HARDBODY Chapter 5 – MASS MONSTER By: Mr. Shhh As Jenna walked through the crowded shopping mall, she could feel a thousand eyes glaring at her body. Jaws were dropping, kids were crying, ice cream cones were falling on the floor. The entire place was whispering about her - disgusted, amazed or simply unbelieving. She was the complete center of attention, a human car wreck no one could tear their eyes from. Of course, there was a perfectly reasonable explanation for all this: Jenna had taken her obsession with bodybuilding beyond the point of no return. She was now light years beyond common sense - past what even she thought was humanly possible. Simply put, she had become a complete and total muscle monster. The last few months had been a rollercoaster ride for the gorgeous young high-schooler. After 6 years of agonizing gym torture, her body had finally seemed to reach critical mass. Her quest to woo her schoolgirl crush, Edward Scott, had seen her climax with a physical regiment that was nothing short of insanity. Jenna worked out 7 days a week, 11 hours a day. Her protein consumption was off the charts. Breakfast alone consisted of 36 egg whites, five cans of tuna and 5 bananas along with a liter of orange juice and two liters of water. Her gains were even more staggering. In the two months leading up to her first "date" with Ed, she had put on almost 58 pounds of aggressively masculine thickness. With a height of only 5'5, she eventually tipped the scales at a jaw-dropping 421 pounds. Mixed with a punishing body fat level of 1.12% and you had a physique that no female was ever meant to possess. At the time, Jenna had grown so huge that she began to wonder how much bigger she could get. After all, no one in any magazine or contest was even close to her level. Even the biggest male heavyweights with their freaky, juiced-up bodies couldn’t hold a candle to her utterly inhuman physique. Then she met Dawn. Jenna had never seen another man or woman as remotely muscular as Dawn. She was an animal. Nothing could’ve prepared her for the towering University student's indescribable body. Though Jenna had ultimately matched Dawn inch for inch and muscle for muscle, it was clear that there were other bodybuilders out there who shared Jenna’s near limitless genetic potential. For the first time in her young life, the beautiful teen worried that there may actually be someone even bigger than her. Of course, this was simply unacceptable. In Jenna’s mind, she had to be the absolute biggest there was, period. Starting that day, she’d transform herself into the most hideous bodybuilding abomination imaginable; a nightmarish monstrosity of veins and muscles so garishly overdeveloped that she’d be incapable of existing in normal society. That was six months ago. As Jenna stepped onto the fist floor escalator, she realized she had a problem. The machine had clearly been designed to accommodate two or three large adults side by side. There was no possible way she was going to fit. Bypassing the escalator, she walked up the stairs to the second floor where she was greeted by a new wave of gasps and insults from the mall’s shocked patrons. “-- Look at her arms! They’re so big she can hardly bend them!” “Go back to the circus you sick freak!” “What is it? A man or a woman?” “…She looks like she doesn’t even have skin. She’s totally covered in veins! It’s disgusting!” “How does she fit in a car?” “Think of the ‘roids she must’ve taken!” “-- She looks like she could bench-press a bus.” “I bet her voice sounds like Barry White!” “Her calves are as big as watermelons!” Jenna tried her hardest to ignore the voices but deep down, she knew she wanted to hear it all. For her, being labeled a sideshow-freak was the ultimate turn on. The harsher their reaction, the hotter she got and today she was getting the most gut-wrenching insults of her life. The reality was she couldn’t go anywhere anymore without creating a scene. In the last month in particular, with her weight skyrocketing into the stratosphere, she’d become downright impossible to ignore. It wasn’t unusual for people to faint at the mere sight of her. She’d caused car accidents, seen grown men lose their lunch – just at a glance of her mutant muscularity. But Jenna knew that the crowd was only seeing a fraction of what she was capable of. Imagine what they’d say if she could see her after a workout, all swollen and ripped? Imagine if they knew what kind of a pumped-up mega-freak she could really become? The beautiful teen could feel a wetness growing in her panties. What was wrong with her, she thought? She was becoming some kind of perverted muscle slut. Lately it seemed like she was horny all the time, to the point where her panties were almost perpetually soaked. Even now she could feel the damp material sticking to her freaky crotch. No! She couldn’t allow herself to even think about that. If she didn’t calm down, her muscles were going to swell. As it were, her humongous fat-girl clothes were just barely able to contain her overwhelming girth. Any kind of pump, no matter how minor would split them wide open. That was why she was here in the first place. The hulking uber-teen walked into a trendy, 2nd floor clothing store and immediately became the subject of a dozen stares. “You’re back already?” A tall sales clerk called out, his face going ghost white at the sight of her impossible bulk. “It’s only been six weeks!” Jenna adjusted her glasses shyly. “Umm, actually… it’s been four.” The clerk crossed the room and approached her, his 6’1 frame towering over her. He panned his head to take in her endless body and noted how unnatural her cute face looked atop her hard, unforgiving body. “Good lord. The custom clothes we made barely fit you anymore! How much weight have you gained?” He asked pensively. A blush washed over Jenna’s face. She bit her lip. “…I weighted myself this morning at 731 pounds.” She squeaked in her surprisingly soft girl-voice. Jenna watched the clerk’s jaw hit the floor. She was now in a category normally reserved for the mega-obese. She didn’t have the heart to mention that her ultimate goal was to break 1000 pounds. As it stood, she was heavier than almost 4 heavyweight male bodybuilders combined and growing every day. The amazing part was that she looked even huger. Her all-encompassing muscularity was simply off the charts. “I’ve gained so much weight this month that I can’t even get my clothes on anymore. I tried to squeeze into my biggest “hide me” sweat shirt yesterday and split the sleeves just brushing my hair.” The clerk’s face tightened. “That’s impossible. I added 10 inches of breathing room to all your tops.” Jenna casually lifted her arm. The stretchy material of her pink cotton shirt was already pulled taunt to a ludicrous degree. Each bulge in her over-stuffed limb was clearly visible in relief against the shirt. Even the thick, purple veins covering every inch of her flesh were just barely contained. Some had even started to split the seams. With the slightest of efforts, Jenna bent her arm 90 degrees. An utterly colossal bicep mushroomed instantly, stretching the material so far that the color of her skin could be seen right through it. Stitches began to tear as the sleeve groaned in agony. Jenna slowly closed her fist. Veins ran between her fingers and knuckles. With one hard flex, the entire sleeve exploded in a cloud of material from shoulder to wrist. The clerk could only stare at the naked meat-mass Jenna called her arm. He kept trying to remind himself that she was an 18 year old girl, yet what he saw in front of him looked like it belonged on some snorting, 12 foot tall ogre. She looked like a demented anatomy chart. The peak of her bicep was so enormous that it was actually pressing against her fist. Her shoulders were several times thicker than her own head and divided by a thousand striations rippling with power. It was impossible that anyone could be that massive, the clerk thought - let alone a shy young girl. She had destroyed her body and turned it into a sick, steroid-fueled atrocity. “If you don’t mind, I’d like you to measure me.” Jenna asked, completely embarrassed. “Wuh…what?” The clerk gasped. “B-But you always just bring me your measurements.” Jenna shuffled her feet, the blush on her face deepening. “I…. I can’t measure myself anymore because… I can’t reach most of my own body.” The clerk’s brain melted. Jenna seemed ashamed - yet deep down, the cute schoolgirl could feel her loins boiling. What a beast she had become. What a monster. The clerk swallowed hard. He’d seen fat people who couldn’t tie their shoes, but this was ridiculous. Examining Jenna’s incomprehensible mass, he realized that she probably couldn’t see her entire lower body. Her arms were so thick they could only reach about half-way across her equally enormous waist. “Lacey…!” The clerk called, glancing across the store. Jenna’s brow tightened at the sound of that name. Turning around, she was surprised to see her schoolmate, Lacey Vandorn walking towards her. As Lacey and the sales clerk stepped aside to speak, Jenna found her eyes drawn to the popular teen. A year younger than Jenna, the barely 17 year old beauty had a reputation for being smokin’ hot. Silky blonde hair fell to her shoulders framing the face of a goddess - piercing green eyes, pert nose and a set of soft, erotic lips so thick that they made Angelina Jolie look anemic. As a whole, young Lacey was almost a match for Jenna’s own stunning facial beauty – almost. Even with the gauntness from her intense dieting and the uncompromising vascularity flaring across her temples and forehead, no one was as beautiful as Jenna. Yet it was Lacey’s unbelievable body that stole the show. In her own way, she was almost as freakish as Jenna herself. It had been six months since Jenna had last seen her classmate. In that time, Lacey had developed a body that would have put even the most over the top porn star to shame. Her already busty figure had experienced a devastating growth spurt, resulting in some utterly jaw-dropping dimensions. Standing only 5’1, her skinny, boy-like figure had filled out in all the right places. She now sported a set of triple E breasts that completely overwhelmed her. The fact that the rest of her was so petite only made her giant tits look even more ridiculous. She was quite literally all tits and ass. Her bulging masses, barely contained within an overburdened button-up blouse, were visible from any angle. The clerk turned back to Jenna, still barely able to comprehend the sight of the inhuman muscle mountain before him. “Okay Jenna, Lacey here is going to help you with your, um… problem in the change room.” Lacey gazed at Jenna’s inexplicable mass, her eyes trying to drink in the endless muscularity. “Um… hi, Jenna. Follow me.” Lacey headed off towards the back of the store with the humongous teen bodybuilder in tow. As Jenna followed her, she continued to be amazed by Lacey’s incredible body. Even from behind, the swell of her jiggling chest jutted out almost a foot on either side. Jenna also made note of Lacey’s sexy tan and impressive muscle tone. Even through her skirt, she could see how tight Lacey’s ass was. She definitely worked out, though her glutes weren’t even close to the viciously striated balls of girl beef that Jenna possessed. “God, I haven’t seen you in forever,” Lacey chirped, glancing back at Jenna. The massive teen was used to people freaking out about her muscles. In fact, she expected it, yet Lacey seemed abnormally cool. “I thought you were huge before, but now… holy crap! I mean, you’re totally gigantic! You have to be juicing like crazy. You’re TOO HUGE!” As the pair passed through the aisles, Jenna caught the eyes of a half dozen shoppers staring at her. None of them could fathom what they were seeing, or even what gender she was. She appeared to be some kind of macho, steroid fueled beef-cake. Only her beautiful face and shy, womanly movements gave away her femininity. Stopping at the change room door, Jenna was faced with a new problem. Lacey turned and looked at her. “What is it?” She asked, before realizing her folly. “Oh…” Jenna couldn’t fit through the door. She was at least twice as wide as it and almost as thick. The span of her shoulders mixed with the tremendous width of her meaty arms gave her a wingspan of 7 feet. Sideways, her heaving man pecs alone were almost 3 feet deep. Her bulging muscle-gut added yet another foot beyond that, and combined with her arms and back, she was thicker than a phone booth. “Don’t worry, girl. We can do this out here. Let me get my tape measure.” As Lacey walked away, she gazed back at the impossible mound of muscles behind her. A lustful grin formed as she licked her lips.