*Alexandra The Great


Alexandra Ashford was a simple girl. She wore plain clothes and road in a car like everyone else. She ate oranges and drank milk. She enjoyed music and art. She watched television and slept in a bed, just like everyone else. Only recently reaching her teens, Alex was beginning to "become a woman" in all of the usual ways. She had begun to grow slightly taller, starting to look down on the boys at school as was typical. Her voice began to mature and she had recently bought her first bra. Her father had to make his usual late night trips to the drugstore to pick up a box of tampons and a pint of Rocky Road for his pregnant wife. All was normal, as it could possibly have been.

Alex was the second child in the family and would be the youngest for at least two more months. Her big sister, Jaqueline, was quite a bit older than she and had recently moved away to California to attend college, leaving her younger sibling to grow up all by herself. Her mother had obviously been preoccupied with the soon to be new baby, and hadn't really given as much time to Alex as was necessary, but Alex understood and felt no grief about it.

She had resorted to searching the Internet for the answers to the queries she had about her prepubesence. It had proved an invaluable tool as it clued Alex in on the details of nearly every stage she encountered. It seemed that she had all of the answers and was perfectly on the right track. She had matched the average size and weight for her age and felt pretty content on being just average. Other girls at her school grew up at varying speeds. There were the usual "late bloomers" and then there were the ones who rapidly became "bombshells" among the boys. She felt unnoticed by any boys, as was to be expected, seeing as they were all gawking at the bigger girls, but she didn't much care. She figured that she had an advantage at least over some other girls by not being picked on.

Gym class was as it always was. There were the eyes ever staring towards the "bombshells", who all seemed to mysteriously come together as they bloomed. Some of them were arrogant and flirty, flaunting their assets and purposefully bumping into a "late bloomer" as often as possible just to reconfirm their superior status. Others were perfectly nice and friendly, as they had always been, not succumbing to the vicious attitudes like the rest. The "late bloomers" were constantly shoved around and picked on throughout the day, often meeting the busts of the "bombshells" face to face before being shoved aside. The "bombshells" found reasons to shove themselves towards anyone or anything as often as possible.

Alex, along with the rest of the average girls, just observed the chaos from afar. She found it an excellent experiment in the ways of humanity, especially during the most aggrivating, mentally and physically draining, years of one's life. It seemed amazing to her that during only one single summer every girl had changed and had unknowingly been placed into certain sub-groups that could possibly define the difficulty of the rest of their adult lives. Even through this ghastly exercise in destiny determination, Alex remained aside from the havoc as simply "average". Her first few weeks of high school had been smooth sailing and she couldn't have been happier, but all of that was about to change.

Alex was not a fan of school in most any respect, and she wasn't alone. Practically everyday was just an exasperatingly long waste of time to her and she came home every afternoon in a slump, her brain fried from lack of activity. She had always been a hard worker and found the nature of her schoolwork quite easy to comprehend. Homework wasn't a challenge and simply existed only to pass the time at night. She had maintained a pretty strict bedtime for herself, attempting to rise as early as the sun permitted in order to miss as little of the day as possible. By the time her first report card came home it bore all A's. This was much to the delight of her parents, but they had seen similar report cards throughout there daughter's school career and had come to expect it every time. She sighed as she handed it to her mother and father, finding little excitement in her grades.

One benefit, however, was the obvious bright smile upon her mother's face. Alex's mother had been in a state of utter exhaustion since the baby was born, and Alex was glad to see a smile grace her beautiful face. It had been an expression that hadn't been seen in far too long a time. The newest addition to the Ashford family was a little baby girl. Her name was Josephine. It had taken a lot out of Alex's mother at her age. She wasn't old by any means, only 48, but had begun having children in her thirties and hadn't been pregnant since Alex.

Alex felt as exhausted as her mother was. Her mind hadn't been challenged in a long time. Having coasted through all eight of her previous grades and schools without anything less than an A, it had finally dawned on her that all of her grade school years had been simply too easy for her. She felt that she had to start taking on extra hours of study, exclusively for herself. This excited Alex so much that she could hardly sleep that night, anxiously awaiting her studies the next day.

After school had ended, Alex arrived home in the usual crowded school bus, glowing with excitement and anticipation. This had been the greatest self-discovery of her life and she couldn't wait to take advantage of her obvious mental edge.

She came home from the library that night carrying a large stack of books in her arms. She planned to study basically the same subjects that she was in school, but on a deeper level. She carried books on mathematics, biology, chemistry, world history, literature, and various novels. Having dreaded school and the simple concept of it for song long, Alex could hardly believe that she was actually enjoying extra study. Studying had always been a bore to her, but now she knew why and it would never bore her again.

Alex hadn't made many friends throughout her years in school and her first year of high school was going be exactly the same. Or so it seemed, until another "average" girl approached her one day during lunch. She had been sitting at an old neglected picnic table that had been moved further and further off of the campus as it aged until it finally reached it's current resting place. The girl had interrupted Alex while she was reading deeper into the concept of existensialism, and was quite enthralled in various examples from Jean-Paul Sartre.

"Excuse me," the girl said; slowly approaching her, "your name is Alex, right?"

Alex managed to tear her eyes away from the page long enough to glance at the girl and respond.

"Yes, you've found the Alex Ashford," she said, quickly returning her eyes to the book.

"Hello. My name is Jaqueline Lennox, it's nice to meet you," she said as she held her hand out to Alex.

Alex had always tried to be as friendly as she could and as she figured the other person deserved, but had recently, upon engaging herself in her personal study, become slightly cold and removed from others; even more so than before. She peeled her face once again from her book and gazed again at the girl. This time, though, she committed herself to the inevitable conversation and bookmarked her place in the book, and then closed it completely.

"Sorry," she apologized, "I was thoroughly enjoying that passage. I am coherent now. Hello to you too."

She held her hand out to Jaqueline's and they shook.

"Wait," Alex blurted out,"did you say your name was Jaqueline?"

"Yep. You can call me Jackie though, everyone does."

"I have a sister named Jaqueline. We call her Jackie as well."

The conversation ensued. Jackie had been curious as to Alex's study habits and was looking for some help with her math homework. She figured that a girl who spent all of her free time, as far as she knew, with her head buried in a book, she's bound to be able to help her out.

Alex quickly answered Jackie's questions and together they finished the whole page in ten minutes. Jackie was very greatful for the help and told her that if she needed anything, to just ask her. Alex thanked her for the offer but convinced herself that she would most likely never take her up on it. They exchanged their goodbyes as the bell rang and the two went their separate ways.

Alex began to feel that she was really getting somewhere by studying as much as she did. She had effortlessly helped her aquaintence out and felt that she had become a veritable sponge, absorbing most every detail or fact that she read, committing it all to memory.

As more weeks past by, and school became a bigger joke to her, Alex absorbed more and more. She had realized the obvious mental advantages of her effort, but didn't believe that physical advantages would arise as well.

Alex was a thirteen-year-old girl, this she knew. She also knew that her body would go through the obvious changes that had already begun months ago. But what Alex didn't know was just how vast an effect her studies would have on her.

All of the usual changes were happening to Alex. She got older, and her body grew to fit her age. She didn't realize that as her mind grew and grew with her study, so did her body.

Before Alex had begun studying on her own time she had recorded her growth on a virtual chart that she found on a health website. She had grown a little less than a quarter of an inch since she turned thirteen two months prior. Alex began to notice that she had grown more and decided to update the data on the chart. Much to her surprise, she had grown an inch in two months. She figured that she had grown four times as much in the same amount of time since she bagan cramming her head. She was surprised, and a little taken aback, but after all, she was a growing teenager and this kind of spurt was entirely natural. She thought nothing of it, at least for a little while.

As the months passed, she recorded her growth on the health website. She noticed the obvious height fluctuation as well as the breasts that swelled from her shirt. She had grown three inches in only four months and had had to buy two new bras since she kept growing out of the old ones. She decided to check her growth rate against that of the average rate. She was amazed at the difference. In four months, the average height growth is maybe one inch or more, and her chest should have only grown slightly larger. She now stood five feet, four inches, and was moving into a B cup bra. This was highly unexpected and inexplicable, but Alex felt it was happening no matter what so she might as well embrace it.

School was nearly over for the year and final exams were coming up fast. She wasn't the slightest bit worried and almost felt confident that not only would she pass them all, but she wouldn't get a single answer wrong. She played with the thought all night long, wondering if such a feat has ever been accomplished. She couldn't sleep with all of her excitement over exams the next day and decided to study all night long, attempting to assure her a perfect score. Tests had eventually become meaningless to Alex when she had passed every one all year with not a single question wrong. Teachers began to check her papers with their eyes closed, simply write A+ on it and immiediately hand it back to her. She remained as discreet as possible with her enjoyment over each one hundred she received, so as to not draw too much attention to herself. She had gone her entire school career without being teased and didn't want the "goody goodies" and "teacher's pets" to begin now.

The morning of her first exam she awoke bright and chipper. She could hardly believe how awake and alive she felt considering she had crammed all night and only slept for an hour and a half. She felt that her head would explode with all of the knowledge it held. She began to get arrogant to a point until she remembered that she was human, and was not invulnerable to failure.

She walked into the hall bathroom where she commenced her morning ritual. Passing by the scale on her way to the sink, she was curious as to her height. It had hardly been even one month since she last checked, but couldn't resist the temptation. She stepped onto the scale and raised the appropriate level. She held it there and quickly turned around to see the result. Alex could not believe what she saw. Her height rose to nearly sixty-eight inches. She had somehow grown another four inches in just three weeks.

Still slightly shaken up by her growth spurt, Alex removed her clothes and stepped into the shower. After having the water on for only thirty seconds, she turned it off. She stepped out of the shower and grabbed her towel, wrapping it around her chest, underneath her arms. She had practically forgotten about checking her chest size, it had expanded significantly as well. She checked the hallway for any occupants and then scurried back to her room. She quickly dried herself off and then grabbed some clothes to wear. Dropping a pair of panties to the floor, she stepped into them one leg at a time. Then she noticed just how long her legs had become. Excited, she slid the panties on and then picked up a pair of jeans nearby. She slipped into them, finding them more snug even than the day before. After she managed to button her pants tight, she reached for a bra and attempted to pull it on. Again she was amazed at her rate of growth, her bra would barely clasp. She struggled with it until she finally succeeded and then went to her wardrobe mirror. The bra was indeed too small to encompass her snugly. Her breasts now bulged considerably more from her bra than yesterday.

That was when she finally realized just how fast she had grown. Her clothes had fit perfectly well just the day before. She had to have grown mostly overnight then. But she had been awake all night studying. The pieces were beginning to come together. The more she studied and the more she knew, the more she grew. Then she remembered that she had been reading outloud mostly last night, which she had never done before. The only times that she really verbalized her knowledge were during oral reports and when she was helping someone out. That must be it then, she thought. All she had to do was spit out anything she knew and she would grow. Her theory hadn't been proven and she was afraid of the potential size she might reach if this was in fact true. She decided to test it out today.

Alex rarely spoke of anything she knew. She would carry on conversations with various people, but it mostly consisted of gossip, and no one can really be certain of the validity of most all gossip.

She reached the school by way of the school bus, as always. She walked down the hall towards her class. On her way, she met up with Jackie.

"Hey Alex."

Jackie could hardly believe the sight of Alex. She stood at least a couple of inches taller than her and was filling out her t-shirt much more so than she. This wouldn't have bothered her so much if it hadn't seemed like she just grew overnight.

"Oh, hello Jackie."

Alex then remembered her theory and decided to try it out. She decided to just go for broke and drop a whole bunch on Jackie all at once to see the outcome. She chose the subject of U.S. History, the Industrial Revolution.

"Jackie, listen to this: the Industrial Revolution was the complex of radical socioeconomic changes, such as the ones that took place in England in the late 18th century, that are brought about when extensive mechanization of production systems results in a shift from home-based hand manufacturing to large-scale factory production…"

She went on for what seemed to Jackie like days, facts and dates flew straight over her head. But a bunch of facts wasn't the only thing that flew over her head. As Jackie listened intently, she felt she had to follow Alex's face upward. It was indeed happening as she shot up, an inch a minute.

Alex began to gaze about her as she spoke. Her theory had been proven. Jackie became smaller as the ground and everything bound to it distanced itself from Alex. She noticed that Jackie was straining to keep her head held that high and so she stopped, after talking for over five minutes. She was now standing at six feet, two inches, and was astounded.

After she stopped talking, Alex began to notice where Jackie was looking. She gazed downward at her chest in awe. Her t-shirt, which had been increasingly tight from her growth spurt last night, had stretched even further. The yellow shirt was being pulled so tight that Alex's tiny bra could be seen as easily as if she were wearing it over the shirt. Her bra. She had forgotten just how small the bra had been before and sure enough was barely holding on now. Her noticeably larger breasts were now bulging severly from her bra, the tight straps beginning to form red marks around her shoulders.

Jackie was speechless, and for the better, the last thing that Alex wanted to do was try to explain what had just happened to her. She looked down into Jackie's eyes and made a big smile. Then she turned around and walked to class.

Alex had reached her class with an extra half a foot and whole cup size more than she had entered the hall with. Her attire, which had become too small to cradle her much longer, would most likely cause a ruckus with students and staff, but there was nothing she could do about it, it wasn't that small earlier that morning.

She was correct in her prediction. As she approached the door, she realized that she was going to have some trouble getting past Mr. Conley. The old widowed man always stood inside the doorframe and greeted each student as he or she entered. This accomodated all of the students, and even her a few minutes ago, but now she would just have to force her way beside him.

Mr. Conley was obviously surprised to see such a shapely Alex approach him and couldn't speak well as a result.

"…uh…hello…I mean (cough) good morning Ms. Ashford…(cough)"


She said little as she wanted to draw as little attention to her larger self as possible, though she figured it would be a difficult task. She knew she wouldn't be able to fit through as she had in the past. Last time she walked through his door she was ten inches shorter and bore a smaller bust. She had to turn sideways to get past him. She figured she might be able to simply ask him to move, but decided to test her curves out on him, just for fun. She slid past, mostly. Her busty bosom hit him right in the chest as she slowly forced her way in. As she passed she noticed him staring at her chest from her now taller perch. She thought that his behavior was pretty gross, him being her teacher, and her being so young, but she did force it on him so she had to place the blame on herself.

The wave she surfed past Mr. Conley on slowly flattened out, leaving her standing, dry, in front of the rest of the class. She was very shocked to see that the entire class had witnessed her entry and had stopped all of their conversations. Alex regained her composure and began walking to her seat.

She sat in the very back, she could study much more easily this way as has evidently paid off, beside the window and beside a boy who's name she couldn't remember. She had worked with him before on a project and enjoyed his presence and deeply regretted forgetting his name. He gazed up at her as she approached her desk, then he followed her down as she sat. Alex was flattered but knew that it was simply physical attraction so she took none of his glances seriously. Then he spoke to her.

"Hello Alex. I bet you don't remember my name. It's Nathan."

That was it. His name was Nathan Brookline. She suddenly remembered the whole week they had worked together on an oral report about Michelangelo's "David".

"You've discovered it, haven't you?" Nathan questioned.

"Discovered what?" Alex was caught off-guard by the strange question.

"Look at yourself. You fit into that seat with greater ease last week, and those things are huge." He said, pointing to her chest. "You had to have discovered it."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"You do. I know why you study all the time. School is too easy. I feel the same way. The library just doesn't have enough books in it, does it?"

Alex began to survey the situation. She remembered that every time that she raised her head from a book and gazed about the room, Nathan had always had his face in a book as well. Then she looked at his face. He smiled and then gave a quick glance downward. She understood what he wanted her to do so she looked down at the rest of his body. He was positively huge. She had never noticed it before; she had always been so busy studying. He must tower over her, even at her six feet in height. She understood just then. He could do the same thing that she could.

"Now way."

"Yeah. I found out a little while ago when I gave a five-minute class speech and my pants ripped open. You can imagine how embarassing that was."

Alex couldn't believe it. She had found a way to make herself grow at will and then immiediately finds another person who can do it as well. She pulled a notebook and a novel out of her bag and placed them on her desk. She scribbled some words and numbers on a piece of paper and gave it to Nathan. It was her address and phone number; they simply had to discuss this.

Throughout the rest of the day, she couldn't help but think about Nathan and the unbelievable power they possessed. She thought about that whole sequence of events over and over in her head. Alex thought so much about that morning that she focused a whopping zero percent on her final exams. She had believed that she could get every answer correct on every exam, but had let the entire possibility slip away as her mind was preoccupied with the recent events.

Alex's parents received a call from the school about a week later asking them to come visit the principal, and to bring Alex with them. They obliged, though reluctantly, having faith that their daughter could do no wrong. They called her downstairs to discuss the situation.
Alex was buried in the works of Emerson when she heard her parents calling. She ran to the top of the stairs and then slowly bounced down them. Baby Jo had been such a huge responsibility right off the bat; Alex's parents hadn't even noticed her obvious physical growth. They finally did once she reached the bottom of the stairs and then looked down at them.

They explained to her about the phonecall and that they were going to have to visit the principal, but it all came out kind of broken, in short phrases, as they both observed their thirteen-year-old daughter's unbelievable body. Soon they snapped out of it and told her when they had to go.

Alex and her parents arrived at the school promptly at eleven a.m. on the following Saturday morning. As they entered the school office, Principal Allen greeted them. Mr. Allen tried to go into further detail as they moved down the hallway towards his office, but he was evidently distracted by Alex's stunning beauty. As they entered the office, Alex noticed a giant figure that she recognized. She was correct; Nathan was there as well.

They all sat down and then the principal explained to the parents that both Nathan and Alex were exceptional students that rarely received anything less than a one hundred. Meanwhile, Alex and Nathan were staring at eachother the entire time. Mr. Allen finally spoke to the students.

"Alex, Nathan, you both are exceptional students, probably among the finest at this school. We know that you both could have easily passed all of your exams, yet neither of you managed to receive above two hundred and fifty points. Those points were practically given to you because that is how much your name is worth. We hate to take such drastic measures, seeing as you are such great students, but I am afraid that both of you are going to have to attend a summer school semester to retake the exams."

Nathan and Alex were silently staring at eachother throughout his entire speech, not paying any attention to him. That was until his last few words: "…retake the exams." They sprang to life and looked up at the principal.

"I'm sure that some of these questions were quite difficult, but certainly you two bright young minds can answer at least half of them correctly." He said as he picked up and examined the test booklets.

Alex gave a long reassuring glance at Nathan. He nodded.

She stood up quickly and approached Mr. Allen. She grabbed a booklet out of his hand and read aloud the first question followed by its answer.

Principal Allen searched behind him for the answer book. He retrieved it and opened it to answer number one. She was correct. He noticed as he looked back to her, she was slightly closer to his height than before.

She read question number two and then said her answer.

He confirmed her answer and then noticed her higher.

Alex answered another question, and another. With each one she grew slightly taller. At first it was an inch. Then it doubled to two inches, then four, and so on. She rapidly grew above his head. With each answer she also felt herself moving farther away from the principal. He checked another answer and then looked back to her. She shot up eight inches, her expanding bust line now above his head. He glanced up at her; she bent forward, showing her beautiful face over her chest. She smiled a wicked smile and then answered another question. She was now reaching the ceiling of the principal's office. She answered another and then hit her head on the ceiling. Her breasts, growing ever larger with each query, bulged and overflowed her bra and pushed her shirt farther and farther outward. She continued to answer questions as she expanded in all ways. Her clothes had long been outgrown as she shot up. Her shirt was barely holding on, nearly transparent now. Then she gave a glance down at Nathan who was smiling up at her. She smiled and then nodded.
Nathan rose and grabbed a booklet as well. He began firing off answers at a fast rate, growing larger with each one. He soon was at the height of his female companion, both of them scantilly clad in paper-thin strands.

Giving eachother one last glance of approval, they kissed for a moment, and then just started answering questions. With each one the growing couple enlarged and grew bigger and bigger and bigger…

-- by Kingdom Come, 2002

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