!
    The overwhelmingly sexy feel of that hot flesh made Ernesto eject a load of pre-cum into his pants. The poor guy was just simply losing it!
    "You're so beautiful, Tina," Ernesto murmured, "and so sweet, too," he groaned.
    "Baby," Tina moaned, as she stroked Ernesto's cheek with her soft palm.
    With a moan, Ernesto pulled the stupendously buxom woman into his arms. Within a second, their full, fat lips were slipping and sliding against each other. Only seconds after that, their mouths had opened wide and Tina's long, snaky tongue was darting in and out of Ernesto's mouth.
    Ernesto threw caution (and his remains of his tattered strategy) to the winds. He turned his hand over and edged it along Tina's thigh and under her mountainous bosom. The sheer weight of the monstrously gigantic tit was just astonishing! He could soon feel Tina's full, fat nipple; it was so stiff! It was so long!
    By now both Tina and Ernesto were softly moaning. She had moved her hand down into his crotch to lightly trace the huge thick lump that had suddenly appeared in that location. Jesus! On top of everything else, Ernesto was even more massively hung than their embrace of the evening before had suggested! His cock was just enormous! What on earth was his wife thinking of when they "amicably separated?"
    The kiss went on and on; Ernesto could hear wet slurping sounds as their mouths open and closed on each other like beached fish gasping for air. God! He was willing to bet the noise of their passionate kissing could be heard all over the restaurant! His reaction was to fondle the base of Tina's massive tit with even greater fervor!
    Tina responded by rubbing and squeezing Ernesto's amazingly long and improbably thick fuck hose with an equal passion. Yet their waiter did not reappear; he was probably warned off by the loud, wet sounds of the couple's frantic kissing.
    After about ten minutes, the ultra-deep soul kiss finally broke. Tina looked deeply into Ernesto's eyes. Her thick, fat lips were puffy and wet from the amazingly sensuous face swallowing mouth fuck that had just ended.
    "Wow!" she whispered. "And I was worried that you didn't like me!" she smiled.
    "Like you?" Ernesto murmured. "I feel a lot more than that about you, sweetheart. But I respect you, too. I think we had a kiss like that at just the right time!"
    The rest of the meal followed that pattern — only more so! Not much of the excellent Bahian cuisine was consumed. at Tina and Ernesto's table. Instead, the hot, unimaginably randy couple feasted on each other. There were few moments during the rest of their stay in the restaurant when Tina and Ernesto were not hugging, kissing, or groping each other. Their tongues could not stop searching deep into each other's mouths. In addition, Tina spent most of the time with her hand down the front of Ernesto's trousers. Christ! His pecker was so long and so awfully thick! She was not sure if she had ever actually encountered a bigger one!
    For his part, Ernesto shamelessly mauled and fondled Tina's unimaginably gigantic 92" bosom for the remainder of the meal. It was so impossibly huge! Yet it was really firm, as well. Apart from his stroll in Rocinha with Tina so many years ago, he had never even imagined that tits like this could possibly exist! Ernesto had always been a tit man; his motto had always been, "the bigger the better." And these massive mountains of tit meat were the biggest! Their heft and firmness were just overwhelming! He was so hot! This was definitely the girl for him! What's more, he was groaning with the need to prove it to her, and in very specific detail!
    Ernesto's state of excitement was no surprise to Tina; she could feel pre-cum slurping out of her darling's titanium-hard cock on a regular basis. It was clearly time to head back to Tina's apartment so that the sex-crazed lovers could give their bodies the full and leisurely attention they deserved!

Chapter 93

Tina had of course put on her coat before they left the restaurant. Its absence would have caused an absolute riot on the busy sidewalk the very second Tina had stepped through the restaurant door! Even at Carnival sights like essentially bare 92" bosoms were not in evidence!
    The coat proved no barrier to Ernesto, however; as soon as the lovers had gotten seated in their taxi, the frantically hot and bothered man maniacally thrust his hands under the outer garment and resumed his generalized mauling of Tina's shockingly gigantic udders. He simply could not keep his hands off them!
    The taxi driver had similar problems — he could not keep his hands off himself! He had seen the impossibly massive bulges in the woman's coat when the couple approached his cab. He had also seen the man's hands disappear under the coat in pursuit of those unimaginably gargantuan piles of flesh before he had even pulled away from the curb. He had seen as well the woman's hand begin to fondle a truly heroic bulge in the man's trousers. And then finally he had seen the lovers essentially tongue-fuck each other's mouths while their hands frantically groped each other — the man just mauling the woman's impossibly gigantic tits, and the woman frantically rubbing the man's oversized genitals. He had driven lots of lovers in his cab, but never a couple as sizzling hot as these two! The sight was fantastically erotic!
    In response, the driver had eased his throbbing cock out of his pants at the first stoplight. He then tilted the rear view mirror to give himself a front-row view of the show. Naturally, the totally absorbed lovers failed to notice his adjustments. Then, with half an eye on the road and one-and-a-half eyes on the action, the driver vigorously stroked his long hose into release as the taxi headed for Tina's apartment.
    The driver was shaking and grunting and spewing long ropes of sperm all over his dashboard as the taxi pulled up under the canopy to Tina's apartment house. The fellow was going to have an unpleasant clean-up job later but — Man! — what a fucking show those two had put on for him! And they even gave him a R10 tip on top of it!
    The elevator door had not even fully closed on the couple before Ernesto's hands were inside Tina's panties, sensuously cupping her voluptuous ass cheeks. Thank goodness the couple was alone in the lift! As their mouths slammed together for yet another face-swallowing kiss, Tina moaned, "I love you, baby."
    In response, Ernesto pulled Tina up off the ground by her swelling rump; the fantastically over-ripe beauty then wrapped her legs around her lover's waist and began maniacally to fuck his mouth with her frantically thrusting tongue.
    As the elevator door opened onto her floor, Tina had switched to mindlessly licking Ernesto's cheek. This wild, uncontrolled lust was making the ultra-horny fellow moan almost at the top of his lungs. Two mongrel dogs behind the barn in mid-August had nothing on Tina and Ernesto! It was clear that these two out of control satyrs had a lot of loving to share!
    So torrid was the embrace, in fact, that Ernesto did not even bother to put Tina down so the couple could walk along the corridor to her apartment. They simply made their way down the hall with Tina's legs still wrapped around Ernesto's waist and their mouths grinding and sliding against each other. Both their cheeks were shiny with spit. Jesus, these lovers were hot!
    Only when the need to get at Tina's door key posed a problem, did Ernesto finally put his sweetheart back down on the floor. His hot hands continued to cup and squeeze Tina's squirming, curvy butt while she dug in her purse for the key. After months of purposefully keeping his distance, the poor guy just couldn't keep his hands off Tina's hot, sensuous flesh! Ernesto was in desperate need of some truly hot ultra buxom loving. He was in luck; he was frantically mauling just the woman who could give it to him!

Chapter 94

Once they were safely inside Tina's apartment, things only got hotter! As Tina turned around to melt into her lover's arms, she could see that her boy friend had turned into an absolute wild animal. From the frenzied look in Ernesto's eyes, Tina could tell that she was truly going to get her brains fucked out this evening! This man was going to ravish her in ways she had rarely experienced, ever! This man was totally out of control! Man! Was she in for it!
    And do you know what? Tina couldn't wait! She had fallen so hard for Ernesto that she was eager to take everything he could dish out. And guess what else? Ernesto was going to be stunned when he got a hint of what Tina had in store for him!
    Tina engaged in one preparatory act; she tore off the coat and threw it into a chair. She knew that Ernesto was too frantically hot to bother with buttons! Unless she took it off immediately, the coat had a half-life of mere seconds!
    Of course, once the coat was off, Tina was standing in the middle of the room wearing only ... the Dress! Amazingly, the bases of her monstrously gigantic breasts were still trapped inside the Dress. As Tina stepped into Ernesto's arms, her fantastically huge, meaty tits jiggled and quivered like half-set Jell-O; the Dress was not doing much to prevent Tina's massive bosom from following the course of least resistance!
    The effect on Ernesto was astonishingly arousing. The poor fellow, who only weeks ago had steeled himself to look at Tina at no point below her chin, was now unable to tear his eyes away from her inconceivably massive, jiggly bosom! It was so huge! And he had dreamed of fondling it, licking it, and then sucking it for so very long!
    Very soon, another jaw breaking French kiss was in progress. After passionately licking the insides of Tina's hot, wet mouth, Ernesto began to frantically tongue her super-thick lips like an overly friendly puppy.
    He then slowly drew her obese lower lip into his mouth. Jesus! Tina's lip was so fat, so thick, that it nearly filled up his entire mouth! Ernesto had never imagined that a lover's lip could be almost too much for a mouthful! Fuck! Over the years, he had actually drawn tits into his mouth that were not as big as Tina's soft, succulent lower lip. Wow!
    The sensation was so sexy that, as he passionately sucked and sucked on the inconceivably soft, improbably thick lip, he could feel more pre-cum leaking into his pants! Sucking on Tina's lips was such an erotic act that he repeated the process with her upper lip. He suffered some additional leakage from his cock during this ravishing as well.
    Meanwhile, Tina's moaning got louder and louder. At last, she could not stand it; it was absolutely time to get naked! She stepped back out of Ernesto's arms, and whispered, "Let's get real sexy on the couch for a few minutes, honey. And then I want to go with you into the bedroom. I want to make love with you so badly, precious!"
    Tina stood in front of the couch and arched her back so as to thrust her colossal bosom in Ernesto's direction. "Baby, that dress is so sexy! I've never seen anything like it!" Ernesto moaned.
    The unimaginably buxom woman blew a kiss to her lover. "Here's something even sexier, lover," she said with a wink. "Watch!"
    Tina reached behind her back to unzip the Dress. The act of locating the zipper and then working it down her back caused Tina's gigantic tits to arch and thrust in all directions in response to her bodily twisting. Ernesto experienced another slurp of pre-cum as the price of admission to this surpassingly erotic show!
    Tina stripped off the dress and her panties. She was now nearly nude; she had on only a garter belt, a pair of violet-tinted stockings, and her six-inch heeled shoes.
    Free of the restraint of the Dress, Tina's massive, just unbelievably gigantic breasts now hung freely down to her upper thighs. Ernesto thought he might simply faint in reaction to this amazing sight! With her added weight and concomitant breast expansion, Tina in the nude was little more than a pair of gargantuan breasts propped up on a pair of legs! Fucking unbelievable!
    Just as arousing, Tina's nipples had grown; they were now, Ernesto gauged, three inches long. Wow! This incredible piece of ass was clearly getting as hot as he was!
    Tina was looking at Ernesto with real pain in her eyes; it was plainly the discomfort of almost unbearable sexual arousal. She was now arching her back almost to the breaking point in order to offer her gigantic bosom to her lover as forcefully and as wantonly as she knew how.
    "Honey ... baby ... lover ..." Tina groaned. "Come over here to the couch, precious. I want you to love my bosom. Oh, honey, it's so sensitive ... it needs your loving so badly! I need you to suck my nipples and lick my areolae and squeeze my tit meat and rub my tits and fondle my knockers like you've never done to a girl before. Oh, baby! Give my bosom a real loving ... Please! And then I just need you to fuck me all night long! Oh, baby, come over here right this minute!"
    Tina was now just whimpering with consuming need and crazed lust. After all, this was the man ... Mr Right! ... the knight in shining armor ... the one she would spend the rest of her life with ... she was sure of it! How could she not be going around the bend with debilitating sexual excitement when Mr Right was about to fuck her eyes out?
    Ernesto was losing it himself; he had reached down to rub and squeeze his massive, utterly stiff cock. It was just throbbing with desire. He had never been this worked up in his life — just never! Tina was the hottest, most arousing woman he had ever encountered — by far! And he was beginning to realize that she was probably going to be the last woman in his life, as well. Jesus! It was suddenly dawning on him, in other words, that Tina was the One for him!
    After ripping off his suit coat and tie and kicking off his shoes, Ernesto walked up to Tina on shaking, trembling legs. He knew he was about to embark on the sex trip of his lifetime! This girl had it all, and she was about to give it all to him. Jesus! What a babe she was!
    The hotter than hot lover reached down below Tina's waist and lightly cupped the enormous base of Tina's colossal right tit in both hands. Christ! It was so massive! He then began to leverage it upward. Its shocking weight demanded no small effort just to lift the gigantic cylinder of breast flesh! His hands frantically traced its bulbous shape as he lifted; only seconds later Ernesto's fingers began to sink deep into Tina's almost endless expanse of tit meat.
    As his hands frantically mauled the gigantic knocker, Ernesto suddenly felt his throbbing, aching cock head start to buzz. Jesus! The unimaginable thrill of handling Tina's gargantuan tit had made him shoot his wad! Fuck!
    At the very moment Ernesto had blown lunch in his pants, Tina had eagerly begun to undo his trousers. She was soon pulling down his boxer shorts.
    "My God, Ernesto," she exclaimed. "your shorts are absolutely sticky with jism! It's all over the place, honey!" She looked up at her lover with a smirk! "Did precious cream in his jeans?" she playfully taunted.
    Ernesto smiled and then responded in kind. "He sure did, baby ... and given your beautiful face and incredible body, I'm surprised he held out as long as he did!" Tina grinned in return and then took off Ernesto's shirt. The lovers were now essentially naked.
    Tina was pulling on Ernesto's long, amazingly thick cock. "It's still as hard as a rock, though, honey!" Tina observed. "I don't think a little blown lunch is going to slow us down one bit!"
    Tina was frankly astonished at the size of Ernesto's dick. It was just huge! She knew from fondling his massive pecker though his clothes that Ernesto was really hung, but ... Wow! Ernesto was a big as a horse! His giant dick reminded her of a tennis racket handle! Although he was just about as stiff as it was possible for a guy to get, Ernesto's enormous pecker was actually drooping from its own weight as it extended out from his body!
    It was so thick, too! Tina could not begin to get her fingers around it; she doubted that her curled fingers were encompassing even half of the giant tool. Wow! Ernesto was clearly a candidate for a two-handed jack-off! Hmmm! Was this the man for her, or what!
    Ernesto's cock head was gigantic as well. It was about the size of a plum, or maybe even a small apple. It was going to be tough getting this long, thick shaft with its bloated head inside her mouth. Hell, it was going to be a tight fit in her pussy! But it was going in both places real soon because it just had to! Tina needed it! One way or another, Tina was determined to get up close and personal with that giant slab of pork.
    Without letting go of his super-thick love muscle, Tina stood up on her tiptoes and licked Ernesto's cheek. "Let's sit on the couch and really play with our bodies, darling," she whispered. "For one thing, I can't wait to get better acquainted with that giant cock of yours!"
    As Tina turned around, Ernesto thought once again that he might faint on account of sensory overload! Tina's colossal breasts had totally obscured the front of her trunk, pelvis, and upper thighs, but from the rear he was able to see the sexy additional touch of her garter belt and stocking tops. Even more amazing, he could actually see a portion of Tina's giant areolae even while he stood directly behind the over-ripe, much too buxom beauty. Oh, Mother of God! Ernesto thought he might just crumple to the floor in reaction to the extreme eroticism of this sight! This woman was too much!
    Ernesto was so glad he had let himself be guided by the principle of the bigger the better. As a reward for his consistency, he was about to make love to the biggest! And that made them definitely the best! If only he could get over to the couch without fainting on account of the sensory overload being caused by the sight of Tina's massively ponderous, truly colossal, hangers of tit meat!
    Tina turned halfway around and smiled. Her massive breasts gently quivered and swayed on account of her body movement. "Do you like what you see, precious?" She could tell from Ernesto's dropped jaw that she was having quite an effect on her lover!
    Ernesto had been struck dumb by the spectacle of Tina's extreme voluptuousness in the flesh. He was able only to nod, "Yes," in response. Tina then took her lover by the hand and led him to the couch. "Lie down, darling," she breathed. "I want to feed you one of my huge tits."
    Ernesto lay down on the couch, groaning in anticipation. His massive, granite-like cock was waving in the air. Tina sat down beside him and started to feed him her right breast. Its colossal size, however, was giving her logistical problems.
    "Help me, sweetheart," she moaned. "My breasts have gotten so big lately that I need help lifting them up off my chest!"
    Ernesto eagerly pitched in! Soon, all four hands had lifted the giant breast to his lips. "Suck my nipple, baby," Tina groaned. "Just lick it and suckle it!"
    Tina and Ernesto eased the huge nipple into his mouth. Jesus, was it big! Ernesto had never dreamed that they made nipples this long and this thick! He passionately swirled his tongue all around the rock-hard appendage. God! How could a nipple get this hard?
    Tina's breasts had gotten so massive in the last year or so that there was no overlap in the four hands offering the colossal tit up to Ernesto's mouth. Naturally, he took the opportunity to frantically maul the giant column of tit flesh out of which the cork-sized nipple proudly protruded. All the while, Ernesto's tongue continue to lick the nipple; on account of his growing passion, the strength of Ernesto's sucking had markedly increased!
    Soon, Ernesto felt a stream of liquid enter his mouth. Jesus! Tina was leaking tit-cum! And not just a little trickle, but a veritable flood of breast juice was running down his throat! He passionately gulped it down.
    Ernesto suddenly felt a sympathetic flood of liquid spurt out of his cock head! God! He was doing it again! But so what, because he could tell that in spite of this splat of jism, his cock had remained stiffer than ever! It was going to take a lot more than a few random premature ejaculations to overcome the thrill of playing with Tina's inconceivably arousing bosom!
    The lovers then switched breasts; the passionate loving of Tina's left nipple produced even more tit cum than its predecessor! Man! Ernesto realized he could be happy repeating this breast play every day for the rest of his life!
    After about half an hour of tit-sucking, Tina moved Ernesto's massive dick up against his stomach and lay down with her lover, her trunk and breasts pressed up against his hard, heavily muscled body. "That was so wonderful!" Tina moaned. She looked deeply into his eyes. "You're the one for me, baby ... for ever and ever!"
    In response, Ernesto hugged the spectacularly giant-breasted woman as close to his chest as her colossal tits would allow. The super-hot lovers were soon wildly hugging and kissing. In between and during kisses, Ernesto was devoting a lot of energy to pummeling Tina's mammoth bosom. It took both hands and a lot of effort to pull one of those unbelievably ponderous mothers out of her lap and into his hands, but the thrill of squeezing and indenting the gigantic piles of flesh with his wildly roaming fingers was just overwhelmingly exciting.
    Tina was absolutely obsessed with Ernesto's giant cock. It was so long and especially very thick! Jesus! It was as thick as her forearm! She couldn't even imagine how many inches around it must be! Feeling something that massive plunging in and out of her cunt was going to be incredibly thrilling! Wow! She could live with a colossal dick like that for a lifetime!
    The thick veins than ran up and down Ernesto's massive shaft were particularly exciting! Tina's pussy started to leak rivers of cum juice all over the couch cushion as she fantasized about what a job those protruding veins were going to be doing very soon to the walls of her slippery, mucous-coated pussy. Wow! She might be in for the fuck of her life!
    "Baby," she moaned, "I love you so much! And I especially love that giant cock of yours! I've always said, the bigger the better, but this ... Oh, honey ... I never thought a penis could get that big! This is going to be the most thrilling lovemaking of my life!"
    "Mine, too," Ernesto groaned.
    The couple were soon once again swallowing each other's faces. The sucking, sloshing sounds of uncontrolled French kissing soon filled the room. God! The way Tina's fantastically fat, swollen lips migrated all over and even enveloped his face while they kissed was making Ernesto unimaginably stiff.
    While the couple wildly kissed, licked, and sucked each other's faces, Ernesto had begun finger fucking his darling. Three long fingers were gently slipping in and out of Tina's utterly dripping pussy. Ernesto had never before encountered such a soaked cunt. It was nearly liquefied! Jesus! His fingers were making really loud sucking sounds as they traveled in and out of the drenched pussy. God! Tina was the hottest bitch alive!
    Meanwhile, Tina was busy pulling on Ernesto's giant cock. She had to encircle it with both hands to really get the cock skin moving up and down, of course. From the way Ernesto was grunting and groaning in between kisses, Tina was pretty sure she had the technique down pat!
    Tina wanted that giant putz in her mouth so badly! She wanted it deep inside her pussy even more. It was time to move the action into the bedroom so that both her wishes could come true!
    "Honey," Tina moaned as the couple's lips parted after a particularly long-lasting, spit-splattering French kiss, "let's go in the bedroom so we can really stretch out. I want to show you how dearly I love you!"

Chapter 95

The sizzling hot lovers were soon lying in Tina's huge bed; they were both almost overly ready for the next stage of their loving. "Honey," she moaned, "I want to get you really hard. Plus, girls just love it when a guy is really hung. So for a lot of reasons, I want to play with your huge cock for a while before we start fucking!"
    Tina had begun to whimper on account of her overpowering sexual frenzy. "Sweetheart," she cried, "I want that giant thing of yours so badly! And I want it every which way!"
    Tina's fingers — all ten of them! — were curled around Ernesto's giant cock. She had begun once again to fondle the big meaty mass of love meat. Jesus! The guy was bigger than a mule! As she tightened her grip and moved up to Ernesto's cock head, Tina could feel the slipperiness caused by his oozing pre-cum. She began to milk the giant shaft; in response, new eruptions of love juice were soon running down her fingers and then all over her hand and wrist. God, this guy was hot!
    Tina then leaned forward to run her eager tongue all over Ernesto's sperm and pre-cum encrusted cock head. His cock hole continued to leak love juice in response to the feel of Tina's flickering hot tongue as it slithered and swirled all over the red, swollen flesh. God! Her lips were actually getting oily from the musk-smelling discharge that simply would not stop oozing out of Ernesto's cock!
    Then, with her amazingly thick lips first slightly parted and then with her mouth fully opened almost to the breaking point, Tina took Ernesto's plum sized cock head deep into her mouth. In response, the giant putz began to jerk and shudder out of nearly debilitating sexual frenzy! Ernesto gave a groan so pleasure-laden that Tina was sure that, on account of the mind-boggling size of the head of his penis, most girls typically took at most half of Ernesto's oversized cock head into their mouths and called it a blow job! Not this girl! She was taking in all that and more! Every inch of that giant piece of beef was going to get sucked tonight!
    Tina began to straddle Ernesto's body so that her dripping pussy was aimed at his head. Using both hands, she rearranged her colossal breasts to either side of her lover's trunk; if she simply let them naturally pillow between their bodies, the gargantuan mass of tit flesh would act as a barrier and prevent Tina from getting very much of Ernesto's massive shaft into her mouth.
    Thus positioned, Tina's overly fat, full lips began to gather Ernesto's forearm-sized putz into the warmth of her sucking, swallowing mouth. His hands were free to roam, and they did; they immediately began to rub and pummel Tina's gigantic breasts. The poor guy was really moaning now!
    Ernesto's massive cock head was now deep inside Tina's mouth. But its journey was far from over. During her years "on the program," Tina had perfected the art of deep-throating a guy, even fellows with king-sized dicks. She was not sure that any cock as long and thick as this one had ever made the trip all the way in, but her love and passion for Ernesto meant she was going to bring all her expertise as a lover to bear on swallowing its entire length!
    By now, the colossal penis had begun to slide further and further into the practiced slackness of Tina's throat. It was really a tight fit! Tina had learned how to control the reflexive spasms that usually protest the passage of a foreign object down one's throat. She could take a cock down deep, really deep!
    The problem was that Ernesto's now utterly engorged and rock hard shaft was almost bigger around than her gullet! This meant that she could not breathe very well when the giant cock was actually plunging down her throat. As a result, Tina had to carefully time her breathing so that she took deep breaths as her lips and swirling tongue reached the apogee of their trips back up to Ernesto's massive cock head.
    Up, down, up down. Before long the entire shaft was getting swallowed on the down stroke; Tina's huge, thick lips were actually brushing the hilt of Ernesto's throbbing love muscle. Her mouth was traveling all the way from the very tip of Ernesto's cock head to the absolute base of his shaft; it was all going in! Jesus! Tina's nose was actually bumping into Ernesto's abdomen on trip down to the hilt of his dick!
    Tina just knew that Ernesto had never had his glass blown like this. She doubted that he had ever had as much as half of his cock inside a girl's mouth — if that! But tonight — and ever after — it was going all the way in all the time!
    Ernesto was so excited! Tina could feel her lover lunging, as he tried to slam his cock back into her mouth each time her lips gravitated up toward his oversized, blood-red cock head. Her lover had graduated from simply getting his cock blown to actively fucking Tina's face as she bobbed up and down on the giant rod.
    The handsome race driver was almost out of his mind with passion and pleasure. On the racing circuit, the top drivers naturally had their pick of the most beautiful and sexy girls around. His friends talked continually of what a fantastic blow job Mimi, or Sheri, or Yvette had given them the night before.
    Ernesto was so handsome, and his cock was known to be so fantastically large, that these party girls always made a bee-line for him whenever he was in a mood for socializing. His tight racing overalls, after all, failed miserably to disguise the outlandish proportions of his oversized sexual equipment. One look at the massive bulge in his racing outfit was enough to ensure that these stunning groupies on the F1 circuits would be looking Ernesto up during the post-race festivities!
    God! There had been so many over the years that he seemed to remember them best through alliteration. Let's see ... there had been Mimi at Monaco ... Juanita at Jarama ... Suzanna at Silverstone... What they all had in common was extreme good looks, killer bodies, and hot sexual performance. On account of Ernesto's well-honed taste for giant breasts, they were uniformly buxom as well — sometimes astonishingly so!
    Still, their blow jobs all left a whole lot to be desired! His gigantic pecker, it seems, was just too big to fit! The truth is that Ernesto had never had much more than his cock head in a girl's mouth. These girl friends had certainly done a lot of licking; in addition, they had all run their wet, open mouths up and down the super-wide shaft of his dick. But tonight for the first time in Ernesto's life his entire cock had slipped all the way in and out of a woman's mouth and throat. And it was happening with a woman much more beautiful, more curvy, and incalculably more buxom than any of those racing circuit acquaintances. Man, could Tina suck a cock!
    Ernesto was not even sure how it was physically possible. The extreme length of his pecker as measured against the space available in Tina's mouth and throat meant that she must be taking his cock nearly all the way down to her stomach! Was that even possible?
    Ernesto had no idea; except the evidence before his own eyes demonstrated it was happening. No doubt about that! And there was one other thing he knew for sure! No way was he going to let this girl get away from him a second time! She was going to be his permanently!
    Ernesto was so overcome with the thrills of being deep-throated, that he suddenly realized he had not been paying sufficient attention to Tina's needs. It was time to give back a little of what he was getting!
    Suddenly, Tina felt Ernesto pull her dripping pussy toward his face. God! She was going to get pleasured, too! How great!
    Ernesto was soon flat-licking Tina's badly swollen, fantastically engorged pussy lips. On the third lick, the almost absurdly buxom woman started to shudder and shake with a really strong orgasm.
    Ernesto kept on going strong. He tightened his grip on Tina's voluptuous thighs so that his tongue could keep working right through her cum. He was soon gently licking her utterly stiffened clitoris; Ernesto could not believe how hard and erect it was. Then, he gently pulled apart Tina's fully distended cunt lips and thrust his long, stiffened tongue deep into her pussy.
    Tina absolutely lost it at this point. She was now endlessly screaming and ceaselessly coming. Her body was jerking and convulsing as if she had been plugged into an electric socket!
    Ernesto's face was absolutely covered with the love foam that was just gushing out of Tina's fantastically dilated cunt. His tongue continued to lap up and down the length of her super-slimy cunt walls; he then switched to swirling the tip of his tongue around its circumference. Then it was back to up and down licks. He would not let up and Tina's orgasms similarly would simply not stop.
    What a lover Ernesto was! Having a guy's tongue all the way up your pussy was just fantastically exciting. And so rare! There were so few guys who could do it! She knew it had happened to her before ... long ago ... who was it, anyway? Tina was just too excited and frenzied to concentrate her faculties in order to remember just who it had been. It would come to her later, she was sure! But not now!
    Tina was not so excited, however, that she forgot what she was about. She kept deep-throating her sweetheart without a pause right through her almost non-stop series of orgasms.
    All of a sudden, she felt her lover's body start to tense and his massive cock begin to shudder. On this, their first night of lovemaking, it was deeply important to Tina that Ernesto's first cum take place while he was inside her. With a "pop," she hurriedly released the jerking, throbbing pecker from her mouth. It was definitely time to start fucking!

Chapter 96

Tina's outer cunt lips were astonishingly puffy and nearly purple; it was a sign that she badly need her lover's giant pud inside her! She reluctantly pulled her mouth off the giant cock and turned her body around to lock eyes with her man ... her Mr Right ... at last! "Fuck me, honey!" Tina whispered huskily.
    Tina scooted over to the edge of the bed and placed her curvy rump so that it was positioned right on the edge of the mattress. Her legs were hanging down toward the floor. "Get up, precious," she moaned, "and fuck me while you're standing up. That way you can go really deep!"
    Ernesto obediently got off the bed. His cock was wildly pulsating. By now he was so stiff that that the iron-hard tool was standing almost straight up; Ernesto's cock head was actually grazing his nipples! Even more exciting, the many thick veins along the almost inconceivable length of his stallion-sized cock were just bulging with blood. It made Ernesto look as if he had just donned a French tickler for the evening's entertainment!
    As Ernesto approached his giant-titted lover, Tina rolled back in order to aim her dripping cunt hole directly at the approaching sex weapon. Drops of clear pre-cum made Ernesto's cock head glisten with the promise of hot sex. As he leaned in toward her drenched pussy, Tina wrapped her gorgeous legs around the sex-stunned man's waist. She placed a hand on the underside of his gargantuan penis; the thick shaft appreciatively jumped and quivered in response. With both hands, she then rubbed the tip of the massive tool against her sex-slick cunt lips. Man, did she need that incredibly thick cock inside her body right now!
    Ernesto leaned in a little further and began to work his plum-sized cock head between his sweetheart's fantastically engorged pussy lips. Jesus! His heart was thudding with excitement and anticipation. This was going to be the fuck of his life!
    Tina was so hot, so fantastically open! The head of Ernesto's prick was sliding into the mouth of her cunt like a knife through butter! Tina was wiggling her rump in a clear invitation to Ernest to plunge the whole of his massive love log deep in her cunt.
    Tina put a hand between her legs to grope for Ernesto's huge balls. She began to caress his testicles, rolling them gently between her fingers. God! Their skin was so soft, especially when compared to the hard stones lurking inside its smooth outer covering.
    Ernesto had very gradually begun to lengthen his fuck strokes. He was now leaning way back in order to withdraw his cock until only its tip remained nestled between Tina's outer pussy lips. In one long smooth stroke, he would slide it back down her love channel.
    As Ernesto grunted and groaned, he realized that some six inches of his cock were not slipping inside his lover's steamy, dripping cunt. He was just too big to fit! Tina realized it too — God! — she had to have it all!
    Tina frantically began to pump her hips. She was now madly clenching her pussy muscles in order to suck Ernesto's giant shaft deeper into her depths. At the same time, she rolled a bit farther back on her spine in order to give her massively hung lover a more direct shot at her cervix.
    "All the way in, precious," she screamed, "I need it all the way in!"
    Tina's physical and vocal efforts were rewarded. Ernesto's giant hunk of pork sank another inch or two into her steaming, convulsing cunt.
    The cock-crazy beauty reached down from her clit to her cunt; her right hand had been continually playing with her clitoris every since Ernesto's horse-sized dick had first started to slip inside her pussy lips. She could feel that about three inches of prick remained outside her pussy on each fuck stroke. She began bucking and squeezing even harder; she just had to get it all in!
    As Ernesto responded by slamming both deeper and harder into the very bottom of her reproductive canal, a fantastically strong wave of orgasms began to ripple from head to toe through Tina's shuddering body. Hot sex juice was just gushing out of her overflowing cunt; it was even dripping onto Ernesto's balls!
    Tina was sobbing with passion. She desperately needed every last inch of Ernesto's massive hunk of meat inside her pussy. "Just ram that sucker all the way in, she cried, "I need it all, right now!" Tina was now pumping her voluptuous hips in an absolutely crazed manner in order to encourage her lover to plunge deeper. Drool was pouring out the corner of her mouth, and her body and hair were just soaked with perspiration!
    Ernesto aimed to please! He slowly withdrew his giant putz until his cock head was just about to withdraw from Tina's full, wet cunt lips. He could see that his massive shaft was just shimmering with cunt juice. Jesus! Was he getting well lubricated, or what?
    With a deep grunt, the super-hung lover then just absolutely slammed the entire improbable length of his stallion-sized cock all the way down to the hilt! Ernesto just buried his giant tool into the absolute depths of Tina's pussy!
    The truth is that Ernesto never intended to be rough with Tina — quite the contrary! — but her insistent demands for "all of it" plus his own frantic, instinctual need to bury his thick hose as far in as it would go, led him to forget himself for a moment.
    In the process, Ernesto had violently (if thoughtlessly) crushed his cock head against Tina's cervix! Never before had the ultra-buxom woman felt such a mingled combination of sharp pain and extreme pleasure. This man! What was he doing to her? She knew one thing — he'd better not stop!
    Ernesto continued to ram his granite-hard shaft at Tina's womb in exactly the same fashion. On each succeeding stroke, Tina found that the percentage of pain was decreasing and the portion of thrilling pleasure was increasing. After about a dozen strokes it was all pleasure! And what amazingly thrilling pleasure it was!
    Tina was astonished at how deep her lover was going! It felt like Ernesto's bloated cock head was plunging all the way up to her breastbone! How was this physically possible. She certainly knew the location of her womb and cervix; they were nowhere near that point! Was her lover's massive cock rearranging her insides? Tina decided to ignore these anatomical considerations and simply enjoy the fact that she had never before felt such sexual pleasure in her life!
    Tina's body began to celebrate that fact with a new but now very familiar wave of orgasms. Her shaking, shuddering body was now being clenched by a seamless, unending, rippling orgasm.
    God! She wanted Ernesto to come too. She resumed clenching her cunt like a fist in order to grip, to squeeze, and then ultimately to milk, this giant prick that was absolutely filling up her fuck canal. The extreme thickness of Ernesto's forearm-thick cock was reaming Tina out so thoroughly that he was afraid her lover might blow out her eardrums!
    Tina couldn't remember the last time she had been fucked like this — if ever! For one thing, the bulging veins on Ernesto's sliding cock were making their coupling even more thrilling than she could have dreamed possible! The extraordinary thickness of his cock had taken up every single bit of available space inside her stretched-out pussy. Yet these long, prominent bulges on Ernesto's cock demanded additional space of their own. But there was no place left for them to fit. So what! — they did anyway! The result made the combined sensation of feeling Ernesto's cock and its bulging veins rub her cunt walls almost too unimaginably thrilling to bear! Tina felt as if she was in danger of fainting from this overpowering sexual excitement.
    Ernesto was now gripping Tina's ass cheeks with both hands in order to hold Tina's writhing, pumping rump in place while his cock just drilled her womb and cervix. On each lunge, Ernesto's giant balls would violently slap against Tina's swiveling bottom and his pelvic bone would just mash her fully-extended and stiffened clitoris! Wow! The lovers were utterly and completely out of control!
    Ernesto's stallion-sized cock was so inconceivably stiff! Tina could not believe it was possible for mere human flesh to get this amazingly hard! Jesus! It felt to the unbelievably buxom, lushly curved beauty that her lover was fucking her with an iron rod! God! He was clearly so excited! And so, it should be added, was she!
    The lovers' screams, grunts, moans, and shouts filled the room. Tina had gotten so unbelievably wet on account of this inconceivably arousing evening with Ernesto, that each time his thrusting boner slammed home, an absolute shower of cunt juice exploded out of Tina's cunt! The lovers' pelvises and stomachs were getting covered with this remarkable spray of love juice and foam! It was even getting sprayed in their faces!
    The sucking sounds that accompanied each of Ernesto's plunges into Tina's depths were, needless to say, very loud and very exciting! Ernesto had never before experienced such noisy and arousing vaginal sound effects!
    In truth, the fellow had never been so excited in his life! He could tell that a fantastically intense orgasm was coming up fast. His giant cock felt so warm, so full! It was as if Tina's hot cunt was just roasting his penis! His cock skin was burning! Each trip down Tina's soaked, clenching twat felt like a fiery massage! Ernesto knew he had only a few strokes left before he started spurting astonishingly powerful ropes of steaming jism at his lover's womb.
    He wanted somehow to prolong the inevitable. Accordingly, Ernesto stopped pumping and, for a few moments, simply held his throbbing cock motionless inside his darling's slimy fuck canal. Tina knew exactly why Ernesto had stopped, but her body didn't approve; it just had to keep fucking. Almost involuntarily, Tina began once again to use the strong muscles of her mucous-slick cunt to suck on her lover's becalmed pecker while at the same time accelerating the wild pumping of her swiveling rump.
    Ernesto could see that Tina was too sex-crazed to even consider a break in the action. It was time to carry on to the finish! First, though, he leaned down and threw his open mouth at Tina to start an almost unbelievably passionate French kiss. Ernesto was moaning very loudly as his tongue frantically searched Tina's mouth; he finished by pulling her amazingly fat lips into his mouth in turn and feasting on them for a few moments.
    God! It was so difficult to French kiss and fuck Tina at the same time! Her bosom was so gigantic that it was almost impossible to push down through the pillows of soft tit meat in order to clasp his mouth to hers. Almost, but not impossible!
    Then, it was time for the finish! Ernesto's hips started slamming, piston-like, against his sweetheart's pelvis. He continued to slide his fat, long, stallion-sized pecker all the down into the far reaches of Tina's convulsing twat. As he withdrew his massive shaft to repeat the onslaught, her vaginal muscles mindlessly clamped on the retreating pecker as she tried to retain Ernesto's bloated cock-head inside her pussy.
    The attempt failed every single time. Ernesto pulled nearly all the way out and then mercilessly and almost brutally continued to drill his darling with his throbbing, jerking slab of pork.
    The mechanics of the maneuver were actually a bit tricky. Ernesto's monumentally thick pecker was so incredibly long that in order to pull out far enough on the up stroke so that his plum-sized cock head was grazing his darling's pussy lips, he had to lean so far back on his heels that he nearly tipped over backwards on each fuck stroke!
    Still, Ernesto had a good sense of balance; he made it work. As he reached the point at which his huge cock head was nearly out of Tina's pussy altogether, Ernesto would shift his weight to the balls of his feet and hurl his entire body in the direction of his sweetheart's pelvis. The procedure meant that his thrusting, rock hard cock slammed back down Tina's dripping love canal with a particular forcefulness on each lunge.
    God! It was so exciting for both lovers. Tina did not know if she ever had been fucked with such intensity. She could not remember having her pussy walls so strongly rubbed — ever! Every single nerve in her cunt was being brutally assaulted by the almost impossible thickness and length of her lover's horse-sized cock. Wow! Could she look forward to a lifetime of loving like this? She couldn't wait!
    It was great for Ernesto as well. The manner in which Tina kept tightly clenching his pecker as the giant muscle roared up and down her super-slick cunt was almost unbearably arousing. Jesus! The way Tina's vaginal muscles were clamped on Ernesto's massive dick made him feel as if he were fucking a virgin! At the same time, Tina's incredible state of arousal meant that her love highway was amazingly lubricated. Ernesto had never before experienced such a combination of vaginal tightness and welcoming slipperiness! The result: Ernesto's loins were absolutely bursting as he got closer and closer to orgasm.
    The now totally out of control fellow wanted to go even deeper! He gripped Tina's calves and brought her legs up to his shoulders. Her pussy was now perfectly aligned to accept an intensified version of this ruthless sexual onslaught. Tina's juices continue to spurt out of her overflowing cunt as if someone had turned on a garden hose! Her production of hot cum juice was so prodigious that long strands of its foamy residue were hanging down from Ernesto's bloated balls. Those giant testicles were just bursting with hot ropes of spunk yearning to be catapulted down Tina's convulsing pussy in search of every last one of her eggs!
    It was now time to give Tina the final thrill! And himself as well! It would be one she would not expect!
    As he continued to pump away at his sweetheart's dripping, drenched pussy, Ernesto started gathering on his fingertips some of the cunt juice that lay splattered all over their bodies! When his fingers were really wet, he began to rub the sexual liquid all over Tina's puckered anus.
    Ernesto then withdrew his cock from Tina's convulsing pussy altogether for a moment and totally soaked his middle finger in her liquefied pussy. Again and again he quickly transferred cunt juice to her ass hole. Tina just lay quietly, hardly daring to believe what it seemed likely was going to happen to her.
    Once Tina's rectal orifice was dripping wet from pussy slime, Ernesto slid his jerking cock back into Tina's cunt and resumed his frantic pumping. Ernesto simultaneously wormed his middle finger inside Tina's anus as far as his second knuckle. The ultra-voluptuous beauty went absolutely wild! She started screaming and tried even harder to grind her cunt more tightly against Ernesto's thrusting cock!
    Ernesto continued to ease his now-wiggling finger even farther up Tina's ass; before long, its entire length was buried between her plump, writhing ass cheeks. With the palm of his hand clamped to Tina's luscious rump, Ernesto started to rotate his hand in order to make his deeply buried finger more strongly push against her clitoris!
    Tina absolutely exploded! The giant-titted beauty was just self-destructing! The resulting orgasm was perhaps the most intense of her life. Not only her cunt but also her anus was convulsing with sexual thrills. Jesus! Just as Tina's cunt was writhing against her lover's cock, her ass hole was equally convulsing around his buried middle finger.
    "Ohhhh ... Ohhh ... Ohh!" she screamed as a new and heavy load of love juice freely gushed from between her cunt lips! Tina's inconceivably voluptuous body was just shaking and shuddering and jerking with the cum of her life!
    All this was too much for Ernesto! The terminally horny, super-hung fellow suddenly felt a deeply searing sensation in his anus. In less than a second, it had rushed to his balls. Less than a second after that, he could feel it taking control of his throbbing, horse-sized cock.
    "Arrgh! ... Uggh! ... Narg!" Ernesto's body was now wildly convulsing and uncontrollably shaking. He had never felt sexual shudders like this! Never! Just never! Absolutely unimaginable thrills were coursing though his body! "Fuck! ... Jesus! ... It's so good! ... so strong!"
    Twenty seconds into this matchlessly powerful orgasm, an inconceivably, compellingly urgent rope of hot spunk rocketed out of his cock hole and splattered forcefully down the length of Tina's still-shuddering and convulsing pussy.
    Jesus! How long was this stream of spunk going to last? It went on and on! Ernesto supposed that in a sense some of that jism had been lurking in his testicles for fifteen years in order to complete its much-delayed journey into Tina's pussy! At the least, that image represented a deep metaphorical and psychological truth; he had been desperate to fuck this giant-titted beauty for years, and had not even been really aware of it!
    Finally, the first spurt of sticky goo played itself out. Another followed it almost immediately. And then another. And then by more still. By now Ernesto's orgasm was well over a minute in length. He had never cum for so long a time.
    And the orgasm was so overwhelmingly strong! The humming, tingling, almost electric thrill of his cum was making every single cell of his body just glow with frantic excitement! This orgasm was not only the most powerful of his life; it was the most powerful by a factor of ... three, four ... who could even calculate what multiple to apply?
    Tina and Ernesto were sobbing with joy. Both knew that the most serious kind of unfinished business was being resolved as yet another hot stream of sperm in search of Tina's ovaries spewed out of Ernesto's giant cock! Ernesto could tell that the force of the cum was so Herculean that Tina was being literally rocked as the powerful shots of sperm slammed again and again up against her cervix. "Oh, baby, keep filling me up!" she screamed.
    This prodigious delivery of sperm had long ago overflowed the space available to hold it. Rivers of spunk were gushing out of Tina's flaccid, bruised pussy lips as new shots of jism spurted out of Ernesto's jerking cock to take its place. Ernesto's fuck strokes were acting like a plunger; each time he hit bottom, he forced another clot of sperm to hurl itself out through Tina's cunt lips and all over the lovers' bodies!
    This delivery and almost immediate displacement of the hot, sticky clots of love goo was making the sucking sounds of their fucking become even louder. The effect was to pull even more spunk out of Ernesto's emptying balls!
    Finally, after about two minutes or so, the thrills started to subside for both lovers! Ernesto's cock hole was now merely ejecting little drips of jism. What a loving they had shared! In the glow of the moment, neither could remember anything even remotely as exciting as this!
    And what a mess they had made! Pooled sexual slime absolutely coated their groins. Even though they were nearly floating in pools of sticky sperm and cunt foam, neither lover would let go of the other. In addition, they were too overcome with passion and deep, committed love to even speak!
    Ernesto finally released Tina's legs and slid up along her body so that the lovers were face to face. His softening cock was still inside his lover's hot pussy. It was so thrilling to slide his body against the pillowy resistance of Tina's massive bosom. His tongue instantly but tenderly began to search Tina's hot mouth as the lovers sealed their monumental coupling with a deeply passionate and loving French kiss.
    Tina then wrapped her arms and legs tightly around Ernesto's heavily muscled trunk. Sweat first dripped from their individual bodies and then mingled; their sharing was complete. For a few moments, they rested, motionless and utterly blissful. Truly, the two lovers were utterly and sexually fulfilled.
    Tina tenderly caressed her Mr Right and softly ran her fingertips over his ass and back. She loved the feeling of having his half-stiff cock inside her. She felt so safe in Ernesto's strong and protective arms. She had found her man!
    After a few minutes of this ecstatic peace, Tina could tell that Ernesto's cock was no longer semi-hard. It was getting stiff! She knew that within a few moments the lovers' hips would once again begin to pump in unison as this demonstration of love for each other went on and on!
    Ernesto had started licking Tina's ear; she began to moan in response. Then, her lover started to whisper something in her ear. She strained to hear what it was!
    "Do you rent or own, baby?" he inquired.
    Tina was startled! What an inappropriately business-like question was that to pose at a tender moment like this?
    "Well ... er ... golly." Tina shook her head to clear the cobwebs out of her brain. "I own ... I guess ... this is mine ... I mean, it's a condo, so I own it." Tina gave her man an odd look. What on earth was this all about? "Why do you ask?" she asked with wonder in her voice.
    Ernesto chuckled. "I ask because I needed to know whether we should give notice to your landlord or your realtor!" Ernesto smiled. "You see, baby, after a loving like that, you're no longer living here! You're moving into my penthouse tomorrow. No way am I willing to spend even a single additional night without you in my bed! We are living together — as of this minute!" Ernesto then gave Tina a mock-hard look. "Do you have a problem with that, woman?"
    Tina smiled a smile of deep happiness. She gave her lover a gentle hug followed by a soft kiss on his cheek. "No, Ernesto, my man! ... my Mr Right! ... my knight in shining armor! ... that is exactly what I want, too! I've got no problem with that!"

Chapter 97

Tina slept the very next night under the roof of Ernesto's luxurious Ipanema penthouse (perhaps spent the night is a more accurate way to put it). As our story ends she is there still. If she stands close to the window and looks straight down, Tina can see the street where she first met Ernesto more than fifteen years before.
    Ernesto did indeed retire from racing. He had, through his family, so many interests in local businesses, ranches, and the like, that he had plenty to occupy his time without trying to resurrect a fading career, especially when his physical condition made it unwise to even make the attempt. In addition, his fame as Brazil's greatest Formula One driver ever kept him busy with personal appearances at sporting and charitable events.
    The truth, however, is that Ernesto was not giving his business or other interests the attention they deserved. To be fair, making love to your sweetheart some five or six times a day does cut into the business day. Even six months after they had moved in together, Ernesto and Tina simply found it impossible to keep their hands to themselves. Frankly, they found keeping their privates private absolutely unworkable!
    Tina was ecstatically happy. Because she had gained weight during her period of depression, it is not surprising that once she had moved in with Ernesto and her depressed state had lifted forever, she took charge of her physical condition in a brisk, effective way.
    Even at her greatest weight, the massiveness of Tina's bosom had allowed her to carry that weight so as not to look noticeably heavy at all. Still, Tina could read the scales as well as anyone! Accordingly, she began dieting, working out, and generally getting back into shape. Some 35 pounds had now melted off her voluptuous frame; she now weighed only a few pounds more than her optimum weight as an escort.
    Of course, since a lot of her weight gain went to her bosom, it followed logically that a lot of it came off her breasts as she lost those extra pounds and inches. At her most voluptuous, Tina had a 92" bust; now, as a slim and trim near hard-body, her bust had shrunk to a "mere" 78 inches. Tina now boasted a 78-23-36 figure. That is, she was very trim indeed below the waist but was extraordinarily full figured up top where for Ernesto it really mattered. You'd better believe she looked absolutely spectacular!
    As she had regained her slender figure, Tina began to wonder about cutting her 78" bust line down to size. She raised the issue of breast reduction surgery one evening with Ernesto as they cuddled in between couplings.
    Ernesto frankly turned ashen! More unwelcome words to a devotee of the principle of the bigger the better were scarcely to be imagined!
    "Oh, my God! Tina! Don't even think thoughts like that! Jesus, honey, I love your breasts the size they are!" Ernesto was in a tizzy! "After all, they're actually a lot smaller than they used to be. They're perfect, sweetheart! Promise me you'll never even think of doing anything like that! God!"
    Ernesto had become highly agitated; in fact, Tina had never seen him get so excited. Although Tina could be forgiven for not grasping the point, it was for Ernesto as if he had casually suggested lopping off the front end of his cock! God!
    Tina had yearned for a 38F bust at the largest so that she could walk to the store or on the beach without having to fend off crowds of sex-stricken guys. But if keeping her gigantic knockers at their present size was that important to Ernesto (and you'd better believe it was!), well, then, that was the least she could do for her lover.
    Hell, they were natural after all; it was not as if she could reduce her bust simply by ejecting a couple of bags of saline solution! "Besides," Ernesto had explained, "we can certainly afford to keep you in custom-made brassieres, honey."
    Tina had smiled broadly in response. "'We' — you said 'we," darling; I love the way you said that!"
    Tina's happiness turned into ecstasy one night when Ernesto asked her to accept an engagement ring; the huge diamond he placed on her finger had belonged to his mother. Tina joyfully said, "Yes!" Their sex, which was always astonishingly hot, was actually molten that evening!
    Ernesto had one additional particular request. "Could you stop taking birth control pills, honey. I really do want a family — a big one, actually! — and I know you do too! Since we're engaged and all..."
    Nothing could have made Tina happier. In fact, a fly on the wall in the penthouse several months after that request had been voiced would have noticed a positively beatific smile on Tina's face. She was wearing it for the best of all possible reasons. Tina had just come home from a visit to her gynecologist, and — guess what? — it was time to move up the wedding plans! And not just by a little bit either, because Tina's doctor had just pronounced her to be pregnant! His best guess was that she was about eight to ten weeks along.
    Ernesto had earlier promised that their marriage, otherwise to be preceded by a six-month period of engagement, would be rescheduled to the first legally feasible moment if Tina ever turned up in a family way. Well, this was definitely the time to take Ernesto up on his promise!
    What had the man been thinking of? God! They had been making unprotected, birth control-free love some thirty to forty times a week! Tina wondered how on earth Ernesto had ever thought they were going to make it through the entire six-month engagement period without her getting pregnant!
    Still, Tina knew that Ernesto was going to be overjoyed to find his sweetheart with child. She was going to present him with the baby boy or girl both he and she had yearned for. And then they were almost certainly going to have more down the line!
    Of course, the joys of parenthood were not going to be the only reason for Ernesto's pleasure at this news. Tina expected that during her period of pregnancy and breast-feeding, her already massive udders were going to balloon back up into the 90" range or even more. A 100" bosom was not out of the question! How, she wondered, was a little baby going to be able to fight off its poppa for a turn at the feeding trough? It was going to be a real battle to see who had first dibs on suckling her tits!
    Ah, yes ... her breasts were going to be getting huge again. Tina walked into the living, stood in front of the full-length mirror, and critically examined her figure. As she twirled around and contemplated her swaying mountains of tit flesh, Tina thought that her breasts might have started to swell a bit already. Or was she simply imagining things?
    She then tried to cup her gigantic breasts in her hands. Nope — that was not going to work! Even though she had lost lots of inches up top, each of her amazingly fat, meaty knockers was still much too big for a single hand to hoist! Instead she used both hands to gently cradle the base of her swollen left tit. It seemed to Tina that it was the slightest bit tender ... or was she imagining that, too!
    Tina gave a deep sigh. She had just taken off all this weight, and now a lot of it was going right back on! She sighed again — and when Tina sighed, believe me, there was a whole lot of flesh on the move! Then she smiled ... she was having a baby ... their baby! ... that was well worth the price of gaining lots of extra pounds and inches. Besides, she had taken it off once and could take it off again. And think how overjoyed Ernesto would be at the return of those up-top inches! Yes ... when it came to being pregnant, the plusses greatly outnumbered the minuses. Tina's smile was again beatific; she couldn't remember when she had been so ecstatically happy!

Chapter 98

Because Ernesto was a celebrity, a lot of spillover attention was lavished on Tina as well. She wore what she considered conservative clothes at the obligatory racing and charitable events they often attended. Most striking of all was a tight blouse or sweater that stretched provocatively across Tina's unimaginably huge bosom. Those mountains of tit meat absolutely jutted out of her blouse or sweater on account of the industrial strength, 22-hook, breastbone-to-waist, super-uplift brassiere with cushioned four-inch shoulder straps she wore underneath. A rump-hugging mini-skirt featuring a hem six to eight inches above the knee contested with her monstrously huge bosom for attention from the onlookers. A pair of six-inch heels that helped Tina's many curves jiggle, bounce, and sway inside those sexy clothes completed her typical outfit for these events! You'd better believe everyone noticed her! In fact, bugged out eyes were the order of the day, at least among the male segment of the onlookers!
    Naturally, Tina's fantastic facial beauty, surpassingly luscious, legs, thighs, and ass, and — no surprise here! — impossibly gigantic bosom, made the fantastically beautiful and inconceivably buxom mystery woman the object of growing public speculation. So far, the period between her departure from Rocinha and her engagement to Ernesto had successfully been kept vague. Still, a few muted rumors were quietly circulating; men who had enjoyed Tina's favors during her years "on the program" were probably the ones who had started them.
    Both Tina and Ernesto assumed that sooner or later Tina's status as a former escort would become the subject of newspaper gossip; Ernesto was too much of a celebrity to avoid it. Already, Tina was being described in the gossip columns as a former "model." There were probably some unpleasant disclosures coming up fast!
    Tina was highly gratified at Ernesto's immediate, visceral reaction to that possibility, however: "Fuck 'em! Who cares! You're my woman forever and ever, and I love you with all my heart! Let them talk all they want. It simply does not signify!"
    Pictures of Ernesto and Tina occasionally appeared in the Brazilian newspapers. It often seemed to the couple that photographers tended to shoot these pictures from Tina's angle so as to make Ernesto's fiancée rather than the famous racing driver the focus of the picture. This recurring phenomenon caused the lovers no small degree of amusement! The paparazzi (at the least the male ones) turned out to have natural masculine interests, after all! Or did they simply know what the public wanted?
    One of those pictures, taken of Ernesto, with Tina at his side, presenting trophies at a Brazilian road race, found its way onto a number of Internet newsgroups devoted to breasts — preferably big ones! It then popped up on the website of a Yahoo! Club that was devoted to big breast topics.
    A day later, it had been posted at the Breast Expansion Archive, another big breast web site. "Can anyone ID this unbelievable beauty — is this big titter a morph?" was the plaintive request accompanying the thumbnail version of the picture. After a thread of some 155 responses had thoroughly explored this woman's almost inconceivably buxom attributes, a correspondent living in Rio had managed to identify the mystery woman as Tina Suarez, the fiancée of former Brazilian racing driver Ernesto Collor de Mello. His understanding was that not only was the picture not a morph but that Tina's chest was supposed to be 100% natural!
    Every couple of months or so, a new shot of Tina making a public appearance with Ernesto would get posted on these various websites. Big breast aficionados would quickly download to their hard drives these views of what seemed to these fellows to be, proportionally at least, the most buxom woman on earth.
    R & D Magazine, a big breast web-based periodical, called for sightings and additional pictures of this happy freak of nature! BEhavior, another webzine, featured an essay on Tina; it weighed the question of whether those massive jugs were (a) natural, (b) augmented, or simply (c) latex. Possibility (b) was immediately discarded because implants of that size were thought to be an impossibility This left (a) and (c). A consideration of the principles of human anatomy tended to favor the likelihood of (c), but in the end the author declared himself agnostic on the subject.
    Fellows headed to Rio on vacation promised to keep their eyes open; R & D asked them to report in! Al, the editor of R & D, was especially eager to print candid street shots of the incomprehensibly buxom knock-out. One correspondent actually thought he might have caught a glimpse of Tina walking into a luxurious apartment building just off the Rua Visconde de Piraja in the Ipanema district. But he only saw her for a second at most and just couldn't be sure.
    There was really nothing more than these snippets. The small but devoted group of Tina-groupies had to be satisfied, therefore, with their occasional downloads from the Brazilian press.
    Had there been a greater supply of such pictures, with perhaps a bit more focus on physical detail — particularly on the area between Tina's shoulders and her waist! — the Search for Tina might have overshadowed the TW's girl phenomenon of the late 1990s. But there were never enough of those pictures in circulation to support such a development. Besides, the pictures that did exist were fully clothed shots of Tina taken in a rotogravure style. Cheesecake they were not!
    Of course, any shot of Tina was revealing; even fully clothed shots of the massively bosomed beauty were highly arousing! Short of suiting her up in medieval armor, a surpassingly gorgeous babe with a 78-23-36 figure is going to look sensational in any outfit! These rare uploads from the Brazilian press were thus eagerly anticipated and then gratefully downloaded by their recipients! But the woman in the pictures remained pretty much a mystery.

Chapter 99

And so we leave the soon-to-be Tina Collor de Mello as a very happy and contented woman. In a satisfying parallel, it has already been noted that her old flame Jack Davenport was very happily situated as well. Did Tina ever think about Jack? Of course she did, but only from time to time. Especially when Ernesto was pounding his massive pork into her convulsing pussy, she had great difficulty in visualizing him at all!
    Tina was blissfully satisfied in her life with Ernesto. But Jack had been a very special part of her life. For a time, she had even hoped against hope that they might end up as a couple out of bed as well as in.
    How could she ever forget Jack Davenport? He had been, after all, such a handsome, expert lover. And then there was the matter of his giant cock! Above all, Jack was such a sweet, caring man. Forget him? Never. He was going to occupy a tiny portion of her heart for the rest of her life. Still, the important point is that the remaining 99% of her heart had been given unconditionally and unreservedly to Ernesto.
    Tina tried to avoid comparing Ernesto and Jack. Ernesto was Mr Right ... the One ... her knight in shining armor. You simply didn't compare a guy as perfect in every way as Ernesto to a former lover ... well ... you tried not to, anyway!
    In any event, both men were notably accomplished, extremely good-looking, and stupendously hung lovers; they both had the physical qualities Tina looked for in her men. They were both really sweet, caring, kind, genuine guys as well; those qualities were equally important to Tina. But Ernesto had turned out, when all was said and done, to be her Man. That was because, in the end, he was the one who had wanted all of her for all of the time. That was the difference; it was a simple as that! And so things had turned out perfectly after all!
    Still, Tina continued to feel a fond regard for Jack, wherever he was. She was certain that his failure to reappear or make contact over the years entailed that the relationship with his English girl friend had led to a satisfying and continuing marriage. Good for him! And good for them, too!
    Even so, the truth was that the time Jack and Tina had spent together had left them both with surpassingly vivid memories of sex that were too steamy and palpable ever to fade away completely. Neither of them would ever completely let go off the memories of how their bodies and passion had combined to create loving that was so sizzling hot and orgasmic as almost to be physically impossible!
    Jack was joyfully happy with Jenny, and Tina could not have been more fulfilled in her loving relationship with Ernesto. None of that, though, could change that fact that Jack and Tina had enjoyed unimaginably passionate loving that was almost too intense to be captured in words. What hot ultra buxom loving they had shared!
    Tina's 36Z all-the-way-around-the-alphabet-again-to-N bosom and Jack's fifteen-inch super-thick dick! Their remarkable bodies perfectly embodied the truth that when it comes to the optimum physical equipment for loving, the bigger the better!


I am deeply in debt to Al, the editor of R & D Magazine, for his extraordinary devotion of time to the highly professional editing of this manuscript. Al is a true master of both language and genre. The success of our collaboration throws into doubt Oscar Wilde's aphorism that the Americans and the English have everything in common but language.

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