HARDBODY Chapter 1 – No Limits By: Mr. Shhh Jenna Steel sat in her usual seat in the front row of fourth period math class. Her teacher was giving a lesson on polynomials, but she didn’t hear a word of it. Her thoughts were exclusively on later that afternoon and the hundreds of pounds of iron she was going to pump. Since the age of eight, Jenna had been completely obsessed with bodybuilding. At an age where most girls played with dolls, Jenna had developed an unhealthy fixation on her muscles. Nothing seemed as beautiful as tendon-shredded pecs - bulging biceps - meaty lats. The very thought of sweat running down hot, tanned skin was enough to make her weak at the knees. Jenna was an addict, and for the last several years, pumping iron had been her drug. She simply was insatiable – nothing was too much. Every waking hour was spent working out, shoveling down food, running for miles and then doing it all again. In this, Jenna had already been extraordinarily successful. Barely hidden beneath her cute, girly clothing was the body of an Adonis. But this quiet, bookish high-schooler knew she had to keep her bronzed figure a secret. Growing up in the public school system had taught her that few would understand her obsession. The problem was, as she had added mass upon mass, muscle upon muscle, keeping her bulging body hidden had become near impossible. In her current state, there was no way this girl could buy off the rack. Even with custom-made clothing, Jenna’s hulking physique wanted to bulge through. Today she was wearing a pink button-up sweater at least three times bigger than a typical XXXL. It would’ve been more than enough to cover one of those strong-man competitors, yet on this cute 16 year old, it was one deep breath away from completely tearing open. Jenna’s tree-trunk neck stretched the limits of a collar that looked like it was made for a medicine ball. Her insane neck led down to a set of traps that defied description. The spread of her back was wider than a doorway, maybe wider than a double doorway. Arms as thick as telephone poles pushed the structural limits of her sleeves, even in a completely relaxed state. Each breath threatened to split apart the shirt’s buttons and reveal her sliced and striated pecs. Even her stomach, with each individual abdominal muscle so grotesquely swollen that they stuck out in relief inches from her body, strained the wool to its breaking point. The lower half of her body didn’t fair much better. Though a long skirt covered most of her meaty thighs, a set of calves resembling half-melons poked out below the hem of her skirt. Worse still, the exposed skin gave away her extreme conditioning. If her legs were any indication, there was not an ounce of fat on her body. Even the most miniscule muscle group was striated beyond reason and easily visible through her nearly transparent skin. An unheard of degree of vascularity meant veins as thick as sausages snaked and bulged across every inch of flesh. To top it off, all of this grade A beef came packed on the frame of a 5’5 teenage girl. Her cute glasses, frilly clothes and pink hair clips went even further to create a disturbing dichotomy; she was the girl next door with the body of the Incredible Hulk. Along with her girly clothing, Jenna had an indisputably feminine face. Large green eyes and a cute nose made her adorable, but it was her pouty, bee stung lips and richly bronzed skin which made her drop dead gorgeous. Her short brown hair, tied in pigtails, cemented the deal. The end of day bell snapped Jenna out of her daze. As students got up to leave, the high schooler prepared herself for a looming ritual. She knew it was time for the insults and cruel comments. She wouldn’t be disappointed. “Hey fat ass, better hurry up. The cafeteria stops selling cheeseburgers at three o’clock!” Jenna looked up to find a group of students gathered behind her desk. They had arrived to stare at her incredible body and made no attempt to hide it. Though not everyone was as vocal, every single student in every single class gawked at Jenna. She was a pariah, a loner. Her obsession had turned her into an unknowable freak. Though most of their comments were sadistic, Jenna found them incredibly arousing. In her mind, the more vicious the insult, the further she had strived in building her unbelievable body. Every time someone called her grotesque, it meant she had added another inch to her biceps. Every time someone called her abnormal, it was because her muscles had torn through a bigger pair of jeans. “She’s not fat you idiot, those are her muscles.” “What a disgusting freak. She must eat steroids like pez.” One the kids remarked. Jenna felt a tingle in her stomach. “Look at her arms. They’re thicker than your waist.” “Her bicep must be the size of a baseball.” Another shot of pleasure. Jenna could feel a wetness growing in her panties. A baseball? They wish. A football would be closer. “Hey, how much can you bench-press?” “Are you kidding? Sean told me she once lifted the back of a guy’s truck with like six guys in it. Her muscles bulged out so much they ripped through her clothes.” Juice was now running freely down the inside of Jenna’s legs. “She was like, nude? Did she have any tits?” “No way man. He said it was just huge fucking muscles everywhere. All veins and shit. Said he could barely tell she was a girl.” She was a faucet. If these idiots had looked down, they would’ve seen a puddle on the floor. “I heard the girls won’t shower with you. They say even your ass and pussy are covered in muscles.” “Dude, I bet she has a dick.” That was it. She couldn’t take any more. If she didn’t get out of there now, she’d lose it. Grabbing her bag, Jenna dashed out the door. “Look, you made her cry!” The kids laughed as Jenna ran down the hall.