(A Fantasy)



Copyright 2000 © Richard O Steele. All rights reserved


Part Six: Jack

Chapter 43

Several weeks after his mind-boggling weekend with Tina in LA, Jack attended his tenth high school reunion back in Iowa. And Guess what? Carol George was there! Unfortunately, there was a lot more Carol George that day than there had been ten years before — a whole lot more. Jack guessed that she had gained one hundred pounds at least since graduation — maybe more! Her face was as round as a pumpkin, her ass was wide enough to fill a doorway, and her thighs were as big around as small tree trunks.
    Still, she had retained her very pretty face — and then there was the matter of her tits. Her bosom had ballooned right along with her body. Her cup size, Jack thought, must have gone past the Z-cup size twice! God! It was as if she was a Z(Z), and then back up again to a D cup, or even beyond! A Z(Z)(D)! Even a tit-man like Jack couldn't do the math on this one!
    Carol's very-much-wider-than-her-trunk bosom covered up her thighs almost down to her knees when she sat down. Truly, her tits were bigger than Tina's — hell, they were actually bigger than Melody's giant set which had been posted so often on the web!
    But the size of Carol's trunk was about twice that of Tina's; if she put on much more weight she was going to be getting into the Norma Stitz area — and beyond! Jack's memory told him that Laura Larson's breasts while she was nursing might have been in this area, but even those giant udders were tiny compared to Carol's! Carol George had to have one of the biggest bosoms on earth! If only she did not have a body to match!
    Carol (who had left her husband, an insurance agent, at home with the kids), made it clear from the moment they met that she wanted to hook up with Jack. He was too much of a gentleman to brush her off; instead, he was determined to do his duty — at least for old time's sake.
    Jack first danced with Carol several times at the class dinner. The astonishing size of her bosom made dancing at bit difficult — at least during the slow dances! — but the pressure of her five-or-six-times-as-big-as-her-head breasts against his chest was starting to give Jack a serious hard-on that he did not know he had in him.
    Carol then suggested a drink back at her hotel in its secluded, quiet bar so that they could chat in private. When Carol began to apologize for her huge weight gain, Jack placed a forefinger on her lips and told her to "hush!" Carol grabbed his finger, kissed it, drew it into her mouth, and then began sensuously to suck on it. The couple was soon holding hands and shyly fondling each other.
    Jack ended up taking Carol upstairs (to her room, not his, in case her husband called), and was soon passionately making out with Carol on the bed. As he removed her clothes Jack regretfully noted how grossly fat Carol had become. When he removed her custom-made, incredibly huge bra, however, his lust for giant tits suddenly overcame his dismay at her obesity.
    Jack was soon propping up one giant tit with both hands — indeed, it took all four of their hands to leverage the gargantuan hanger of tit meat off her chest — and ramming an increasingly rock-hard cock up her hot, wet pussy. At the same time, Jack did not neglect to rub and knead Carol beyond-giant bosom and then to suck on a fat, two-inch nipple.
    Jesus! The almost impossibly-stiff appendage was rose red, wrinkled, and as hard as stone. Carol had delicately taken the stiff nipple between her thumb and index finger and fed it into Jack's mouth! She needed to be suckled so very badly!
    Carol's areolae, which he found himself licking and sucking with increasing passion, were much bigger than dinner plates. Amazing! They were more oval than dinner plates actually, and were a light chocolate brown in color. Jesus! They were more textured than the tit flesh out of which they arose, and were slightly convex as well. Jack's fully extended tongue was soon enthusiastically licking all over the vast reaches of the gigantic areolae. Jack was so thrilled to be giving them the loving they deserved!
    "I remember how you used to squeeze and rub and kiss and lick my breasts back in high school when we were sneaking around our senior year." Carol moaned. "I'm really glad you're doing it again!"
    "Hmmm," Jack moaned. "I love 'em, baby; they were great then and they're great now!" Jack then paused. "You're really great, too, honey."
    "Thanks, but I'm not so sure of that," Carol objected. "You know, I measured 36K-22-36 when I graduated from Iowa State," Carol reported. "I wish you could have seen me then; I was hot stuff. I was a cheerleader and even a member of the homecoming court, just like in high school. Guys were just wild about my 47" bust!"
    "But you're a lot bigger than 36K — or anything K — right now, I would guess." Jack interjected. "What happened?"
    "Believe me, you don't want to know!" Carol responded with a rueful chuckle. "But since you're asking ... I first put on the pounds, and the inches. God! Never mind the inches; I was putting on the feet! At first, all the weight seemed to go to my bust, which was fine, except I could hardly stand upright and my bust line was heading south in a hurry!"
    "Your bosom is so great," Jack interjected. He was mauling and rubbing the vast expanse of tit meat; this sort of talk always made him very horny!
    "God, Jack, in less than a year after graduation my bust had grown to sixty inches — that's five feet around! — but my waist had only gone up to 25", Carol went on. "If things had stopped there, I could have had a career as a busty model or whatever. My hips, it's true, were a little big at 39", but with 60" inches up top, it was OK
    — I just looked staggering. You can't imagine the way guys hit on me at the A&P and Wal-Mart!"
    "Yes I can," Jack said. "Now shut up for a while and let me hit on you!" Jack was in the process of slipping his massive piece of meat in and out of Carol's steamy cunt.
    "Precious!" Carol moaned. Thirty minutes later, Jack was hosing Carol's convulsing pussy with amazing amount of warm, creamy spunk.
    As the old friends lay in each other's arms and engaged in post-coital conversation, Carol went on about her post-college weight gain. "Then the babies came along, and my figure kinda went downhill from there. Eating for two, you know.
    "At least my bust kept on growing faster than the rest of me," she continued. "I was up to 80 inches in three years; that still amounted to a spectacular figure, even with a 45" waist and 58" hips. At least the guys at K-Mart kept staring at me like it was!"
    "It must be bigger than that now," Jack opined.
    "You know it is," Carol responded. "Lots bigger! I'd hate to tell you how much bigger."
    "Well, how big exactly?" Jack pressed on. The turned-on tit-lover could no more give up this line of inquiry than a terrier his bone!
    "Oh, come on," Carol protested "How big am I now? You can see how big I am! Huge, just grotesquely huge!"
    'Well, like bra size and stuff, I mean" Jack persisted. The guy was not going to give this up!
    "Okay, okay." Carol was getting more than little defensive and even perturbed. "It isn't easy to measure breasts this big. It all depends on the bra I wear when I'm being measured. I can't give a real good answer." Carol seemed determined to evade the issue!
    Jack decided to try a different approach. He leaned over to give Carol a wildly passionate French kiss. As the lovers broke for air he inserted three fingers into Carol's still leaky cunt and began massaging her monstrously huge right breast with his other hand.
    "Look, sweetheart," he offered. "I'm not trying to put you on the spot. It's just that you're a friend — what a friend! — and I'm simply trying to understand how you got from point A to point B" (Jack had considered phrasing the statement as "from point J to point Z," but his better judgment kept that impulse in check!)
    Carol rolled her eyes and groaned. "You don't let go, do you, Jack!" The giant-breasted young mom finally surrendered with a shrug and a sigh. "Okay, okay, last week I passed 100". That's right, I have a 101" bust. That's the smallest figure my bra maker could make it, so my bosom may actually be quite a bit larger, like maybe 105" or 110."
    Carol then attempted unsuccessfully to cup one of the massive glands in her hands. "Their size all depends how they're hanging, of course."
    "That's really impressive," Jack offered. His hands started mauling Carol's giant left breast as he considered the fact he was actually feeling up a 101" bosom! Jesus! That was a first!
    "So what are the rest of your measurements?" he went on.
    "The rest of me? Big, Jack, big!" Carol sat quietly for a moment, deciding just how candid she was willing to be with this guy.
    "All right!" she sputtered. "None of my other measurements as big as 100", so I'm still wa-ay top-heavy. If you must know, my hips are 69". Nearly six feet around, Jack. My waist — if you could call it that! — is nearly four feet in circumference. And I absolutely, positively refuse to tell you how much I weigh!"
    The young woman's voice had suddenly lost its anger; it had started to quiver. "You're looking at a real fat old cow, Jack."
    Jack gave Carol a soft kiss on the lips. "What I'm looking at, who I'm making love to, in fact, is a wonderful, beautiful woman whose bosom is just keeping my cock perpetually hard."
    "Thank you, lover," Carol responded softly.
    "Look," Jack went on, "of course, you've gotten big. But a lot of the things that attracted me to you back in high school are still right here in bed with me this very minute. Should you try to lose some weight? Sure, if you want to and if it will make you feel better about yourself."
    At this point, Jack added a fourth finger to the digits plunging in and out of Carol's drenched twat. "All I'm saying, sweetheart, is that you were wonderful then and you are wonderful now. I am so happy — and aroused!— to be with you this weekend!"
    Carol rubbed the back of Jack's head while he continued to feast on her ultra-voluptuous bosom and gently finger fuck her dripping pussy. "Tonight, I feel like a woman for the first time in years! Thank you, Jack, for being so thoughtful, so wonderful!"
    Jack looked up from the overly vast expanse of tit meat upon which he was sucking and licking while he fucked away — first with his fingers and then with his utterly engorged cock — at his high school lover's soaked pussy.
    "Honey, you're the one being wonderful. And as you can tell, I'm having a wonderful time with you. And if you doubt it, can't you feel from our lovemaking the condition my penis is in? Carol, baby, it's as stiff as a board. And it has been for hours! Does that tell you anything?"
    Carol smiled. "Yes, it does, sweetheart. For one thing, it tells me that it's the first cock to violate my pussy in about two years! And what a cock it is! It's just wonderful! Love me, baby, just keep on loving me!"
    By morning, Jack had come six times. Carol had a blissful look on her face; who could tell how many times she had come? (Jack had guessed the first moment he saw Carol at the party that her sex life at home had pretty much come to a halt, and he was right.) The truth is that Jack had progressed from feeling that he had practiced some sort of charity in courting and then seducing Carol, to realizing that, despite all, their sex really had been both steamy and mutually satisfying.
    Jack was ashamed of himself for being initially turned off by her weight. Carol was a sweet, loving woman with a beautiful face and he had been proud to be with her. Everything he had told her was the absolute heart-felt truth. Of course, the fact she had just about the biggest tits on earth didn't hurt the way the evening went either, of course!
    "I hope at our next reunion that I'll have gotten back my figure," Carol said with a hopeful look on her face. "I want to share it with you. But in any case, sweetheart," Carol concluded with a passionate, open-mouthed kiss, "thanks for being such a wonderful lover — at Hoover High School and even more for being one last night. I really needed to be made love to by a sweet, caring person. And I was! You're wonderful, Jack!"
    Carol had to drive back after breakfast to Mason City to relieve her husband from his child-care duties. Jack indulged in a round of golf with his former buddies from the football team. He had looked around for Karen Kenar, his high-school girl friend — the one with G-sized tits but a notable lack of passion for lovemaking.
    "Say," Jack asked Jake, his best buddy among the foursome, "how about Karen Kenar, did she show up this weekend?"
    The three other golfers guffawed. "You wish, man," one said. "You would have noticed her if she had been — that's for sure! Karen is now a porn star in Hollywood; she goes by the name of Mona Mountains; she weighs twenty pounds more than she did in high school, but only because her measurements are now 34P-22-32 instead of the 34G-22-32 she measured when you went out with her! The weight gain, my man, is all tit!" he chortled.
    "Yeah," his buddy Tom broke in, "you remember how you used to complain about what a religious fanatic and cold fish she was. I rented one of her videos once — man, I've never seen such a passionate bitch. God, the way she sucks cock! The way she French kisses! The way she takes a guy's huge tool up her cunt! She ain't in the church youth group any more, haw, haw, haw," Tom sniggered. "Compare her to that Carol George, who's such a fat pig now — what a shame — the tables have really turned.
    "By the way," Tom concluded, "You seemed to be spending a little time at the reunion with Carol — how did you get out of spending the night with her, haw, haw, haw?"
    Jack just smiled — these guys would apparently never grow up. The thought of hooking up with Karen Kenar in her incarnation as Mona Mountains was very exciting, though. Because he made trips to LA from time to time, he'd have to see if he could track down Karen Kenar a.k.a. Mona Mountains on a future trip to the West Coast.
    The first two years of Jack's experience of "going steady" with Karen at Hoover High School had led to nothing more than fairly routine, through-the-blouse breast-play. They graduated to a grand total of two nearly passionless couplings during their senior year (during both of which Karen lay on her back, motionless, with her eyes shut, probably reciting the Ten Commandments while Jack spurted his heavy load into the mandatory rubber).
    They capped off their physical relationship just before graduation with a grand total of one hand-job, during which Karen tentatively stroked Mr Happy while biting her lip and demonstrating all the enthusiasm of someone grabbing hold of a red-hot poker!
    Actually, it was real hard work to get that much action out of Karen. Jack was sure she considered herself bound for Hell on his account! Wouldn't it be great to hook up with a passionate, sex-crazed Mona Mountains instead! Man!

Chapter 44

Upon his return from Iowa, Jack had his two-year performance review at the firm. His supervising partner was both pleased and highly complementary. Jack received high marks and a big raise.
    The big raise came in very handy, because Jack was now spending tons of money on airfare. He was visiting Jenny (or vice-versa) about every three weeks. Their relationship, it seemed to Jack, had seemed totally solid and getting really affectionate — and perhaps more! Jack loved every minute they spent together — in or out of bed! Sex with Jenny was great because it grew out of their affection, mutual out-of-bed interests, and what seemed to be a developing and growing love. Jack was actually beginning to suspect that Jenny might be The One!
    Things were by no means as solid as Jack thought they were, however. On her last visit to New York, Jenny had quizzed Jack on their last morning together about the Club. The good news from her perspective was that Jack was becoming increasingly inactive in the organization. The bad news — the very bad news indeed — was that Jack was now seeing Tina, the most buxom and beautiful Club member of all time, on a regular basis. Worse, he was flying to Brazil on almost a monthly basis to get his rocks off with this ultra-bosomed tart! As if Jenny was not woman enough for Jack!
    Jenny burst into tears when Jack owned up to his relationship with Tina. "Honey," he explained, "it's purely physical — it's nothing at all like what we have! It's, like, clinical ... it's ... it's just ... recreation ... sport!" he sputtered. "That's all it is. It doesn't mean anything!"
    "And what do we have, Jack? Is it anything more than recreation, or a sporty weekend at the ... the ... 'clinic'?" Jenny retorted. "Look, I think I might just be falling in love with you. But I just can't put up with this for very much longer! I just can't — I'll be tearing my hair out before long! Besides, I don't have to put up with it; I don't deserve it. My boyfriend flying to Rio to spend a weekend in bed with a woman who the rest of the week is a prostitute? I don't think so! I deserve a lot better than that, Jack! A whole lot better!"
    "Honey," Jack implored, "just give me a little more time. I'm really falling for you, too. I just need a little more time to rearrange things. It won't be long, I promise!"
    Jenny sat on the bed in silence for a long time. She looked up at Jack with a grim set to her jaw. "Jack," she said, "here's the deal. I will wait, but not for very long at all. I want to spend time with you so very much, and what we do have is so great — I shouldn't have asked that question about our relationship in the way I did.
    "But I just can't pretend this Tina thing is not going on, and that it's not tearing me up. For one thing, I understand that AIDS is rampant in Brazil. I bet you and Tina don't practice safe sex, though, do you?"
    "No," Jack admitted, his eyes downcast. "God" Jack thought to himself, "why can't Jenny stop bitching at me about this!" I'm only human — these things take time!"
    "Then," Jenny announced triumphantly, "We will! From now on, Jack, we are practicing safe sex until such time as we commit to each other exclusively — or instead call it quits. Tina, I understand, is a full-time prostitute. This means that when you make love to her, your prick going where goodness knows how many other men have been before. And then you're proposing to stick that same bareback penis into me? No thank you! Not anymore, Jack!
    "Bring a package of condoms to London the next time you visit. Tell you what — I'll even let you choose the brand! And don't you dare complain — you're lucky I'm not just pleading a perpetual head-ache instead."
    Jack could do nothing but look down at the bed, stunned, threatened and not a little angered by this announcement.
    "Jack," Jenny said, "I don't think we'd better have any more sex this trip; I'm utterly not in the mood! In fact, please just take me to the airport early — no, better yet, I'll take a cab."
    Jenny was really getting wound up. By now she was shouting and sobbing almost simultaneously. "I hope you know, Jack, that this 'safe sex' period is very temporary. If things aren't resolved very soon, it's going to be replaced by a 'no sex' period. And that 'no-sex' period would be followed almost immediately by a 'no-relationship-at-all' period. Do you read me, Jack?"
    Jenny then completely broke down and for a few moments could not speak at all. After a time, she looked imploringly into Jack's eyes. "Do I really need to spell it out any clearer, Jack? Do you really not know what's at stake here? It's us that's on the line. Please think very hard about that!"
    Then, her voice and eyes softened. "Honey," she said, her voice quivering, "forgive me for being so harsh, but I really do mean what I said. It's also true that I really, really care for you so very much. If I didn't, I would have been out the door just seconds after hearing about Tina, believe me!
    "Look, I want you to come to London very soon. And even safe sex with you will be great! But remember," she concluded sternly, "we're only talking about a temporary situation. Something's got to give soon — in one direction or the other! I just simply refuse to play Hillary Rodham to your Bill Clinton any longer!"
    Jenny was soon packed. The couple did not kiss while waiting outside Jack's townhouse for Jenny's cab; instead, they fell into a vise-like embrace. Just before she got into the taxi, Jenny smiled, more or less wanly.
    "Jack," she whispered as she gave Jack one last hug, " please come and see me soon, I really want to see you, I need to see you! But really do think hard about this whole question — as I said, our "safe sex" arrangement is just a stopgap ... it can't go on forever ... I won't let it go on forever — or even very long! Please think about what you want to happen with us! And do it quickly."
    Jack stood on the sidewalk watching the cab head off in the direction of the City. He was stunned. He had thought he been making progress on his problems; now, Jenny was treating him like a backslider — or worse! Jack knew he had a problem with commitment. He was beginning to sense that he had an obsessive problem as well, one that compelled him to try to make love to every super-buxom girl in sight! He suddenly remembered the motto he and his high school buddies used to invoke: "One you pass up is one you miss!" It seems as if it still provided his guiding principle!
    At the same time, Jack felt another flash of anger. Jenny was being an awful bitch about this! Wasn't he doing the best he could! Why couldn't she be a bit more patient! Jack's underlying immaturity and obsessions were clearly getting in the way of a clear view of what was at stake over this issue.
    Still, Jenny's eruption of anger and abrupt departure had offered at least a glimpse of what he could lose if he kept it up. Wasn't Jenny everything he wanted in a girl? Why couldn't he just accept that fact and act upon it? Man! Jenny was so perfect but yet his libido just wouldn't stop crying out for Tina. Jack felt like he was being torn in two. What was he going to do?

Chapter 45

Jack was indeed flying to Rio de Janeiro once a month or so for incredibly hot sex with Tina. Her plan to live in LA had simply not worked out. Very few fellows in LA would pay $5,000 to $10,000 a trick for an evening with an escort — even for one with a body and a face like Tina's. In addition, the porno movies deals turned out not to be all that lucrative, either, at least compared to the money Tina made in Rio in the "program."
    In the end, Tina had not been able satisfactorily to negotiate a single film or magazine photo spread contract. Not that the filmmakers and magazine publishers did not realize that Tina would become an absolute sensation were she to appear in their movies or in their pages. It was just that the going rate in the US was so low that Tina simply was unwilling to drop her price so much below what she earned as a top-of-the-line call girl in Rio. As a result, Tina was now back living in Rio on a regular basis and once again making huge bucks as an escort.
    As Terri had suspected, Jack and Tina enthusiastically scheduled dates number two and three with each other before date number one was even over! In fact, the lovers were so hot for each other that these encounters took place in LA on the very next two weekends following date number one (Rusty Jones, who was between dance dates both weekends, did the taping). With time out for a weekend trip to London to see Jenny, Jack then flew Tina to New York on his nickel for yet another sperm-encrusted weekend. And then another. And then still another one!
    The first New York weekend was the couple's fourth date, so it was necessarily a non-Club affair. It was a great success sexually; it was, however, a disaster in many other respects. Jack had wanted to plan an extra special weekend for Tina but did not, unfortunately, think his plans through as carefully as the situation required. Jack booked a suite at the Plaza for the hot young lovers — an obvious romantic choice to be sure —but he had neglected to consider the fact that the Plaza sits at the corner of 59th Street and Fifth Avenue, a hot spot for tourists.
    Jack also neglected to consider the issue of Tina's travelling attire. She was anxious to look as sexy as possible for her new boyfriend. To that end, Tina wore an extremely tight, ultra-short knit dress to insure that, when Jack spotted her coming off the plane, he would (a) be extremely glad he had invited Tina for the weekend; and (b) get an extremely graphic preview of the goodies upon which he was going to be feasting all weekend. Of course, Tina also wore the dress because (c) it was the sort of outfit she loved to wear all the time anyway!
    The knit dress lovingly showcased every single covered example of Tina's considerable curves; the dress looked as if it had been painted on her body with a spray can! In particular, the clingy knit cloth outlined as clearly as if she had been nude every square inch of Tina's monstrously huge bosom! The dress had a modest scoop neck, but on account of Tina's gigantic breasts, even that slight dip below the neck revealed an unbelievably deep three or four inch cleavage. In addition, the curve-hugging white wool cloth contrasted sensationally with Tina's dusky skin and thick, jet-black, down-to-the-ass hair.
    The minute Jack saw Tina getting off the plane, he kicked himself for not suggesting she wear baggy corduroys and a four-sizes-too-big sweatshirt in order to keep her fantastic buxom beauty under wraps. The outfit she had on, it's true, made Jack's cock jerk with need and anticipation. The problem was that it did the same thing for the hundreds of other guys who spotted Tina as she and Jack tried to work their way through the extremely crowded airport to get to their car.
    The truth is that a near riot ensued as more and more guys spotted Tina and her incomprehensibly massive tits cutting though the terminal. The lovers were soon leading a gaggle of dozens and dozens of disbelieving males who wanted another look at this amazingly constructed beauty. Furthermore, the size of the crowd was threatening to grow exponentially!
    Airport cops actually had to hold the crowd back to enable Tina and Jack to get into their vehicle. Thank God Jack had hired a limousine for the weekend and so did not have to push through this crowd of sex-crazed men to pick up his Beemer in the short-term parking lot!

Chapter 46

As the couple settled into the back of their limo, Tina seemed surprisingly unfazed by the uproar they had just left behind. She waved off Jack's apology for the crassness of his hometown crowd.
    "Frankly, Jack," she observed, "for me that sort of thing is par for the course. It happens to me all the time, I mean all the time!" She grinned at her lover. "Actually, it was much worse at LAX; I thought I was going to get raped a dozen times before I finally managed to get seated on the plane!"
    That was it for the pleasantries. Jack and Tina were now lovingly holding hands. They had began staring very deeply into each other's eyes with looks that evidenced smoldering, almost consuming lust and naked desire. Tina had begun arching her back and erotically thrusting her watermelon-plus sized breasts in Jack's direction. Her body language was passionately asking Jack if he liked what he saw and would he like to do something about it? Like immediately? Man! Did he need to get his hands on those mountainous piles of tit meat in the worst way! Wow! What a show Tina was putting on!
    Jack broke the torrid stare to check out his sweetheart's fabulous face and body. Tina's skirt had gotten hiked way up as she sat down in the limousine; her hemline was almost up to her pussy! Her sleek, luscious thighs were on full display. Man! This extremely sexy sight made Jack groan even more helplessly with desire and need!
    Jack could not stand it; he pulled Tina onto his lap with a passionate groan. On account of this maneuver, Tina's dress rode up to about the middle of her ass cheeks. Her tiny, tiny little panties — such as they were — were fully exposed!
    Thank goodness Jack had specified a limousine whose windows had the greatest degree of tint possible under Section 375(12-a)(b)(2), (4) of the New York Vehicle and Traffic Law! He was so hot for his giant-breasted plaything, and wanted to act out his feelings in as much privacy as possible!
    Several days before, the Club had sent along unedited proof tapes from their first weekend together for his review. Jack had found himself jagging off three and four times a day in front of his 35" Sony as the VCR replayed the highlights of that almost inconceivably hot first weekend with Tina. After a week of being reduced to flogging his meat at the sight of Tina and her massive breasts on a flickering screen, the reality of having her in his arms was unbearably exciting! Jack could not, in fact, remember being this frantically horny in his life!
    "Baby," he moaned, "I've missed you so much!"
    "Oh, precious," Tina moaned in return, "I don't know how I got through a single day last week without having your giant cock pounding in and out of my pussy. I've really missed having your hot hands and mouth and lips and tongue all over my bosom, too. Sweetheart! I need you so badly! And right now, too!"
    Jack and Tina were literally purring on account of the almost palpable sexual tension that filled the limousine like some sort of sensual ether. Jack half-expected to be able to see the sparks that were just flashing between the two increasingly out of control lovers.
    As Jack looked down, he felt his raging cock leap at the sight of Tina's gigantic udders resting in her lap and then even extending on to cover up her bare upper thighs. The sight was all the more arousing because the knit dress was so tight! Jesus! The way the clingy white knit material was just welded to the exact shape of Tina's stupendously large breasts was overwhelmingly exciting!
    Jack would not have been surprised in the least to see the groaning white threads suddenly just give up the battle and unravel, letting Tina's way more than massive tits just burst through what would be left of the ravaged bodice and blouse portions of her dress!
    For Jack, there weren't many sights more arousing than the sight of really massive tits covering up a girl's lap and thighs to a point below her hemline! Jesus! He could feel a dribble of pre-cum lead out of his throbbing cock as he drank in this fabulous sight!
    Tina was now strongly pressing her stupendous body against her lover. Jack reacted by edging a trembling, sex-frenzied, upside down hand up along one of Tina's fabulously sleek thighs and worked it under her gigantic, spreading shelf of tit meat.
    Fuck! Her bosom was so soft! So huge! Tina's tits were so massive and heavy that Jack found it impossible to get a good handful of tit from underneath the preposterously large pile of breast flesh.
    It was so exciting, though, just to run his hand under the gigantic mass of flesh so as to be enveloped by the soft, heavy pressure of the gargantuan tit. It was thrilling even just to trace its mind-boggling dimensions with his hot, frantically eager hand.
    Jack's crazed excitement had led him to start whimpering with crazed need and desire. Tina was no better off; she was running her hands up and down Jack's body while making sexy little sounds from way down in her throat. It was clear that if these astonishingly horny people did not get to fuck very, very soon, they were going to be in danger of suffering an absolute meltdown! By the time they got to Manhattan, there might be nothing left in the back of the limousine than two shiny blobs of DNA!
    Wow! The sizzling hot lovers were utterly in heat! The ultra-passionate couple were still staring and moaning as their hot hands continued to caress each other's frantically needy bodies. "Baby!" Tina groaned; she was just beside herself with overwhelming lust and debilitating passion. Man! She needed to get fucked so badly!
    Almost before the word "Baby" had finished tumbling out of Tina's lips, their mouths had slammed together into a torridly passionate French kiss. Their tongues frantically searched and licked deep into each other's mouths, and within seconds both were uncontrollably moaning and groaning. The slurpy sounds created by the lovers' out of control kissing resounded throughout the vehicle.
    Jack thanked his lucky stars he had asked the agency to provide a discreet limo driver. Lucca was used to driving movie stars and rock groups, all of whom could put on quite a show in the back seat. He had actually driven Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee around for an entire weekend shortly after their honeymoon! Jack and Tina might be a whole lot more physically spectacular than Tommy and Pamela; the point, however, was that Lucca knew how — and when — to keep his eyes fixed firmly on the road!
    Jack's hands were soon wildly mauling Tina's entire monstrously huge bosom. Tina had pulled down Jack's zipper and captured his utterly engorged cock in her delicate little hands. She was lazily and sensuously beginning to jack off her already-super stiff lover. Before the limousine had left La Guardia Airport access drive, Tina was down on her knees noisily sucking Jack's rock-hard dick. Sucking? Hell, she was deep-throating her lover!
    Because Tina's dress had now ridden up above her waist — on account of its fantastically short hemline, it had never been all that far south of her waist to start with! — it was easy for Jack to slip his hand inside Tina's skimpy panties to play with her pussy. Jesus! It was utterly soaked! Fuck! She was dripping cunt juice all over the carpeting of the car! Tina was just astonishingly hot!
    Jack slipped two fingers inside her drenched, dilated cunt and began to plunge them in and out of that fantastically slick and slimy orifice. Jesus! Tina started to convulse with a really strong cum on the third stroke. Jack added a third finger on the fourth and succeeding strokes. The lovers were just unbelievably sex-crazed and ready to make love!
    For a brief moment, Jack questioned the wisdom and even the feasibility of making love in the limousine. Jesus! The windows were tinted, but they were not all that smoky. Still, Jack and Tina were so much in heat that the matter was not really open to serious question. They simply had to fuck, and they had to fuck right now no matter what!
    Jack pulled Tina up off the floor and ripped off her panties. He then lifted her way up in the air and firmly brought her down upon his throbbing, waving, titanium-hard shaft. Seconds later, Tina had been impaled on Jack's stallion-sized cock. God! It had gone in so easily! Tina was now sitting in Jack's lap, riding on her lover's improbably gigantic penis, and getting seriously fucked as the limousine continued on its way to Manhattan!
    The way Tina's fantastically gigantic tits, trapped by the straining wool threads of her outrageously tight dress, rested in her lap was just super exciting! The sensuous feel of having those massive, knit-clad hooters jammed in between the couple's shaking, shuddering bodies as the lovers wildly fucked away must have added half an inch to Jack's already fully extended joystick! Wow! Tina's curves were just amazing!
    Jack had taken hold of Tina by her luscious, perfect fit-in-the-hand ass cheeks, and was riding her up and down on his super long, astonishingly thick shaft. The lovers were frantically grunting and groaning as their passion reached higher and higher peaks!
    About every dozen fuck strokes or so, the lovers would break stride to engage in yet another face-swallowing French kiss. During this veritable face-fuck, Jack's hands would migrate to Tina's knit-clad hooters to squeeze and rub those gigantic mounds of tit flesh.
    Tina was so dripping wet that her pussy slid very easily indeed up and down Jack's giant cock. Jack would have been tempted to say that their fucking was friction-free, except that the massive thickness of his horse-like shaft in combination with Tina's notably tight cunt meant there was actually friction aplenty!
    No doubt about it — Jack's cock skin was getting a real strong sex massage on its trips up and down Tina's tight, slimy love channel! The fact that Tina was clenching her pussy walls on each fuck stroke was making the thrill of plunging in and out of Tina's pussy almost beyond description!
    Wow! The way Jack's cock skin was getting so seriously rubbed by Tina's slick and slimy pussy walls was just unbearably exciting! Given that sort of provocation, and considering the fact he was so hopelessly horny to start with, Jack knew very well that Tina's trips up and down his jerking, throbbing putz were going to be severely limited in number! His balls were so ready to absolutely splatter long, long ropes of hot spunk at Tina's so-ready and so-expectant ovaries!
    It was obviously thrilling for Tina as well. She was moaning and groaning, and had been convulsing non-stop with multiple cums since Jack had first spiked her on his throbbing cock — and even before! Tina had been so sopping wet from the get-go, in fact, that every single fuck stroke had been accompanied by the slurping, sucking sounds of Jack's mega-cock disturbing the perfect suction between his dick and Tina's absolutely liquid-filled love canal! The sucking sounds were so loud, in fact, that Jack was certain that Luca could hear them loud and clear!
    As the limousine dipped into the murk of the Midtown Tunnel, Jack was seized by an unimaginably strong series of thrills, shudders, and chills. Here it comes! Wow! This cum was going to be so strong!
    "Ugh! Jesus! Arg! Nggh! So strong! So great! Oh, baby, it's so GOOD!"
    Tina, whose cums had actually continued nearly unabated since Jack had started finger fucking her at the airport, was moaning at the top of her lungs. Jack began screaming even louder as fantastically long and urgent ropes of hot spunk began spurting out of his cock hole and whitewashing Tina's soaked cunt walls. Man! What a hot fuck this was — Jack's cum had been just amazingly strong!
    Jack was just stunned by the frantic nature of their passion. It had been only a week since they had been together, after all! They were acting, though, as if each had spent the last month or so in solitary confinement with no access to sex whatever — even of the auto-sexual variety!
    The truth is that Jack was starting to realize he was getting seriously addicted to Tina. It was hard getting though the day without having his hands lost deep in her stupendously huge bosom, without plunging his straining dick into the depths of her dripping pussy, and without thrusting his long tongue deep into her mouth and then sucking and licking her fat, almost obese, lips.
    Jack dimly realized that this could cause a problem down the road, especially with Jenny ("Hello, Jack!"), but his awareness was thoroughly drowned out by the thrill of sending yet another splat of thick, creamy jism in the direction of his lover's womb!
    Although the lovers were now screaming at the top of their lungs, Luca kept his eyes locked in a straight-ahead position. Jack had to hand to the guy — he was a pro! He didn't even peek as the lovers rearranged their clothes after making love in order to make themselves presentable to the desk clerk at the Plaza.

Chapter 47

The scene at the hotel roughly replicated the uproar at La Guardia. A crowd gathered immediately as Tina and Jack stepped out of the limousine. Jesus! But what else could they have expected? After all, Tina's hemline barely covered her luscious ass cheeks, her absolutely killer thighs were on full display, and — most remarkable of all — her incredibly massive tits seemed to stick out all the way to Sixth Avenue! As the doormen and assorted walkie-talkie bearing security personnel tried to get Jack and Tina out of the street and into the hotel, Jack actually saw some flashbulbs go off. Jesus! Their arrival at the hotel was causing more of a ruckus than, say, Lolo Ferrari walking topless on the beach at Cannes!
    Once they realized the nature of the problem, the hotel staff dealt with the issue in a very effective manner; they were clearly used to confronting situations of this general sort. Jack and Tina were taken straight up to their floor in a service elevator; they were allowed to check in from their suite.
    Once in their suite, the lovers stayed there. No way were Jack and Tina going to try and run the gauntlet to get back out on to Fifth Avenue to sightsee or go shopping. Jack suddenly had an appreciation of how life must have been for Tina on the streets of Rio, and why she had often felt like a prisoner in her own apartment!
    The good news was that neither Jack nor Tina had the slightest interest in leaving the suite in any event. As soon as the bellhop had pocketed his tip and closed the door behind him, Jack had almost roughly pulled Tina into his arms with almost a frantic growl. Even though he had made love to his unbelievably buxom sweetheart only half an hour earlier, the continuing exposure to Tina's fantastic dress (and its fabulous contents!) had kept Jack's libido way up in the stratosphere. The dress was soon up around Tina's waist to allow her lover to frantically cup her ultra-curvy rump while his other hand wildly mauled one of her stupendously gigantic udders.
    Moments later, the lovers had moved into the bedroom and were fucking like absolute wild animals. The white wool dress would not be making the return trip to Rio — at least not on Tina's body — for Jack had literally ripped it off his lover's back. It would take a lot of needle-and-thread time to get that dress back in service!
    The next 72 hours were spent almost entirely in bed, with the lovers engaged in an extraordinarily wide range of sexual exercises. Apart from trips to the bathroom and the sitting room to sample room service meals provided gratis by the hotel ("It's the least we can do, Mr Davenport, on account of our security people not being fully prepared for your arrival"), the king size bed in the bedroom constituted Jack and Tina's address for the entire weekend.
    That was just fine with the extraordinarily hot and bothered lovers. They were frankly and utterly in heat for every moment of their stay, and were interested in nothing more than sucking, kissing, fucking, licking, rubbing, caressing, squeezing, and mauling their unbelievable bodies. As they packed to go home, Tina could hardly walk and for the first time in his memory, Jack's massive cock actually ached from overuse!
    There were two interruptions of this non-stop series of couplings and bouts of sucking. Jack himself had slipped down the back stairs while Tina dozed early Monday morning to buy the baggy pants and oversized sweatshirt he wished Tina had worn on her flight from LA. He then bought a huge pair of paparazzi-foiling sunglasses from a street vendor to complete the outfit.
    As he stepped back into the suite, Jack was amazed at the feral odor that absolutely permeated the area. The rooms just stank of sex! There would be little doubt as to what this suite had been used for this weekend! Jack reminded himself to double his tip for the maid!
    The other source of interruption consisted of a series of phone calls from bottom-of-the-heap supermarket tabloids like Midnight, the Star, and the Globe. All had heard of the turmoil at the airport and later at the Plaza, and had gotten eyewitness reports of the fantastically gorgeous Latina woman who was staying at the hotel and who, according to these reports, was not only slim and curvy but had what were probably the biggest tits on earth! The Star had actually purchased a few fuzzy candid shots from a tourist; the images were indistinct, but it was still easy to tell that it was Tina and that she had a pair of tits that simply would not stop!
    These scandal sheets wanted pictures and an interview. They had undoubtedly paid off a desk clerk or perhaps a maid to get the room number of their suite. Jack told them quietly but firmly to get lost!
    The trip back to the airport was much calmer than its Friday evening counterpart in the other direction. The couple rode down a service elevator, and Luca picked them up in the alley off 58th Street behind the hotel. What the trip had in common with the journey in from La Guardia was that Jack and Tina made love once again in the back seat of the limousine. Tina's baggy clothes made this coupling a bit more complicated, but nothing of that sort was going to deter the still frantically randy lovers from a hot, goodbye loving.
    Tina made a number of subsequent trips from LA to New York. In fact, Jack was now spending nearly every weekend with either Tina or Jenny. Frankly, weekends with Tina were predominating by about a three-to-one ratio! Jack was truly addicted to the gigantically breasted, fantastically beautiful young Brazilian woman.
    These later visits, by the way, were spent at Jack's townhouse in Westchester County. The uproar accompanying the first visit to New York was therefore not repeated; Jack had learned his lesson. The only constant was Luca; Jack engaged him every weekend to chauffeur the lovers to and from the airport and then into town in the evening to fabulous restaurants like Lutece and the Union Square Café. Although the low-cut (or very tight) micro-mini dresses Tina wore on their evenings out would have caused a riot on the street, Luca was able, by dropping the couple at the rear doors of restaurants, to confine the uproar to the kitchen area and the dining room.
    What a man! — Luca really knew how to arrange life for celebrities and other less famous people with similar problems! He was well worth the lavish tips Jack pressed on him at the end of each weekend. And still the man kept his eyes on the road!
    Because Jack and Tina, once hidden away by the headwaiter in a back booth, passionately petted and played with their fabulous bodies nonstop while picking at their food, they invariably sucked and fucked all the way back to White Plains. They simply couldn't wait! But no matter how torrid things got in the back seat, Luca never peeked! What a guy!

Chapter 48

At about this point, Tina moved back to Brazil. Perforce, Jack began paying big bucks to fly to Rio on a regular basis. Was it expensive? You bet! But was it worth it? Are you kidding? Still, even on Jack's generous salary, the high cost of airfare meant that the frequency of their visits had to drop off somewhat.
    Jack's trips to that city were very exciting — although, as he kept trying to convince himself, he took them only for sensual reasons. That is, even though Tina and Jack really liked each other a lot, sex between them was essentially a matter of overwhelming sensual obsession only — at least for Jack. He was being honest with Jenny on that score. Still, their sex was so incredibly hot that the time and expense were definitely worth it!
    Fitting a Tina trip into Jack's schedule meant spending more than ten hours each Friday and Sunday night stuffed into a tiny coach seat on an airplane. Totally exhausted, Jack would take a cab from the airport straight to Tina's apartment. She would be anxiously and feverishly waiting for him in some fantastically sexy and absurdly skimpy outfit that even in Rio a person could not wear on the street without courting arrest!
    But all of Jack's fatigue would drop away as he got his first look at Tina's drop-dead gorgeous face, slim, ultra-curvy body, round, luscious ass cheeks, and her breathtaking all-the-way-down-to-the-waist-and-beyond giant hangers of tit flesh.
    The lovers would simply melt into each other's arms at the door. Jack's suitcase would scarcely have hit the ground before the ultra-hot lovers' wide-open mouths would have become absolutely fused together. Jack's tongue would instantly be plunging way down Tina's waiting throat as if to lick her tonsils. Jack's left hand would be cupping and squeezing one of Tina's incredibly curvy ass cheeks; the other hand would be wildly kneading, mashing, and pushing into Tina's monstrously gigantic, really fleshy, meaty, fat jugs.
    For her part, Tina would be running her left hand through Jack's curly brown hair, while thrusting her right hand down the front of Jack's pants in a frantic effort to grab hold of her lover's rapidly stiffening fuck hose.
    The sex-crazed couple would then spend the whole weekend doing nothing but kissing, touching, licking, sucking, caressing, petting, rubbing, and penetrating their remarkable bodies in every way possible — first on the couch and later in Tina's bed.
    Jack and Tina would not even leave the apartment to eat but would instead just forage in the refrigerator for whatever happened to be available before jumping right back into the sack for some more feverish sucking and fucking. The sex-obsessed lovers did not want to miss even a minute of their hot sex.
    By the end of the weekend, both lovers' bodies were absolutely caked and streaked with dried sperm and cunt juice. They both had sex drives and appetites that were simply off the charts!
    Jack and Tina were lucky if, during the approximately 32 hours the airline schedules let them spent together, they managed to get even two hours of sleep. If Jack did manage to fall asleep between love sessions, Tina would put a quick end to that nonsense by sucking and licking his limp prick back into a giant hard-on which she would then stuff up her soaked, wide open cunt. Tina was such a sex addict; making love and having orgasms were clearly the most important things in her life. It's what got her up in the morning and kept her up late at night!
    Not that sex was a minor part of Jack's life! If it was Tina who dozed off, Jack would start eating her pussy and sucking her clitoris while kneading her giant, oversized hooters and then playing with (and sucking) her increasingly stiff nipples. He would then ram his engorged love snake up her already slick, slippery cunt while her eyes were only starting to open from her short nap.
    Tina would wake up to find herself getting royally fucked. What's more, even though she had been sound asleep, Tina's hips would already be pumping rhythmically, keeping time to Jack's long cock strokes way down deep into her cunt. Tina was so sex-crazed that she could fuck in her sleep. Anyway, why sleep at all when such mind-boggling, steamy sex was there for the asking?
    When Jack headed for the airport late Sunday evening, he was invariably a physical wreck — but in a high state of sexual bliss as he kept replaying in his mind his fantastic tit- and fuck-fest with Tina. Pangs of guilt would occasionally intrude; he knew in his heart that he should have flown to London instead! Still, Tina, with her huge tits, her fantastic legs, her amazing ass, her utterly stunning, gorgeous face, had become like a drug to which Jack was addicted. He simply couldn't help himself.
    On occasion, Jack would even have to go into the airplane lavatory to jerk off because the memories of the weekend with Tina were so stirring, arousing, and compelling. When the plane landed at JFK around 6:00 a.m. Monday morning with two hours left to get to work, he felt even worse — physically. Jack, as his fellow workers noted with knowing smiles on selected Monday mornings, always had a big grin on his face, even though he looked as if he had been dragged to the office by some kind of wild animal!

Chapter 49

Weekends with Jenny also involved fantastically steamy sex — multiple, thrilling orgasms, endless sucking, kissing, licking, pawing, stroking, petting, caressing, hugging and of course fucking — lots of it! — and also next to no sleep. Even the thinnest of condoms, however, could not disguise the fact that, so long as Tina was in the picture, things were not going as well as they should have been. Not even close!
    Still, when they Jenny and Jack got together on a weekend, the couple usually talked about news and their plans before falling into a humid, sexy clinch. They really did like each other! They were friends as well as lovers — and perhaps in that order! And although Jack knew he really did have to resolve matters, Jenny did not push him or continually bring up the subject of Tina or other lovers. She had put the ball in his court; it was his problem to deal with.
    In addition to spending time alone, the couple also went out to dinner and shows — even, sometimes, with friends like Jenny's close pals, Kevin and Paula, a married couple who were magazine and newspaper writers. However, no matter how much fun it was to socialize with friends, Jack and Jenny were always ready at the drop of a hat to go back home to her flat in Wigmore Street for all-night love sessions during which the sex-drenched lovers just devoured each other as their non-stop passion produced utterly crazed kissing, sucking, and fucking.
    Jack and Jenny, in other words, were not only sexually obsessed with each other but were building a really loving out-of-bed personal relationship in the process. Still, every time Jack put on or pulled off a condom — and they went through several packages a visit! — Jack was reminded of the unfinished business he absolutely had to resolve.
    In fact, Jack found himself falling deeper and deeper in love with Jenny. He was now feeling highly guilty about his monthly flights to Rio — although the guilt certainly dissipated in a flash when the door opened to the sight of Tina dressed for sex and often wearing only a few scattered scraps of cloth to "cover" her luscious curves and double-watermelon hooters! What guilt lingered was absolutely gone when Jack started mashing, sucking, and licking those quivering, bouncing ultra-mountains of breast meat.
    The problem was that the guilt had returned before his plane back to New York had reached its cruising altitude! Jack had not fully come to terms with his now deep-seated need to tomcat — especially with Tina! But he did realize that it could not continue — at least if he wanted to keep Jenny in his life. Jack knew he had to do something about it! A little voice in the back of his head was screaming: "Grow up, Jack!"
    But out of equal parts weakness, procrastination, and lust, Jack kept postponing the day of decision, the moment of reckoning. Now another Tina weekend had come and gone without matters being resolved; this made things even more serious. Jack had to act! But he found himself utterly frozen, unable to act. Something, Jack knew, had to give. And it had to give soon! Or else!

Part Seven: Karen/Mona

Chapter 50

Jack's scheduled love life was, of course, now limited to Jenny and Tina — subject only to what he deemed "minor" exceptions (One doubts that Jenny would have considered any of these exceptions to be "minor"). He had stopped going out on Club dates altogether (which necessarily ended his late dates with Terri), and had even given up his Wednesday evenings with Wanda.
    One of his last involvements with anyone else had been in LA; it took place just before Jenny's showdown visit to New York. With his high-school reunion firmly in mind, Jack had called up Jonathan Howe, a law school friend who practiced entertainment law in that city and asked if he could track down a porn star named Mona Mountains.
    Because Jack assumed that porn stars like Mona made a career of running off creeps who had seen their fuck flicks and wanted to make some personal, but highly unwelcome, contact, he told his pal to mention that it the interested party was Jack Davenport, an old high school boy friend who knew her as Karen Kenar. Jonathan was then to tell Mona that Jack had missed seeing her at their ten-year high school reunion, and so wanted to look her up just to say hello. Jack told his pal to call him at the Beverly Wiltshire if he had any luck.
    Jack got a call the next day from Jonathan. "I finally located her in the Valley," Jonathan reported, "she works for one of a big tit porn film outfit called Top Shelf Productions. She was a bit frosty and distant until I mentioned your name; then she really warmed up said she'd love to hear from you. Here's her number, pal. I trust you'll make good use of it because she sounded like one sexy lady!"
    Jack and Karen played telephone tag for a couple of days. Then, one morning as Jack was leaving for a meeting, she caught him in his room. "Jack," she squealed with real delight, "is this really you?"
    "It sure is," he replied; "I really missed you at the reunion and want to make up for it . Could I take you out to dinner? How about tonight, since I'm flying back to New York tomorrow evening?"
    Tonight was fine. Jack found himself that evening inside a middle-class, singles-style apartment complex in the Valley. When the door to Apartment 3-H opened, Jack saw it was definitely Mona Mountains and not Karen Kenar who was his date for the evening.
    Jack's first look at his former girl friend in ten years fairly blew him away. Mona had on an extremely tight, miniature red knit dress; the outfit was so short that the micro-mini skirt barely covered her curvy butt.
    The dress had no back at all; it plunged down so far in the rear that at least an inch of Mona's ass crack was on display. In fact, the plunge in the back combined with the extreme shortness of the hem meant that there was almost no dress in the back at all — just a narrow band of cloth to hold it together!
    This red knit material was just clinging to Mona's astonishing chest; it seemed literally painted on. The wool cloth went around her amazingly massive breasts and was topped by drawstrings that tied around her neck. Just one pull and ... Wow! Jack doubted that the dress weighed more than a couple of ounces!
    What was under the dress was even more exciting. Mona's over-sized tits were just huge, round, firm and a lot bigger than he remembered them from their Hoover High School days! Wow! They were just enormous! The way they thrust and strained against the red knit top was unbelievably arousing. Mona's tits were so erect and so firm that they seemed to be challenging both Isaac Newton and the structural integrity of the dress material that was holding them in!
    Jack suspected that Mona was wearing a super-uplift bra — custom made of course! — and suspected as well that her huge G-cup high school tits had became positively gigantic only through some serious augmentation. But whatever! Jesus! What a sight! Jack was not sure he had ever seen more upright and pointy breasts. And, to top it all, her jugs were said to be P-cup in size! Fuck!
    What's more, Mona/Karen was more beautiful than ever. Her face, which had been heartbreakingly beautiful in a corn-fed, innocent Iowa manner back home, was now if anything more gorgeous than ever — and a whole lot more sophisticated, besides! Jack thought she looked like a cross between huge-titted, blonde porn stars Lisa Lipps and Pandora Peaks, except she was a lot more buxom than either — and a whole lot more gorgeous, too!
    Karen had worn a cute blonde pageboy with a flip in high school; Mona had a huge blonde head of hair that extended almost down to her ass crack! Karen had worn loafers and bobby socks; Mona was wearing 6" heels that showcased a pair of legs that was just awesome. They were killers! Her sleek thighs, and exquisitely muscled calves would be stupendous enough to draw crowds by themselves. What an all-time piece of ass Mona was. Jesus! She would be in the top drawer of Club membership were she ever to join, that was for sure!
    Mona was impressed as well. "Wow!" Mona said. "You are so handsome, Jack. Man! What a hunk you are! You're so good-looking it makes my head hurt! And I hope I look OK to you!"
    "Honey," Jack replied," You look like a wet dream! I can't believe how gorgeous and built and buxom you are!"
    Mona responded to this complement by walking over and embracing Jack. The pressure of her massive tits against Jack's chest made his cock stand to attention — instantly! Jack could tell that Mona was immediately aware of the effect upon his reproductive organ of the pressure of her mind-boggling body. After all, she responded to this impressive bulge by gently rubbing her crotch against Jack's lengthening and thickening fuck hose.
    It certainly stirred his juices generally; before Jack even knew how they had gotten there his hot hands had trailed down Mona's bare back and had begun cupping her stupendous ass cheeks. Man! It was already clear to Jack that this evening was not going to end with a handshake at the front door!
    "Baby," Mona whispered, "I have an idea that a wet dream is not going to be on tonight's agenda at all ... hmmm ... maybe a wet reality ... Wow ... I love the way your hands are taking charge, honey ... I just love it when the right guy doesn't waste any time getting right down to business!"
    The couple had a nice intimate dinner in the Valley. Jack had intended to take Mona to a plush Beverly Hills spot until he had seen that red dress. It was a bit much for even that neighborhood. Instead, he let her suggest a place. They ended up at a slightly shabby steakhouse about a mile or so from Mona's apartment.
    They were soon seated in a secluded booth way in the back of the restaurant (the availability of which probably dictated Mona's choice of the establishment), and began talking over old times. Their bodies, however, were very much focused on the present. The couple was solidly wedged up against each other. As they talked, Mona continually rammed and rubbed her much-bigger-than-melon-sized udders into Jack's chest, while Jack was sensuously stroking her sleek, bare thigh. Mona's legs were bare, and her luscious thighs were so silken. Given the way the ultra-short dress had ridden so far up on her thigh, this meant that Jack's hot hand was very close to Mona's crotch. Her response of softly placing a hand on top of Jack's and caressing it as he stroked her upper thigh seemed to say that this was just fine with her!
    God! Mona's outfit was so sexy and her manner so friendly, that Jack wondered if Mona was wearing panties. He decided that going up her dress to play with her pussy at this stage of the evening might be a tad premature, though. It was also a bit early in the date — at least in public — to start cupping Mona's mega-breasts. Christ! They were so huge that they were resting in her lap! Her skirt was so short that her tits were actually covering up bare thigh! Jack was getting so hot that he was afraid of slurping a load in his pants!
    Those tits! Because Jack was sure that some of the letters leading up to Mona's P-cup bra size were the result of surgical enhancement, he could hardly wait to check out the quality of the work for himself. From the soft pressure with which Mona's giant rack was pressed and squashed against his arm, shoulder, and chest, however, Jack suspected that they were going to feel as natural as the real thing!
    As the evening progressed, Mona's warmth increased. In fact, before they were finished their first course, the couple had stopped talking almost entirely. Instead, they had simply locked gazes and begun staring, almost unblinking, into each other's eyes. Jesus! Jack was getting shivers from their galloping mutual attraction. Things had never been as hot as this in Iowa — not even close!
    When they finally broke the silence, Mona punctuated the increasingly steamy conversation by planting a soft kiss on Jack's cheek and saying: "Jack, I can't believe how handsome and sweet you are! You're even more of a hunk than you were back in Iowa! And you were fabulous back then!"
    Jack smiled in response; "Karen," he said, "You were a genuine "10" back in high school; what these ten years have done is to turn you into about a "20!" And you're so sweet and wonderful as well!
    "Sweetheart!" Mona groaned. As Jack's right hand rubbed and
    squeezed her hot thigh, Mona's right hand reached for his knee. Jack's gigantic, throbbing, utterly elongated shaft actually extended to a point just above his kneecap. The result was that in reaching for his knee, Mona slightly brushed Jack's massive cock head.
    "Jesus!" she moaned. "I had forgotten how unbelievably hung you were!" Mona reached under the tablecloth and firmly grabbed hold of Jack's rock-like, utterly engorged cock. "Christ!" she moaned again, as her hand lightly traced the full length of the monstrously swollen tool. "It's so huge! You're a stallion, precious! And you're so excited, too, so stiff! Oh, honey, we've got to put this thing to work real, real soon. Oh, baby, this is too much! I want it inside me so bad, precious!"
    Jack quickly looked around; no waiter was nearby and the neighboring tables were empty. With a passionate groan, he pulled Mona's so ready and utterly pliant body ruthlessly into his, and passionately crushed his lips against hers. Mona responded by opening her mouth almost to the breaking point and wildly fucking Jack's mouth with her long, squirming tongue.
    Seconds into the kiss, Jack started to cup and squeeze one of Mona's giant tits — they felt so soft! They were so huge, though, that they greatly overflowed Jack's hand. What a turn-on! Almost immediately, Mona started rubbing and squeezing Jack's gigantic cock. If the two lovers were not careful they were soon going to be making love right there in the booth!
    Cued by a nervous cough marking their waiter's sudden arrival, Jack was able to pull away after a few seconds. Oh, baby," Jack moaned in a low whisper into Mona's ear. "You are such a hot bitch! I can't wait to be alone with you!" Then he smiled and recovered a bit. "Should I call you Karen or Mona?" he asked in a thick voice.
    "Well," she said after some thought, "I think Karen is fine for right now because of who I really am. But," she added with a warm smile, a wink, and a squeeze of the right hand that was now frantically pawing her thigh, "probably Mona when we get back to my apartment." She leaned over and, after running her arm under Jack's suit coat and around his waist, gave Jack a passionate kiss on his cheek. "What do you say we have our dessert back at my place, lover? I want to make love with you so bad!"

Chapter 51

It was definitely Mona as opposed to Karen who took charge after dinner. It was a miracle that the lovers even made it back to Mona's apartment without stopping to fuck their brains out somewhere along the way. As it was, the couple passionately French kissed and wildly groped each other at every red light.
    The couple sat down on Karen's living room couch to sip after-dinner drinks. Before the drinks were barely started, though, Jack and Mona were frantically and passionately kissing and groping everywhere they could reach. Jack quickly discovered that there were indeed no panties under that red dress.
    In fact, Mona told him that she had so hoped he would start finger-fucking her when things started getting so hot in the restaurant that she had taken off her panties and put them in her purse during a trip to the girls' room! Jack had certainly blown that opportunity!
    As Jack had assumed, each was the other's dessert! Their clothes — including Mona's so-big 34P bra — were quickly strewn all over the living room, and the lovers were soon wildly and passionately loving each other's bodies on the couch.
    Mona's tits were so big, and so firm and soft at the same time. Wow! Jack could not believe the way they molded themselves perfectly to the onslaught of his hot, frantic hands! Jack was amazed at the way they slid and rolled all over Mona's chest at the pressure of his hands as he pushed and pulled on the giant pontoons! Man!
    On the way home, Mona had fessed up to having saline implants. She had paid top dollar to the best doctor in the business, however, and the quality showed. ("A girl friend in the business named Minka turned me on to him," she confided). As Jack's hot, wild hands frantically rubbed, squeezed, cupped, pummeled, pushed, pulled, and generally molested the eye-popping pair of mega-tits, Jack had to admit he couldn't tell the difference. They were so great!
    As Jack was working out on Mona's gigantic bosom, he was getting his glass blown — in style. Man! What a cock sucker Mona was; Jack was not sure he had ever gotten such a sensual blowjob — even from Tina! The combination of her mouth, lips, and tongue was just downright semen producing! Jack could tell that he was getting real close to the point of no return!
    It was definitely time to head for the bedroom. Jack stood up, his super-thick and-long cock waving in the air. He was so frantically aroused that his enormous cock head was brushing up against his right nipple!
    He reached down to pull Mona to her feet. As he leaned in to take the hands of his monstrously buxom lover, however, he found his cock slipping inside Mona's deep, deep cleavage. The sensation was so sexy! Jack started almost involuntarily moving his hips, and thus his granite-like cock, against Mona's tit meat.
    In response, Mona quickly pushed her gigantic bosom closed against the throbbing dick and captured it inside that warm, silken, cocoon of tit meat. The massive shaft was soon, except for its purple head, hidden from view. Jack was so hot! He started wildly humping and tit-fucking the stupendous bulk of tit flesh while Mona continued to sit on the couch staring deeply, steadily, and lovingly into his eyes.
    As his passion increased, Jack reached down and started to caress her beautiful blonde hair. Mona leaned in and began passionately to lick his stomach and rub his nipples as his rock-hard cock slid up and down the super-deep valley between her tits.
    By now Jack was moaning, grunting, and groaning with debilitating passion. Mona could feel the iron-like cock actually getting stiffer and stiffer! "Do you want to head to the bedroom?" asked Mona, who could tell better than most gals when a guy was about to shoot his cookies.
    Jack was now pumping up and down like a wild man. He had put his hands over Mona's to increase the pressure of her massive shelf of tit meat against his ready-to-blow dick. His groans were getting louder. "Too late, baby," he cried, "I'm so hot! It's happening right now! Ughh!"
    Jack dropped his splayed fingers from the sides of Mona's enormous bosom and grabbed hold of his jerking dick. Mona, who had played this identical scene in a hundred or more porn flicks, wrapped her hands around the massive shaft as well. Jack's cock was so long that it accommodated the four hands along its shaft without overlap! In unison, the two hot lovers began to jag off the throbbing dick. "Nghh! Ugh! Ugh! Fuck! Shit! Argh!"
    Two pulls was all it took. "Nrgh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!" A super-powerful splat of spunk rocketed out of Jack's cock hole. His eyes had just about rolled into the back of his head at the thrill of the ejaculation, but he dimly perceived that the hot load of sperm had spurted very high into the air. "Shit! Fuck! Jesus! Crap! Ugh! Ugh! Arghhh!"
    Only seconds later, an even more powerful shot catapulted out of the out-of-control fuck stick. Jack was going crazy with lust. Unimaginable thrills were coursing up and down his body. Shit! They would not stop; what is more, shot after shot of sperm kept spurting out of Jack's cock. The trajectory of the hot creamy jizz was now lower; however, the supply seemed endless! The thrill of sitting thigh to thigh and breast to breast with Mona at dinner had clearly cocked Jack's trigger in a major way!
    By the time the thrills and eruptions of jism had subsided about ninety seconds later, the lovers' hands were just covered with the sticky white stuff. "Jesus, Jack," Mona murmured, "I work with some of the hottest male stars in the business, guys like Kerry Lowe, Paulie Pork, Sid Stallion, and Dick Hung. None of them ever shot spunk like that! God! None of them has a cock anywhere near the size of yours, either! Jesus, sweetheart, you must be more hung that John Holmes!"
    Jack just smiled. "Just so it fits, sweetheart; that's all that matters. Why don't we go into the bedroom and see if it does!"
    "God!" Mona chuckled. "Do you think there's any spunk left inside there for me?"
    "Lots and lots," Jack responded with a grin. "You know, that dress you wore really primed my pump; I could be up and running in no time just from picturing in my mind's eye how you looked in it!"
    Mona giggled. "That dress is from my last movie! I could probably get arrested for wearing it in public. I know it was really indecent for a date, but the restaurant I chose doesn't give a shit about such things, and I really wanted to get you hot and bothered!"
    "It worked," Jack smirked. "It really worked! Now let's go find out just how well!"
    As the lovers moved off the couch to head for the bedroom, Mona happened to glance up at the ceiling. "Jesus! Will you look at that, Jack!"
    As he looked up Jack saw a huge shiny gob of jism splattered all over the ceiling. His ejaculation had actually hit the roof! Shit! He knew Mona had gotten him really hot, but really ... !
    "Precious," Mona whispered, "don't worry about it — we'll get it cleaned up in the morning when we have less pressing business. Or maybe I'll just leave it up there as a trophy!"
    Mona shook her head in wonderment. "I've never seen a guy do that! You're just amazing, Jack. And I can't wait to get a powerful shot like that up my pussy! Or maybe lots of shots like that!"

Chapter 52

The sizzling, super-hot lovers were soon passionately making out in Mona's king-size bed. Among her other virtues (or vices, depending upon your moral point of view), was that Mona was just about the most exciting kisser Jack had ever swapped spit with. The result was that, within minutes, Jack was so stiff that he doubted if he had enough loose skin anywhere in his body to form a wrinkle! After a prolonged session held at Mona's clitoris and pussy with Jack's tongue and fingers in charge, his jumbo-sized cock was roaring in and out of Mona's convulsing, dripping pussy!
    Mona was an amazing lover. The way she fucked, with her soaked pussy sucking in and squeezing on his rock-hard cock was almost unimaginably exciting. This was not the Karen Kenar of Hoover High School days! This was an adult film-educated girl who knew every trick in the book, and was now practicing them with Jack!
    Before the sun had risen — and the loving did not even stop with that event — Jack had catapulted half a dozen rockets of spunk down his lover's cunt. He had also caked Mona with three splatters of jism all over her immense bosom. In addition, heavy loads of jizz were sloshing around in Mona's stomach from the four times she had taken him in her mouth and swallowed hot, generous shots of sticky jism down her gulping throat!
    The lovers actually talked a little during rest breaks. Mona had left Iowa for LA to go to UCLA. She had been active in drama class in high school and dreamed of Hollywood success. Her parents were utterly opposed to the step because they feared that Karen would fall prey to the worldly pleasures that were available at every hand in Babylon-on-the-Pacific.
    Her parents were right. Karen's born-again beliefs did not survive her Freshman year. For the rest of college she treated herself to many of the worldly amusements her fundamentalist upbringing had denied her. She went home less and less; she could not stand the stern, disapproving — and, yes sad — looks in her parents' eyes.
    "I hope," Mona said, "you can see why, with my career and my store-bought tits and all, I didn't want to get within a thousand miles of our tenth high school reunion."
    Of course, she continued in her acting classes. Karen had the talent, and especially the face; unfortunately, the agents with whom she talked pronounced her much too buxom to be a mainstream star.
    "I mean, Jack, G-cup tits cause too much of a distraction in general release movies. I think Pandora Peaks was the only really huge-titted girl to get a part in that kind of movie, and that was in Striptease with Demi Moore, which was a special, not-to-be-repeated exception to the rule."
    "Hmmm ... baby!" Jack murmured. "I see what you mean. You can't imagine what a distraction your P-cup tits are to me right this minute, for example!"
    "Shut up, Jack," Mona replied with a grin. "I thought about having breast reduction surgery," Mona went on, "but while I was mulling that over, I got an offer to be a go-go girl in a City of Industry topless dive. I was a junior at UCLA and, believe me, I had literally hundreds of male classmates hot on my trail. I could hardly walk between classes without drawing a crowd of guys! Getting hit on in the club was not a new experience, believe me!
    "The go-go job involved lap dancing and made me a lot of money — did I ever get the tips! But the film thing just didn't go anywhere.
    "One night, a sleazy-looking guy came in and bought me a drink. He said he was in adult films, announced, 'baby, you could be a really big star.' I drove out to the Valley for an interview; the next thing I knew I was eating out Traci Topps in a lezbo feature film in exchange for a $500 check! I had never done anything like that, but I really needed the money and Traci is, well, just so cute, so it seemed OK. After a while, I figured 'what the hell,' and started doing hetro' hard-core stuff.
    "I've seen pictures of Traci Topps," Jack responded, "and she really is cute. But you're cuter, honey — a lot cuter — and much more buxom too."
    "Jack, flattery will not get you any more than you're gotten already — which is everything," Mona quipped. "Anyway, I finally got my degree but even under my Karen Kenar name, I simply couldn't get any regular Hollywood jobs. Even so, I just couldn't see getting carved up to make my tits smaller — I'm a chicken, I guess."
    "Oh, baby," Jack said in a shocked tone, "don't even think thoughts like that. Your tits are so great! Don't ever even consider making them smaller!
    "Okay, I promise," Mona replied in a tone of obvious insincerity. "Meanwhile, my adult film career was soaring, and I decided that if I wasn't going to reduce the size of my tits for a mainstream Hollywood career, then I ought to get them increased for a adult film career in the Valley. I had saline implants to get me up to a 34P cup size; after a short recuperation I found myself getting tit-fucked on camera by Paulie Pork while in the same bed a giant-titted girl from Las Vegas named Deena Duos was taking ten inches of Dick Hung up the ol' rear staircase. Oh, yes, at the same time she was swallowing spunk from Sid Stallion's spurting cock! And ... I almost forget! ... a guy named Perry Pecker was fucking me at the same time! What an orgy!
    "The rest, dear heart, is history! If I keep busy — which means making about a movie a month or so! — I can make really good money. Plus, I pose for big tit magazines like Score and Gent and Juggs and Voluptuous, and a lot of my pictures are on for-pay Internet sites, all of which brings in a little extra change each month. Maybe getting my own web site is next."
    "What a busy girl," said Jack who had inserted three of his fingers into Mona's drenched cunt and was now gently finger-fucking his lover.
    "Hmmm ... oh, oh, oh! Oh, Jack, honey, you're such a busy guy yourself!" Mona writhed and squirmed all over the bed before resuming her story.
    "I've even thought about going out on the dancing circuit," Mona "I've said 'No thanks,' though, to the escort thing, which some of the girls do. There's an agency called Nicigirls that specializes in escort dates with porn stars; they can get you up to $1500 a date. I just couldn't do it though — I guess everyone has her limit, and that's mine." Mona smiled and reached down to pull on Jack's rapidly swelling member. "Anyway, it all adds up to a living," she concluded.
    "That is quite a story," Jack pronounced. It was also extremely arousing as well, he might have added. During most of it he had been mauling and squeezing those 34P treasures in addition to slipping his fingers in and out of Mona's utterly stretched-out and dripping pussy.
    "Well, in a very few years I'll be getting a bit old for adult films, I think. I guess I could direct or produce or something. Ugh! At least I have to come up with a game plan of some kind.
    "Some of the girls get married and drop out, but although I have tons of boy friends, they are not the kind of guys I want to spend the rest of my life with, believe me!"
    Mona began to caress Jack's recovering fuck stick "I had forgotten what a real, genuine guy could be like, honey. Meeting you again and having this evening happen has been so great, Jack. It reminds me of what life can really be like!" Mona leaned over and began a five-minute long French kiss with the handsome, muscular, super-hung lover. Naturally, she held on to Jack's stiffening cock during entire mouth- and ñtongue fuck!
    When the lovers pulled apart, spit stretching from mouth to mouth as their mouths disengaged, Mona went on. "This is just like being back in Iowa with a sweet, caring boyfriend. You were and are just that, Jack, but this is not Iowa and we're not back in Hoover High School. Don't get worried, in other words, sweetheart. I know the score! We're probably doing a one-night stand here but that's OK. After all, it been so great!"
    "Uh ... uh ... no, Mona, I mean ... I do want to see you again, I'll definitely call the next time I'm in town!" Jack stammered, forgetting in the heat of the moment that since two women were twice as many as he needed in his life at the moment, volunteering to make it three was madness!
    "Jack, cut it out — don't be a complete asshole." Mona rolled her eyes but then gave Jack a long, hard hug. "Look — it's years too late for us, precious, so I just want to enjoy these moments with you — and that's fine! And for now, that's enough talk. From the way you're mashing my bosom and your dick is stretching out along the sheets, I would guess you're ready to show me again how glad you are to see me. Fuck me please, darling!"
    In the morning Jack canceled his meetings on account of "a touch of the stomach flu." He and Mona, after a couple of hours of sleep, woke up and went right back to kissing, sucking, licking, and fucking. Jack barely got out of the apartment in time to swing by his hotel, pack, and run to the airport to catch his early evening plane.
    As the lovers said their passionate good-byes at the door, Karen looked Jack in the eye and said: "You know, I really do have a feeling that as wonderful as this time together has been, we'll never see each other again. You are such a great lover, Jack! But our lives are just too different now to pick up where we left off. And the 3,000 miles between us makes things kind of impossible anyway. But you know what? — that's OK. After our hot and cold relationship in high school — you being the hot one and me the cold customer — we both had serious unfinished agendas with each other."
    Mona smiled as she rubbed her gigantic mounds of tit meat against Jack's chest and pulled on his rapidly stiffening dick. "Last night and today sure helped with that business for both of us! Mission accomplished! The books balance! Thanks for looking me up, lover!"
    Mona gave Jack another passionate, open-mouthed kiss. "Thanks especially for giving me the loving of my life, too, honey! I've never been hosed like that before, on screen or off! You've just turned me into silly putty, sweetheart.
    "Man! If you ever wanted to switch careers, you could be the absolute top male lead in my business. If nothing else, every female porno star would be beating down your door to 'practice' her 'lines' for the next day's shooting. Trust me, honey. You could be a big star in this business, on and off camera!"
    Visions of the dozens and dozens of Club videos Jack had made with H10 members flitted through Jack's mind. There were quite enough videos of himself in circulation already, thank you very much! Of course, the idea of ultra-buxom porn starlets trying to seduce him was very attractive. Forget it, though, he firmly told himself; his business and personal life were both too complicated as it was to entertain thoughts like that!

Part Eight: June

Chapter 53

In fact, Jack never did see Karen/Mona again. By now, Jack seeing nobody but Jenny (for love) and Tina (for lust). In some crazy way he had managed to convince himself that, by limiting his love life to those two beauties, he was on his way to becoming capable of a commitment to his huge-breasted, teenage girlfriend from England.
    Of course, he knew that commitment by definition meant devoting yourself of one person and one person only. Still, by restricting his lover-making to Jenny and Tina (and even that theory required a convenient disregard of his recent dalliances with Carol George ("Well, that was only just for old-time's sake — it doesn't really count"), and Mona Mountains ("ditto"), Jack felt that at least he was practicing or tuning up for the real thing. It made no sense, but then the sort of logical reasoning engaged in by a guy's little head rarely does!
    Of course, Jack soon found that exceptions to even that specially defined notion of commitment can arise, especially when a fellow is thousands of miles from his lovers and is in a very horny condition besides! Thus, there came about Jack's absolutely very last involvement with anyone at all but his two extremely buxom and beautiful lovers from England and Brazil.
    It occurred when he went to The Treasure Top, a topless joint featuring big tit dancers located on Broadway a few blocks north of Times Square. Against his better judgment, Jack was dragged along by some younger associates in the firm who were looking for some Times Square-type "action" after a late night work session spent drafting a complex unfair competition complaint (Jack refrained from telling the fellows that guys looking for action in Times Square these days were more likely to run into Mickey Mouse or Goofy than a hooker!)
    The headliner at the club, the guys said, was a gorgeous, remarkably sweet-faced but monstrously buxom blonde dancer named June Chest. The poster at the club entrance claimed that June measured 75VVV-21-33. As a true tit connoisseur, Jack seriously doubted the 75" part — not to mention the idea that the name "June Chest" was actually given to her at birth! — but after seeing her dance he thought that at least her alleged X-cup bra size was right on the money!
    And so were the 21" and the 33" — she was really slim, curvaceous, and astonishingly beautiful, as well. Jesus! June was really something else! Aside from Tina, of course, it had been a long time since Jack had seen anyone as massively buxom as June. What's more, her bosom was just astonishingly firm and well formed.
    Jack heard all about June Chest on the subway ride up to the club from Wall Street; one of the guys he was with raved the whole trip about an R-rated video of the stripper he had seen. June was apparently a little publicity-shy; she never appeared in movies or magazines and sold her videos only through her own fan club. And her videos were all limited to topless dancing — no hard-core or even nude-below-the-waist action for June.
    As the subway train slid into the Times Square station, Jack's friend was boasting about what he would do to June if he ever got his hands on her. This guy — as yet so callow and immature — was obviously a tit-man like Jack. Jack laughed inwardly; if this guy ever dreamed of the kind of love life Jack enjoyed or saw a couple of Jack's hugely-bosomed lovers in the flesh, he would shoot a load right in his pants!
    Jack was really turned on by June's dancing. She had the sweet innocent look of a surpassingly beautiful sixteen-year old cheerleader — complete with the traditional mane of cascading down-to-the-small-of-the-back blonde hair — but her body, everywhere else so slim and curvy, was so impossibly lush and fully stacked up top as to be almost unbelievable. Her tits were so incredibly massive and so mouth-watering! June Chest was the perfect stage name for this ultra-titted beauty!
    Between shows, June sat at the end of the bar, politely but firmly running off the guys — including, sad to say, his pals from the office — who walked up and tried hitting on her. Jack then tried his luck and — what do you know! — he got a positive response! June gave him a dazzling smile and said "yes," when he asked if he could join her.
    He then bought June a drink, and then another, and then another! Jack assumed the drinks were watered down, but so what — it was her company, not the proof of the alcohol, that counted. Jack even sensed that June was actually coming on to him a little. For Jack, it had been more than three weeks since his last visit with Jenny and almost a month since his last trip to Brazil.
    In other words, Jack had engaged in no sex in almost a month and, since he had been disciplining himself to refrain from beating his meat in order to make his actual intercourse as thrilling as possible, he was hornier than hell. Was there a possibility that he could actually bed down this oh-so buxom and gorgeous babe with whom he was pleasantly chatting and laughing?
    Of course, there was a larger question. Should he even be trying? As Jack's big head reminded himself of his duty to be faithful to Jenny, and to make Tina at most his one exception to that rule, his little head was wildly fantasying about mauling and sucking on June's gigantic tits while his iron-hard cock was reaming out her drenched pussy. It should come as no surprise that, as was usually the case with Jack, it was the little head that prevailed in this dialogue!
    Around midnight his pals decided to leave to catch their trains at Penn Station. Frankly, Jack thought, they were acting abandoned and a bit resentful about his hour-long tete-a-tete with June Chest. "Are you going to get lucky, Davenport?" the June Chest fan among them mockingly challenged Jack. Jack could see that the guy was really bitter that it was Jack and not he who was making time with the incredibly buxom beauty. "Why him and not me?" the guy's scowling face seemed to be demanding!
    Jack could see that if anything were going to happen with June tonight, it would clearly take place only after his friends had left the club, and only then if they had no inkling of his plans. He especially wanted his bitterly disappointed colleague off the premises before he made his pitch!
    In any event, Jack had made up his mind. Fidelity, honor, and loyalty were values which were going to have to go into suspension for a few hours because tonight, he was going to go for it!
    Accordingly, Jack left with his pals, walked them down as far south as 42nd Street, and then turned the corner and smoothly waved goodbye as if heading east to Grand Central Station. In fact, Jack circled around the block and headed back up Broadway to the Treasure Top to explore further developments. There were, for sure, a couple of really big things at the bar he wanted to check out!
    When he got back to the club, June was sitting alone at the end of the bar, wearing the frilly, floor-length dress with which she started her dances. "Hi, cutie," Jack said, "ready for another drink?"
    June gave Jack a sweet smile. "Sure, handsome," she replied, "I thought you had gone off and abandoned me."
    "Not a chance," Jack replied, giving June's thigh a quick squeeze. "I just had to show my friends how to get to Penn Station," he lied.
    "I'm glad you're back, anyway," June said with an almost imperceptible roll of the eyes — she knew a lie, even a white one, when she heard one! She then leaned over and gave Jack a quick peck on the cheek to demonstrate her pleasure in Jack's reappearance and her forgiveness of his tiny untruth.
    As June leaned over to do so, Jack could feel her gigantic bosom pressing firmly into his shoulder. "Oh, man!" Jack thought to himself, "June is so unbelievably buxom! "As he sat there thinking about it, he quickly grew a raging boner.
    When it was her turn to dance again a few minutes later, Jack took a ringside seat. June started dancing in her formal evening gown, the top of which was monstrously distended because of the really full and fat mounds of tit meat hidden underneath.
    By the middle of the second song, the dress was gone, and an impossibly stuffed leopard skin bra, out of which June's enormous tits were threatening to explode, was in evidence. During the third song, June reached behind her back, undid the numerous bra straps, whereupon her so-big X-cup tits flopped out on to her chest and were totally on display! They were so round, so big, and so firm!
    Jack was covertly rubbing his stiff cock through his fly as he watched; he was so hot at the unbelievably sexy sight of June's massive, massive tits floating, galloping, shimming, and bouncing as her really arousing dance continued. Shit! Her gigantic pontoons extended almost to her waist. And they were so firm, super-wide, and shapely, too! What a pair!
    The guys in the audience were raucously shouting, rudely whistling, and throwing dollar bills onto the stage in appreciation of the beautiful, ultra-buxom dancer. When a guy held up a bigger bill than a one, June would dance over and pick up the bill by mashing it (and the donor's hand!), in between her gigantic, meaty tits. (The dollar bills she simply scooped up at the end of the dance — you couldn't buy your way into June's bosom that cheaply!)
    Jack needed a little of that action! He needed it in the worst way! When June danced over to Jack and gave him a sexy smile, he took a $100 bill out of his wallet and waved it in the general direction of her enormous jugs. They were swaying and swinging and, because June was leaning over, actually hanging down below her waist! Jack's boner was raging even more seriously now.
    "Ohh, that's so sweet of you," June said, as she enveloped both the $100 bill and Jack's hand inside her lush rack by pressing her splayed fingers along as much of the sides of her enormous, meaty bosom as she could grab hold of. She then squeezed her monster hooters around both the money and Jack's hand. Both the money and the hand, it should be noted, were completely covered up with tit meat because of the incredible size of June's huge hangers.
    In addition, June seemed to retain Jack's hot hand inside her massive bosom for a much longer period of time than she had done with the other bigger-bill donors! Of course, nobody else had flashed her a hundred. Was it the size of the bill, then? Or was it her attraction to Jack that led to this extra special tit treatment? As Jack well knew, only time would tell!
    The sensation caused by the warm, soft tit flesh in which Jack found his hand enveloped was just overpowering. Then, June added even additional stiffness to Jack's inflamed boner by leaning down and, with her mouth wide open and tongue wiggling, giving Jack a quick, but really sensuous, French kiss. "Thank you, sweetheart," she whispered. "See you after the show, I hope!"
    "Hmmm!" Jack decided, "those little added features were tilting the balance in favor of animal attraction instead of monetary considerations as an explanation for his extra-special treatment by the stupendously beautiful and almost absurdly buxom young dancer! Jack could hardly wait to rejoin June at the bar!
    At this point, in fact, Jack was almost frantic with lust and desire! If at all possible, Jack just had to have this woman! He had to have her tonight!
    When the dance was over, Jack moved back to the end of the bar, sipped his drink, and surreptitiously massaged his raging hard-on through his pants. He was so excited that his boner just would not go down!
    About 45 minutes later (just as Jack had begun to wonder if she was actually going to show up at all) June joined him at the bar; however, this time she was wearing an almost ridiculously short, skin-tight, way-up-to-here micro-mini-skirt and an equally tight turtleneck sweater.
    The bosom-hugging sweater was, of course, astonishingly stuffed full of mind-boggling, overflowing mounds of tit flesh. Jesus! June's monster jugs were actually resting in her lap while she sat next to Jack! For Jack's money, there was nothing sexier in the world than the sight of a massive pair of super firm tits stretching and straining against the confines of a really tight sweater.
    In this case, June's beyond-huge, super-shapely appendages of tit meat were so seriously challenging the elasticity of the wool that it looked as if they could burst through the sweater at any moment! What's more, the extreme shortness of her micro-mini-shirt — it was little more than a band of material around June's buttocks — utterly showcased her killer legs and almost unbearably luscious thighs. On account of his extremely horny state, Jack wondered if he was going to slurp a load into his underpants in helpless reaction to this surpassingly arousing sight!

Chapter 54

Jack moved his stool over very close to June's so that they could talk over the din of the raucous music to which other strippers were dancing. In the process, their thighs had begun to touch. June certainly did not move away but actually seemed to press her thigh against Jack's in response.
    "Don't you usually wear a dancer's outfit while you're waiting for the next dance?" Jack queried.
    "Actually," June said, "I'm through for the night; it's time to head home to my hotel for a good night's sleep."
    The sweet-faced, incomprehensibly buxom dancer yawned, stretched — her gigantic tits pushing way out into Jack's direction as she did so — and then smiled sweetly, if sleepily, at Jack.
    "Can I buy you one more for the road?" Jack inquired.
    "I'd love one, honey, but then I really have to go," June whispered in return, as she wiggled a bit closer to Jack. "Let's get acquainted, then. I'm June, and you're...?" she inquired.
    "Jack," he smiled as the two gently shook hands, and then held each other's hands a second or so longer than social convention would have deemed actually necessary.
    As they sipped their drinks, Jack and June's thighs had become firmly pressed together from top to bottom. Jack was getting seriously aroused. As the couple joked and laughed, June linked her arm through Jack's and leaned heavily into his shoulder. Jack could feel the heavy weight of her ultra-monstrous bosom pressing strongly against the entire side of his body! It was so sensual! And so arousing!
    June's sweater was so sexy! As she and Jack talked, she would from time to time arch her back; her enormous knockers would stick out even farther and strain harder against the seriously tested fabric. God! Jack imagined he could hear the woolen threads screaming for mercy! By now, the couple's thighs were almost welded together! Even more exciting, June's tits were actually getting visibly distended from the force with which she was mashing Jack's arm into her gigantic bosom! What a sight!
    This was really getting serious, Jack thought. June had said she was through for the night. And she was certainly acting very friendly! God! Jack was either getting the prick tease of all time, or Jack and June were going to find themselves in bed engaged in red-hot sex before the night was over. It was definitely time for Jack to make his move to find out which it was to be!
    The couple's glasses were about empty. "I've really enjoyed meeting you, June," Jack said, a little thickly. I'm really sorry you have to go home. You know, though," Jack observed, his mind firmly fixed on June's ultra-mini-skirt and skin-tight, over-packed sweater, "a really gorgeous girl you could get bothered by some jerks out on the street. Could I make sure you get home safely? I'd love to see you to the hotel if I could — I'd certainly feel a lot better if I knew you made it back there safely."
    June look at Jack appraisingly for a few seconds, and then, as if she had made an important decision, smiled radiantly. "That would be really sweet of you, Jack."
    "Great," Jack said with a grin and a quick hug, "I'm ready when you are, honey."
    The couple quickly got a cab outside the club courtesy of the doorman/bouncer; guys waiting in line outside the club to pay the club's $15 cover charge gaped goggle-eyed at the incredibly buxom and short-skirted June Chest as she and Jack got into the cab. To a man they wondered who that lucky guy was!
    The hotel was only about eight blocks away. Jack and June chatted pleasantly during the ride, their bodies squashed together in the back seat of the taxi. God! June's absurdly tiny skirt had ridden up almost all the way to her cunt! Jack could actually see her panties, and they appeared to be no more substantial than a thong! Shit!
    Jack couldn't help himself; he rested his hand lightly way up high on June's hot, bare thigh. In turn, she placed her soft hand on top of his and gave it a squeeze from time to time. Wow! Were things looking up for Jack or what!
    Because her monster hooters were resting in her lap, this meant that every time the cab turned a corner or hit a bump, Jack's hand would light brush June's massive bosom. Shit! June certainly registered no objection; nor did she move away at this touch. Wow! June's body language was screaming "YES!"
    Jack was so stiff! His cock was shouting "YES! YES! YES!" He couldn't remember being this horny or ready for love in ages!
    Meanwhile, Jack and June's eyes had become torridly locked on each other. No doubt about it — Jack was getting a whole lot of encouragement from the fantastically buxom and beautiful babe whose major assets were just jammed up against his chest as the cab poked along the traffic-heavy cross-town street. Jack was in heaven anticipating what might be about to happen when they got to June's hotel!
    "How come a real hunk like you hangs around a club like the Treasure Top, Jack?" June wondered out loud, as she snuggled even closer to him, a giant tit firmly jammed up against his side.
    "I don't — it's my first time, actually," Jack said, "I got dragged along by the guys from the office. It's not my style at all." He grinned. "I'm really much more of a hands-on type guy than just an observer. But I'm awfully glad I came to the club tonight," Jack smiled.
    "Me, too, honey," June smiled back, "and I can really believe the 'hands-on' part," she added with a grin of her own, as she squeezed and petted Jack's hand.
    They were now at the hotel; when they got out, June linked her arm firmly though Jack's and headed for the elevator bank. He could feel June's gigantic slab of tit meat pressing invitingly up against his arm as she pulled him close. Jack hoped that his raging hard-on was not obvious to the late night crowd walking through the lobby.
    June hesitated for a second in front of the elevator and then asked in a barely audible tone, "Would you like to come up for a night-cap, honey?" June's voice was husky and almost hesitant. At this point, Jack was certain he was in!
    As the elevator door opened, Jack just smiled and nodded "yes" very, very dreamily. "You bet I would," he said, leaning gently into her monstrous bosom.

Chapter 55

Jack and June were the only people in the elevator as she pressed "23" and the doors closed. Almost before the doors had completely shut, they were wrapped in each other's arms, passionately hugging and kissing. June's enormous hooters were pressing so fantastically into Jack's chest!
    June's face was sweetly beautiful and innocent, and her generous lips were very lush and sexy. As his thrusting tongue searched frantically inside June's absolutely wide-open mouth — if she opened it any wider her jaw was going to be in danger of breaking! — Jack eagerly ran his hands down the outside of June's really skimpy skirt to caress her super-cute butt. The skirt was so short that the bottom of June's ass cheeks were actually hanging out of the bottom of the micro-mini skirt. And June's panties — it was a thong after all — were so microscopic that her entire rump was bare! Jack's hands went wild as he cupped June's hot, curvy, squirming, naked butt! Man! What a trip!
    As Jack's hand roamed down below June's perfect globes of ass meat to stroke and squeezes her smooth, silken thighs, Jack could actually feel the wetness of cunt juice dripping down from her pussy! Jesus! June was such a hot bitch! She was absolutely ready to take Jack's obscenely huge cock right up her seriously leaking cunt!
    Next, Jack groped under June's sweater to run his hand up and down her back. Her massive bra which had — count 'em, ten hooks, Jack quickly discovered — covered up almost all of June's back! Christ! June's bosom was so huge. Jack wanted to take her bra off and love up her gigantic bosom so very much. Right on the spot, in fact!
    Between these face-swallowing kisses, June moaned, "God, I haven't ever brought a guy home from a club date before — ever; it's such an iron-clad rule with me. But there's something about you, Jack, you're so good-looking and nice, hmmm, I just wanted to be with you a whole lot."
    The elevator doors opened, and the couple walked with their arms wrapped around each other down the empty hallway to June's room. "You know," Jack said huskily, "that bit with the $100 bill tonight was so sexy."
    June gave him a sensuous look and then a hug. "Hmmm, baby," she whispered, "not too many guys give me a bill that big when I dance! You deserved a little extra! But that was business; this is pleasure. I'm looking forward to having your hands roaming all over every part of my body real, real soon." The couple had now reached June's room.
    "You're so handsome and sweet, Jack. I think you're probably going to end up having your way with me tonight. That is, sweetheart, if you want to," June offered with a sensuous smile, "which I really hope you do," she added, "'cause I'm just as horny as I could be!"
    "Hmmm, baby," Jack moaned, "I want you very so much — in fact, I really need you so awfully bad!" Jack was almost whimpering with need and passion.
    By this time his hands had worked around to June's front; he was shamelessly kneading and squeezing her astonishing mountains of tit flesh through her super-tight sweater. Soon, his hands were busy under the sweater as they attacked June's massive hangers through her custom-made, so, so big 34X bra.
    June ran her hands down Jack's front while he pushed and squeezed on her bra-clad, beyond-belief X-cup hangers. "Oh, my goodness, what's this, Jack?" June moaned passionately, as she reached down to feel Jack's really stiff, giant cock bulging almost grotesquely out of his pants.
    "It's a secret," Jack grinned, "a really thick fifteen inch secret — but I'm going to let you in on it real soon! And, sweetheart, I can't wait to start unfastening those ten hooks that are standing between my hot hands and your luscious bosom! Hmmm, are you ready for some real 'hands-on fun' and maybe even 'lips and tongues-on' fun?"
    "I can't wait, honey," June moaned again. As she tried to work her plastic card into the door opener, she just couldn't keep from rubbing and rubbing her oversized breasts against Jack's chest. She was having trouble getting the door open as a result.
    "Let me help," Jack offered. He soon had the door open. As soon as they stepped inside, Jack whipped his hot hands back under June's short skirt and resumed squeezing and rubbing her unbelievably sexy rump. Jack began to moan as he cupped and massaged the soft, bare, curvy, perky ass cheeks.
    June had put her arms around Jack; she was rubbing the back of his head as the couple started a really wet, slurping, French kiss. The small bedroom was soon filled with sucking, slurping noises as each lover rammed his tongue as far down the other's throat as possible, and then licked all around the other's mouth, finally passionately sucking and wildly licking the other's big, sensuous lips. Jack's hands kept on cupping and squeezing June's so-cute bare butt all the while.
    Jack then sat June down on the bed and started to work her tight sweater up over her way too big tits. Her tits were so enormous that it took a lot of contorted efforts on the part of both of them to get the really tight garment up and off her super-sized chest.
    "You know," June whispered, licking Jack's ears, cheek, and neck while he worked on the tight sweater, "I usually wear an extremely loose XXXL sweatshirt, oversized jeans, and big sunglasses when I go home; it's the best way to keep the mashers away. But I knew I wanted to take you home tonight, so I put on this tight sweater to showcase my tits so you'd want to come home with me.
    "I wore this really short skirt for the same reason. I wanted to show off my legs and butt for you. The other dancers were teasing me in the dressing room — they sure knew what the deal was! And you know what — I think it worked!"
    "Hmmm, honey," Jack said, as the sweater started to work itself up and over June's shockingly large hooters, "consider your tits showcased — I can't wait to feel them up with my bare hands. And I love your butt and legs too — they're so great! And your face is just so fantastically sweet and beautiful!
    "Shit," Jack marveled, after the sweater was off and he started to take off June's super-large custom-made bra, "I don't think I've ever encountered a ten-hook bra before." He was fibbing, of course; ten-hookers were common in the Club, and Patti had a twelve-hooker. And Laura Larson, he suddenly recalled, had sported a twelve-hooker as well — at least while she was nursing. And then there was Tina's fourteen-hooker! "Oh, honey," Jack moaned, "you're so beautiful and nice and your tits are so fantastically huge and sexy!"
    As Jack unfastened the bra from the back clasp by clasp, his cock throbbed and leaked love juice — he was getting so excited at the prospect of handling June's bare X-cup whoppers! Her bra was so big! It covered an area from just under her collarbone down to a point just below her belly button. As hook after hook was undone, the bra started to pull away from the two gigantic ultra-bulges of tit flesh captured underneath.
    Jack was moaning loudly as the last clasp was undone. With trembling hands he stuffed his hands underneath the bottom of the brassiere into the two massive, oversized cups. By this time the bra was held on only by its extra-wide shoulder straps.
    All of a sudden, Jack found his hands absolutely full — and then some! — of overflowing mounds of soft, warm tit meat. He moaned louder as he lifted the whole oversized bra off June's bosom. In seconds, his hands encountered two rock-hard, ‡" nipples. Seconds later he whipped the shoulders straps off June's arms and tossed the bra onto the floor. As his hands squeezed and mauled the giant hooters, Jack leaned over and wildly French kissed his now-groaning lover.
    Now both lovers were loudly moaning! After about five minutes of tit-kneading, Jack laid June down on the bed. He watched her lying there, her monstrous udders quivering and floating, as he pulled off her panties and tiny skirt. God! The two gigantic hooters were perched on her chest and stomach like two perfectly round, but super enormous puddles of tit flesh! They were quivering like giant bowls of Jell-O, waiting for Jack's hot, ready hands to give them a real seeing-to.
    Jack quickly began to undress himself. He was so stiff and ready! To his chagrin, however, he remembered he was wearing an old pair of too-small skivvies. June looked in amazement as his fantastically thick, long prick bulged way out of the tight, white under drawers, stretching the thin fabric almost to the breaking point!

Chapter 56

Jack tried to work his huge cock out of the too-tight pants, but he just couldn't get the job done — the pants were too tight and his boner was far too long and much too stiff.
    "My God," June marveled, "I've never seen a prick stick out so far from a pair of underwear before — I hope you get it out, honey, 'cause I really want that big thing inside me real, real soon! I need it so bad!
    "You know, Jack," June went on while Jack worked on the stretched-out underwear, "I'm on the road just all the time playing clubs and shooting videos — I never even have time for a date — it's just work, work, work. Plus, let's face it, the guys you run into on the strip club circuit are hardly husband, boy friend, or even date material. They're not even guys you'd like to spend an hour of free time with, for God's sake!
    "I did have a boy friend in Texas whom I saw once in a while, but we broke up a year ago. This means I haven't made love in over a year and, honey, I need some heavy loving so very bad! I think that's why I let you pick me up this evening — I'm so horny, sweetheart — I need some real good loving so very much and you were so nice and classy and handsome and soooooo sexy that I just couldn't resist your charms."
    Jack smiled and said, "Wow, such compliments!" as he continued tugging on his underwear.
    "And, God, the fact you turn out to have a gigantic dick is just a thrilling bonus!" June went on. "Hmmm, your cock really is so big, baby — I really want it, I need it. Come on, honey, get those pants off and come fuck me like mad right this minute — I'm really going crazy."
    June was on her back, fingering her pussy and massaging her huge bosom while Jack struggled with his underwear. Then, using both hands, June lifted up one humongous tit to her mouth and started sucking on her rock-hard nipple.
    After she let the giant hanger drop out of her mouth and flop back down on her chest, June started moaning, "Fuck me, honey, fuck me right now! Then she picked up the other tit, whose massive size seriously overflowed her hands, and guided its ultra-erect nipple into her waiting mouth.
    Jack was getting almost hot enough to blow lunch in his pants! He smiled ruefully, and said, "This seems like kind of an extreme solution, but unless we wait for me to lose my hard-on — which could take forever as long as I'm in the same room with you and isn't what I have in mind in any case — I'm going to have to rip these suckers off! I want to love you so much right now, baby, so guess what? — these skivvies are history!"
    With that, Jack took hold of the old pants with both hands, and ripped away at the fabric! Soon, his fully engorged cock, its tip already shiny with pre-cum, had sprung into sight.
    June was amazed; Jack's cock was just a monster! It was a thick as his wrist, and because of his rock-hard erection, the cock head atop the massive shaft was on a level almost equal to Jack's nipples! God! What had she gotten herself into here?
    "Oh, honey," June moaned. Seconds later, the lovers were lying together on the bed hugging and kissing, their bodies absolutely welded together.
    After a particularly sexy French kiss broke off, Jack got up his knees, straddled June's waist, and started to do some more heavy tit work on her stunningly large knockers. They were so big and his hands were just itching to feel them up some more — big time. In truth, Tina's tits (not to mention Carol George's present set of 101" breasts) were decidedly larger, but June's stunningly shapely bosom was definitely a top finisher in the giant tit competition.
    Her hangers were much wider than her body, and they nearly hung down to her waist. Besides, their somewhat smaller size allowed them to be a bit more shapely than Tina's too-big-to-believe ultra-knockers. And when it came to legs, asses, and faces, June, Tina, and Jenny were pretty much in a dead heat.
    Jack started to knead and rub June's monstrously huge breasts and then caress them and lick them and suck them and kiss them and nurse them. Her nipples were utterly rock hard and stuck half an inch up into the air. As he mashed and squeezed the shockingly huge hangers, he marveled at how soft they were — yet how firm! He marveled too at how he could mash them all out of shape and then see them spring back immediately to their normal form. June's mountainous bosom was so sexy and such a turn-on. Jack kept on kneading and sucking for an hour!
    Of course, it took both of Jack's hands to heft one of June's stupendously huge knockers. As she lay on her back moaning, the massive, super-fat, almost perfectly round piles of quivering tit meat covered all of June's chest and much of her stomach! Jack would reach down and, as best he could, encircle one of the giant puddles of tit meat with both hands. He would then squeeze and push in on the monstrous breast, which would make the giant tit hanger rise high up in the air.
    As Jack simultaneously squeezed and rubbed the giant, fleshy shaft, the big-as-a-pie-pan areola and lust-fossilized nipple would get pushed about a foot up into the air! Jack would then run his maniacally squeezing and rubbing hands up and down the long, fat column of tit meat while both he and June moaned louder and louder.
    Finally, Jack would drop his frantic mouth and lips down to the tit. He would first lick and kiss the startlingly huge areola; then he would drop his hungry mouth onto the beyond-hard, sex-crazed nipple and lick and suck that astonishing erect appendage — it was as stiff as Jack's throbbing cock!
    Then he would repeat the process with the other giant puddle of tit meat that had been waiting so patiently but eagerly to be pummeled and molested like its counterpart. To make things even more exciting, June would be leaking tit-cum all the while; she was such a hot, sizzling babe!
    When Jack stopped playing with June's monstrous bosom, he rolled over on his back. June went down on him immediately. She had a small mouth, and so was not able to get much more than Jack's lemon-sized cock head inside her mouth. But the way she sucked that cock head and then slowly licked Jack's shaft from its base to just below the margin of the cock head with her long, wet tongue was just thrilling!
    June then added to the pleasure by opening her mouth as wide as her jaw would allow, and, after placing her open mouth sideways along the shaft of his dick, running her open, sucking, licking mouth up and down Jack's rock-hard cock from top to bottom.
    With a moan, Jack spun June's body around so that they could 69 each other. June started coming uncontrollably as Jack sucked, licked, and kissed her cunt, her pussy lips, and her clitoris.
    After positioning her pussy lips above his mouth, Jack rammed his long, searching tongue deep into her generously dripping twat and licked away at as much of the length of her love canal as his swirling tongue could reach. Jack could not believe it; June was so open and so dilated that his tongue instantly slid down its full length inside her now-gushing twat. Man! What a hot bitch he had hooked up with! June was just moaning uncontrollably as her mouth, tongue, and lips continued working out on Jack's granite-like shaft.
    As Jack rolled his tongue in circles around the internal circumference of June's totally wide-open pussy, his lover started an almost endless orgasm. She just came and came and came!
    After the red-hot lovers had disengaged, Jack tit-fucked June's jiggling, bouncy hooters for about twenty minutes, after which Jack and June, both moaning, whimpering, and crying out in something akin to sexual pain, started to fuck madly, almost like rutting, out of control animals going wild behind the barn!
    Jack usually had to stick it to a girl very carefully and very slowly. June was having none of that! She was so hot that she had to have all of Jack's giant cock right away! The amazing thing was that her passion and Jack's searching tongue had gotten her so super-open that Jack's thick-as-a-wrist cock just slipped all the way in — in a second! June had grabbed hold of it with both hands and just mercilessly pulled it into her pussy. She needed to be fucked so very badly!
    Jack was so horny himself! His titanium-stiff cock was soon slamming in and out of June's gushing pussy at almost superhuman speed. He hit bottom on the third stroke, and then proceeded to stretch out the convulsing vagina deeper and deeper.
    Before long, June felt that Jack was fucking her stomach as his super-cock buried itself in her drenched pussy — it was so sexy!
    Naturally, Jack pulled his prick out on the up stroke so that only about half of his huge, bulbous cock head remained in June's convulsing pussy. He would then mercilessly slam that mother home until his pelvis was crushed against June's cunt lips! Both lovers were grunting, groaning, and shouting at the top of their lungs — they were both frantic with long-deferred sexual need!
    June was undergoing what seemed like a perpetual orgasm, and Jack was getting so excited that he felt as if June's soaked pussy was administering an electric shock each time his giant pud roared down her cunt. After about fifteen minutes of this out-of-control copulation, Jack went absolutely over the top.

Chapter 57

"Argh! Shit! Ugh! Shit! Christ! Jesus! Ugh! Nargh!" Jack was utterly seized by an unbelievably thrilling series of shuddering shocks and chills up and down his body. It was so exciting!
    Jack's long period of abstinence was making this cum something that was just out of this world! As the indescribable thrills coursed up and down his legs, arms, and torso, an unimaginably urgent, fantastically long rope of boiling hot, sticky jism catapulted out of Jack's throbbing cock and down into June's waiting pussy. Jack shouted and grunted at top volume; he was afraid he might wake up the entire floor of the hotel!
    The heroic splat went on and on. Twenty seconds later the first spurt of jizz was still splattering June's cunt walls. From the amazing strength and length of the ejaculation, June could tell that Jack was shooting an almost impossibly large volume of spunk at her womb. June knew she could really get guys hot to trot, but she had never had a guy get as super-excited as her lover tonight! The realization that Jack was so sizzling hot was making her own convulsing, shuddering orgasms even stronger.
    After an unbelievable 25 seconds, the first shot of sperm had played itself out. By now both lovers were bellowing at the top of their lungs. Ten seconds later a second really long, hot column of spunk was launched out of Jack's cock hole and down June's pussy. On the way in it met streams of jism pouring out; Jack's almost unending supply of spunk had filled up June's pussy and the love juice was backing up and flowing out onto the sheets. By now the lovers were almost floating in sticky puddles of warm sperm!
    The cum went on and on. Ninety seconds after it had started, Jack was still racked with thrills and his throbbing dick was still gushing jism. Finally, an amazing one hundred seconds after it had begun, the monster-cum finally subsided. God! Jack had been so horny, and June's almost incomprehensibly buxom beauty and hot loving had made him so super-excited, that the evening had produced a strong contender for the cum of his life!
    As they lay side by side hugging and French kissing after Jack had withdrawn his long shaft from June's really stretched-out pussy, the ultra-breasted young beauty could not take her hands off Jack's body, or her eyes off his giant pud. Shit! Jack had been so horny that he had not lost his hard-on even after spurting and spraying fountains of jism inside June. He was actually ready to fuck again!
    "Baby," June murmured, "that was so great! I've been so hot and bothered for so long; I never dreamed that a lover like you could exist, let alone that we would end up in bed together! I want to make up for my year as a nun! Please stick that giant thing back into my pussy right this second — I need you to keep fucking me so bad! Do, it, honey, fuck me some more, darling ... hmmm ... I just love the way your thick dick rubs so strongly against my pussy walls ... fuck me, sweetheart, do it Jack ... I need more of your sperm, honey ... guys who shoot tons of spunk get me so excited ... fuck me all night long, precious!"
    The lovers were so hot and horny that they did fuck and suck all night long. Jack spent most of the night pounding away at June's cunt, missionary style, so that he could look at and lust after — and then squeeze, suck, lick, rub, caress, and kiss — the so, so-big whoppers perched atop her chest like two massive, super-thick flesh pancakes!
    June's stupendously extra-large puddles of tit meat just shook, floated, galloped, shimmed, rocked, rolled, and quivered as Jack's cock strokes slammed for hours and hours in and out of her completely drenched and gushing pussy. Her massive areolae were absolutely streaked with pre-cum. The sight of these massive hillocks of rippling tit flesh made Jack's rock-hard, giant cock become utterly inflamed and engorged with lust again and again. Man, he loved it so much!
    To get a better look at June's rippling, quivering tit meat, Jack did most of his fucking in a push-up position and, using his bulging biceps as a means of locomotion, drilled June's drenched pussy like an out-of-control machine piston. In-and-out-and- in-and-out at almost lightning speed Jack rammed his astonishingly long, thick cock to the very depths of June's seriously stretched-out cunt.
    In the end, Jack splattered hot, long, thick ropes of creamy spunk up June's pussy on eight different occasions! Her own orgasms were frankly too numerous to keep track of. In the morning, June was so sore from the many hours of being drilled by Jack's giant cock that she could hardly walk; she didn't know how she could possibly dance that night.
    But she did not care; she had just had the fucking of a lifetime from the most handsome and hung guy she had ever known. A day or so in bed recuperating was a small price to pay for the experience.
    For his part, Jack was a tired mess at work the next morning, but it had been a night — and morning — he would long remember!
    However, on account of his growing feelings for Jenny — not to mention a pressing need to get his personal life in order! — he had the distinct feeling that the evening was doomed to have been a one-night stand. June had given him her home address, e-mail address, and private telephone number in Texas and then begged him to call and especially to visit.
    The truth, however, was that their encounter, although certainly wonderful, astonishingly passionate, and utterly fulfilling, was probably a mistake in judgment in the first place — not that missteps like that were anything new for Jack! As a result, both June Chest and Mona Mountains were surely destined to become nothing more than very vivid memories!
    As for the guys at the office, well, you'd better believe he was careful never to breathe a word to any of them about his fantastic night with the monster-titted and sweetly beautiful June Chest — especially the June Chest fan who had brought them to the club in the first place! First, they would not believe it. Second, if they did believe it, they would never forgive him — especially, once again, the big JC groupie among the crowd! Jack gave a long sigh. Those guys were mere pups. They would just never understand — or be able to stand it — that was for sure!

Part Nine: Jenny

Chapter 58

The memories of the night spent with June remained astonishingly vivid to Jack for some time. Even more than his date with Mona/Karen, it was beyond any doubt the most arousing and sexually satisfying one-night stand of his life. Still, Jack increasingly found that the more time he spent with Jenny, the less time he wanted to spend with anyone else — even Tina!
    Jack's sex with Tina was so awesomely all-consuming that when he was actually in Rio he thought of nothing but Tina's lips, curves, and ultra-humongous breasts. Still, when he was not in Rio he thought he might really prefer to spend his Tina weekends in England with Jenny instead. The mere fact that Jack's eyes still almost popped out of their sockets and his knees buckled every time Tina opened her apartment door to display her almost physically impossible, tits-to-the-waist-and-beyond body, did not really change that emotional truth. It just made it harder to act upon!
    Jack's post-Mona and June trip to London was the best yet — or so it seemed to him. As always the sex was astonishingly exciting and satisfying — even with a raincoat! By the end of a weekend, Jenny was sore (but ecstatic), and her bedclothes were liberally spotted and stained with dried splotches of cunt juice and semen.
    The lovers had gone through three packages of rubbers. Jenny's lips were puffy from hours of wild French kissing and her breasts were just covered everywhere with love marks and hickeys. Their sex was so wild, so passionate, and so great!
    Yet there were lots of quiet moments as well, during which Jack and Jenny simply held each other close and gazed soulfully into each other's eyes. There were times when they just talked and visited, sharing their hopes and dreams for each other — and for themselves as a couple.
    In fact, the closeness and tender feeling the couple shared just about convinced Jack that Jenny was the One — the only One — for him. However exciting his weekends in Rio, his time with Jenny was showing him that it was time to make the big decision, to say good-by to impossibly beautiful and buxom Tina, and to make Jenny the only woman in his life.
    This was a process, one he was undoubtedly taking a little slowly, with which he felt comfortable because it was not a direct result of any pressure from Jenny — though of course she had been pushing him on the subject — but because it was something he wanted! Jack stubbornly wanted to follow his own timetable!
    Once again, though, things were not going anywhere as swimmingly as Jack thought. Jenny was rapidly running out of patience. She had determined to stop pushing Jack; she had stated her views and delivered a delayed but what seemed to her a very clear ultimatum. She had clear, she had been direct, and the result, so far as she could see was ... nothing ... just nothing! The guy was being so dense!
    If Jack did not decided that a monogamous relationship with her was what he wanted by the next trip or the next one after that at the latest, Jenny had decided that she was calling it quits. She was only hanging on now at all because Jack was by a huge margin the most exciting man she had ever met. She got limp just at the sight of him! And he was a sweet, loving guy! He would make a wonderful husband, she was sure, if only he could be pointed toward the altar.
    Once married, she felt a weird but unshakable confidence that Jack would be utterly faithful — he was that kind of guy. Jenny assumed that Jack was utterly honest — though in truth he was a little less honest than Jenny assumed — and that he didn't cheat — he just refused to agree to be faithful, that all! That is, Jenny was confident that Jack would never violate a commitment once he had made it; the difficult part was getting him to make that commitment in the first place!
    The problem, Jenny knew well, was that Jack had a libido as big as his dick. God! The guy just had such an unbelievable sex drive! But it was nothing Jenny couldn't handle. She was a hot babe herself, and could give her man everything he could handle in their own bed; no guy was going to go hungry after her home cooking! Jenny knew that Tina was a hot number, but she just could not imagine anybody hotter between the sheets than herself. Jenny could give back anything Jack could send her way — and then some! What was the guy's problem?
    Thus, Jenny looked forward to fully satisfying all Jack's needs — if only the super-randy fellow would allow her to do so! But if Jack did not decide that Jenny was the only one for him — and decide it soon — she was going to say good-by and very sadly and regretfully look elsewhere. The clock, in other words, was ticking.
    Given her looks and smarts, Jenny was not being immodest in assuming that she could have the pick of the crop if it came to that. God! The guys would come flocking once the word got out that Jenny was available!
    Jack, sad to say, picked up on none of this. He knew he had to act — and probably soon! — but he did not sense the remarkable thinness of the ice upon which he was skating. Jack felt that he had basically unlimited time to resolve matters when in truth he was surrounded by a growing cobweb of huge cracks in that ice.
    Jack did feel that from now on it was only Jenny and Tina — no more Monas or Junes! Having made this internal concession, Jack rationalized not telling Jenny about those two extra-curricular encounters. Because Jack had internally dismissed them as non-repeatable lapses, they did not, it seemed to him, have to be confessed.
    Somewhere in the back of his brain, however, Jack knew this was nonsense, that the longer he delayed resolving things with Jenny, the more dishonest he was likely to become. There would be more Monas and Junes down the road. He hated that! Even though he felt he was moving toward a resolution of things as quickly as he was emotionally able, he could still sense some dread in the pit of his stomach each time he visited London with the Tina question still unresolved.
    What Jack had not yet steeled himself to face was the fact that he was truly addicted to Tina. Jack was in a class with the drunk and his bottle and the smoker and his cigarettes. It was going to take an enormous effort of the will to pull away from his obsessive need to visit Tina again and again and again. Until he faced this fundamental fact about himself, he would be hard-pressed to make headway in his relationship with Jenny.
    This particular weekend was not, however, comprised solely of torrid sex and quiet moments; Jenny had big news about her future. She was going to graduate from the University in six months with her BA She wanted to go on in school and so was ecstatic about a recent letter from Peterhouse College, Cambridge granting her an all-expense paid fellowship to work on her D.Phil. in modern literature at that ancient university.
    Jack joyfully learned the news from her. There was another little cloud created by the news, however. Jenny was going to be at Cambridge for at least three years. Did this mean that their life together would have to continue to be nothing more than stolen weekends during which one of the lovers battled jet lag? Or was this another sign that it was high time to get things in order!
    The weekend ended on a highly problematic note because the Tina question came up explicitly once again as the lovers walked from the Heathrow Express rail station to Jack's airline gate.
    "Hmmm, this has been great, Jack — as always," Jenny breathed. "I can't wait to see you again, hmmm, sweetheart, I'll miss you so!"
    Jenny threw her arms around Jack and gave him an extra squeeze. "You're coming in three weeks, right?" Jenny asked.
    "Exactly," Jack said. The tickets are on top of my dresser and I can't wait. I'll call you every night, sweetheart, and if you want to put your prodigious writing ability to work and send me some steamy e-mail to [email protected] every day, that would be great, too! That's my home e-mail, of course. Please, God, don't use the one at the office, though!"
    They were now approaching the gate. "Any big cases coming up for you before we get together, honey?" Jenny asked.
    "Nope," Jack said, "just a lot of discovery nonsense in some pending run-of-the-mill cases. That leaves me plenty of time to dream about you! Lots of travel coming up, though; what a pain!"
    "Just out of curiosity, honey, and I should probably bite my tongue for asking, but do your travel plans involve any trips to Rio before you see me again?" Jenny asked in a suddenly very tentative and timid voice.
    "Whoa!" Jack screamed inwardly, "Wow! Here it comes again!" Jack felt a flash of resentment as he anticipated Jenny bitching at him some more about this very sore subject. Yet of course he knew that the Tina question was bound to come up again — and then again and again until it was settled — and he was a fool for not having resolved the matter already.
    Jack gently took hold of Jenny by both shoulders and looked into her eyes. "Yes," he said, "they do. I'm going to Rio next week. But look, honey," he went on, "we need to talk some more about this — a lot more — after my trip there because that's a part of my life that is finally going to change. We can't really do it justice while standing here at my airline gate twenty minutes before take-off. Please just have faith in my feelings for you and we'll spend as much of the next weekend talking about this as we need to." Jack ended by sweeping Jenny into a long, long hug.
    "Oh, honey," Jenny breathed, her voice shaking a little and her eyes glistening. She was feeling equal parts love, fear, and anger." I shouldn't have said a word. It's just that I love you so much, and want you so much, but I'm really pissed off, too, and ... and ... oh, shit, OK, let's just talk about it in three weeks, and not before! I had agreed to leave everything in your hands; I wasn't going to bitch about it at all! As you'll notice I haven't brought it up this weekend — until now. But remember, Jack, you've captured my heart," she concluded, "and I'm really full of love for you. But remember also, Jack, things just can't go on like this — I'm at end of my rope! Please, Jack, think very, very hard about that before we see each other again! We're really running out of time to resolve things. This is serious! Please!"
    The couple melted into a long, loving, and tender embrace. "Jenny, sweetheart," Jack said as he started on to the plane, "my love for you is so strong, too! Please have faith in us. Only three weeks, darling!"
    Jack had an awful flight back; he was in emotional turmoil and agony every mile of the way. On earlier trips, he had witnessed Jenny's anger, and he had involuntarily blocked it out by being defensive in response. Especially when he interpreted Jenny's comments on this love life with Tina as mere bitching, it was easy to reject her comments. Today, though, he saw only Jenny's pain, and he could not shield himself from its effect.
    After deep thought, Jack concluded that what he interpreted as bitching was only an honest expression of concern on Jenny's part. He was labeling it as bitching in an attempt to avoid the issue! And even if it was bitching, well, so what! From Jenny's perspective, maybe he deserved being bitched at! In all honesty, he was not really treating her very well at all. She was the most wonderful and beautiful girl he had ever known. In his heart, Jack knew she deserved better — a lot better!
    Jack sat in his first-class seat, ignored the TV monitor, barely tasted his food, rejected the offers for free drinks, and left untouched the full complement of London newspapers he had brought along to pass the time. Instead, he relentlessly stared out the window and thought and thought and thought.
    His muses ranged back as far as Laura Larson. As he reviewed the dynamic of that and later relationships, he suddenly experienced a flash of insight. He was an obsessive when it came to making love in general. He was also an obsessive when it came to huge tits in particular. The only way he was going to be able to surmount his problems was to Just Say "No!" to that syndrome!
    Jack then began to reflect on his relationship with Tina. Although he was obsessive about giant tits generally, there seemed to be more going on with his feelings about Tina. He recalled the thrill — the buzz, actually — he felt whenever he was on his way to Rio. It was like Tina was his "fix."
    Jack suddenly sat bolt upright in his seat. "That's it!" he exclaimed inwardly. "I'm obsessed with big tits, but I'm addicted to Tina. Wow! I've got two problems to deal with, not just one! And they're different!"
    This made his problem even more complicated than he had supposed. Yet a surge of hope flowed through Jack's body at the very moment this understanding of the problem's actual dimensions popped into his consciousness.
    The truth, he suddenly realized, was that he could actually say "No!" to his obsessiveness problem by saying "Yes!" to Jenny; it was two sides of the same coin. She was wonderful in every way — the perfect girl for him — so what was his problem? In addition, she had a fantastic body and face; he wouldn't even be giving up anything at all on that score. Moreover, he could satisfy his huge tit obsession with Jenny every night of the week! He would be gaining, not losing, on account of Jenny's really massive set of lungs.
    Of course, he would have to give up the fuck-every-buxom-girl-in-sight syndrome. But so what? How many guys got to deal with their obsessiveness by keeping the better part of their obsessions? It was clearly time to get over it, to grow up, and to settle for life with the most wonderful, exciting, appropriate, and compatible woman he had ever met.
    As for fooling around, Jack guessed it was like being an alcoholic; one drink and you were a goner. Well, for him dallying with any other girl than Jenny was that first drink. What's more, being with Tina was like drinking the bar dry!
    Thus analyzed, the overall problem seemed a lot simpler. The first order of business was saying "No" to Tina, however painful and traumatic that would be. Jack suddenly realized that undertaking that act would serve to confront both his obsession and his addiction! This meant he simply had to break it off with the unimaginably buxom beauty immediately. It would probably be best to do it over the phone, but Jack decided to do it in person.
    How much of that decision was composed of a desire for a last taste of Tina's goodies and how much a desire to break it off face to face like a man was a question Jack could not even begin to unravel. In any event, he would do it in the flesh.
    After that he would discipline himself to say "No!" to whatever beautiful, buxom temptations he might encounter in his daily life. Like, for example, the gorgeous, buxom blonde two rows up who kept giving him the eye and then a killer smile on each leg of her three trips up the aisle to the lavatory.
    ("God!" Jack said to himself, "She looks like a girl I used to see on Baywatch! Given the fact she's sitting in first class with a guy old enough to be her father, it probably is the girl from Baywatch! I guess this is the perfect time to put the new Jack into operation by reading my newspapers and ignoring her little show.")
    Jack actually spent the rest of the flight meditating about Jenny and their relationship. After settling matters in Rio, it would be time to say an emphatic "Yes!" to Jenny — if only he had not frittered away his chances with that smart, sweet, loving, generous gorgeous, buxom, curvy girl!

Part Ten: Tina

Chapter 59

A week later just after twelve o'clock noon, Jack was knocking at the door of Tina's apartment overlooking Rio's famous shoreline. After she checked him out through the peephole, Tina opened the door to let Jack in.
    As usual, Jack's knees got shaky and weak when he got his first look at Tina. She was just so awesomely buxom and beautiful; in addition, she was dressed just to Jack's tastes in a way that was absolutely calculated to her giant-cocked lover an instant boner! Tina was wearing a very tight, red sweater that completely covered her gigantic bosom — she knew that Jack really got turned on by the sight of big tits trapped inside a really tight sweater.
    Tina wore no bra, which meant that her monumentally huge but really firm tits hung down — way, way down! Tina also had on a super-tiny micro-mini skirt that was so laughably short as to be little more than a narrow band of cloth circling the upper part of her ass. She also knew how Jack liked really short skirts! Of course, she had no panties on at all, and from the wet spots on Tina's inner thighs, Jack could see that her cunt was already moist and glistening just from anticipating his arrival! She had obviously been playing with herself while thinking about the ultra-hot loving that was about to take place!
    As she stood facing Jack, his lusting eyes roamed down to note that Tina's outrageously gigantic tits hung down beyond the hemline of her skirt! Yet her monstrous mounds of tit meat were so solid, so firm, and so well-formed! Wow! For a tit-man like Jack, the sight was an absolute turn-on. Her tits were really actually bigger than a lot of the computer-augmented, morphed breasts on Internet web sites like the Breast Expansion Archive and
    "Want to throw your suitcase in the bedroom, lover?" Tina asked in a ragged whisper. She took Jack by the hand to lead him into the bedroom at the back of the apartment. When Tina turned around, Jack's eyes bugged out when he saw that almost half of her unbelievably curvaceous ass cheeks were hanging out the bottom of her "skirt." Wow! Jack's cock started to grow and thicken even faster at the sight.
    Jack had intended right off the bat to tell Tina that this was going to be the last weekend ever for them. He had even contemplated having their discussion and then leaving to check into a hotel — alone — until his return flight to New York.
    Tina's mind-boggling body and the way it was dressed was making this plan exceedingly hard to execute, however. It became harder still when, upon entering the bedroom, Tina turned to Jack, and started moaning, "baby, baby, baby, oh baby, come to me, baby, love me baby, I've missed you so, honey, I'm so horny and wet and ready for your giant cock! Oh, sweetie, my cunt is just dripping it wants you so much! Fuck me, honey, fuck me real hard and long!"
    Within seconds, Tina and Jack had utterly melted together. His hands frantically cupped and squeezed her amazingly rounded ass cheeks, while at the same time pulling her luscious hips hard against his now-fully erect cock. The lovers' mouths had fused, and their tongues were lashing at and inside each other's mouths; before long the sounds of the slurping and slobbering from their fantastically deep, wet, and wild kissing could be heard over the loud hum of the air conditioner.
    The erotic press of Tina's almost ridiculously massive tits against the entire front of Jack's body — including his cock, the very head of which seemed to be pressing against one of Tina's long, stiff nipples and which also was plainly making his decisions for him at the moment! — told him that he was now officially a goner, that his talk with Tina about their future was going to have be postponed until after at least one passionate love-making session. Jack was clearly off to a bad start!
    "Shit," Jack said to himself, "I sure had good intentions on the airplane, but my hormones are out of control now — that's for sure!" Jack knew that, like a dummy, he simply lacked the will-power to resist the fantastically buxom and stunningly beautiful babe whose tongue was now fucking his mouth, and whose hands were just roaming wildly over every part of his body they could reach. His little head had won again — at least for the time being!
    Tina quickly undressed Jack while the hot lovers stood hugging and kissing by the side of her huge, made-for-love bed. There was not much to the job because on his trips to Rio Jack usually wore only loose trousers, a polo shirt — and nothing else. This minimal dress made sleeping on the overnight flight a lot more comfortable — and getting down to business with Tina a lot quicker and easier! This meant that in minutes Jack was fully in the nude, his giant boner throbbing in the air, absolutely ready to go!
    As soon as he was unclothed, Jack started to strip his hot, so very buxom, and gorgeous lover out of her clothes. Tina was wearing only the miniature skirt and the tight sweater. The skirt took about half a second to strip off her hot, squirming bottom. The sweater took longer because Tina's 36Z(N) tits, so very big, meaty, and fat, were completely and snugly encased inside the stretched-out fabric of the garment.
    Jack's hands kneaded and squeezed as he fought to free Tina's monster hooters from inside the tight top that had them momentarily trapped. Tina's tits galloped and swayed like oversized water balloons inside the sweater as Jack worked the tight sweater up and over her monstrous bosom. Naturally, the process made Jack's hard-on even stiffer!
    As his hands kneaded and worked the stupendous hooters out from under the tight but very stretched out sweater, Jack said to himself, "God, who would have thought that a sweater this tight would stretch out enough to hold in giant tits like these?"
    In about twenty minutes, though, the sweater was off and the now-totally nude lovers were utterly out of control as they wildly ravished every inch of their bodies. Jack's super-long, thick prick was really pushing hard into the base of Tina's more-than-watermelon-sized tits as the lovers ground their lips, tongues, and mouths against each other in frenzied soul kisses.
    Jack and Tina were frantically sliding and rubbing their bodies against each other as well. They were moaning, groaning, and even shouting with passion. Things had pretty much gotten out of control — these lovers were hot and ready to make love! Folks, they were in heat!
    Tina then pulled back just a couple of inches, pulling her tongue out of Jack's mouth in the process. She then licked her way up his cheek to his ear, and whispered: "Hmmm, let's try something new, honey, I think you'll like it a lot."
    Tina lifted her enormous right breast with both hands, — it was just so impossibly big! — and stuffed it as best she could down into the space between Jack's stomach and his jerking cock. Tina then hugged and squeezed Jack very tightly to her body. The result was that Jack's so-long, thick prick was caught in a sandwich between the underside of Tina's massive tit and her stomach!
    Tina then started to grind and rub her body against Jack. As she did so her monster tit rubbed from side to side and up and down against her lover's quivering, throbbing cock. Jack was getting a tit-fuck from Tina while standing up!
    To make things even sexier, the absolutely-ready-to-fuck couple was madly tonguing each other's mouths and faces during the rubdown. Jack, who was not one to keep his hands idle for even a second when a luscious and impossibly buxom beauty like Tina was in his arms, was wildly cupping and squeezing her pumping and squirming ass cheeks as the sliding and rubbing went on and on.
    Between squeezes of her ass, Jack would reach his hand down between her legs. He was turned on to find that Tina's pussy was already dripping copious amounts of cunt juice. God! The hot bitch was ready to melt from lust and desire!

Chapter 60

After a few minutes of this new kind of sexual heaven, Jack had to stop before he lost his cookies. He had already smeared the underside of Tina's massive bosom with sticky trails of pre-cum.
    He disengaged himself, whispered into Tina's ear, "That's so great, sweetheart, you're such an unbelievable turn-on," and then gently lowered her improbably curvaceous body to the soft, cool sheets of her king-size bed. Before long the couple was madly 69-ing; only minutes later, Tina had started shaking and then stiffening with recurring waves of orgasmic thrills.
    Jack's cock had turned to steel on account during this steamy loving. After about 45 minutes of eating out Tina's sopping wet and convulsing pussy and getting sucked off and licked by his hot lover in return, Jack turned around and just buried his fully rigid and turgid tool all the way up Tina's slick, pulsating cunt. She screamed with pleasure.
    Then while wildly fucking his insatiable lover, he alternated between sucking her nipples and licking her areolae, and then throwing himself at Tina's lust-slackened mouth to rain passionate soul kisses upon her astonishingly sensual mouth and absurdly thick lips.
    This nipple sucking and areola licking was a particular turn-on for Jack. Tina's tits were so unimaginably huge that, in order not to miss a beat while his so-stiff prick pounded in and out of her hot pussy, it took four hands — his and Tina's — to hold up each of the giant breasts while Jack licked and sucked them in turn.
    Soon, Tina's pussy had become so drenched with cunt juice that Jack's cock was making loud sucking and slurping sounds as it rammed, piston-like, in and out of Tina's now wide-open love hole. He knew from past experience that these extremely erotic sounds were going to drive him over the top very soon, and indeed seconds later Jack felt his orgasmic system start to wind up for what he knew was going to be a really intense and long-lasting cum.
    As he started to blast off, Jack let go of Tina's bosom and dropped down to begin a torrid French kiss with his now-moaning lover. His tongue frantically searched out the inside of Tina's hot mouth as his hips pounded away without a pause at his lover's pussy; he was soon moaning and whimpering uncontrollably himself, while he sucked and licked her thick, puffy lips.
    Because Jack's abdominal muscles, hips, and legs were so strong, he had sufficient body control to lift his ass more than a foot high in the air one every stroke so as to pull his giant cock almost entirely out of Tina's cunt. With a sensual grunt, he would then just absolutely jam its full-length back down along Tin's slick and slimy walls pussy walls toward her womb. Jack, needless to say, buried his massive tool all the way down to the hilt! All the while, he kept kissing and tonguing Tina's hot mouth.
    The result was that Jack could French kiss and yet at the same time hurl the full length of his super-thick and long cock with the force of an express train into Tina's convulsing pussy! As Jack got closer and closer to orgasm, his strokes got faster and faster and harder and harder; he was fucking like an out of control machine. Jack was so inflamed with lust for Tina! His cock was simply on fire! It felt so warm and full! Jack knew that the most thrilling moment of all was upon him!
    Then, as Jack let out a strangled bellow, the thrills of his orgasm — never before so strong with Tina as now! — started to course up and down his body. "Ugh! So good! Jesus! Shit! Argh! So great! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Fuck! Nargh!" Within seconds Jack was just blasting hot jets of sperm down the length of Tina's spastic pussy. Jack was so excited — and his blasts of jism were so strong — that he knew Tina could feel the thud of each new rocket of spunk as it crashed against the door to her womb! "Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!"
    Jack could already feel a river of spunk flowing back out of Tina's cunt onto his balls. Jack was pumping so much sperm into her hot pussy that he had quickly filled her fuck canal with love juice up to the brim; the jism had no place to go except to back up and gush out onto Jack's balls and the sheets. Of course, the semen filling up and running out of Tina's cunt made her pussy walls even slicker and more lubricated. It was so great! Jack was fucking himself into sex heaven!
    Jack continue to shudder and tense with the unimaginable pleasure of his fantastic cum. The orgasm went on for an unbelievable ninety-plus seconds; Jack's orgasmic control system was acting like it was again stuck in a permanent "go" position.
    Finally, the thrills started gradually to subside, and Jack could tell that his cock was now only sending out little soft slurps of jizz into Tina's still-convulsing pussy.
    "God," Jack thought to himself, as the thrills got weaker," I'm a guy for whom sex was supposed to be a secondary or, better yet, a nonexistent concern on this trip, but I certainly managed to find an awful lot of sperm to send Tina's way! This has been fantastic, and the weekend is only an hour and a half old! God almighty! How do I get out of this one?"

Chapter 61

The totally spent couple lay together on the bed, hand in hand, while resting quietly a few minutes before the start of the next sex bout. With his balls drained and his sexual needs satiated for the moment, Jack was finally able to muster up the courage necessary to undertake the dirty job at hand. He rose up on an elbow, looked Tina hesitatingly in the eyes, adopted an artificially stern tone, and said, "Honey, we need to talk."
    "Oh, shit!" Tina said; she could tell something momentously unpleasant was up. "I could see something was wrong in your eyes when I looked at you through the key-hole. Something tells me I'm not going to like this, am I, Jack?"
    Jack paused, collected his thoughts, cleared his throat, and announced: "Nope," Jack said, "and neither do I, in a lot of ways." Jack looked down at the sheets and paused while he stoked up his nerve. "I just can't come to Rio any more, Tina, honey; this has to be our last weekend together."
    "No, No. No! Oh, baby, why, why on earth?" Tina gasped.
    "It's because of Jenny, my girl friend in England," Jack answered. "I've come to realize that I've fallen absolutely in love with her and I want her to be the only one for me. Plus she knows about us and it bothers her — a whole lot. It's decision time for me, Tina," Jack concluded, "and I've decided I want to spend the rest of my life with Jenny. That's great for Jenny and me; the sad thing is it means no more 'us.'"
    Tina just lowered her head and was silent. "You know," Jack went on, "the sad thing is that when it comes to just plan old raw sex and hot loving, nobody has a more sizzling relationship than we do. And I've really thought a lot about whether we might be a great couple out of bed as well."
    "So have I, precious," Tina sniffled, looking up at Jack with sad, glistening eyes.
    "But what I'm afraid of," Jack continued, "is that our backgrounds and our lives are so different that our relationship in bed — no matter how great — isn't enough in the long run. My fear is that in a few years, the out-of-bed differences would start to ruin the in-bed joys of our relationship. Had I not found Jenny, that wouldn't matter right now; we could go on and on making the world's most fantastic love to each other for years! But I have found Jenny and now I know I want to marry her. So I guess that's going to turn me a one-woman man, honey."
    Tina reached up to touch Jack's cheek; she then nestled her head on his shoulders and hugged him. "I decided that for us marriage or even living together wouldn't work, either," she said. "I guess I just hoped our week-end sessions would go on and on. Well, I guess they can't. I do love you, though, Jack, my sweetheart, and will never, ever forget you or what we have had — it's so been just so awesome!"
    "I will always love you, too," Jack said in return, giving Tina a loving squeeze.
    Tina paused, looked down at the bedspread in deep thought, and despairingly asked, "I can't believe this! This just can't be happening! Isn't there anything I can do or say to talk you out of this, precious Jack?"
    Jack looked glumly at his beloved sexual partner, and slowly shook his head. "You know, in a lot of ways I wish you could, but no, you can't. This is just the way it has to be. I've given it lots and lots of thought, and there just is no alternative. This is the right thing to do; it's the think I have to do."
    The lovers lay on the bed in silence for a few minutes, each occupied with his thoughts and strong emotions at this sad moment of rupture. Neither touched the other, even to hold hands.
    "Jack," Tina said, looking up, "I have to admit that I've been afraid for a long time that this day might come. I've even thought about how I would react to it. Let me tell you what I decided. If this has to be, then I want this last weekend to be spent with us expressing our love to each other in every possible way as passionately as we can — just like always. I really think it's the best way to say good-by. I've thought about it and it's the way I want to say good-by."
    Jack thought for a moment. "Me, too, honey — let's build some memories to hold onto."
    Before Jack had even finished his sentence, Tina had reached down with both hands to take hold of Jack's cock; it had gotten utterly limp during their talk. She started giving the soft almost bent-over foot-long love hose some gentle but steady up and down strokes along its full, flaccid length. As she pulled and stroked way up and way down, Tina felt the giant cock gradually to start stiffen up as she kept up a slow but steady, full-length jack-off motion.
    "What do you say, sweetheart? Let's go out in a blaze of glory!"
    Jack looked down at his rapidly growing pecker. "It's the only way, honey," he responded. Seconds later, Jack felt Tina's tongue licking and lapping up and down his stiffening cock as she prepared — just like always — to swallow and lick his shocking length as far into her mouth and down her throat as possible.
    For his part, Jack was already reaching for one of Tina's giant boobs in order to lose his fingers in the astonishingly vast, so-soft flesh that constituted those unbelievable hangers of love meat. He couldn't believe he was actually back to making love to Tina after all that had been said. But if that is how Tina wanted it to end, then Jack owed to her to let her have her way. In any event, it was hardly a hardship on Jack to make love to Tina even one last time!
    Seconds later, the lovers were — as always — moaning and even whimpering in unison. Even in their sadness, the hot young lovers could really get it on!
    The rest of the weekend was entirely spent in Tina's bed — as always. At the end of the visit, the lovers (and the sheets) were totally soaked, splattered, and encrusted with cum, cunt juice, and sweat — as usual. Jack's cock had spouted jets of sperm on a more than a dozen occasions, and Tina had herself come about a hundred times or so — it had been fantastically sexy and satisfying — as ever.
    Yet their lovemaking was slower and more stately than usual in a lot of ways, for the couple seemed to be savoring the last remaining moments they had together. In fact, when it was time for Jack to leave for the airport, there was not the usual final show of wild anticipatory lust that usually accompanied his departures.
    Instead, the lovers simply swapped soft "I love you's" and "I'll never forget you's," and then fell into a tight, chaste, almost regretful, five-minute embrace at the front door. Their final good-bye of all was a light but very loving and tender kiss.
    Even as Jack permanently took his leave, each hot lover knew that even if Jack was going to end up permanently in the arms of a true love somewhere else, his love life — however full of love and passion it might get — was never going to match the incredibly torrid, sticky, orgasmic, and steamy suck and fuck sessions Tina and Jack had known. Sex just didn't get any hotter than that!
    Tina kept up a strong front. She said she understood that Club relationships were intended to be physical and sexual only — that was the whole idea. Only the very rare Club relationship failed to come to an end — why would theirs be any different? She would try not to be downhearted.
    What Jack did not see was Tina dissolving in tears as soon as she had shut the door on her departing lover. Clearly, she did not believe a word of it; the truth is that Tina had wanted their relationship to go on for a lifetime. It was going to be a long time before she was going to be able to have a loving, as opposed to a sexual, relationship with another guy, any guy!

Part Eleven: Jack and Jenny

Chapter 62

When Jack got back to New York early on Monday morning and dashed to work (he showered and shaved in the firm's in-house health club facilities; its availability was further evidence of what a first-class outfit he worked for), he made a mental note to call his travel agent to book a flight to London that Thursday evening. A visit with Jenny had not been scheduled for the coming weekend, and he was probably going to pay absolute top dollar for the last-minute ticket. Nonetheless, he just had to see his sweetheart and get their relationship squared away as soon as possible. He also made a note to himself to draft a letter officially resigning from the Club; that, too, was a part of his life he was putting behind him.
    When he got to his office, however, he saw a note asking him to see Mr Sutherland, the firm's managing partner, when it was "convenient." Invitations to visit this gentleman were absolutely "convenient" at the very moment the message was received, so Jack was soon waiting in Mr Sutherland's anteroom waiting for his appointment with the Great Man.
    After being seated in Mr Sutherland's vast, antique-furnished corner office and offered coffee ("black, please"), the managing partner got right to the point. "Jack," he began, "you know we're very pleased with your work. We like to expose those associates we're grooming for significant advancement to our overseas operations. We'd like to send you to one of our foreign offices for, say, a three year stint. It's a great way to learn the full range of our operations, and would serve you well in the future in light of the increasing globalization of our economy and hence our practice. Of course, you would be paid at our New York scale, and receive all your usual raises as if you had remained in this office. Your lifestyle will thus be well-supported wherever you go. How does that strike you, Jack?" he finished.
    "Sir," Jack said at once, "I'm very interested in the idea. Has any thought been given to where would I go?"
    "Well," Mr Sutherland responded, "we have a lot of choices and flexibility in that regard. A look at our letterhead offers the full range of geographic possibilities, of course. I think your specialties would point to a couple of possibilities, but let's not get into that for a moment. Let me ask you if you would have a geographic preference."
    "Yes I do," Jack said with some degree of firmness. "London would very much be my number one choice."
    "Ah," Mr Sutherland smiled. "A wise choice because London is really our flagship overseas office. Frankly, given the substantive areas in which you have worked, I would have picked Zurich first and London second ó but a very close second. I understand from your supervising partner, however, that you have actually been making a lot of trips to London recently. A young lady, I understand."
    "Yes," Jack smiled in return. "In fact, my girl friend is about to start graduate school in Cambridge so that several years in London would actually be something along the lines of answered prayers."
    "Well, then, Jack," Mr Sutherland smiled as he extended a hand for Jack to shake, "why don't we just consider London a done deal. What with your professional expertise and personal situation, it's an excellent fit! Let's look forward to an anticipated move to the city in about, say, three months, just to give you time to wind things up here and to find suitable quarters there."

Chapter 63

Now Jack knew he had to get to London next weekend for sure; he wanted to tell Jenny the great news in person. With trips to Rio and H10 Club membership (not to mention his occasional tomcatting!), now in his past ó he was determined to make that so! — he also wanted to talk with Jenny about their future. He took a deep breath. God, he was actually ready to commit! If Jenny would have him, of course. God, it was going to be for life! But somehow that suddenly seemed intoxicating instead of scary and threatening!
    In late afternoon New York time, Jack called Jenny at her flat. She sounded really glad to hear his voice. "Honey," he said, "could you stand a surprise visitor on Friday morning for the weekend? I can stay until early Monday afternoon."
    "Oh, Jack, that would be great! But wasn't it the next weekend that you were coming?"
    "Yes, it was," Jack countered, "and I have the tickets for that trip, too. It's just that I want to see you so much and I can't wait! I want to visit you two weeks in a row, if you can stand it!"
    "Hmmm, that sounds so great. What a nice surprise," Jenny giggled a little nervously. "Let me figure out the logistics, though. Friday, hmmm, let's see, I've got appointments in Cambridge until late afternoon to make arrangements for next year. Then, hmmm, when I get back I'm having dinner with our friends Kevin and Paula at this really nice new restaurant we discovered in Mayfair."
    Jack liked the sound of "our friends."
    "Could we keep that date?" Jenny went on. " What if you just kill time in London after your flight arrives, and then we meet up at the restaurant at, say, 8:00? You could stash your bags at the flat and even take a nap.
    "And then we could just gobble dinner so that we could get back to the flat for our alone time — which I hope goes non-stop until Monday morning when you go back! Hmmm, darling, I am really hot for you and for your body, as well. I'm really getting excited now about seeing you a week sooner than I had anticipated. The truth is, I can't wait!"
    "Sweetheart," Jack responded, this all sounds wonderful — especially the time-alone part! Give me the address of the restaurant and I'll see you at eight on Friday. I love you, honey, and can't wait to see you."
    Jenny felt her heart leap as she hung up the phone. She wanted to see Jack so very much but she was awfully apprehensive as well. It seemed to her that Jack was working on their "problem" at a tortoise's pace — if at all! — while Jenny was emotionally in an express mode in the matter! She was, in fact, determined to force a showdown immediately.
    The reason for picking this point in time to force a resolution was undoubtedly the prospect of a new life in Cambridge on the horizon. Jenny had decided that this was the time to make good on her ultimatum! It was going to be either her — full-time and exclusively! — or Tina and the Club. No more Mister In-Between for her Hamlet-like boy friend!
    It would break her heart if Jack did not choose her, but if that was what he wanted it was best to find that out now so that she could get on with her life. It might be that Jack's fantastic sex drive just made it impossible for him to be monogamous. At the same time, she refused to let him off the hook on a "I can't help myself" basis. She was reminded of Hillary Clinton's famous "Mother-and-Grandmother" excuse for her husband's philandering. What nonsense!
    Jack had at one time attempted to run some crap about bottle-feeding by Jenny as an excuse for his behavior. It met with a very stony silence from Jenny! Even if Jack was over-sexed, he still had to take full personal responsibility for the consequences of that characteristic. No Freudian (or Oedipal) excuses allowed! He could channel those drives. After all, Jenny was ready to take (and give back with interest!) all the loving Jack could throw her way; there was no need to look to other women. It was time for Jack to act like a grown-up and get out of the play-pen. If he refused to do so, then it was time for Jenny to bail out.
    In reality, she was furious with Jack; given her unswerving fidelity, Jenny simply did not know why she should have to put up with Jack's tomcatting for another second! In fact, she no longer would. It was time for Jack to put up or shut up! And now it looked as if the coming weekend might be show time!
    Certainly, Jenny was realistic enough about her fantastic beauty to know that if she was free, she was likely to get a dozen offers of dates a day at the very least. It's not as if she would be doomed to be a wallflower — far from it! She would not be in the mood to accept any of those offers for a time, but she knew that there definitely could be life after Jack! Abundant life. God! This phone call from Jack meant that her timetable had been moved up. She and Jack might actually be quits in less than a week!

Chapter 64

Although the overnight flight from New York to Heathrow left him understandably bleary-eyed, Jack eschewed taking a nap at Jenny's flat upon his arrival in London. He loved to walk around London for hours and hours after a flight from the U.S., and so set off on a long romp all over central London.
    Jack landed at Heathrow, rode the Heathrow Express to Paddington Station, and hopped a cab to Jenny's flat on Wigmore Street. He let himself in with his key, and dropped off his bags. After a shower and a shave, he was off!
    Jack cut down to Oxford Street, and strolled along that supremely busy shopping street. As always the street was chock full of red buses. There didn't seem to be as many of the older hop-on/hop-off models, though. Jack had always found them so handy and so ... London!
    Actually, the passing crowds didn't seen very representative of London or even England at all! Jack found himself assaulted by a Babel of languages, from which he recognized English only occasionally! Where were the locals? Hardly anybody seemed to be English. Had London been taken over by immigrants or foreign tourists?
    Jack noticed a weird symmetry between the foot and motor traffic. The London traffic seemed either to be stalled nose-to-tail or streaming along at sixty miles an hour. In like fashion, the pedestrians were all either loafing along while looking in shop windows or tearing along in a frantic hurry to get somewhere.
    As he turned south from Oxford Street and made his circuitous way to Big Ben, Jack was also struck by the fact that half the passers-by seemed to have mobile phones clamped to their ears. He was struck by the way they waved their free hands while talking, jabbing the air to emphasize some point — usually in a language with which Jack was not familiar. They seemed utterly oblivious to the swirling crowds around them.
    Jack was struck as well by the specter of delivery bicycles darting in and out of the traffic. God! The street was packed with these couriers; they were impressive-looking athletes wearing what seemed to be painted-on Day-Glo cycling shorts. Their whippet-like bicycles were hung with squawking two-way radios, undoubtedly to dispatch the courier to his next pick-up point. Jesus! The couriers seemed to pay no heed whatever to pedestrians; Jack saw several very close calls in which people crossing the street with the light were nearly moved down!
    Jack grabbed a quick bite at a Garfunkel's near Leicester Square (the food was awful and the service was worse — bad choice!), and then soldiered on, taking frequent breaks to browse at shops and bookstores along the way. Finally, his energy flagging, Jack straggled back to Jenny's flat and decided to take a nap after all — he was pooped!
    A long, hot post-nap shower left Jack marvelously refreshed; After getting his bearings, he walked over to Mayfair, and managed to arrive at the restaurant exactly at eight.

Chapter 65

Kevin and Paula were already seated; they gave Jack a big wave from their table. Jenny was not there yet. "Jenny just called on her mobile," Kevin said, "she missed her train from Cambridge. There's another one an hour later, so she can be here by nine. We can have a drink and chat while we wait."
    The three friends talked for a few moments about Jack's trip, his day in London, and other items of idle chitchat. Then, after a pause, Paula got a very serious look on her face, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Jack, Jenny would absolutely kill me if she knew what I'm about to say, but since we're here and she's not, I'd really like to talk to you about her a little bit. Jack, I guess the way to start is to say that we love Jenny a lot and really want the best for her."
    "Me, too, of course," Jack quickly interjected.
    "Well, I hope so," Paula continued, " and perhaps I shouldn't be saying this — Jenny would just kill me too, please don't breath a word of this to her, it's entirely out of school — but do you know how much of a goner Jenny is over you?"
    "Yes, I think I do," answered Jack. "And equally frankly, I hope that she is, because I'm absolutely and utterly gone over her."
    "Well," Kevin broke in, " the fact is, we're quite worried that her feelings might not be reciprocated ... at least fully, in point of fact ... or as much as she, you see ... not totally, that is ... well, I'm sure you get my point!" Kevin had gotten a bit red in the face and was stammering in an embarrassed fashion at this hapless attempt to move the conversation along!
    Paula gave her husband a covert but nevertheless very sharp look. Interruptions like these were not part of the script. Kevin's participation in this conversation was supposed to be limited to moral and logistical support. Mumbled rhetoric from Kevin was not the approach they had sketched out when, having learned that Jennie would be late, they decided to take this opportunity to have it out with Jack!
    As a result, Kevin did not pick up the thread of the conversation but merely put his arm around his wife so as to demonstrate his solidarity with whatever it was she was about to say. At this point, clearly anything was quite all right with him!
    "What Kevin means, Jack, is this: do you really know how much Jenny loves you? Do you know, for example, that she hasn't had a single date with anybody but you since you two met that weekend in New York last year — that you're all she can think about."
    Paula then paused and gave Jack a significant look. "I know for a fact from her comments," Paula continued, "that you've not been monogamous yourself by any stretch. In fact — and I'll be brutally frank at this point, Jack — we have been afraid that you were a bit of a sexual adventurer — just in for the short-term pleasure with an amazingly gorgeous girl, you know — what with your sex club and trips to Brazil and so forth. Jenny does talk to us about things, you see."
    "She does indeed," Kevin added. This comment earned a slight tilt of Paul's head coupled with a momentary glare.
    "No, you're right, I haven't been monogamous," Jack admitted. "But the sexual adventurer charge is just not fair. I guess I did have an idea Jenny wasn't seeing anybody else. But still, we just hadn't talked about her dating life — maybe because I felt guilty since I was involved in other relationships, and didn't really want to know if she was not or not — it would have put pressure on me, you see."
    Jack paused briefly to examine his friends' faces to see if his comments were having any effect. He could not tell, for their faces actually seemed frozen — a bad sign indeed!
    "At any rate," Jack went on a little nervously, "being able to see other people was what we had agreed was best for us at this point in our relationship. The fact we were on opposite sides of the pond seemed to make that a wise arrangement — for the time being at least."
    Jack was acutely aware that at the moment he was sounding more like a lawyer than a human being! This was not going particularly well at all! In fact, his explanation was totally ignored by Kevin and Paula. It deserved no less!
    "I hope you know, Jack," Paula broke in, "that it wasn't for lack of opportunities that Jenny sat at home nights. She's so incredibly beautiful and sexy; she gets hit on just dozens a time a day. Just wait 'til she walks into this restaurant — she's so startlingly beautiful that she actually destabilizes a room when she walks into it — at least the male portion of it!"
    "Quite," Kevin dared to add to the conversational mix. This time he got off scot-free.
    "Don't I know it, too!" Jack agreed with a smile.
    "Look," Paula went on, "this seems like an attack on you and that's not fair. Besides it's not really an attack at all; it's just an attempt to clear the air. Well, maybe it is an attack, but so what — maybe you deserve it!" Paula's eyes narrowed slightly as she finished this statement.
    "Right," Kevin interjected.
    "It's that we think you're a great guy, and that you and Jenny have lots in common and make a great couple," Paula added. "Her last boy friend, you know, was an utter shit and you're just a million times better for Jenny than he — that's for sure! But we don't want Jenny to be hurt even by a good guy. Frankly, she stews a lot about your other relationships — especially the one with the, um, what can I call her, your ... ahem ... courtesan, in Rio de Janeiro. Not to mention your "social" or dating club — what an astonishing thing! — I couldn't believe it when I heard about it! I can't believe such groups exist! I mean, I'm all for do your own thing and all that but, really, Jack, that sort of a sex club sounds so, so ... clinical and passionless."
    "Wow," Jack thought, "of all the things to accuse the Club of! Being clinical and passionless is hardly how I would characterize the Club!" This did not, however, seem quite the time to mount a defense of the H10 Club!
    "And, forgive me, Jack," Paula continued, "but I'm on a roll, now! — you know that after Jenny broke up with her awful boyfriend after meeting you, she found it hard to keep the flat — the boyfriend didn't work, but he did contribute a little money from time to time to help with things, and Jenny missed it a lot. After her topless flicks here and in New York, she had lots of offers for more. Jenny, let's face it, is stunningly beautiful and has a fantastic, almost unbelievable figure, and the producers were lining up to put her under contract. But do you know what?"
    "No," Jack said in a subdued voice, "what?" He could tell he did not want to hear what was coming.
    "Well," Paula replied, "she said 'No,' and do you know why? I'll tell you why — it was because she thought it might adversely affect your relationship, that you'd lose interest if you thought of her as just a porn star — even though the flicks were really going to be very tame — she'd have worn a bikini bottom, for example."
    Paula then paused for effect. "And she did that even though you were involved in your 'club', for which you were actually making XXX tapes. In understand they contained the hardest-core kind of porn possible under any definition! How's that for a double standard, Jack — and Jenny was taking it upon herself to apply it to herself! Jesus! Jack!"
    "I didn't know that, and, yes, this all sounds pretty bad," Jack said. "Expressed in those terms I sound like a complete shit," he agreed. Jack was actually being honest; he was starting to see how he looked in other's eyes — especially Jenny's. He did not like the view one bit!
    Neither Paula nor Kevin accepted this implied invitation to disagree with Jack's assessment of himself. Nor were they going to allow Jack to let himself off the hook in so easy a fashion. Instead, Paula warmed to the task.
    "Well," she continued, "Jenny would never have told you any of this in a million years. But it meant she was really broke and in serious financial need. Her parents aren't really able to help, as you know.
    In the meantime, you kept up with your giant-tit club, and were probably fucking bevies of busty porn stars and God knows who else while Jenny was sitting home or working extra hours in Oxford Street at Marks and Sparks to pay the rent! I'm pissed off, Jack! Deeply pissed off!"
    "I really am starting to feel like a real shit, guys," Jack interjected sheepishly. "God! ... I really have been an asshole, haven't I?" Jack concluded, though only to himself.
    "Here's another thing, then," Paula broke in. Jack was not going to get out of this one in any easy fashion! "The fellowship Jenny is getting at Cambridge is a real plum. But do you know she has also applied to the Columbia University Ph.D. program so that she could all her free time with you in New York? She's not sure she'd actually pass up the Cambridge program for Columbia, but that fact she applied at all and is seriously thinking about it — she got in, by the way — shows how much the relationship with you means to her!"
    "I never knew she applied to Columbia," Jack admitted softly. He started to feel almost dizzy, wondering what else he didn't know. What a jerk he had been!
    "Well, she'd never tell you about that either, 'cause you'd feel guilty," Paula replied. "But that's enough of that because Jenny will be here any second, and I don't want her to see us squabbling when she arrives," she concluded. "We just wanted to get these things off our chests. But it's done out of love for Jenny and real affection for you, recent comments to the contrary notwithstanding. I hope you know that."
    She laughed. "And maybe we're trying to jump start you into doing the right thing by Jenny — that is, if that's your aim in all this. Or if not, to cut her loose so she can find a guy who will give her a full commitment. Anyway, please think seriously about these things, Jack, will you please? I mean, really think about them very seriously. Jenny deserves no less than your utter honesty and complete good faith."
    Jack paused for a moment. He really wanted his response to be both accurate and heartfelt. "I really appreciate your good motives in having this conversation," Jack said, "and I appreciate the conversation itself, believe it or not, even if I've taken a bit of a deserved scorching — to say the least! Now, may I say something?"
    "Of course," Kevin and Paula said in unison.
    "You've told me a lot of things I never knew but needed to know. In the end, though, it's my fault for not knowing them. You've also told me things that I really did know but would not acknowledge, even to myself. I can see that I have really acted the part of a thoughtless shit!
    "But I do love Jenny with all my heart," Jack said. "And I want you to know that my other relationships are over. That's spelled O-V-E-R! I broke off the relationship in Rio last weekend — it's history! I've been inactive in the Club for months — and I officially resigned this week. That's history, too. The reason for doing these things is that I've decided Jenny is the only one for me."
    Kevin and Paul exchanged significant looks at this statement
    "That's right," Jack continued, "Jenny's The One! And I want to tell her that this weekend — she knows nothing about any of this yet, by the way — so that's why I'm here. Folks, I'm going to do right by Jenny. In fact, as the American phrase goes, I'm going to make an honest woman out of Jenny if she'll let me — I'm going to set the wheels in motion as soon as dinner is over!"
    Jack took a deep breath. "My friends, as soon as the bill is settled, Jenny and I are going to take off on a walk to be alone. As soon as we are by ourselves, I'm going to propose! And, God, I sure hope she says 'Yes!'"
    Kevin and Paula exchanged more glances and then broke into wide smiles. "Wow, that's great, Jack," Paula said as she leaned over and patted his wrist. "I think you're going to make Jenny very happy before you go back to America! And us too, by the way!"
    Paula look very pleased; however, Jack had this crazy feeling that she was simultaneously disappointed in the outcome on some level as well. Perhaps it was simply that she had been geared up for a huge fight with Jack but he then had refused to cooperate by fighting back! Jack supposed that having your opponent surrender on all points before the battle is actually joined could take the wind out of a person's sails!
    "Good show, Jack," Kevin interjected with a crooked grin as he reached across the table to pump Jack's hand.
    "Kevin, good God!" Paula snapped at her husband. "You nearly knocked over my drink! Would you please be careful! Jesus!"
    Paula was definitely discombobulated, Jack realized; what's more, her suddenly snappish mood just had to have something to do with Jack's unconditional surrender in the face of her carefully rehearsed offensive. But what was wrong with that? And why take it out on poor Kevin? Just because the man was showing the emotional range of a guards officer was no reason for Paula to snap at him like that.
    The reason for this brief spat was a total mystery to Jack; at the same time, he supposed it was an example of spousal interplay on which Jack had better become an expert in the years to come. That is, so long as Jenny said "Yes!"
    "There's more," Jack quickly added in an effort to bring matters back into emotional equilibrium. "Just this week my managing partner assigned me to our London office for a three-year stint. We'll have to work out the details but one way or another she can go to Cambridge and I can work in the City and we can be together — if she'll have me, of course. By the way, please don't mention any of this to Jenny when she arrives; please let her hear it from me after dinner. It's my surprise."
    "You bet," Paula responded. "Of course, I can't speak for Jenny, but I think she'll be quite ecstatic when she hears the news. And your marriage proposal as well, needless to say! I really do think she'll have you — no question about that in my mind! I think your proposal is going to fall on very receptive ears!
    "I'm so glad we had this talk, Jack!" she grinned. "Maybe you're not such a shit after all!" Then Paula thought a minute and laughed. "Just a bit of an arsehole, perhaps," she added.
    Jack quickly looked up, almost in shock. But Paula was grinning! What a relief; she was just kidding!
    Jack, who suddenly recalled Freud's dictum that there are no jokes, joined in the laughter. Paula then stood up and gave Jack an affectionate hug. Kevin followed with a slap on the shoulder and another hearty handshake. Jack noted that he gave Paula's drink a wide berth in executing that maneuver.
    Jack figured that if he did the right thing by Jenny, these two were friends for life. If he screwed up, he knew for a certainty that the absolute reverse would be the case! It was just one more reason to stick to the straight and narrow!

Chapter 66

Just then, as predicted, the room did absolutely destabilize. Jack, as always, first spotted a bright flash of golden hair moving quickly across the room. When she was in public Jenny moved fast and just bopped along and jiggled a lot as she walked. Of course, every man in the place just swiveled around to stare at Jenny — a few without shame, most of them covertly; they simply could not believe the luscious creature who was making her way across the dining room. What a face! What legs! What an ass! And, above all, what a pair of tits!
    As befits a trip to Cambridge to see her academic advisors, Jenny was very modestly dressed — at least for her. She was wearing a loose-fitting jumper over a two-sizes-too-large blouse. Still, the jumper stopped a couple of inches above Jenny's knees; most of her gorgeous legs were still very much on display. And although the jumper billowed out to obscure Jenny's K-cup treasures of tit flesh, the way in which the top ballooned told the men in the room that there were probably some really huge, firm breasts hidden underneath that schoolgirl outfit.
    Although the jumper skirt was also loose, it had sufficiently molded itself to Jenny's incredibly cute butt during the train and cab rides from Cambridge to the restaurant, that the guys in the room could tell that there were fantastically curvy treasures hidden there as well. Of course, Jenny's eye-popping and beyond drop-dead gorgeous face was on full display. In short, the fellows drinking in Jenny with their eyes — some actually with their jaws dropped — knew they were raping with their eyes one of the most beautiful women they had ever seen!
    As Jenny got close to the table, Jack winked at Paula — she had been so right about the destabilization effect. Then he stood up to gather Jenny into his arms "Hmmm, Jack, wow!" Jenny said as Jack started to give her a hug. "You look so great! Then she pulled her head back a bit, and with a questioning smirk on her face said: "Give me a hug and a kiss, honey; later you can tell me what that wink to Paula was all about!"
    The couple went into a short clinch, punctuated by a two-second, but very passionate kiss. They then all sat down to order dinner. Jenny's delicate, ivory complexion was flushed with excitement as she sat next down to her lover. Jack and Jenny's bodies were just absolutely jammed against each other in the booth, and they were lovingly holding hands. In fact, the hand-holding went on for the entire meal; Jack and Jenny just ate one-handed (he was right-handed and she left-handed, so the process worked perfectly) rather than let go of each other's hands even for a moment.
    Jack could not believe how affectionate and loving Jenny was being this evening. There had been an unpleasant edge to their relationship on the last few visits on account of the unfinished business of Tina and the Club. Now she was acting as if all was well. Jack was surprised and pleased! This meant that things were really going to go smoothly tonight!
    As usual, Jack had misread the situation. Jenny's tolerance for what she still thought was Jack's failure to bid adieu to Tina and the Club had absolutely run out. She was sticking to her decision, a regretful and difficult decision to be sure, but a final and unshakable decision nonetheless. It was one that she had not shared with even Kevin and Paula.
    She had not changed her mind; this weekend that she and Jack were spending together was it! The visit was either going to end with the two of them fully committed to each other — no other romantic or sexual interests allowed! — or it was just going to end period! Jenny simply didn't have the emotional wherewithal to postpone it any longer.
    She was sure that Jack didn't have a clue what was coming. but he'd have to deal with it — Jenny had run out of time and patience. God! How many times had Jack been put on notice about this issue? It had been his responsibility to deal with it — and to deal with it satisfactorily. After all, it was he who was doing the tom-catting, not she! The jerk!
    The affection and softness Jenny was showing was primarily a product of the fact she had made this irrevocable decision, for better or for worse. She was feeling (and demonstrating) the peace that comes from making an unalterable decision over a very difficult issue. Jenny did not know how it was going to play out, but she had a growing fear that Jack might be congenitally unable to commit. That would mean that this weekend really would be the last time they would spend together. If so, Jenny wanted to get as much pleasure — physical and emotional — as possible out of their last hours together. If nothing else, it would provide memories to cherish once Jack was gone.
    Furthermore, Jenny had determined not to bring the issue up herself. She had done so more than once. She knew she had even been a bitch about it at times. Well, no more bitching! There was no need to remind Jack what was on the table; he had to know what the score was. Just because the guy seemed to be hoping that it would be forgotten and somehow go away by itself was no reason to do his heavy lifting for him. Jack would either bring up the issue himself during the weekend — and then resolve it — or Jenny would end the weekend by terminating the relationship as they said good-by at the airport. Jenny loved Jack with all her heart, but she had put up with enough. Their future was on the line — and in Jack's hands — this very minute. It was his call!
    Still and all, Jenny could not believe it was really happening. For a long time she had thought Jack was definitely The One. After tonight, he might be nothing at all but a very strong and sorrowful memory. God! Tonight might be either the best or the worst night of Jenny's life! Which it might be was impossible to predict!

Chapter 67

After Jack had picked up the check, Kevin (undoubtedly with tongue in cheek), asked if he and Paula could give Jack and Jenny a ride to her flat. "Thanks, Kevin," Jack replied, "but it's such a nice night, and seeing how much I love to walk in London, I think we'll walk home — OK, Jenny?"
    "I'd like that," Jenny replied.
    The couple strolled hand in hand along South Audley Street, gawking at the fancy store windows and then detouring into the small park just behind the Farm Street Church. Jenny was just absolutely leaning into Jack as they walked; it was as if she was trying to get inside his skin to become as one with her lover.
    Again, the reason for this super-expression of closeness was not at all what Jack thought it was. In reality, Jenny was trying to get inside her lover in order somehow to edge him into Doing The Right Thing — and, what's more, to Do It Right Now! Jack was blissfully unaware of this motivation. He was in deep trouble, and he did not have a clue!
    Jack stopped at a bench just outside the back door to the church. "Want to rest for a moment, honey," he asked?
    "Is my poor baby all tuckered out after his flight and long day in London?" Jenny asked with a slightly nervous giggle.
    "Nope," Jack said. "In fact being with you is like a shot of adrenaline; I've never been more wide awake. No, sweetheart, I just wanted to talk."
    Jenny got a serious and slightly wary look on her face. "Hmmm, what ... is it about anything special?"
    "You bet," Jack smiled. "Special things, things about us, good things about us! But first I want to kiss you properly; the quick hug and a kiss in the restaurant was OK for a public place but I need more — right now!"
    Jack put his arms around Jenny and drew her towards him. Her eyes were closed and her lips parted. The lovers' lips came together softly and tenderly. For a few seconds their lips just softly rubbed and slid against each other.
    Then Jack gently slipped his tongue inside Jenny's mouth and then, overcome by love and lust, started passionately thrusting it in and out. Jenny started to moan as her tongue then searched out the entire inside of Jack's mouth. God! She loved this guy! He made her feel so hot! God, she hoped he did the right thing right away!
    Both Jenny and Jack had started to caress and rub the other's back and arms Jack's hand had started sliding up and down Jenny's side. It went no farther, however, because he knew that even in the dark corner of this hidden park, really loving up Jenny's massive tits in public was, well, just not quite the English thing to do. Still, the all-consuming French kiss went on and on for at least two minutes, and Jack's hot hands did begin to rub Jenny's world-class ass cheeks though the outside of her jumper.
    As the kiss broke, Jenny looked up at Jack with passionate eyes, her lips slightly puffy from the really active soul kiss, and said, "Oh, honey, kissing you for the first time on a weekend is always such a turn-on! Shouldn't we get going and continue this conversation in bed? — I don't know if I can wait much longer to get my hands on your body."
    Jack shook his head gently. "No," he said, "let's sit for a few minutes more. I wanted to talk about my trips to Rio, for one thing."
    Jenny immediately and violently shook her head and put a finger to Jack's lips. "Jack, you don't have to; I never should have brought it on up your last trip. Hush! — that's not something we need to talk about," Jenny said urgently. "You have to do what you think is right about your ... well ... your situation in Rio ... and about that club, too." Jenny was not going to make it easy for Jack!
    "Well, I do need to talk about it," Jack replied. "And here's the deal — there are going to be no more Brazil trips. My last trip a weekend ago was my final one. The relationship is over. And there's no more Club, either; I quit a few days ago — for good. Honey, I don't want — or need — anybody in my life besides you. I want you to be my everything! Because you are my everything."
    "Oh, Jack." Jenny said softly, "I never asked you to do that, to give up your social life on my account." No doubt about it — Jack was going to have to do all the hard work in this exchange!
    Jenny's statement was literally true; she had never asked him to do that, even though she had wanted him to do just that with all her heart! What Jack did not know, however, was the full extent to which Tina and the Club had preyed on Jenny's mind and was threatening not only to poison, but actually to end, their relationship. She was ready — eager even — to commit to Jack; after all, she was head over heels in love with the guy. Yet she was understandably in considerable doubt about the level of his commitment to her. This really was decision time!
    In the meantime, Jenny thought, perhaps it was best that the matter was coming up now. In fact, she was all of a sudden seized with a rush of feeling that told her she was in the midst of a defining moment in her life! From the look on Jack's face, she had a feeling that this conversation was going to resolve things one way or the other, that their future was going to be determined for better or worse in the next few minutes! She was not going to have to wait until the airport to settle matters! It was going to happen now!
    If things went badly, Jenny impulsively decided right on the spot, she and Jack would end it tonight — indeed, it would come to a close on this very park bench! This walk to her flat would end with Jack picking up his things and heading to a hotel! It would be Good-By Jack. even if Jenny's heart would break in the process!
    "I know you haven't asked me to give up those things, honey," Jack explained. "The truth is that I want to do it for me and for us; in fact, I have to do it because of how I feel about you. I also have to do it more; I hate the kind of life I've been living, and I especially hate the way I've been hurting you. I have been a shit, Jenny; I never should have kept on with Tina and the Club once we knew how strongly we felt about each other — it was cruel and unworthy! Jenny listened with rapt attention, barely able to breathe, let alone to talk!
    "Listen!" Jack continued, "I absolutely pledge my faithfulness and, really, I just beg your forgiveness for being such a dim, insensitive asshole these last few months. Honey, I am just absolutely yours — utterly and completely! If you still want me, that is!"
    Jenny suddenly got a radiant smile on her gorgeous face. Wow! Things had unexpectedly taken a sharp turn for the better! Could it be that Jack was about to do the right thing, the thing she so wanted him to do?
    "Honey, in that case you make me so especially happy because I do want you! I love you so much, Jack! And of course I forgive you, absolutely!"
    Jenny had quickly decided, though, not to tell Jack that there was nothing to forgive, because that was not true — there was plenty to forgive! And although her forgiveness was unconditional and complete, she did say to herself: "Just don't ever do anything like that again, buddy, because a next time would be much harder to forgive! Probably impossible!" As that thought ran in and out of Jenny's mind, the couple embraced and softly but urgently kissed again for a few moments.
    Jack was about to continue but the caretaker in charge of the park came along to tell them that the gates were being locked in five minutes. The couple strolled back out to South Audley Street and headed toward Grosvenor Square. Jenny was about to lose her mind at the untimely interruption of this surpassingly crucial encounter!
    "Honey, there's more," Jack continued as the lovers ambled along toward Oxford Street. "If you can believe it, my firm is assigning me to our London office! For three years! I got called in this week and was given my choice of foreign offices to work in — and London was on the list. That wasn't too hard a choice for me to make, believe me!"
    In spite of herself, Jenny squealed with joy. "That's wonderful, Jack. Now we can see each other regularly — all the time if we want!"
    "All the time — I mean all the time — is exactly what I want," Jack said with a loving smile.
    By this time the couple had entered Grosvenor Square itself and were approaching the statue of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. "All the time is what I wanted to talk about, Jenny."
    By this time Jack was getting exceedingly nervous, an unlikely predicament for someone usually as confident and poised as he.
    "You see, Jenny, you really are the absolute love of my life and, and, well, I just love you so much, and I want you with me always, forever. It's you I want, and only you! Jenny, my precious, precious darling — now and forever!"
    Jenny looked up with rapt, expectant eyes. "Oh, sweetheart," was all she could say. Things were going much better than she could have dreamed! Could it be ...?
    "Jenny, my sweetest darling," Jack finally managed to blurt out, "will you marry me?"
    "Oh, Jack, in a second I will — oh my sweetest!" Jenny responded after only the slightest pause.
    "Is that a 'Yes,' honey?" Jack asked with a smile.
    "It's a 'Yes', my darling, an absolute, firm, and enthusiastic 'Yes.' Being your wife is exactly what I want for me and for us. I want to marry you and spend forever with you. I love you so much, sweetest! I can't wait to be married to you and then to be with you for ever and ever."
    The now affianced couple sealed their mutual promises with a long, long embrace and a soft, lingering, gentle, loving kiss. Jack's heart was fluttering with joy — Jenny was his!
    Jenny was beside herself with happiness as well. In mere minutes, she had gone from a fear that she and Jack were quits to the thrilling prospect of becoming Mrs John Burke Davenport III.
    Jack kept his promise; there was never any one else but Jenny. He even gave up flirting ... well, for the most part! Still, nobody's perfect. And if he happened to run into a girl with a H10-worthy face, legs, butt, and bosom, he would take subtle, but appreciative, note of the fact ("After all, even when you're on a diet, you can still check out the menu!" his fellow Skull and Bones brothers at Yale used to recite".) Of course, he continued to get hit on all the time by fabulous-looking babes; the difference now was that he politely, but very firmly, rejected the overtures.
    Jack and Jenny had always been essentially open and truthful with each other (well, Jenny a lot more than Jack, actually!) They told each other everything (well, almost everything — Jack's encounters with Carol, Mona and June somehow got lost in the shuffle!) This openness was to a heightened degree going to characterize their married life. In fact, Jack was going to do much better on that score!
    Jenny decided, however, to make one exception to that rule. Jack did not need to know how close he had come to getting his walking papers that very night! A wife, after all, did not have to tell her husband absolutely everything! In some cases, it was wiser to keep some things in your heart!
    Jenny knew that wives-to-be who hoped to change their husbands after marriage were doomed to disappointment. What you see is pretty much what you get! Still, people themselves can change, it they decide to undertake the effort and do so for reasons that are personally important and compelling to them. To that end, Jenny fervently hoped that Jack, so perfect in most ways, would become more aware of what was going on in his wife's head! And then act accordingly!
    Jenny understood that most husbands were like that. Paula had confided that even Kevin, usually the most sensitive of husbands, could be a dim bulb at times. Jenny assumed it came with the gender! Still, she was about to marry a real gem, a guy with whom she was utterly and totally in love. What a perfect night this had been — and was going to be!
    Above all, Jenny had an unshakable confidence that she could count on Jack's faithfulness. She could not put the reasons for that assurance into words; it was simply that she felt Jack had so much integrity that, once a vow was given, it would be kept absolutely. The very fact that Jack resisted making commitments before he was absolutely sure in his heart he wanted to, was itself a crazy sort of confirmation of that truth. Jenny's heart, her intuitive sense of Jack's character, told her this was so. Before tonight Jack had made no vows. Now he had. The future, Jenny was sure, would be governed by that vow.

Chapter 68

Jack and Jenny could not get back to her flat fast enough; without a word being said on the subject, they knew they wanted to seal their engagement with the hottest sort of lovemaking possible. No condoms tonight! Or ever again!
    Jenny could hardly get her key in the door on account of her galloping sexual excitement — and also because of the way Jack was caressing her and rubbing up against her body on account of his own escalating lust.
    "Oh, sweetheart," he moaned, "hurry — I want to ravish you for hours — for a lifetime — hmmm, I love you so much." Man! Jack was so hot!
    Jack was standing behind Jenny, hugging her from behind. His love stick was already at least as stiff as a board. His hands were wildly working out on Jenny's ass cheeks; he was gently humping her super-cute butt as she tried to turn the door lock. Then Jack moved his hands up Jenny's sides and slid them under her jumper. In a second he was cupping the so very big, exceptionally firm, and astonishingly round 32K tits that had been mostly hidden by the jumper but which were now absolutely straining against her white blouse as his crazed hands roamed all over the huge, meaty treasures.
    Jenny's huge tits were so solid and so full and so perfectly formed! They were even more exciting for Jack, of course, because one of them was way too big to fit inside a single hand. Jack's breathing was getting heavier and more ragged as his hands roamed all over the tits and rhythmically squeezed and caressed Jenny's massive hangers. The sensation was so exciting that he could feel pre-cum already beginning to stain his underwear!
    Jack mused about Jenny's stupendous body as she fumbled with the key. God! To think these giant hooters were going to be his to love for life! Jesus! They were a lot smaller than Tina's, and indeed on the small size by Club standards.
    But by anyone else's standards, they were really huge! There was a saying in the Club that if your date's ass cheeks could fit easily in the palm of your hands, but her tits were so large as to greatly overflow them, you had just become one lucky fellow! Jenny, it should be noted, easily qualified under that test! What's more, her breasts were amazingly firm and astonishingly shapely. Jack had been getting off in the Club and elsewhere on hooters ranging in cup sizes from 30G to 36Z(N).
    But Jenny's K-cup breasts were so much more practical for the long run; for one thing, he thought, one could go places as a couple and not cause a riot or a traffic jam — Jack was thinking about his weekend at the Plaza with Tina — although with Jenny's mind-blowing figure and extreme good looks, Jack might be kidding himself on that score! Certainly, going out in public would be very difficult if not impossible with girls like Tina or June Chest or even Mona Mountains.
    Furthermore, Jenny's ultra-firm bosom would probably get a lot less saggy as years went on than most of the much larger racks on typical Club members. All in all, no one he had ever met in or out of the Club was more stunningly beautiful, had greater legs, more luscious thighs, or a more curvy and tantalizing butt than Jenny. And her huge bosom was certainly full enough for even a demanding tit-man like Jack. Jenny, in other words, was physical perfection!
    Jack suddenly realized he was being almost obscenely shallow in this assessment of his intended. Jenny was a lot more than just a gorgeous piece of ass — though of course she was all of that — God! What an exceptionally gorgeous piece of ass Jenny was!
    Undoubtedly the fact that, at this very moment, Jack was cupping her massive tits and rubbing his fully engorged cock against her squirming butt had skewed his judgment and thus engendered this overly narrow, physically-focused view of Jenny's virtues.
    God! What really mattered was that Jenny was so sweet, so amazingly intelligent, so congenial, so fiercely loyal, so utterly honest, so energetic, and possessed of the very highest ethical and moral values. In addition, she and Jack had so much in common, shared so many of those values, and were interested in so many of the same things.
    Above all, what really mattered was that Jack was hopelessly in love with Jenny. She made his head spin with love and desire. And, thank goodness, they were so well-suited to each other in every way. He had become attracted to her in the first place because of her stunning beauty and fabulous body. Shit! Jack still remembered the first moment he spotted Jenny at JFK airport that Sunday night! He was probably a goner that very minute! But Jack was marrying Jenny because of who she was inside; apart from that Jack assumed she would have remained a mere sexual playmate (Right, Jack!) Instead, Jack had discovered that she was truly The One; hence, they were becoming One.
    Still, even though he had proposed to Jenny on account of her inner self, Jack sure had no complaints about the outer packaging! God, he had made the right choice tonight! And now the betrothed couple was about to show each other just how much each loved the other on the inside and the outside alike! Jack felt sure that he was about to engage in the hottest and most exciting sex of his life as a result!
    Finally, Jenny managed to get the door open. As soon as they had entered the flat the couple utterly melted into each other arms They fairly flung their wide-open mouths at each other to start a super-passionate French kiss. Their tongues were wild with passion; they plunged madly in and out of each other's mouths — each trying to lick as much of the inside of the other's mouth as possible. Their mouths were so wide-open and their tongues and lips so frenzied, that loud slurping noises resounded throughout the living room. It was as if Jack was trying to lick the back of Jenny's throat!
    At the same time, the super-hot lovers were loudly moaning and even growling with all-consuming lust. The two sweethearts were just wild for each other. Because of the circumstance of just having become engaged to be married, they had never been so beside themselves with lust for one another as now. For Jenny, the relief of not having to end the relationship instead was fueling her passion as well.
    Their hands had also gone out of control. Jenny was rubbing and squeezing Jack's butt and back and neck and arms. She really wanted to be pulling on and rubbing his engorged cock, but their frontal embrace made that impossible — for the moment, and the moment only! Jack was wildly rubbing and squeezing Jenny's oh-so curvy bottom through her jumper; then, in one of his favorite parts of the first stage of lovemaking, he had reached his hands under her jumper to rub and squeeze her fabulous ass checks.
    The reach was bit longer than usual because Jenny's two-inches-above-the-knee jumper was two or three inches longer than her usual hemline. Still, the longer reach was absolutely no problem for Jack's hot and eager hands. They were soon rubbing the slick material of her so-brief panties and then squeezing and cupping the luscious flesh through the silken cloth.
    Soon, Jack had thrust both hands inside the panties themselves; they were cupping and squeezing Jenny's soft, warm ass flesh skin to skin. It was so exciting! Jenny's ass was so fine; her ass cheeks were so round and firm that they just fit perfectly inside each hand. He started rubbing and squeezing them almost maniacally, jamming Jenny's pelvis against his raging cock in the process. After a few moments Jack began, by using Jenny's curvy ass almost like handles, to pull and brush her pussy from side to side against his utterly stiff prick.
    Jenny started to moan and whimper; Jack responded by licking her lips and mouth, then by plunging his tongue deep down her throat, and then pulling back out to once again lick her mouth and lips and even her cheeks and chin. All the while Jack kept cupping Jenny's startlingly luscious bottom and rubbing her pussy against his almost out of control cock.
    All of a sudden, Jenny's whimpers got louder and Jack felt her body start to stiffen and convulse. Jenny was having a super-strong orgasm even though the lovers had only made it a couple of feet into the flat and still had all their clothes on! Jack responded by taking his right hand off Jenny's left ass cheek and quickly moving it around and down the inside of her panties to her pussy.
    Jack found that Jenny's shuddering cunt was utterly drenched; her panties and even the jumper itself were totally wet with cunt juice. As Jenny's convulsions continued, Jack thrust two fingers up her so-slick and slimy cunt and started a fast in-and-out finger-fuck to help her orgasm along. By now, Jenny was screaming with consuming lust and Jack's fingers, hand, and wrist were getting covered with her cum juice.
    Jenny had never gotten so hot so fast! Never before had she actually come during their first embrace! This extreme display of passion was almost driving Jack around the bend himself. This was truly going to be a night of almost indescribably thrilling sex and love!

Chapter 69

When Jenny's cums subsided, Jack picked up his precious bride-to-be, carried her into the bedroom, and gently laid her on the bed. Jenny looked up, her eyes bright with lust and anticipation, and said, "Oh, my husband, my only one — love me like never before, sweetheart, make love to me hard and long, honey — just do it and do it and do it!" Clearly, all was forgiven!
    Since Jack was standing near Jenny's feet, he knelt down and started kissing and licking them, taking time along the way to suck on her toes. While so occupied, Jack's hands caressed up and down Jenny's sleek and shapely calves. God! They were so perfectly shaped and muscled. The way they looked from the rear — especially when Jenny wore heels — was simply to die for! Jack had never seen calves as sensational as that on anyone else!
    After about fifteen minutes of this sort of attention, Jack started kissing and licking his way up her calves and shins toward her knees. In the meantime, his hands were groping under Jenny's jumper, caressing and rubbing her stunningly shapely, soft thighs. Jenny was softly moaning by now; she could guess what kind of a long-term, top-to-bottom sex trip she and Jack were embarking on.
    Jack started moving the bottom of the jumper up toward Jenny's waist. She lifted her unbelievable ass a bit in the air to help the process along. Jack's hands could not help but grope her luscious ass checks a bit along the way as he moved his efforts back to her thighs. By now Jack was sucking, licking, and kissing Jenny's sleek, luscious thighs with utter abandon, paying particular attention to her inner thighs just below her panties. He was making slobbering noises as he licked and kissed the impossibly soft, ivory skin. Jenny's thighs were so golden, so shapely ... so perfect!
    When Jenny crossed her legs while sitting down in, say, a train station, every male eye swiveled her way in astonishment. Just by sitting down as modestly as she could (leaving aside the length of her skirts for a moment!), Jenny could put on a leg show that was just unbelievable! It was so exciting to Jack to love up those fantastic legs and to claim them for his own!
    Meanwhile, as Jack's lips and tongue worked and worked on her absolutely stunning thighs, Jenny was sliding her incredibly cute butt from side to side on the sheets and moaning even louder.
    Jenny's moaning reached a new pitch when Jack reached up to slowly and deliberately pull down her silken bikini panties. In due course, they were off. Jack then moved the jumper up over Jenny's arms and head; she was now wearing only a blouse and a bra.
    Jack slid a hand under each curvy ass cheek and started slowly and lovingly to squeeze each luscious globe of ass meat. Again Jack was struck by the fact he had never seen as ass like Jenny's! He knew that guys often followed Jenny down the street just to watch the swiveling, rotating ass cheeks that Jenny liked to showcase under super-short, tight skirts. Who could blame them — they might never see anything like it again in their lives!
    As his frantically hot hands pawed and kneaded Jenny's incredibly luscious butt, Jack went back to licking her inner thighs, which by now were getting noticeably wet from the cunt juice that was fairly gushing out of her soaked pussy. Jenny was so hot and so ready for Jack! And he for her!
    Jack's lips and tongue then encountered the roughness of Jenny's now-drenched public hair as he moved up to love her cunt lips, her clitoris, and then finally her drenched pussy. For a few minutes, Jack gave Jenny little stabbing licks of his tongue in the pubic area around her cunt lips; Jenny moaned and continued to slide her terminally cute buns from side to side over the sheets in response. Jack decided he had way too many clothes on and threw his shirt on to the floor.
    Jack then stuck his tongue as far out of his mouth as it would go, positioned his head over Jenny's quivering pussy, and started flat licking her twat from the very base of her cunt lips all the way up to her clitoris. Once at the top Jack would gently — very gently — lick and suck on her amazingly erect clitoris; then he would drop down to the bottom of Jenny's pussy and start yet another full-length, sensuous series of licks. Up and back, up and back!
    Jenny was writhing on the bed, her body flinching with almost unbearable sexual pleasure at each long lick of Jack's tongue! Hot shocks of pleasure raced through her body. This was so great, and there was a lifetime of loving like this to look forward to, Jenny knew!
    Jack then started concentrating on the pussy lips themselves, sensuously and slowing licking each lip in turn. Then, by using his fingers to gain leverage, Jack started sucking alternately on each individual pussy lip while continuing to lick them at the same time. He was able to draw each fat pussy lip one by one between his lips and even into his mouth. Then, with her cunt lips so imprisoned, Jack licked them from the inside of his mouth with his wild, searching tongue.
    Jenny was going crazy as a result! Could any woman on Earth have a more expert and exciting lover for a husband? Up and down and all around Jack rimmed Jenny's cunt lips with his own lips and mouth and tongue.
    Jenny was so hot and bothered that cunt juice was flowing all over Jack's face and even into his mouth. He made a point of swallowing loudly so that Jenny could tell he was gulping down her love juice. Her fluids were his fluids — they were, in fact, their fluids! The sound made her writhe even more wildly on the bed.
    Jack then spread Jenny's cunt wide open with his fingers. He stiffened his tongue as much as possible and then started to stab the inside of her pussy with the tip of his tongue to a depth of about an inch or two. Jenny's cunt was so hot and so utterly full of cum juice; for Jack, it was almost like sticking his tongue into a pool of water!
    After about ten minutes of this cunt-stabbing, Jenny's pussy was really wide open. Jack was then able to stuck the full length of his tongue far down into Jenny's hot cunt. He started tongue-fucking her twat in and out, in and out; then he switched to licking and tonguing the slick walls and slimy internal structures of her pussy, making loud slurping and moaning noises in the process. God! Jack's searching tongue was plunging so incredibly deep into Jenny's gushing cunt!
    This lovemaking took Jenny over the top once more. Her body stiffened and convulsed all at the same time. Jack could feel her cunt contract around his tongue as his bride-to-be was overcome by wave after wave of really strong, almost disabling orgasms. Jack started licking and tonguing the inside of her pussy even faster. At the same time, he thrust three fingers under his tongue and inside Jenny's spastic cunt to finger fuck and rub her vaginal walls in addition to continuing his wild licking and tonguing of her cunt walls.
    Jenny was now screaming and gushing amazing amounts of cum juice. She was also stiffening, convulsing, and writhing to such an extent that it was difficult for Jack to keep his tongue and fingers in play. But he kept riding along with her as she moved all over the bed shaking and shuddering from the relentless onslaught of orgasm after orgasm.
    Jack would not stop his oral and digital ministrations for even a second even though he could hear saliva gurgling in Jenny's throat as her screaming and moaning got even louder. The cums washed over Jenny without a pause; she was up to several dozen orgasms with no end in sight!

Chapter 70

After about an hour of this torrid cunt-loving, Jack was ready to move up to Jenny's unbelievably fantastic tits. They were so big, so full, and so firm! Jack's cock throbbed at the thought of once again squeezing and kneading and rubbing her really big mounds of tit meat. Given his obsessions, tit-work on a huge pair of firm breasts was so arousing! His prick jerked as he anticipated the renewed joys of sucking and licking the huge globes, and then finally ramming his blood-red love rod back and forth between them in a wild tit-fuck. Man! Jenny was so sexy and so desirable!
    First, Jack decided to get more in the spirit, clothes-wise. Within seconds, he had kicked off his shoes and peeled off his socks. Next he took off his trousers and finally his already seriously cum-stained underpants. Then, it was back to some more serious loving of the startlingly gorgeous and improbably shapely blonde beauty lying beside him on the bed.
    After a few final licks at, and kisses upon, Jenny's love-ravished pussy, Jack turned Jenny over so he could squeeze and cup her unbelievable ass for a few minutes. Jenny was so beautiful and fabulously built in so many ways, but, as Jack once again reminded himself, she really did have the greatest ass he had ever seen — it was just fantastic! Jack was fully aware how guys just went crazy staring at her swiveling ass cheeks when she bopped down the street! Jack knew he certainly did. Jack loved them!
    After rubbing and mauling them manually for a few minutes, Jack got down and started kissing and licking Jenny's ultra-curvaceous ass cheeks. Kiss and lick, suck and tongue! Jenny's ass was so fine — it was making Jack's huge dick get even stiffer!
    He finished by licking and sucking her anus as his hands kept roaming all over her ass, squeezing and cupping the soft but firm, hot, sexy flesh. Jenny was moaning uncontrollably and just madly reaching for any part of Jack's body she could grab as he licked and sucked away at every part of her ass his tongue could reach!
    Jack then rolled Jenny over again and eased his body up along side his lover's startlingly bulging white blouse. He then leaned down to give Jenny a soft kiss before starting to love up her giant hangers.
    But it was not to be — not just yet. As he started a soft peck on her lips, Jenny pulled him down with a hand on the back of his head and, as her mouth opened wide, her tongue plunged deep into Jack's mouth, and a wild French kiss — complete with loud moaning and spit- swapping — took up the next five minutes.
    When they broke the kiss, Jenny looked up, her eyes only half-open on account of overcoming passion, her lips puffy from so much kissing. "Oh, sweetheart," she whispered, "I don't know how much more of this I can take! But don't you dare stop," she warned with a smile, "I want more — much, much more!"
    With that, Jenny got more — a lot more. Jack moved his hands down to her enormous bosom and started kneading and squeezing it. Every few minutes Jack would let go of a handful of tit meat and unfasten a button on Jenny's schoolgirl style blouse.
    There was definitely nothing school-girlish about the huge mounds of tit flesh pushing against the cotton fabric, though! After about forty minutes of playing with Jenny's so-large bosom through the blouse, the garment was unbuttoned all the way. Jack lovingly took it off Jenny's arms and shoulders and tossed it onto the floor.
    The way Jenny's huge breasts swelled out of the top of her really big bra made Jack's cock throb and jerk even more with inflamed desire. He leaned down to kiss and tongue the hot, bulging flesh that was just exploding out of the top of the oversized garment. At the same tine Jack reached down behind Jenny's back (she arched her back to help him along) to unfasten the six hooks of the super-sized brassiere that was trapping the tit flesh he so longed to suck, tongue, and fuck.
    Jack was, as one could well imagine, an expert bra remover; however, he was so hot for Jenny's tits that his fingers trembled and faltered as he tried to unclasp the six hooks to free the really eye-popping hooters from their captivity.
    "Having trouble, honey?" Jenny teased.
    "I am," Jack admitted huskily, "I'm just so hot for your body, honey, that my hands won't work. Just wait a second, though — your fantastic breasts are in for some extended loving tonight — and then for the rest of your life!"
    With the hooks undone, the brassiere was loose. Jack hungrily ran his hands inside and underneath the cups of the huge bra to squeeze and grope and maul the improbable expanse of ultra-soft, hot flesh underneath. Soon the bra had hit the floor, and Jenny's enormous 32K tits were fully exposed. Also exposed were her nipples, so unbelievably erect and stiff. Jenny had long nipples anyway but their torrid lovemaking seemed to have made them even longer and stiffer than usual.
    Jack was soon licking and tonguing her areolae while, using the required two hands per breast, he was lifting up and seriously kneading each humongous hanger from its base to the top. Then, opening his mouth almost to the breaking point, he swallowed as much of the right breast as he could manage.
    What he could manage was all of the nipple and some of Jenny's really oversized areola. Jack started licking the nipple while it was inside his mouth, mercilessly tonguing the stiff member. "God!" Jack said to himself, "Jenny's actually leaking tit cum already — what a turn on!" For her part, Jenny was alternating between screams and moans of passion.
    Suck and squeeze and lick, lick and squeeze and suck! Jack worked on the enormous knocker for about fifteen minutes. The feel of the huge hanger inside his mouth, along with the thrill of feeling the soft, utterly cushioned texture of the rest of Jenny's tit, was making his already utterly stiff pecker even harder and longer. Jack could feel more pre-cum liberally dribbling out of his cock head onto the sheets — he was so turned on by Jenny's huge, full bosom!
    Jack finally released the super-large right tit from his mouth. The nipple was so red and so stiff. The areola was slick and wet with Jack's spit. The rest of the breast actually looked swollen on account of Jack's squeezing and sucking. It was covered with love marks and hickeys on account of Jack's wild tit-loving.
    Jack then reached for the other breast and repeated the process. Jenny's tits were so big and so great! As he sucked and slurped on her huge left hooter, Jack would occasionally take one of his hands off the breast he was loving to reach over to squeeze, cup, grope, knead, rub, and caress her equally enormous right tit.
    Both Jack and Jenny were moaning with almost disabling passion as the tit play went on and on. Jack continued to leak pre-cum out of his ultra-stiff prick, and Jenny would shudder every few minutes from the onslaught of yet another orgasm — in this case cums that resulted from Jack's breast loving alone.
    After having fully loved, licked, squeezed, and sucked each massive tit in turn, Jack started slobbering and licking the area between them until the valley inside Jenny's enormous breasts were totally slippery and wet. He then mounted her at the waist, moved his jerking prick up to her so very big, full, and firm bosom, and rammed his blood-red, throbbing cock into the deep valley between those luscious tits.
    Both lovers started to moan as the huge, thick rod started madly pumping away at Jenny's giant bosom. Jack squashed the big breasts together with his hands to mash his pumping cock fully inside Jenny's unbelievable chest. When her tits were squashed together like that, they stuck up amazingly far into the air — over half a foot above her trunk!
    As Jack slammed his iron-like prick in and out of this bulging mountain of tit meat like the piston of a runaway machine, Jenny licked its head as it peeked up and out of the top of her startling cleavage. Jack's cock was turning almost purple from lust and impending orgasm. He was grunting uncontrollably as he rammed his almost-ready-to-blow cock in and out of Jenny's soft and huge cocoon of tit meat like a madman. Jack couldn't last very long at this rate, he knew!

Chapter 71

In this night of nights, however, Jack very much wanted his first cum to be inside Jenny. Although he was so ready to blow lunch, he was somehow able to stop his tit-fucking and to throw himself off Jenny and onto his back.
    Jenny rolled over beside him, licked his ear a couple of times, and then whispered, "Is everything OK, honey, did you really want to stop now?"
    "No ... yes ... shit ... Christ ... I don't know," Jack whimpered, his cock jerking wildly and throbbing in the air. Pre-cum was glistening all around his prick hole and was starting to run down his foreskin. He was almost incoherent from his overpowering lust and unsatisfied desire. He knew he was about one up-and-down hand stroke on his cock from blowing spunk six to eight feet into the air!
    "Yes!" he finally decided, "I don't want to come until I'm inside you, honey. Let's just rest for a few minutes to cool me off."
    "Poor, poor baby," Jenny whispered, as she cuddled close to Jack and started licking his ears, cheek, and then his lips. The couple was soon madly licking the inside and outside of each other's mouths in a torrid French kiss, as well as caressing and rubbing each other's bodies with wild, uncontrollable hands.
    Yet because Jenny was giving Jack's huge, thick cock a wide berth, he was starting to come down, albeit slowly, from his near orgasm. It was actually about his 25th near-cum of the night; he knew that when he finally did let fly, the orgasm was going to be almost beyond belief — and very probably beyond anything he had ever experienced since passing through puberty! Never had he brought himself to the edge of orgasm so many times and then pulled back.
    The fact that the orgasm would be his first with his beloved bride-to-be was going to make it much exciting as well. The anticipation of the giant, overwhelming orgasm to come made Jack shiver with delight and expectation.
    After a few minutes of this steamy make-out and petting interlude, Jack was back to a state of being merely hot to trot. Jenny leaned on her elbow, smiled into Jack's eyes, and said, "Sweetie, you've been so great to me tonight — now it's pay-back time for you."
    With that Jenny started licking Jack's ears and then his neck. Before long, she was tonguing and kissing his really prominent, buffed pectoral muscles; then she was licking at and sucking on his erect nipples. Her hands were caressing and squeezing his bulging biceps. "Hmmm," Jenny murmured in between licks and sucks, "your body is so great, Jack — it's so sexy — I can't believe it sometimes. And now it's all mine!"
    By now Jenny was kissing and licking Jack's rippling, hard-as-iron abdominal muscles. His prick was jerking wildly in the air once again, for it did not take a rocket scientist to tell where Jenny's mouth was headed, or that it was going to arrive there very soon.
    Next, Jenny was licking and sucking his pubic hair; seconds later, her tongue made a long, slow, sensual lick up the full fifteen-inch length of Jack's now-throbbing, inflamed penis. After a couple more licks, Jenny positioned her head over the engorged tip of Jack's astonishingly thick cock. She stuck her tongue as far out of her mouth as she could get it, and then dropped down to take as much of Jack's massive cock as she could manage to get into her hot, wet mouth. It was so great!
    To take Jack's giant dick into her mouth, Jenny was forced to open her mouth almost to the breaking point. As she came down on Jack with her jawbone stretched open to the limit — Jack could actually hear it crack! — she was still able to keep her tongue dangling out of her mouth. Jenny swallowed up Jack's obscenely huge cock head and then took in about seven inches of cock! Up and down she bobbed, as Jack lovingly caressed the back of her head and ran his hands through her long golden hair. Jenny's tongue, now half in and half out of her mouth, felt like super-velvet as it rode up and down Jack's cock. What a sex trip! What a cock-sucking Jack was getting!
    Jenny was totally lost in lust and passion as she madly sucked Jack's cock. Jenny was so great at it, too. She was making slurping and whimpering noises as her head, mouth, tongue, and lips bobbed up and down on the enormous pecker.
    After about each ten trips up and down Jack's huge prick, Jenny would release it from her mouth and fasten her hot mouth sideways on its thick width and move sideways up and down the shaft of the cock a few times, licking it from the inside as she went along.
    She would then go back to licking the giant pud from bottom to top half a dozen time or so, finally moving up off the cock altogether to give Jack a torrid French kiss. Then, with strings of saliva stretching from Jack's mouth all the way back to his cock, and with her tongue again fully extended out of her mouth, Jenny would again swallow as much of the big cock as she could manage. It was almost too exciting to believe! It was definitely getting too torrid to stand!
    By now Jenny was taking in about nine inches of cock. Her busy hands were attending to the very bottom of the shaft that she could not swallow. Jenny had encircled the base of the very thick cock with both hands; she pulled up and down on the big pud in a contra-rhythm to her bobbing mouth.
    As her mouth came down, Jenny's hands pulled Jack's cock skin up to met it; as her mouth pulled back up, Jenny's hands pulled the cock skin down to the very base of the shaft. Every inch of Jack's enormous cock was being sucked and pulled and licked and tongued in every possible direction. God! It was so unbelievably great. Had Jack ever had his joint waxed like this? Nope, never, not ever!
    Jack was writhing from side to side in sexual agony and excitement. Had there ever been such a cock-sucking like this? By anyone? To anyone? Ever? Anywhere? His inflamed, shuddering prick told him, "No, nothing has ever been better than this; this is heaven!"
    Jenny kept bobbing up and down on the big cock blow-job style, then sucking up and down on the side of the prick, then licking and licking the massive rod from bottom to top, then detouring for a few moments of hot, frantic, mutual mouth-swallowing kisses, and then back to the blow-job — this mind-boggling kind of loving went on and on.
    By now Jenny was not only sucking and tonguing Jack's cock simultaneously but at the same time blowing her hot breath on it as she sucked and licked. More pre-cum was flowing freely; in amount Jack thought he had spilled a lot more pre-cum during the evening than most guys could squirt sperm in a week.
    Jack was so ready to shoot off long ropes of hot, creamy spunk all over the room! Tonight, he was sure, he could hit the ceiling — something he had done only twice in his lifetime. He did it first, he recalled, when he was fourteen and had sat all day in freshman algebra class beside his future playmate Carol George, the really buxom high school beauty who had, even as a freshman, the biggest tits in school — huge F-cup honeys at the time and growing — but who as yet didn't bother — or chose not — to wear a bra.
    Even more exciting, Carol wore dresses with big armholes that allowed the guys sitting next to her to look right down at about 40% of her abundant, naked tit meat. You can bet the guys in her vicinity all got unbelievably inflamed at the sight! (Before the year was out, someone had obviously talked to Carol and she had begun to wear blouses or sweaters with sleeves and seemed also to be wearing a bra — a really tight, constricting one, in fact).
    By the time he got home from school that day, Jack had headed straight to the bathroom to beat off; he was in a sexual frenzy. It only took about a dozen strokes on his stiff pecker, after which Jack actually did splat on the ceiling. Although he jumped up on the toilet seat to wipe it off, a faint sperm smudge remained on the ceiling for years afterward. In fact, the last time he had gone home for Christmas, it was still there! Jack was astonished that neither of his parents ever noticed it!
    The other time was much more recently with Mona Mountains, an evening never, never to be mentioned or even hinted at! Anyway, he was standing up when he took that shot, so he might be criticized for cheating! In any event, tonight's excitement was even greater; Jack had never been so excited and ready to shoot towering columns of sperm as right now.
    After about thirty minutes of this expert and sensual blowjob, Jenny could feel Jack's stiff cock suddenly get a whole lot stiffer and harder — it was as if it was turning to stone. Jenny got the message right away; she quickly pulled off and hurriedly lay back down beside Jack, as his now-almost purple shaft waved jerkily in the air, about a suck or a lick away from blasting hot, creamy rockets of jism all over just about everything in sight!

Chapter 72

The couple lay together on the bed lovingly holding hands. They were absolutely winded but still frantically sex-crazed. "Wow," Jack said, "I've never been so close so many times to an orgasm. I'm so excited, so frantic — and so in love with you! Honey, this night is the greatest of my life!"
    "And the latest, too," Jenny added with a grin, "can you believe it's three in the morning — and you haven't even come once yet!" She reached over to squeeze Jack's bulging biceps. "Hmmm," she added, "it sure hasn't seemed a long night, though; it seems like only minutes since we walked into the flat and started hugging and kissing. This night has been the greatest — and I love you so very much, my dearest husband!"
    Jack and Jenny returned to hugging and caressing. Each was soon squeezing and cupping the other's buns; moments later, Jack was thrusting his hot, long tongue deep into Jenny's so-receptive mouth and licking the inside of her hot mouth. The lovers had entangled their legs around each other's legs; they wanted to be so close to each other! Each wanted to crawl into the other's skin and then burrow into the other's soul! They simply could not have been more in love or closer in spirit!
    There was, of course, one exciting closeness the couple had not yet experienced that evening — Jack's massive, stiff cock had yet to slip in and out of his fiancée's boiling hot, dripping cunt. Jack was so ready to make love, and he wanted Jenny to be ready, too.
    Jack moved off to the side of her body and started cupping and groping her enormous bosom. Then, he reached down and started to finger-fuck his sweetheart's drenched pussy. In and out, in and out; before long, the room was filled with slurping and sucking noises as four of Jack's cum-stained fingers rammed in and out of Jenny's love-drenched, astonishingly dilated pussy.
    "I'm getting you ready for the grand finale, sweetheart," Jack whispered into Jenny's ear. "This is going to be a loving neither of us will ever forget."
    "Oh, baby," Jenny moaned, "I'm so ready for you! But Jack, tonight you don't have to be a miracle man, or an all-night athlete — just be my lover and my husband! I just want you to go with your feelings. Let's just make love and let it happen when it happens. If your penis tells you to come thirty seconds after we start making love, then that's just great! Tonight, let's just go with whatever happens!" With that, Jenny gave a little moan, and slipped her squirming tongue into Jack's mouth and started licking his lips and mouth.
    When the kiss ended about five minutes later, Jenny was pulling long and hard on Jack's thick, long prick. The slow, long jerks on his cock were making him so very hard! He picked Jenny up by her upper thighs, lifted her well over a foot in the air to place her pussy directly over his wet and leaking cock head, and then, biceps bulging, gradually lowered her a slow inch at a time onto his utterly engorged shaft.
    He was careful to bring Jenny down very slowly, patiently working his enormous cock head into her soaked, dilated, but still tight pussy. By this time, Jenny was moaning and slobbering; she couldn't believe how overpoweringly sexy making love with Jack could be!
    Jack started moving Jenny up and down on his huge prick about an inch at a time, just easing his enormous cock head gently in and out of the soaked mouth to her pussy. After about five minutes, he increased his strokes to three inches in length. His really hard cock was now sliding in and out of Jenny's pussy so very effortlessly; Jenny's drenched cunt was absolutely velvety and slick and open!
    Jenny was so turned on her that slippery pussy just swallowed up the immense length and width of Jack's giant cock!
    Jack then switched to holding Jenny by her luscious ass cheeks. Immediately, he started pumping more cock-length into Jenny's pussy. Soon, he was plunging seven and eight inches into her moist, really warm love channel. Jenny was screaming, "All of it, give me all of it, honey!"
    On the next stroke, Jack gave her all of it; he slowly but emphatically pulled Jenny's ass and cunt all way down to the very hilt of his turgid, throbbing cock. He was now burying his whole fifteen inches in his lover's twat, after which he would pull Jenny more than a foot up in the air so his cock head was almost out of her cunt and then pull her back down and then lift her back up again.
    Jack's cock was absolutely on fire; each stroke was like a mini-orgasm — fucking had never been so exciting as this! Chills and thrills coursed through his stiff prick on each journey of his cock up and down Jenny's cum-soaked pussy.
    After about fifteen minutes of this wild fucking, Jenny's whole body started shuddering and stiffening; she was having yet another overwhelming series of orgasms Jack moved her up and down on his rock-hard pole even faster, moaning, "Oh, yes, baby, keeping coming — I'll be there soon, too, honey!"
    The problem was that Jack was going to be there soon — very soon — sooner, actually, than he wanted. Each frenzied fuck stroke was making every nerve ending in his cock glow almost unbearably with sexual heat and desire. He could almost feel the spunk straining to get into his shaft so as to rocket wildly out of his cock hole and splatter all over Jenny's pussy walls. As her cunt contractions started to slow down, therefore, Jack lifted Jenny high into the air and pulled his blood-engorged cock out of her spastic pussy for a short but very necessary rest stop!
    Jack pushed his rigid, blood-engorged cock off to the front and sat Jenny down in his lap. "Just a short breather, honey," he said hoarsely. The two lovers gazed deeply into each other's eyes, and stroked each other's faces and hair.
    Before long, they were kissing very deeply, their tongues alternating making torrid thrusts into each other's mouths. As Jack pulled Jenny into his chest during the steamy embrace and mutual face fuck, he could feel the massive bulk of her soft, hot tit meat — and even her super-rigid nipples — pressing into his body. This "breather" was not helping his stiff prick to come down from near orgasm — that was for sure!
    Jack knew that Jenny especially liked back door loving; it was now time to pleasure her (and himself!) in that manner. "Get up on your hands and knees, honey," he whispered while licking and sucking on her ear, "I want to love you from the rear!"
    Jack positioned himself behind Jenny's ultra-luscious ass cheeks; they were so unbelievably round and sexy. Looking at her curvy ass meat was a great part of making love to Jenny from the rear. Even greater was the clear path into her pussy enjoyed by his prick when it rammed straight into her dripping cunt. God! What a straight shot his stiff dick was going to have at her wide-open twat!
    The down side (if there was one!) was that Jack's prick was so long that he had to kneel over a foot behind Jenny's pussy to be able fully to slam the full length of his massive tool in and out of her cunt. This meant that he could only brush and feel up her enormous bosom for a second or two while his cock was fully buried inside her pussy. On the up-stroke he was reduced to feeling up her super-cute ass with his finger tips.
    But, man, it was still so great! As Jenny yelled and moaned, Jack eased his swollen cock head inside her puckered cunt lips and started madly fucking away. He buried his full length down to the mouth of her womb on the third stroke; Jack could actually feel the very bottom of Jenny's slippery pussy as, piston-like, he rammed and slammed his once-again purple cock in and out of her totally drenched and wide-open cunt.
    Her pussy walls were so slimy and slick and spastic! In fact, Jack could actually see cunt juice leaking out of Jenny's soaked pussy onto the sheets as his iron-like rod rammed in and out of her twat again and again and again and again!
    Jenny was going crazy. She had never taken cock like this! Probably because he was so ultra-stiff and mega-hard tonight, she had never felt Jack going so deep! Jenny suspected that Jack was so excited that his cock might actually gained a fraction of an inch or so in length! Wow! Jenny wondered if she was at risk for a punctured lung on one of Jack's crazed plunges down her hot, slick cunt!
    Jack's cock-skin was getting hot and was glowing with almost terminal sexual arousal as Jenny's cunt lips and pussy walls rubbed and caressed his throbbing shaft. He tried distracting himself so as to be able to keep fucking without coming. In and out his ultra-stiff cock slid and slammed into Jenny's velvety pussy, in and out, and in and out! In his growing sexual excitement Jack was fucking faster and faster — like a grunting, growling out of control animal, in fact.
    Jack knew that, if he was not careful to keep control, he was getting so very close to blowing it all wide open! God! This was so exciting.
    Some of it, Jack thought, had to do with the fact that their loving tonight was strictly bareback. Jenny's enforced use of condoms had made fucking just a smidgen less exciting. This was the real McCoy! It made things so much more sensual and exciting.
    Of course, Jack immediately decided, the expression of thoughts along those lines would be impolitic in the extreme! Especially now! Some thoughts, however and undeniably true, were better left unsaid! Anyway, Jack was sure that much the greater part of the heightened excitement came from the fact that their love-making came in the wake of the two lovers committing to each other ... for life! What could be more exciting than that?
    As a result, Jack redirected his undivided attention to slamming his rock-hard shaft down the slippery walls of Jenny's stretched out, liquefied pussy. After about half an hour more of this fantastically exciting lovemaking, Jack once again pulled his throbbing, jerking cock out of Jenny's utterly dripping pussy and collapsed on the bed. "Honey," he said thickly, "this is going to be it — coming up fast!"
    "Hmm," teased Jenny, looking out the window, "are you sure? Look — the sun is starting to come up, darling. I'm amazed that you're still up!" She leaned over to give Jack a wide-open, lingering French kiss. When she broke away, she continued, "I mean, this has been so great, Jack, so unbelievable. But you haven't come even once yet and we've been making love for seven hours! You must be in utter agony! God! You must be headed for Blue Ball City!"
    "No, honey," Jack assured her, "I'm doing fine. Better than fine! This has been wonderful for me, too. And the pleasure I've gotten is fantastic. And, sweetheart, all this loving without an orgasm means that when I do come, it's going to be just beyond belief. Let me set up for it right now."
    Jack took a couple of the pillows from the head of the bed, looking deeply into Jenny's eyes as he did so. She was lying on her back with her legs fully spread. Her so-full, oversized tits were sitting high atop her chest like round puddles of sex meat; they were such delicious, stupendous, round, firm, mounds of tit meat. They were so sexy to look at!
    Jack arranged the pillows under Jenny's super-curvy ass so that her still-dripping pussy was aimed almost straight up at the ceiling. Jack's cock was just throbbing and pulsating with desire to be inside her cunt and then to shoot rivers of spunk into its depths; as a result, more leaked pre-cum continued to make his cock head glisten and shine.
    Jack had come to the brink of orgasm some three dozen times that night; it was not going to happen again. This time, he was going in for good. Before long, what he knew was going to be the most thrilling cum of his life would utterly ravish his body — and maybe Jenny's, too!
    In the meantime, though, he couldn't resist reaching down for a time to knead and squeeze Jenny's amazingly round and luscious K-cup bosom. It was so sexy and ultra-exciting! Within seconds, his mouth and tongue were busy working on her extra-large nipples and areola, while simultaneously he jammed three and then four fingers in and out of Jenny's soaked twat. He wanted her to remain open and ready when he remounted her in a few moments for the final blast.
    Man! He was really going to be reaming her out. Shit!
    Jack's cock was so stiff! so ready! So engorged! So ready to blast off! Even though he had stopped fucking some minutes ago, his shaft was still as ramrod-stiff as if he had never stopped pumping away; it was as if his erection was going to stay as hard as rock until he finally came — whenever that was!
    His cock continued to throb and glow — Jack could tell that a heroic load of spunk was waiting impatiently at the base of his prick to rocket up his shaft. And it would take only the slightest provocation to set it off! And in amazingly beautiful, astonishingly buxom Jenny lay a provocation almost beyond the imagination of man to conceive, let alone to resist!

Chapter 73

Jack finished up the last of the preliminaries by tracing his tongue from Jenny's astonishingly stiff nipple, up her amazingly large breasts to her neck, and then up and over her chin and cheek to her luscious red lips. As his fingers fucked her utterly soaked cunt faster and faster and his other hand groped away at Jenny's huge tits, Jack sucked and licked her lips and then slammed his open mouth over Jenny's equally wide open mouth.
    As the lovers wildly French kissed, Jack boosted himself up on his hands and extended his toes into a classic push-up position. His jerking, throbbing cock was now positioned directly over Jenny's elevated, dripping pussy. He took one hand up off the bed (essentially switching to a one-handed push-up stance), and gently guided his giant prick into Jenny's drenched, waiting, supremely eager cunt.
    Jenny was so hot and open that the massive pecker slipped right in. Jack withdrew his tongue from Jenny's mouth, raised himself high up on his hands and toes, and just started fucking away like some kind of an uncontrollable wild beast. He was so hot! He was so bothered! He was so ready! He was in such heat! Up down, up down, up down — Jack was madly and wildly fucking Jenny by using a wild push-up technique. And, man, he was just mercilessly drilling his sweetheart's pussy right into fuck heaven! His cock was slamming directly in and all the way down to the entrance to her womb! Jack was just a fucking machine!
    "Oh, honey," Jack moaned, "I'm really on fire; my cock skin is just exploding every time I plunge inside you! It's just getting nuked! Sweetheart, it's never been like this before — ever! Jesus," he went on, "my cock is so full and it's just glowing with lust — it's on fucking fire!"
    Jack was just whimpering with lust and passion! " Oh, honey, my cock is so full it feels like it's just going to split at the seams Baby, baby, it's going to happen real soon, and it's going to be just fantastic!" Jack's moans at this point trailed off into incoherence; he was so besotted with lust and exploding passion that he could not even manage to utter a simple declarative sentence!
    Jenny was moaning, too; spit was dribbling down her chin. "Jack, let it happen, shoot it all right now! I want to feel you explode inside of me, hmmm, sweetheart, do it now!"
    Jack's body was covered with a light sheen of sweat. His massive biceps bulged as his body frantically moved down, then up, then down, then up again. Jack's muscle control kept his body perfectly straight; in fact, his utterly stretched-out, super-erect penis was at a precise 45 degree angle to his body as he fucked away at his sweetheart's dripping pussy.
    As Jack mercilessly rammed his cock down into Jenny's wide-open cunt, she was pumping her hips up in perfect unison to meet the onslaught of his awesomely thick, incredibly long dick. Both lovers were so hot, so ready, so in love.
    Jack's muscled, rippling body also allowed him to rise up so high at the top of his love stroke that his prick was, but for its tip, entirely out of Jenny's gushing cunt. As soon as the bottom of his oversized cock head started to slide out from in between Jenny's pussy lips, Jack would savagely slam his butt back down, utterly reaming Jenny's slick cunt walls as his cock hurdled back down toward the absolute, stretched out bottom of her pussy once again.
    Jack was moaning and whimpering almost uncontrollably. "Oh, honey," he breathed in a ragged voice, "your cunt is so warm, so wet, so ready ... oh shit, my cock is just getting barbecued every time I ram it inside you. Oh, sweetheart, this is so great! Oh, man, I'm going to explode inside you real soon — I can't wait." Jack kept pounding away, spittle dribbling down his chin as the last of his self-control started to slip away.
    Jack had the biggest, thickest, longest prick Jenny had ever seen — even in pictures — and it was just ravishing her so-eager, soaked cunt. Jenny did not think Jack had ever gone so deep inside her before as this! She was so hot that her pussy was gushing puddles and puddles of cunt juice and her cunt itself was super-dilated — more so than ever before in her life.
    If she had not been not utterly crazed and stretched-out with lust, Jack's incredibly long, astonishingly thick cock could have been causing real damage as it slammed mercilessly into her normally tight, young pussy. As it was, it felt so great — she loved it and wanted more and more — in fact as Jack fucked faster and faster, another series of orgasms, her umpteenth of the night, was overtaking her again. It made her pump her hips even faster!
    Jack could feel Jenny's cunt going back into spasms and her body stiffen at the onslaught of this new wave of cums. It turned him on so much. Jenny was so wet and Jack was fucking so fast and furiously that a strong love suction had been formed between Jenny's drenched pussy and Jack's long, thick, soaked cock. Jack's cock was making loud "slurp, slop, slurp, slop" noises as it rammed in and out of Jenny's contracting, utterly drenched pussy.
    As these new turn-ons got him closer and closer to an orgasmic explosion, Jack looked down at Jenny. Her eyes were closed, and her drop-dead gorgeous face was utterly placid, as if she was utterly concentrating on the multiple cums that were again wracking her body.
    Jack then looked down at her eye-popping, so unbelievably firm and massive tits. The ever-so-soft, giant mounds of tit flesh were floating and rippling and shaking and bouncing and galloping and jiggling and quivering in all directions as the couple's wild fuck-fest went on and on.
    After about an hour of this frenzied fucking, Jenny's bouncing, shaking tit meat, the slurping sounds coming from her pussy, and the contractions from her cums as they squeezed Jack's prick as he slammed his tool in and out of her drenched cunt, all finally combined to put Jack over the top. This time he was going to let it happen! "Here it comes," he screamed to himself first inwardly and then at the top of his lungs!

Chapter 74

Jack suddenly felt unbelievably wild thrills and indescribable chills start to spread from his loins up his body and down his arms and legs. At this point in his sexual arousal, he had successfully cooled off and postponed orgasm numerous times during the evening; this time, however, things were going to fly!
    He felt his already totally stiff prick harden even more — as if it was turning into something akin to granite — if not harder! Jenny felt it, too — she almost felt that Jack's plunging cock had been replaced with a super-hard foreign object, perhaps one made of solid iron!
    Jack had now started to grunt uncontrollably at the top of his lungs. "Ugh!, Argh!, Aii!, Nargh!, Uggh!" he roared, as unbelievably strong shudders and thrills coursed through and utterly overran his body.
    The rapidly developing orgasm was so overpowering that Jack was even unable to speak. He could only continue his animal-like grunting and moaning — and his wild, out of control fucking! "Ugh! Ugh! Narg! Ugh! Christ! Shit! Hmm! So Good! So Great! So wonderful! Ugh! Ugh! Argh! Ughh! Shit! Shit! God! Ugh! Arghh! JESUS!"
    Jack was just utterly and completely out of control. There had NEVER been an orgasm like this! Just NEVER! "Ugh! Ugh! Fuck! Shit! Wow! Nargh! Ugh! Argh!" Tears were literally running down Jack's face — he was sobbing with excitement and frenzy as he simultaneously shouted, growled, groaned, and moaned! "Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Shit! So great! So good! Ugh! Ugh! Jesus! No! No! Yes! Yes! Yes! Fuck! Fuck! Ughhh! God!"
    Jack, for so many years a super-cocksman who had shot the gun thousands and thousands of times, never knew that the spasms and chills of an orgasm could be this thrilling! As his body was utterly commandeered by these ultra-thrilling jolts of sexual electricity, Jack knew beyond any doubt that this was the cum of his life! Nothing was or could ever be its equal — it was simply not physically possible!
    Twenty seconds into the cum, Jack felt a fantastically full load of sperm shoot up his shaft and out the tiny hole at the tip of his cock head. "Aghh!" Ugh! Aghh!" he grunted as an incredibly urgent, unbelievably long, astonishingly thick, and very sticky rope of spunk slammed into Jenny's waiting cunt with punishing force. "Shit! Shit! Ugh! Ungh! Nugh! Shit! Fuck! Jesus Christ! Argh! Ugh!"
    Jack was so very excited, so super-frantic with lust, and so incredibly, unimaginably sexually primed, that the long blast of jism came out at almost inhuman speed as it slapped into Jenny's convulsing pussy. "Christ!" Jack was just wailing with passion and lust!
    In fact, Jack's cock started to spurt on a down stroke, as his cock head was pressing into the head of Jenny's womb. She flinched and gave a loud moan as the hot blast of cum slammed with noticeable force into the bottom of her pussy. The strong, massive column of sperm actually rocked her with its incredible strength!
    The first blast of cum would not stop shooting! Twenty seconds later, this initial blast of jizz was still spraying out of Jack's shuddering fuck hose! By now even this first blast had totally filled up Jenny's cunt and was gushing back out of her pussy lips onto the sheets.
    Of course, Jack kept pumping away, up and down, up and down at a furious pace, as this blast of spunk kept wildly streaming out of his cock. Jack could actually sense his fuck strokes being lubricated by his own sperm! He was sliding in and out of Jenny's liquid-filled pussy so effortlessly!
    By now, both Jack and Jenny were coming in unison. She had been seized by a new round of orgasms, and was shaking and shuddering along with Jack. At this point, Jack was some forty seconds into the cum, and a second really abundant blast of hot, sticky spunk was now spewing out of his cock hole. At the same time, the thrill of his shuddering orgasm was as strong and overpowering as ever.
    Jack kept grunting and groaning as he madly continued absolutely drilling his lover with his jerking, shooting, splattering, spunk-flinging cock. He was still up on his push-up stance and was whipping his prick into Jenny's pulsating cunt at almost super-human speed. Inandoutandinandout, went Jack's thrusting shaft as he fucked away at his sweetheart like a madman.
    The second blast of spunk lasted about ten seconds; Jack was now sixty-five seconds into the orgasm and yet another hot, sticky rope of sperm was now assaulting Jenny's pussy. It was as if Jack's whole orgasmic system was wildly trying to blast its way into Jenny's reproductive structure to impregnate every single egg in her ovaries!
    Jack kept coming and blasting. He was now over a minute and a half into the orgasm, and it still was not letting up even slightly in intensity. His jerking cock just kept hosing down Jenny's quivering pussy walls with more and more powerful rockets of sperm.
    Several times in his life he had experienced an orgasm that had lasted this long, but usually by now (except for one coupling when Tina did magical things to his prostate gland), it was easing up in force and his cock head was starting to leak jizz rather than to continue blasting more sperm. But not this time — now, the shudders and thrills and arcs of sperm kept going on stronger and stronger even as he approached the two minute mark!
    Jenny was just beside herself with lust. Her cunt was just convulsing non-stop with endless cums. "Oh, honey," she wailed and cried, "just keep shooting and coming — this is so great!" She was weeping, with tears coursing down her cheeks as well. The lovers were just caught up in a mutual frenzy of passion and lust that threatened to surpass the physically possible!
    For his part, Jack could not speak — he was still too overcome by lust and passion to do anything but grunt and groan and weep, as new blasts of sex juice streamed out his prick and sprayed all over Jenny's overflowing cunt. Jack's sperm was now gushing like a river out from between Jenny's pussy lips on the bed.
    In fact, Jenny's ass was now lying in a spreading, sticky (but still warm) puddle of love goo! The hot, passionate lovers, however, were too enraptured by their seemingly unending orgasms to even notice or care!
    Jack's cum was now well past the two-minute mark, and the shuddering thrills of this orgasm were still fully and completely wracking his body. How could this be? How long could this cum go on? Had his sex glands gotten welded into a permanent "go" position? Jack had no answers; he just kept madly fucking and wildly ejaculating.
    If anything, Jack was fucking more furiously than at the beginning of the orgasm. His amazingly huge, baseball-sized balls — the source of this astonishing supply of spunk that had totally filled up Jenny's pussy and then gushed out all over the sheets — slapped into Jenny's luscious ass cheeks on each fuck stroke with a loud "whap, whap" sound.
    Jenny's orgasm likewise would not stop. She was actually very sore from their hours of lovemaking! After all, the lovers had been fucking almost non-stop for three hours; it felt as if Jack had rammed his huge cock into her ravished pussy a million times. But it felt so good — so wonderful — so exciting! To think she was going to have a lifetime of lovemaking like this with this gorgeous, loving, hunk!
    "Hmmm," she thought, "how can Jack have so much sperm, and how can his orgasm go on this long! What a superman!"
    Finally, as the orgasm passed the three-minute mark, Jack could feel his thrills, shudders, and spasms start to lessen. He was still spraying spunk down Jenny's cunt, but it was starting to feel more like dribbles than the amazingly powerful ropes of sperm he had arced down her pussy for the whole of the frantic three minute plus length of his cum.
    But Jack certainly would not stop now; he wanted to milk every last thrill out of the orgasm. He kept pounding away at Jenny's still quivering pussy for another two minutes, until the sudden extreme sensitivity of his cock skin as he slid in and out of her drenched pussy told him that his fantastic, overpowering cum was finally over!
    Jack slowly pulled his softening cock out of Jenny's gushing pussy and then rolled over onto his back in a state of collapse. Jenny rolled over with him and began raining soft kisses on his lips. In seconds, the lovers' mouths were fused, as they shared a passionate French kiss to seal the end of this fantastic and mutual orgasm.
    "Honey," Jenny said in wonder, "you are just amazing — how could you make love for three hours without coming and then come for so very long when you did and then shoot so much sperm! You're just super-human!" She smiled. "Sweetheart, if I weren't on the pill, we would just have made octuplets, I think!" The super-buxom girl leaned over to plant a soft kiss on her betrothed's lips. "This loving, my sweetheart, really seals our engagement. This is it for life, honey!"
    Jack returned the soft kiss and smiled. "Yep," he whispered, "You're all I want now, sweetheart; you're all I will ever want. Precious, this is for life!"
    Jenny then got up out of the huge puddle of cooling spunk and retrieved three fluffy towels out of the closet. After smoothing them out on the bed on top of the lake of sperm she lay down and began embracing and fondling her husband-to-be once more. "God," she said, "your sperm has soaked through and is even making the top towel a bit damp — you're amazing! I think you shot enough stuff to populate a city the size of Westminster!"
    "Honey," Jack said with a smile. "This is what our love life is going to be like, at least until they put us into wheelchairs. If it's too strenuous for you, now is the time to bail out."
    "Funny man," Jenny said, smiling in return. "You are mine forever; nothing will ever get you away from me now. And your loving is so fantastic — I want it always just like tonight. Oh, baby, you're just a superman of love! And such a loving, wonderful man as well."
    "Sweetheart," Jack said, "it's all because of how much I love you, and how fantastically wonderful and beautiful and built and sexually exciting you are. Oh, baby, I can't wait for the rest of our life together!"

Chapter 75

As the couple fondled and petted each other for a few minutes after the orgasm, punctuating their embraces with frequent wide-open French kissing, lip sucking, and mouth licking, Jenny suddenly realized that Jack's cock was utterly erect — already!
    "Oh, Jack, you bastard!" Jenny shrieked in shock and surprise. "You just can't be stiff again! We've barely finished, and I'm so awfully sore from all that loving! I'm not even sure I could walk to the bathroom! I guess loving a superman could have a down side!"
    Jack grinned. "Well," he said, "you can see what kind of effect you have on me! Besides, when a guy makes love for hours and hours before coming, he can usually get it up again right away!"
    "Hmmm," Jenny breathed, "we really have to take a bit of a break from intercourse — I'm just too sore to do it again right now. But I can't have my darling get blue balls or something like that, can I! Hmmm, let's see, just lay there, honey, and let your loving, bride-to-be take care of this pressing family business for you right now!"
    Jenny took hold of Jack's huge, stiff cock and slowly jagged it off a couple of times. "Poor baby," she pouted, "do you need some loving and some release? Hmmm, I thought so" She then leaned over Jack's jerking prick and pillowed one of her giant 32K breasts right into its cock head.
    "Baby, baby," she continued to purr, "you really love my big bosom, don't you, honey? Sink really deep into my breast then, sweetie!" Jenny pushed her enormous tit farther into Jack's prick. It was amazing; Jack's cock was very long and thicker than his wrist, but Jenny's oversized, eye-popping heavy hanger almost made it disappear from sight! Getting his cock pillowed and pushed on by Jenny's super-sized tit was such a turn-on for Jack!
    Jenny then repeated the pillowing of Jack's jerking cock with her other gigantic breast. Next, she wrapped her huge bosom around Jack's throbbing cock and started to tit fuck him. Up and down her curvy ass and golden thighs moved as her soft but very big tits swallowed up and massaged Jack's now-raging cock.
    Jack grunted with pleasure as his huge cock slid up and down the soft, warn tit cocoon formed by Jenny mashing her oversized breasts together. They were so round, so firm, and they stuck out so incredibly far as Jenny squeezed them together with her hands and fingers.
    Up and down, up and down, her big tits bobbed, pulling Jack's hot and bothered cock skin up and down with them, and thus moving his thick, long dick closer and closer to another overpowering eruption of fuck cream!
    After about twenty minutes of this excruciatingly sensual tit-fuck, Jenny released Jack's towering boner from her fantastic whoppers and knelt down to start working out on his huge dick with her mouth, lips, and tongue.
    Jenny leaned over and started licking Jack's enormous cock. Shit! It was so big! So stiff! She alternated her licks with tiny little kisses all over the now-straining and blood-purple dick head. As the lovers' moaning increased, Jenny starting licking and kissing the full startling length of Jack's gigantic boner. She could feel her pussy starting to leak cunt juice once more as the oral contact with his huge dick increased her sexual excitement.
    Jenny next open her mouth wide and, after turning her head sideways, starting running her open mouth up and down Jack's quivering dick from the very head to its thick base. Her busy tongue licked and licked at his prick from the inside of her mouth as her mouth and lips slid up and down the fantastically stiff cock!
    Jack was in heaven once again — but it was soon to get better — lots better! On one of her trips to the top of Jack's cock, she rotated her head and, after opening her mouth so wide her jaw cracked, took his bulging cock head inside her hot mouth. Within seconds she had swallowed a full six inches of Jack's rock-like dick!
    Up and down she went, slurping and sucking. Oh, man, Jenny was such a cock-sucker — Jack was going crazy! The excitement increased when Jenny started to use the flat of her tongue to slide up and down his cock while her head bobbed up and down as well. The velvety touch of her tongue slipping and sliding up his jerking cock was threatening to drive Jack around the bend!
    "Jesus," Jack moaned inwardly, "I've never had my glass blown so wonderfully before!" And Jenny was going deeper on each stroke; he couldn't believe how much cock she was taking in her mouth and down her throat! She was driving Jack absolutely wild!
    God! Where did Jenny learn to suck cock like that? Or to tit-fuck so incredibly well, for that matter? Jack pondered these questions as the unimaginably arousing sucking and slurping went on and on and on. Then the answer quickly came to the writhing, squirming lover — he had taught her how!
    Actually, her former boyfriend had instructed her in the rudiments, so she had a working knowledge of the basic techniques when the two of them met that Friday evening at JFK airport. At least the rotten piece of shit was good for something! But the rest were essentially tricks Jack had picked up on Club and other dates and then gently suggested them to Jenny, when she had asked him, as things that she could do to pleasure him. He remained a little vague with Jenny, about the source of his knowledge of the subject, needless to say!
    Jenny then picked up the pace by grabbing hold of the bottom of Jack's pulsating shaft. Its wrist-like thickness meant that Jenny had to take hold of the giant, over-engorged dick with both hands. She started squeezing the thick shaft softly and then started moving the bottom of Jack's cock skin up and down to meet her hot, busy mouth as she slid up and down her sweetheart's jerking love pole. Jack's ready-to-spew cock was going crazy at this attack by Jenny's mouth, lips, tongue, and both hands.
    Jenny was making such sexy, slurping noises as her hot, sucking mouth bobbed up and down on Jack's ultra-stiff dick — it was driving him into a frenzy. "Oh, baby," he moaned, "this is so great — just keep sucking that mother, honey, oh, sweetheart, you're so wonderful, hmm, oh, oh, darling, just nurse that fucker, oh honey, suck my jizz right out of there, oh, don't stop, just keep sucking my dick, oh, honey, I love you so much, oh, oh, I can't stand it much longer, hmmm, Argh! Keep that hot, sexy mouth working, precious!"

Chapter 76

Jenny, who was getting even hotter (if possible!) from Jack's sexy talk, started pulling and sucking his huge dick even more vigorously. Her enormous tits were pressed against Jack's flank as she kept sucking away at the giant prick. She was so hot that she started rubbing and humping them against his body. "Honey," Jack groaned, "get up a little bit so I can play with your tits."
    Jenny raised up a bit, not missing a beat as her head continued to bob up and down on Jack's ready-to-blow dick. With a deep moan, Jack reached over and started to maul Jenny's seriously oversized bosom. He first grabbed her left tit with both hands, squeezing and kneading up and down the super-huge fleshy appendage. Thrills ran up and down his body as he manhandled the super-sexy udder. It was so soft, so yielding; his fingers just disappeared into the vast expanse of Jenny's soft, warm tit meat. Squeeze, squeeze — Jack's hands worked up and down the giant breast, rubbing and mauling the super-soft yet amazingly firm flesh.
    After about ten minutes of this tit-squeezing, Jack grabbed hold of both areolae, mashing Jenny's rock-hard nipples into the palms of his hands in the process. Jenny started moaning louder as Jack's crazed hands wildly rubbed and squeezed the bottoms of her giant hangers for more long minutes of sexual ecstasy for both lovers.
    Then he grabbed hold of her right tit and repeated the same bottom-to-top-to bottom-and-back-again progression of squeezing, kneading, and mauling. Then, Jack tried grabbing a tit with each hand — it was tough because their remarkable size made them seriously overflow his hands — and just squeezed, rubbed, and kneaded everywhere like the sexual madman he had become! Man! This was so fantastic and sensual!
    Jack — a tit-man extraordinaire — was in sexual paradise. His hands were mercilessly mauling Jenny's huge bosom while her mouth kept sucking away at his hot, jerking cock. Jesus! It was fantastic! And from the stirring in his scrotum and loins, Jack knew that this combination of sucking and tit-loving was going to cause his long, thick cock to blast a really heavy load of spunk any second!
    In fact, at this very moment Jack started to lose control. He had been lying on the bed with his hips and pelvis more or less passive while Jenny licked and sucked his cock. Now, however, he started to groan and grunt as what he knew would be a stupendous shower of spunk prepared to blast off! Jack's hips began to pump in response; he had started to fuck Jenny's face like some kind of a barnyard animal!
    Jack's thrusting pelvis made it hard for Jenny to keep her head bobbing; therefore, she stopped going up and down on Jack altogether and simply let him maniacally ram his cock into her accepting mouth. The blow job had suddenly turned into a face-fuck!
    And did Jack ever ram that giant hunk of meat into Jenny's hot, wet mouth and down her throat! Within seconds, Jack was slamming almost his full length into Jenny's shockingly beautiful face — and beyond! Jesus Christ! Jack was amazed! Jenny was a veritable Deep Throat! He was going so deep into her mouth, in fact, that Jenny had to take her hands off the base of Jack's thick cock; there was no longer any place left for her to hold on!
    Instead, Jenny reached over to grab her panties, which lay near her on the bed where Jack had flung them in his crazed frenzy earlier that evening to get at her pussy. She could tell that her man was about to blow and wanted to help him get there. While she kept licking and sucking Jack's giant dick as it slammed in and out between her lush, red lips, she took the panties and starting rubbing Jack's huge balls with the soft material.
    As Jenny massaged his scrotum with the panties, Jack's rotating hips responded by thrusting his massively thick cock into Jenny's face even faster and deeper. And of course his hands continued to maul and squeeze Jenny's massive whoppers, but now even harder and faster!
    This combination of sensations was too much for Jack to resist any longer. "Oh, Jesus," he screamed, "Honey, I'm coming! Oh my God! Ugh! Ugh!, Argh!" Jack was now grunting and moaning uncontrollably. His cock had been just absolutely stiff throughout this amazing blowjob. But as Jenny kept licking and sucking his thrusting cock, she felt its hardness suddenly increase, if possible, to become almost rock-like — Jack's throbbing dick had seemed to turn to stone!
    "Arghh! Ugh! Ugh!" Immediately, Jack's body started shuddering and shaking — he was being overcome by the beginning of another absolutely overpowering orgasm. Jenny's reaction was to lick his enormous dick even more sensually and to rub his big balls even harder to coax the hot, sticky jism out of his scrotum.
    As her hot, luscious lips clamped even tighter onto to Jack's now-convulsing dick, Jenny suddenly felt an astonishing and urgent bulge in the thick shaft. Then, almost simultaneously — Whap! Wham! A tremendously strong, really massive load of spunk rocketed out of Jack's cock hole and just absolutely slammed into the back of Jenny's throat!
    Jack was grunting, loudly moaning, and even shouting as the jizz flew out of his dick. "Fuck! So great! So Fine! Ugh! Uggghhh! Arrrghhh!" Jack's unimaginable excitement during this cum was so strong that he was really whipping jizz out of his cock with almost inhuman force!
    Jenny was visibly jolted by this powerful shot of cum; her head snapped back at the force of her lover's almost inhumanly powerful, rope-like blast of creamy sperm! But of course Jenny's body and face — along with her fantastic abilities as a lover — were the direct cause of its strength. Her incredibly buxom yet fantastically curvaceous body, along with her stunningly gorgeous face, were so incredibly arousing as to pull more sticky spunk out of Jack than he knew his balls could produce! What is more, the fact that Jack was so totally in love with Jenny inside and out probably doubled both the force and the volume of his orgasm!
    Jenny did her best to swallow the heavy load of jism but before she had managed even a couple of gulps, another hot rocket of sperm had slammed against the back of her throat. Man! This guy was more than excited, Jenny thought, he was frenzied! Seconds later, even more massive shots of spunk roped out of Jack's cock hole into Jenny's mouth. By this time, the sperm was just running out of her mouth and flowing down Jack's still-convulsing cock so freely that his dick looked almost as if it had been whitewashed!
    Yet Jack's thrills and shudders had now gone on for well over a minute! His fuck hose kept spraying warm, sticky columns of jizz at the back of Jenny's throat. Amazingly, she managed to keep the jerking, flailing shaft in her mouth. But she lost the battle of the spunk — lots of it had been gulped down her throat, but Jack's cum load had been so massive that most of it had simply streamed out of Jenny's mouth. As a result, Jack's pubic hair was just soaked in sperm, and puddles of it lay all over his pelvis, his stomach, his thighs, and even on the towel Jenny had laid out to soak up his earlier production of love juice!
    Jack was in ecstasy. Even though his earlier orgasm had been perhaps the strongest of his life on account of the dozens of false starts he had engineered — not to mention the extreme beauty and fantastically curvy and bosomy body of his sex partner along with the thrilling context of their encounter — this orgasm was also benefiting from his earlier, marathon stop-and-go routine. In other words, this cum was also extremely intense, and his production of spunk was really prodigious.
    Jenny just kept sucking and swallowing as the cum started to decrease in intensity. By now Jack was at the two-minute mark and his shots of jizz were starting to turn into dribs and drabs. The thrills and shudders were calming down as well, although Jack kept pumping away to milk every last thrill he could out of the experience.
    As Jenny pulled off his giant cock, she swallowed a couple more times and said dreamily, "Oh, Jack, that was fantastic — where do you get all that sperm?" Her lips were flecked with bubbly clots of spunk; Jack raised up and tenderly began to lick her lips to clean them off. The salty taste of his own jizz made him feel at one with Jenny.
    Soon Jenny's mouth had opened almost to the breaking point, and the lovers were Frenching away with absolute wild abandon. The salty taste of spunk was even more pronounced as the couple tongued and licked the inside of each other's mouths.
    Jack had, in addition, gone back to mauling and kneading Jenny's gigantic bosom as well as squeezing and cupping her world-class ass cheeks. He then switched to slipping three fingers in and out of her drenched pussy; only minutes later Jenny was convulsing with yet another series of really intense and long-lasting orgasms She was so hot too!
    God! It was already nine in the morning and the lovers had not yet gone to sleep. Both were just utterly exhausted — almost to the point of delirium. Yet they were so hot for each other that they could not stop making out. In fact, Jack could feel his soft prick start to firm up already — only fifteen minutes after he had come in Jenny's mouth!
    Enough was enough, however — at least for now! He broke the kiss and said, "Honey, let's sleep for a while. We can pick up where we left off later." Jenny, her eyes barely open, dreamily nodded.
    Jack tenderly spooned Jenny as they prepared to crash. One of the last things he remembered before going to sleep was squeezing and rubbing Jenny's enormous right tit as he passed out of consciousness.
    His final thought of all was one of being amazed at how stiff her nipple had gotten and how hard his dick was getting! If his body hadn't crashed, Jack thought that the two affianced lovers might have been able to have another go at it right then and there!

Chapter 77

After about two hours of sleep, Jack woke up with an urgent need to take a leak. As he got back into bed, he looked down at Jenny, who was sound asleep, breathing deeply and regularly. God! She looked so great, so sensuous, and so desirable! She was lying on her back with the sheets thrown off. Her gorgeous blonde hair was spread out under and behind her head like a halo. Jenny's enormous breasts had flopped over on both sides of her chest in round, fleshy puddles; Jenny's deep breathing made them rise and fall in a very provocative manner. God! They looked so sexy!
    To make matters worse for Jack's rapidly growing boner, Jenny's legs were spread wide open; her glistening pussy was open for inspection — and for loving! Jenny, Jack decided, looked awfully fuckable just at that moment but for the fact she was fast asleep. That, Jack immediately decided, was a mere detail that need not detain him!
    Jack gently lowered himself between Jenny's legs and tenderly started to lick her cunt. She moaned softly but remained sound asleep. Thus emboldened, Jack began to lick and suck her cunt lips with greater energy, and then moved up to do the same to her clitoris. At the same time he started lightly running his hands over her huge bosom.
    As Jack licked and sucked, Jenny's pussy got wet — soaked, in fact — but still she slept on. Jack slowly and gently inserted two, three, and finally four of his fingers and started slowly to finger-fuck her now-dilated cunt. Finally. Jack's dick was so stiff and throbbing that he could stand it no more. He took out his fingers and ever so carefully started to work his cock head into Jenny's now-gushing pussy. Notwithstanding, Jenny slept on, still breathing regularly and easily.
    With each slow but emphatic stroke, Jack eased his really stiff prick further down, down, down into the depths of Jenny's pussy. And she still she had not awakened! Jack was really pumping away fast now — he could feel his loins winding up for another thrilling climax. No doubt about it; this was going to be a real quickie! Amazingly enough, Jenny was now starting to pump her hips in unison to Jack's lovemaking — but still in her sleep!
    As Jack speedily edged toward his climax, Jenny finally started to wake up. "Wha ... what's happening!" she murmured, her eyes opening to slits and then suddenly much wider. "Hmmm, oh, Jack, OH, JACK, YOU SEX FIEND — I can't believe you're actually fucking me while I'm asleep! You animal!"
    Still, though, Jenny kept pumping her hips in rhythm to Jack's deep fuck strokes and even started to moan a bit in response. "But, oh, lover, hmmm," she went on, "this feels so good! Oh, baby, harder, harder, I forgive you! That is, if you keep making love like this I forgive you everything!
    Minutes later, Jack shot loads of hot spunk up Jenny's drenched but still-tender cunt. Then, he collapsed in an utterly exhausted heap beside her. She rubbed his hair, kissed him on the cheek, and smiled. "God, you are a miracle man," she said in wonderment," but now please leave me alone and let's get some sleep! If you get horny in the next hour or so, just have a wank! Okay? Please!"

Chapter 78

About 12:00 p.m., the lovers finally did get up. They were utterly bleary-eyed and exhausted; they had, after all, had managed to fit in less than three hours of sleep. At the same time they were so excited and keyed up with each other, that their mutual nervous energy propelled them right out of bed.
    The plan was take a short run in Regent's Park to wake up, to shower, grab coffee and a quick bite, and then to look for an engagement ring. The plan was followed perfectly — but for the addition of an unscheduled quickie — a round of lovemaking in the shower!
    After the run, Jack and Jenny leisurely, but very sleepily, nibbled at rolls and sipped coffee at a cute pastry shop atop Regent's Canal on the Edgware Road Bridge in Little Venice. Then they went back to the apartment where they took another shower. This time Jenny was so sore that fucking was simply out of the question. Instead, she lovingly sucked her lover's huge dick and eagerly took long ropes of jism down her throat. Wow! How many orgasms could this guy manage in a 24-hour period? Jenny knew she had accepted a proposal of marriage from a sex fiend, but really...!
    Once they were dressed, the lovers made their way by taxi to Piccadilly, where they lazily strolled along that exciting (and expensive) shopping street. They ducked into the archetypically Victorian Burlington Arcade and prowled through a number of antique jewelry shops, and came up with a short list of possibilities.
    The couple then sleepily ambled over to Bond Street, both New and Old, where stops at Asprey and Company, Cartier, and Tiffany lengthened the list. Drawn in by the royal warrant, their last stop was Garrard's in Regent Street. After only a couple of minutes, Jenny found just the ring. She squealed with delight the second she saw it; she knew it was the one she wanted.
    As for Jack, well, what Jenny wanted Jenny got. The price was quite high but, what the hell, Jack was now a successful Wall Street lawyer and, more important still, Jenny was such a treasure that a smaller or different rock would have devalued her special-ness in Jack's eyes. Besides, in reflecting on what a blockhead he had been in not dropping Tina and proposing to Jenny months ago, Jack figured he was in no moral position to bargain. What Jenny wanted, Jenny got!
    The exceedingly stuffy — and even arch — clerk who concluded the sale acted in a very distracted manner during the credit card transaction. Obviously, it was Jenny's presence that bothering him; he could not believe how unbelievably beautiful, built, and buxom Jenny was. He just couldn't keep his eyes off her!
    The clerk was clearly envious of Jack. The guy was getting ready to marry the most beautiful woman the clerk had ever seen, and the gorgeous young thing was obviously so hot for him that, on account of the way they simply could not keep their hands off each other, he would not have been shocked if they started making out right there in the store.
    Jesus! The two were just pawing and mauling each other — and in public! It was not ... well ... quite the English thing to do ... even considering the fact they had apparently just become engaged — at least one rarely saw such behavior in Garrard's, even from engaged couples!
    Still, as the clerk recalled, Mrs Patrick Campbell had once said of Edwardian England that a man and a woman could do anything they wanted so long as they didn't do it in the street and scare the horses! This pair, he thought, was pushing the envelope in that regard, except they were inside and the nearest horses these days were blocks away at the Horse Guards near St James! Carry on, then, he decided!
    The clerk's eyes, when at length he stopped ogling Jenny and glanced at Jack during the credit card processing, seemed to be saying, "Buddy, I hope you know how lucky you are to get this fantastic girl!"
    There was no problem on that score — Jack knew very well how lucky he was! At the same time, the great thing about their relationship was that Jenny was just as convinced that she was the one who was so lucky!
    The lovers, both of them fatigued to the bone, then strolled over to Brown's Hotel just off Berkeley Square in Albemarle Street for a celebratory cream tea in the cozy environs of that posh but comfortable establishment (Jack had thought about champagne at the Dorchester Bar, but in their present state of exhaustion, it would have put them to sleep on the spot!)
    Then, to save a little money they bypassed the cab stand and walked over to the Green Park Underground station to get a train back to Bond Street and thence to Jenny's flat. By this time Jack and Jenny were almost delirious from lack of sleep! No question about it — the lovers badly needed a catnap — and probably a little loving, as well!
    Jenny tucked her arm inside Jack's, pulling him into her huge bosom in the process. "Sweetheart, I just thought of something I forgot to ask you. What were you and Paula winking and laughing about when I got to the restaurant last night?"
    Jack chuckled and gave Jenny a soft kiss on the top of her head. "We were just predicting that the male portion of the restaurant's clientele would get all discombobulated when you arrived. And they did! Boy, did they ever! You were getting stripped to the bone by about five dozen pairs of eyes — including mine!" he laughed.
    Jack put his arm around Jenny's waist and gave her a squeeze. "You're so beautiful, my love. And, more important, such a wonderful, wonderful person. Such a perfect wife! I'm so glad you're mine!"
    "Well, I don't know about me being such a sex object," Jenny said, with a slight, but mostly mirthful, edge in her voice, "let alone wonderful. What I do know is that the women I see when we're out and about certainly give you the eye — lots of them do and they do it big time, too, honey! They'd snatch you away if I so much as looked away for a second!"
    Jenny gave Jack a quick hug, and said, "So, sweetheart, let 'em stare at both of us — I'm OK, and you're OK." The couple had arrived at the top of the stairs to the Underground.
    "Tell you what," Jenny said with a grin, "let's go home and spend a couple of hours proving just how OK each of us thinks the other is!"
    Based upon the evidence of what happened that afternoon and evening at Jenny's Wigmore Street flat, Jack and Jenny each thought the other was absolutely, really, unbelievably OK!
    Chapter 79
    The difficulties that had nearly ended their relationship were not swept under the rug, however. Jack and Jenny talked at great length and in some detail about Jack's sexual obsessions and addiction. When the full dimensions of those problems — along with their implications for other aspects of his life — were on the table, Jack actually feared for a moment that Jenny might throw him out.
    Not a chance! Jack's pre-engagement social life had been done openly and in violation of no pledge to Jenny. It had hurt her deeply when it happened, and it hurt her even to hear about it, but given that it all was past she could handle it. When things were fully talked out, she was surer than ever that Jack would be faithful unto death.
    Still, Jack felt uneasy; these were, after all, deep-seated matters. As a result, he engaged a therapist for a few months and talked things out with him. His trips to Harley Street hardly "cured" Jack, but they did provide additional insights on how to avoid temptation if his old obsessions, especially the "fuck-every-buxom-girl-in-sight" compulsion, ever came skulking around.
    The therapist naturally emphasized the necessity of avoiding any contact — even indirect — with the Club. He especially stressed the absolute need of having nothing whatever to do with Tina. Avoiding the allure of obsessions like the Club and hugely buxom girls encountered on the street was going to be tough sledding. Jack would have to be careful, but he could do it.
    But Tina was especially dangerous territory. Having any contact at all with the passionate, giant-busted Brazilian — the true source of Jack's addiction, after all — would bring the temple down on his head.
    Above all, the therapist, who now adjudged Jack to be fully intent on being honest, urged him to work on the next step, which was being honest in fact and all the time! That is, being honest about the Club and Tina was all very well, but real honesty meant not having any undisclosed Carol Georges, Mona Mountains, or June Chests hanging around, either.
    The therapist hastened to assure Jack that it would be best not to go back to Wigmore Street and immediately confess these "forgotten" details to Jenny; he had merely been using them as examples. It would be sufficient to adopt this course of action and to faithfully follow it as of today. Too much or inappropriate confessing, after all, can be highly counterproductive as well!
    Jenny graduated with honors from the University of London's University College the next June. The couple were married at a High Nuptial Mass in Jenny's parish church, All Saints, Margaret Street, in August; Jenny's family and friends plus a plane-load of Jack's friends and relations from New York and Iowa, were in attendance.
    The priest, the former Vicar whom Jenny had gotten to know well from his tenure at the church but who since had become a Canon of Westminster Abbey, was happy to marry his former parishioner. The bride and groom made such an uncommonly handsome couple. And — wonders of wonders! — they had not been living together before the ceremony! How unusual these days!
    (From the raw, but clearly experienced sexual hunger with which the couple devoured each other during the less solemn parts the ceremony, however, Canon Hutt seriously doubted that the couple had actually managed to avoid sexual intimacy during their courtship and engagement! Well, one can't have everything!)
    The reception (paid for by Jack because Jenny's parents were wonderful people but only modestly successful shopkeepers in Dorset who had barely been able to pay the church fees), was held at the wonderfully elegant Dorchester Hotel in Park Lane. It cost a bundle but, hell, it's only money and celebrating a marriage to someone as fantastic as Jenny deserved no less than the absolute best!
    Their wedding night was spent in a suite at Claridges Hotel in Mayfair's Brook Street. A number of guests on the same floor as well as residents just above and below the Davenport's accommodations called down during the evening and even the wee hours to inquire if the occupants of Suite 305 were ... well ... quite all right. A lot of shouting, moaning, groaning and even screaming seemed to be coming from the suite, and although one doesn't want to pry, still ... there it is, one does want to be helpful if one can. In fact, calls on the same general subject were still coming in at nine in the morning!
    The desk clerk, who recalled very well Jenny's stupendous beauty and mind-boggling body, the way the handsome young man and fantastically gorgeous girl had been all over each other during check-in, and his notation in the guest register that Suite 305 had been engaged as a honeymoon suite, simply told the enquiring guests (who included an elderly Irish peer, an editor of Harper's Bazaar, the Patriarch of some minor Eastern Orthodox Church, and a Silicon Valley software entrepreneur) that he was quite certain that everything was quite all right, thank you very much!
    The newlyweds honeymooned at an exclusive hide-away atop a craggy hill in Martinique. They agreed the scenery was beautiful, though in truth they did not get out of bed very often to experience it! And, yes, they did join the 30,000 Mile Club during their flight to the Caribbean. What's more, they renewed their membership on the flight home!

Chapter 80

Jack and Jenny found an utterly charming 17th-century listed cottage just outside Cambridge. It had a primary bedroom big enough for a king-size bed and featured two extra rooms so Jack and Jenny could each have a study. The cottage also had a huge kitchen with a fireplace and an equally huge living room which had a fireplace as well. The exterior was even covered with ivy! The rent was outrageously high, but because Jack was being paid his Wall Street salary while in England he was able to swing it.
    The cottage was very convenient for Jenny's studies in Cambridge; she could easily bicycle into town in mere minutes to her college and the library. She was horrified, though, at how long a commute to the City Jack was going to have.
    That issue evaporated, however, when Jack pointed out that the commute from Cambridge to the City via Liverpool Street and the Underground was actually shorter in time (if not in distance) than the commute he had endured from Westchester County to Wall Street via Metro-North and the Lexington Avenue subway. It was just that historically the English simply could not fathom much more than a ten-mile trek to work! In New York, by contrast, a commute of the length from Cambridge to the City meant one was living sort of close in to Manhattan!
    And even in England, the booming economy around London had led to longer and longer commuting distances. Daily commutes of even greater distances than that from Cambridge to the City were becoming commonplace. Jack was therefore on the cutting edge of life in Tony Blair's new UK!
    In the end, the logistics worked out just fine. Jack was able to get to the office with a minimum of difficulty and Jenny was able to spend the time she needed in Cambridge.
    Both were very busy, of course; Jack often had to work 'til late in the evening and more than an occasional Saturday and Sunday. He also spent a lot of time on the continent and in flying back to New York for meetings. From time to time he would even have to stay over at the firm's apartment on the Isle of Dogs when a very late night was followed by an exceptionally early morning conference.
    Jenny's schedule was often as demanding, if less travel-oriented. She had to spend long hours in the library working on her dissertation and class work.
    These demands put a bit of a crimp in the couple's extremely torrid love life. But Jack and Jenny were careful to find the time for the most important thing in their lives — their total relationship, sexual and otherwise. Unless logistics made it impossible, they made passionate love every morning and evening, and pretty much non-stop on the weekends which — except when Jack had to work a Saturday morning in the City or was out of town — were spent entirely together.
    The truth, to be frank, is that many weekends were spent almost entirely in bed! On most Sundays, for example, the young marrieds would get out of bed only to run down to the local pub or Auntie's tea shop for a bite; the rest of the time was spent in bed in a passionate, sexually frenzied, and thorough exploration of their extraordinary bodies. They loved each other so much, and the sex was so great!
    The three years in Cambridge went by quickly. When the period was over, Jenny had been awarded her D.Phil. (Cantab), and Jack's stint at the London office was at an end; it was back to Wall Street for him and, they both hoped, the final, successful push for a partnership.
    On account of her Cambridge doctoral degree, Jenny was able to get a post-doctoral teaching fellowship in Nineteenth Century English literature at Columbia University which, if all things worked out, might lead to a tenure-track position in the English Department. She was already starting to revise her doctoral dissertation on nineteenth century novelist Elizabeth Gaskell for publication by a university press. Both Yale and Cambridge University presses had actually shown some interest, albeit mild, in publishing the dissertation as a book!
    As the contours of their future lives started to firm up, the couple also was starting to think about having kids. Jack was really ready for children, two or three of them, in fact, although accommodating two careers and raising a family was going to take some careful planning and fancy footwork.
    One fleeting additional thought passed through his mind, however. If Jenny had an K-cup size now, how massively buxom was she going to get when she was nursing? Jack smiled inwardly — what fun it was going to be to find out!

End of Book III

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