Something Big: Nikki's Logjam

by Buzz D Love
Copyright 1998 Buzz D Love

Rick took a deep breath and shoved with all his might to get one last rep out on the bench press. He opened his squinted eyes as his arms reached full extension to a vision of mammary protuberance. Above his head loomed a shelf of breast flesh. From his vantage point, Rick was able to make out the bulging bottoms of two huge quivering orbs packed into an overmatched sports bra. They pushed downwards, that being the only direction left to go as the bra stretched outward to its limit. The hem was taut and straining under the load of the massive juggernauts, seeking freedom, expansion from the bra's far too small confines.

As if punched in the stomach, Rick's breath escaped him and the weights came crashing back down on to the stops.

He breathed hard, the effort and then the shock taking its toll on him. Down in his shorts, something jumped.

The massive orbs arced down toward him, and their owner's face appeared above, a vision of girlish innocence. Her big brown eyes were full of concern. "Are you OK sir?"

Rick's face grew flush. He stammered, "Y .. yes, thank you. was just your . . ahmm, they. . uh, your weights. I mean the weights!" It was Nikki's turn to blush, yet she knew exactly what she was doing.

Regaining his composure, Rick jumped off the bench. "Done! It's all yours. Do you need a spotter?"

"Yes. Thank you."

Rick took off his weights, allowing her to put on hers. This was the girl he had caught looking at him from time to time. He had been sneaking glances at her as well, as did all the men in the club.

She had noticed him a while back, a hunk if there ever was one. She knew he was looking at her, but appreciated his discreetness. He didn't leer at her the way so many men did. Nikki's attention had also been attracted by a larger than average bulge in his shorts.

But somehow they kept missing each other. She would be going and he coming or vice versa. Until now. Saturday morning. The club was empty but for them. She had decided that this was the perfect time to make her move.

"This is a new weight level for me!" she said enthusiastically. "Wish me luck!"

With that she took the bar, struggling to lift it off its rests. Well defined muscles in her shoulders, neck and arms bulged, her sweat covered body glistening from the workout so far. Rick stood at the head of the press, ready to grab the weights in an emergency. Conveniently for her this was also a position in which his bulging male attribute could be better examined. Definitely hung better than average, she thought. Little did she know.

Laying on the bench, she presented a breath-taking view. She had long, shapely legs, coming up to wide womanly hips. The flat muscled plane of her abdomen was abruptly interrupted by her mountainous breasts, jutting straight upward. From a tiny waist her back flared upward in a V that was obscured by the outward splaying of her tremendous chest. The bra tried valiantly to compress her impressive endowments, but failed, revealing a crevasse of cleavage between her breasts. Huge hard nipples jutted up through the taut material.

The weights bore down on her. With each press she took a deep breath and pushed with all her might. On the downstroke, her back arched dramatically each time, the downward motion interrupted by the upward push of her breasts.

Over Nikki's pained groans Rick thought he heard the faint sound of threads popping.

The weights came down again, pressing more deeply into her breastflesh than before, her back arching more sharply. The popping sounds turned to tearing. "And uuuuuhhhhhhhpp," she wheezed, "one last time."

Tiny tears appeared across the front of her bra, the threads stretching, stretching, then popping, pale mammary flesh squeezing tightly through the openings. Nikki took an extra deep breath, her back arched and she pushed mightily. The tears grew wider and wider. More popping, then RRRIIIIIIIPP! The tiny tears in her bra turned into one huge split.

"Uuuhhhhhp!" she groaned loudly. SNAP! The bra shredded itself, her two gargantuan orbs surging and breaking free.

"Whaaa?" said Nikki, completely taken unawares. She looked down at her chest to see the last shreds of the bra fly off, practically dropping the weights on herself. Rick's eyes bulged at the sight. Nikki's unbound but already impressive endowments surged up and outward, two basketball sized mounds erupting from the lithe, slim body of this woman. Each was topped by wide pink areolae sporting nipples the size of wine corks. Her breasts jutted proudly upward and out to the side, masses of flesh still jiggling from their release.

Rick leaned in and quickly grabbed hold of the bar, his hand grazing one of her spout upright nipples. The weight's downward momentum dragged his hands down, pressing the cold bar and his hands into the soft flesh of her huge milk bags. Rick yanked the bar back up and placed it on the rests.

She sat bolt upright, breasts quivering. Rick grabbed his towel and gently wrapped her overflowing bosom in it. Shaken and embarrassed, Nikki looked at the floor, beet red. This wasn't exactly as she had planned. Fortunately it was early and they were still alone.

"Well young lady, I'd say that's probably enough for today. What's your name by the way?"

"Nikki," she murmured.

"Call me Rick."

Embarrassed but comforted by Rick, Nikki let him help her get up and off to the locker room.

Awkward as their introduction was, over time they became good friends. Coffee out turned into long walks by the river. Casual lunches turned into dinner and a movie. Over time Rick proved himself a gentleman, definitely a man interested in her as much as a person as for her physical beauty. A longing for him took hold in her breast as well as her loins.


Nikki stood naked facing the bed post, her huge mounds engulfing it like she imagined she would her lover�s cock later on. The post, thick, and made of a large piece of driftwood, seemed to have its own veiny pattern to it, and was topped by what looked like a bulbous dick head. She fantasized for a moment about taking a man of that size into her, imagined the stretched out fullness of her pussy and feeling and watching him pump in and out, with long, powerful strokes.

She should have been careful for what she wished.

She licked her luscious lips, and felt a tingle down below. Just the thought of it made her juices flow. Impatiently she wiggled her ass cheeks at Rick, pulled on the post, then leaned forward to tease him.

"Look at those massive milk bags," Rick thought as he watched her breasts wobble and hang heavily under her. Straightening up, Nikki then rubbed her cunt into the post. A small trickle ran down the inside of her thighs. Her pussy was tight and moist, shaven bare, the better to show it off to her lover.

�Are you ready?� she wheedled, �'cause I am!�

Rick took his time. They had had fun on the bed, she playing with his growing dick as he felt up her creamy thighs and kneaded her huge breasts and nipples until, in a heat, she demanded he enter her.

Teasingly he had told her he had a surprise for her if she would stand up and let him enter her from behind. Always the adventurous type, she looked at him. A mischievous smile curled on her lips. She giggled, her eyes dropping to the floor.

"Really!?? What kind of surprise?" She looked up again at him, big eyes hopeful.

"A big one," he had said, smiling.

This is what Rick had to do the first time with any woman, otherwise it would all come to a quick end. He knew that they had to get past this. It would be tough for her the first time, but every woman he knew came back for more and more. �No pain, no gain� he thought. Just like in bodybuilding. He hoped she would understand.

Nikki impatiently shook her perfect pear-shaped asscheeks at him again. She had the tiniest waist that flared out into very womanly hips. He could see the juice running down the inside of her thighs. She was a beauty alright. That pink bare cunt of hers beckoned him, tight, fuzzy like the cleavage on a peach, two velvet soft folds, glistening with her juice. In their own way they were luscious, voluptuous like the rest of her.

He gazed down her legs again. Hard muscular thighs, the well-defined diamond calves of a body builder. He gloried in the day that they "bumped" into each other at the bench press. She liked his dark good looks, and was constantly driven to distraction by the large bulge he sported all the time in his shorts. She was a bodybuilding beauty, with great definition everywhere including her chest. She had typically worn only a tight sports bra that strained to keep her to a minimum size. Since their little incident, a T-shirt was added to help restrain her buxom attributes. But since her junior high days when her body development went into high gear, it had been hard to hide her growing mams.

He raised his gaze and looked upward, at her muscular back, jet black hair in a tomboyish ponytail and huge unrestrained breasts flaring out on each side. He could see the edges of her saucer size areaolae. They and her thick thumb sized nipples had surprised him when she first burst from that overmatched sports bra. She turned in a half look, so as not to spoil the surprise. His gaze caressed her face, her fine high cheeks, almond eyes, pert nose and full lips. She furrowed her brow in impatience.

Gentleman though he was, in the dark recesses of his mind, Rick relished the thought of ravaging her cunt. Driving her to desperation, then to the heights of ecstacy. And he continued to wax his rod to maximum size. He had continued to grow, even as she urged him to enter her.

Looking down at himself, he bore down, forcing more of his hot blood into that huge member of his. The veins popped with the new influx, and his dick jumped, heaving heavily upward. His dick swelled yet more. He could see the skin stretching on his member as it grew in girth and stretched lengthward, as if reaching, closer and closer to her gates of venus, the glans expanding and taking on a sheen as it drew the skin tightly over it. He grew relentlessy, doubling in size and girth, from the eight inches she had seen on the bed. She felt a hot, firm baton against her asscheeks.

�Oh!� she squealed. "You�re ready!" The juices began to course down her thighs.

�Am I ever,� he thought.

She turned to face away from him. �I�m ready for your surprise!� she giggled while wiggling her rear.

Rick bent his knees just a little bit, to get the head of his 16� prick down to her cunt level. His huge battering ram was about to lay waste to that velvety mound of hers. He grasped the apple sized head and stuck it between her legs, gently feeling for her slit.

Nikki tensed. Something felt funny. She grabbed onto the post tightly. as she felt something hot and slick pushing at her pussy lips, but not going in. It felt the size of baseball bat.

�Rick� she asked.

�Hang on�, he wheezed, pushing.

"Rick . . .� she turned her head, and gasped. �Oh my God!!! You can�t put that thing in me. I could never handle something the size of you. You're going to split me with that log!"

Rick's dick had grown to immense proportions. Sixteen inches of turgid man meat bent under the pressure to get into her. His dick was as thick around as his forearm and the rope-like veins bulged and pulsed with his heartbeat. It flared up to the tip, widening out to the size of a baseball. He pulled back to retry the entry, revealing to her a huge, glistening cockhead, gurgling with his pre-cum and glistening with her juice.

"No!", she screamed, letting go of the post to dodge the oncoming telephone pole.

Rick grabbed her tight from behind, barely able to get his hands around her chest. His hands locked tight in front of her, pushing mightily in on her huge flesh pillows. In the slow motion that he caught in his mind's eye, her doughy tits squeezed out everywhere and he felt the hot hardness of her nipples on his forearm. Then he felt a warm liquid running down his arm, realizing that he had caused some kind of letdown on her mamaries. She had begun to leak milk.

As he secured his grip on her she struggled weakly, his huge hard-on pressed tightly between their bodies. She felt the hard, hotness of his dick between her cheeks and up her back. The struggle turned him on even more, his dick growing further.

Rick and Nikki fell onto the bed, she face down with him on top of her. Nikki's huge breasts splayed out to the side, wetting the bed with her milk gushing nipples. She felt weak and helpless, a strong bodybuilder yet at the mercy of this man.

Get on your knees, he commanded. She feebly struggled to a kneeling position, her huge breasts swaying heavily below, pulling her down. Her tight, bare twat now faced him, two folds of flesh inviting his domination. He grabbed her tightly around the waist with one hand, pushing and guiding his huge cock into her with the other.

"Rick. . .I . . .Ooowwhh! Owwwoohhh!!!!!! " she screamed.

Rick bent forward, grabbing her asscheeks and pushed mightily. His dick, red, rock hard and ready bore down on her cunt. He pushed hard, the tightness seemingly unyielding to his huge cockhead. She screamed. The pressure down there built higher and higher. She pushed back to keep from falling forward. Her massive breasts swung wildly from the effort, nipples grazing the satin sheets. The tingling in her breasts rose to a crescendo, moving her up toward the orgasmic peak.

Her cunt lips were already spread as far as ever. Yet the locomotive that his cock was surged on, pushing harder. His cock bent and bucked under the strain, the veins full and pulsing. Her cunt lips yielded a little more, stretching, becoming redder, sore. The peach that her cunt was was being violated in a way larger than she had ever fantasized.

Pushing, pushing, "Unh...uhhmph."

"Oh, get it out! It hurts! You're splitting me in two! Oowwh!," she howled.

In the back of her mind though, she was becoming excited at the thought of taking in such a huge man. Her cunt poured forth her juice, lubricating as never before, her cunt lips glistening with their shared fluids.

The massive dick that Rick was becoming surged inexorably forward. He could think of nothing else. His entire body, his being was thrown into this effort. It always took a lot with any new woman. He could feel his blood engorged cock sucking down even more of his energy. It seemed that his heart pumped only to fill his cock, and his head pounded from the surging blood and adrenalin.

Her cunt lips, forced beyond their limits, finally yielded. He entered her, she screaming in terror and excitement. Rick's massive cockhead charged into the hot, slick darkness of her cunt. He pushed down her love tunnel, a wet tightness gripping him as many times before. Still holding tight to her asscheeks and with Nikki still howling at the top of her lungs, Rick pressed further in, pulling and stretching her tunnel farther than ever. Never had she been this full. She was beyond full. His hot huge truncheon was splitting her right down there in the nether regions. A blackness came over Nikki, and she collapsed forward onto the bed, pulling Rick on top of her.

He kept pushing in and out, long slow, powerful strokes, a locomotive piston. The taut veiny skin of his dick gleamed with her juices.

Time passed. What seemed to be a half hour later, Nikki opened her eyes. Rick still crammed her pleasure box to the max, her body rocking to his thrusts. She felt dazed, but pleasurable feelings started to come from below. His huge dick rubbed hard every square inch of her twat. Waves of warm pleasure began to wash up from below.

Back up on her knees, she pushed back toward him. He reached around and held her huge jugs, swaying in time to their movement. He squeezed her nipples, squirting milk onto the bed and bringing further gasps of pleasure from this love doll of his. Milk sprayed all over the bed covers, gushing forth in seemingly torrid currents. The letdown of milk from her breasts washed waves of warm pleasure over her. She climbed the orgasmic peak further with each stroke, with each tweak of her nipples.

"I'm coming," she said in a desperate whisper. He continued to push and tweak.

"I'm coming," she said louder. "Oooohhh, you feel so huge in me, I feel so full,ooohhhh. Yesssss." The pleasure surged in her, washing over her in waves. Rick sawed slowly in and out so she could enjoy the full length of his massive member.

"OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH, huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu." Her breathing grew faster more desperate, "Yesssss, yessss, Ooooohhh, I'm comIINNNGGG."

"Yesyesyesyes!!!!", her voice rising with each rapid breath. An explosion of pleasure erupted in Nikki's cunt, her body spasming. Her luscious lips parted in a seemingly silent scream, her eyes shut tightly. Stars exploded, then she let loose a banshee scream fit to cure the dead of sleeping. Nikki went black again, her sweaty tensed body collapsing back down on top of her massive mounds, unconscious.

Her climax brought Rick to the edge of the precipice. He felt the boiling in his balls. He continued to thrust in and out. His manhood glistened and the veins stood out in sharp relief. The tension crept up his rod. He pressed down hard, resisting the pressure in his sac. Continuing to push, he trembled at the effort, the pressure. Holding, bearing down inside. Holding.

"Unh, unh, unh." Grimacing, he thrust harder and harder, fighting mightily the creaming climax that he knew was developing below.

Nikki, unconscious and limp, flopped back and forth to his powerful thrusts. Her huge tits splayed out to the sides. Gleaming with her and his sweat, they were majestic orbs reduced in her ecstacy and exhaustion to huge pillows of flesh that held her upper torso off the bed.

Finally, he could bear it no more. His overworked balls and massive dick screamed for release. The jism inside him boiled over, demanding an outlet.

"Ooooohhh.......ahh.....AAAAHHHHHH!!!" he howled as the pressure broke in his titan sized prick. Her body flopped up off the bed momentarily as his massive love muscle jumped inside her, his semen shooting through it.

Rick's dick felt like a volcano erupting through a firehose. Impaled on his massive rod, Nikki continued to flop about beneath him, puppet-like as paroxysms of pleasure flooded and jolted him. He struggled to keep consciousness as the waves of pleasure shot up from his cock.

His balls pumped semen hard and fast. He came with such force, injecting her overfilled, overstretched twat with so much cum that it seemed gallons squirted out between them. Pulling out he tried to control his spasming cock, but so much pressure was being released that he couldn't. His cockhead, red and full, pulsed seemingly with a mind of its own. Cum jetted everywhere.

The fullness in his prick continued as his pent up balls released themselves. Rick shot load after load on the bed, on Nikki's back, her massive milk bags. Thick ropes of semen splashed against the headboard and the ceiling. For a split second Rick saw himself in the mirror above the bed, only to be obliterated by a white gob of cum that splashed upward.


"Ooooohhhh," came the low groan as Nikki flirted with consciousness. Rolling over, her breasts splayed out sideways, still glistening with the wetness of her milk and his cum. A dull throb emanated from her crotch. Feeling around with her hands, she noticed the bed was soggy and slick. SPLAT!

A gob of whitish fluid smacked her breast. She looked above her and rolled her head to gaze about the room. Thick whitish gobs of fluid ran down the headboard and dripped from the ceiling.

The smell of cum and her sex permeated the air. Struggling to prop herself up on her elbows, her slick, cum and milk covered tits rolled about.

Confused images and questions flooded her mind. She saw Rick's face, close and smiling at her,. A huge prick drawn back and ready to ram her from behind. Stars and little explosions rocking her body. She reached down to touch herself. Her fingers finding her red, swollen pussy lips. They glistened with wetness, sticky with the cum that still filled her tunnel. A dull ache turned to a heavy throb as she probed.

She felt emotionally and physically spent. The terror of the violation of her cunt by his god-sized member, the thrashing and flailing about of her body through her orgasms and his thrusting had taken its toll on her.

She looked about for Rick. He was nowhere to be found. Slowly creeping out of bed, she stood up. A warm river of cum ran down the inside of her thighs.

The hot water coursed over her body, running down and under the shelf of breastflesh that jutted forward off her chest. The fog in her mind began to lift. The waves of pleasure and explosive orgasm burned themselves into her psyche. An unexplainable desire for him fired her loins again.

She found a note on the mirror. "Went to the gym. Love Rick."

Rick shoved with all his might, pushing that weight up one last time. On finishing the upstroke he opened his eyes to a wall of breasts looming above.

"Almost done with those weights muscleboy?", came the familiar sexy voice as the massive orbs arced down to reveal Nikki's face.


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