Beanna Saga, Chapter II Written by Dragon6860 Isis walked into the dank tavern, still carrying her pack on her back, keeping the straps to the outside of her full, solid breasts, smiling to herself at the sensation of her tits slide past each other, and the straps. She dodged the rowdy part of the bar and found herself a seat in a quiet corner alcove. Pretty soon, one of the barmaids came up to her, confidently striding, slapping men's hands that groped at her, her bodice straining to contain her obviously swollen breasts. Isis sneered as she saw the amulet around the barmaid's neck, recognizing it for what it was - a greater engorgement charm. She hid her own assets behind her pack, and waited, smiling. "Why hello, Isis," cooed Ann as she bent forwards, showing off her very ample cleavage shamelessly, "Fell flat on your face in the wilds and returned to the safety of town ?" Smiling, Isis pulled her pack aside, jostling her breasts as she did so, making the barmaid gasp in surprise. "Falling flat is no longer an option for me, Ann, however," she snapped her hand forward and with a hard tug, the charm and its cord came off Ann's neck, "you look like you could use some extra volume." Ann looked down, and saw to her horror that her bodice now hung limply, no longer filled with tits, and she realized, if she stood up, her bodice would fall away from her upper body. Angry, Ann snatched the charm from Isis, fastened it again, and her breasts quickly swelled back to fill her bodice to capacity, and more. "If there's anything you need," she sneered, "please don't hesitate to ask." As she turned from the alcove, Isis smiled. Perfect, she thought. She still can't do without that engorgement charm. Well, pretty soon she will. Throughout the evening, Isis watched Ann flirt with the men in the bar, shoving her cleavage right into their faces, then often, as she did so, flashing a cruel smile at Isis. To Ann's shock, Isis suddenly blew her a kiss, took her gear, got up, and walked up the stairs to her room, looking lustily at Ann as she did so, licking her lips. Ann slapped the hands and face of the warrior groping at her, kicked him in the shin to break his embrace, stepped away and turned in her apron, then walked upstairs, puzzled mightily. She remembered little Isis, always gawking at her engorged tits, always green with envy as she seduced another man to go upstairs with her, to screw him silly. She'd once caught Isis listening at the door as she was screwing a customer silly (before emptying his purse of any spare coins), then had, as punishment, shoved her tits in Isis' face, and told her to get the feeling in her brains as well as she could, because she'd never have hooters like that. But now she had. And Ann was determined to find out where and how she'd gotten that magnificent pair of mammaries. Upstairs, she walked to the room Isis had rented, at the end of the hall. She stood in front of the door, hesitating, but finally, her curiosity and determination to upstage Isis won. She knocked. Isis stood naked in front of the mirror, admiring her magnificent body, still testing her powers by adjusting her breast size and shape a little. She had just settled on a pair of perk, erect, but very full breasts with a pair of very large, dark aureolae on top, from which a thick but short nipple extended, when there was a knock on the door. Quickly, she slipped into a long, loose dress, then called for the person at the door to come in. Ann stepped into the room, and closed the door behind her, looking intently at the well-endowed girl in the room. Unable to contain her further frustration, Ann walked up to Isis, and grabbed her by the breasts. "How did you get these, tell me!" Isis smiled, sucked in her breath, and to Ann's amazement, she saw Isis' humongous hooters expand under the cloth of the dress, swelling to double the size she had. Ann lept back, partly in fear, partly in amazement. "How..." Smiling, Isis let her tits return to their former size, and pulled off the loose dress she wore, revealing to Ann her full size. "C'mon, don't be shy, undress and show me yours." "Not before you tell me where you got those. Last time I saw you, you were flat as a board." Isis smiled sweetly. "Well, there was this friendly witch in the Haunted Forest ..." "You've been in the Haunted Forest ? And come out ?" "As you can see," Isis said, shaking her breasts. Amazed but still burning with curiosity (and a healthy bit of lust, too), Ann stripped, leaving her dress on the floor. Isis walked up, pushed her body against Ann, who noticed that her breasts, even with the charm, were smaller than those of the formerly flat girl. "I've learned another trick," Isis whispered. "Watch." Ann heard Isis begin to moan, and watched in amazement how Isis began to lactate from a pair of quickly swollen nipples, over Ann's breasts. Now fully enthralled, Ann pushed Isis over onto the bed and looked at those amazing, swollen hooters. Licking Isis' massive nipples, she felt a sensation of pure pleasure jolt through her body. Isis looked at Ann. "Want to drink ?" Instead of an asnwer, she felt Ann's lips engulf one of her nipples, felt her tongue expertly moving over it, and unconsciously, Isis expanded her nipples until they were 8 inch long, 1.5 inch diameter shafts standing erect on top of her swelling breasts. Ann needed no further encouragement, and began to give one nipple an intense blowjob and slid her hand up and down the other, until Isis' tits were fully two feet across, when she suddenly orgasmsed, sending a heavy flow of milk into Ann's mouth, and down her other breast. Licking the thick, creamy milk off her lips, Ann looked up. "That was great." Ann rubbed over her own breasts, which felt very warm and tingly all of a sudden. "I.." she stammered, flushing red. Suddenly, her breasts surged outwards, billowing, expanding, growing. Isis watched in amazement as Ann's breasts quickly swelled past her size, and disbelieved the enormous aureolae and nipples Ann now sported - each the size of a dinner plate, with large bulbous nipples on top, that quickly began too ooze milk. Before Isis could comment, she saw the sheer lust in Ann's eyes as she awkwardly climbed onto the bed, those huge, three foot wide breasts swaying, and before she could change position, Ann had dropped her pussy over one of those fleshy shafts projecting from Isis' mammaries, and started pumping vigorously, while snapping the charm from her neck and throwing it on the ground beside the bed. Instantly, her bouncing and shuddering breasts began to lactate heavily, and she saw them gradually decrease to a more managable and believable size, some more than the size she had with the engorgement charm before, but her large, dark nipples continually oozed thick, creamy milk, while she slapped her backside down onto Isis' large, and growing tits. She felt the big shaft inside her pussy expand, push out the walls of her smooth and soft love tunnel, until she was completely filled, with milk and fluid mixing to provide excellent lubrication as Ann felt herself rise up on top of Isis' enormous mams. Finally, they both came, and Isis quickly reduced hers to 'normal' size, washed herself and Ann up, then looked her over. Ann stood there, her breasts still dribbling milk, and flushed red in shame and embarassment. "Will this lactation ever stop ?" Ann asked. "I don't know, try to think of stopping it." Ann closed her eyes, and concentrated. "It won't work." Isis smiled sweetly. "Well, I guess yo just got something new to offer to your customers, then." Ann's head snapped up. "You ... freak! What have you done to me ?!" Isis blew her a kiss. "Gave you what you wanted most - big real tits." "Yes, but.." "Don't complain now," Isis said as she packed up, secretly putting the charm in her pack as well. Furiously, Ann got dressed, and quickly noticed the pair of wet patches in her now extremely tight bodice, which she couldn't let out any further, or her new pair of breasts would fall out. "And where are you going," Ann asked, spinning around to Isis. "Me ?" Isis said as she climbed out the window. "I have a few more people to visit. Bye Ann, and enjoy the attention you'll get from now on." She winked, jumped off the ledge into a haycart, leaving a stunned Ann behind. Isis climbed out of the cart, and began walking down the road. She was walking for a while, when she heard a small sound coming form a grove of trees. she stopped and listened, and hear the sound of someone crying. She walked over to the gorve and saw a girl sitting under a tree, crying softly. Isis walked up to her and said, "What can you be crying about on this beutafuel day?" The girl looked up, and gave Isis a look of pure hate. "I'll tell you what's wrong! You and all of your type!" Isis looked in shock at this girl. "Waht do you mean my type?" "You know what I mean! All of you Big breasted bitches. You're type is the reason I can't get a date. Why would any guy go out with me when they could have someone like you!" With that outburst the girl dropesd her head and resumed crying. Isis looked at the girl with compasson. "Listen, I might be able to help. I have this engorgemnt charm that I don't want. Why don't you take it?" The girl glared at Isis again and said "You need something to start with for those to work! I don't have anything!" "Well, i still ma have something that could help you." Isis said. With that, Isis took out her water bag, and began to fill it with milk. "Here," Isis said. "Drink this." The girl looked suspiculsy at Isis and took a small swallow. They waited for a minute, and then, the girl's top grew very tight, as small breasts bloomed out. The girl looked in amazement, and took another, longer drink. Her breasts pushed out furter, untill they ripen free of the top. The girl looked in amazement at her new breasts, and cave out a cry of joy. "Oh thank you so very much! Waht can I ever do to repay you?" Isis looked at the girls breasts, and noticed that unlike Ann's, she wasent lactating. Must be a effect of the engorgment charms, she thought. Isis then looked down at the girl. "Don't worry, You just go out there and get your self a guy. And also, do you know where the temple is?" "It's right down the street. Go untill you see a very large croud of guys. That'll be the place. And thank you again!" With that, the girl ran off into the grove. Isis smiled, and began looking for the temple. This temple was speical, because it is where a special order of preistes live. They were devoted to the gods of fertlity, and one of the requiremnets was that your breasts had to be very, very big. As a result, this temple was very popular with the male crowd, because where else can you find a temple where all the women are bigger then cantleopes and the dress code for the sisters are strips of leather? Isis wanted to join them, but was turned down almost instantly. Isis grinned wickedly as she thought of the havok that her milk would have on all of those engorgement charms. The only problem was how to get them to drink it. Then, a idea began to creep into her head. The head priestes opened the main door of the temple and lookes down at the form in the long cloak. "I'm sorry, but there are no services today." "I beg your pardon, but I am here for a job." "Really? What do you do?" "I'm a cook. I can cook the most delicous cakes, pies, meats, and I make a special drink that you would love." "Well, Ok, but first, I have to check you out. Let me see em." Isis then opened her cloak, and let her huge tits out into the light. They were at least the size of watermellons. "You'll do." she said. "My names Nikita, by the way. What's your's?" "Uh, My name is, um," Isis began darting her eyes around, until she saw a large flower patch by the door. "Daisy. My name is Daisy." "Are you sure?" Nikita said. "Follow me, and I'll lead you to the kitchens and to the beadrooms." Isis folowed Nikita down the halls untill she came to a large room. "The kitches." Nikita said. The kitchens were big, but if she tired, Isis could proablay do it. "Do I have any help?" she asked. "Yes, the'll be 2 other girls in here to help. Now I'll show you to the bedrooms. Most of the other girls are in there now. Isis came to a large door, and Nikita slowly opened it. Isis walked in, and was immeadtly struck by the size of everyone's breasts. As strange as it sounds, Isis thought, I must be the smallest girl in here! All of the other girls were at least twice the ize of her, and as Isis looked around the room, she saw that many of the girls had on lockets, earrings, and bracelets. Isis smiled when she thought of what her milk did to Ann, and Ann was smallet then her! She followed Nikita down the room, untill she came to a small bed. "Well," Nikita said. "Dinner is at 7. It is now, 5. There are 20 girls here, and they havend have a decent meal since i found out that out last cook had padded her bodice. And you're lucky, because tonight is the feast of our patron saint. And that means that were going to need lot's to drink!. So you'd better get going!" Nikita smiled and walked away. Isis then began running down the room, trying to think what she was going to cook. The last time she had cooked, it had been tea, and it was burnt. She arrived at the kitchen, and looked at the two girls who were in the kitchen with her. The were looking at her expentely, as if they were waiting for orders. Isis lookes at them and cleared her throat. "Ok, am i correct in assuming that you're apprentices?" The two girls nodded. "Ok then, let me give you your first test. I am going to start cooking. Your job is to tell me what I'm doing wrong. Don't hesitate, just say it. Allright?" The two girls nodded again. Isis smiles and started cooking, or rater grabing random objects, and then using whatever the girls told her to use. In about 45 minutes, she was done, and there was a lovely feast on the tables. "Ok, You twogo and serve the food, while I make my speical drink. And don't come in here while I'm makeing it. I'll tell you when I'm ready." The two girls nodded again, and walked out of the kitchen, taking the food with them. Isis then went over and locked the door. She smiled. "Now it's time to give those bitches a taste of my medicine!" Isis laughed and took off her top. Her round boobs bounced free and loomed larger. Isis concentrated, and a stream of milk began to flow out. She smiled and walked over to a large cask, and began filling up the cask with her milk. She was able to do it an about 15 minutes, and she then called the two girls in. "Ok, the drink's ready. It's in the cask, just take it in." Isis followed the two girls out into the dining hall, where all the girls sat around the table holding out huge mugs, wating to be filled with Isis's milk. Isis loked around at all the girls and almost laughed as she pictures them all unable to move, their breasts would be so big. The two girls filles up the galsses of everyone, and the High priestess stood up, her gigantic mug, held high. "Sisters! Let up drink to our saint!" With that, she downed the entire contents, and quickly refilled it. Soon the entire table was drinking. By the time they were done, the High priestess wad finished her third glass, and was working on her forth, when a strange look came over her face. She began rubbing her breasts, and said "Does anyone else feel, Ohhhh!" Suddenly Nikita's breasts surget out, becoming bigger and bigger. And it wasent just her. All the girls were surgeing out, gorwing bigger and bigger. Many of the girls ripped off their engougement charms, but they're breasts were still almost 4 feet across, and leaking out milk. Nikita's breasts were still growing, and they baloned up bigger and bigger, untill she was lifted of the floor by her huge breasts. All the girls were moaning and rubbing each other tits, and sucking on their nipples. Almost 5 girls were sucking Nikita's tits, her huge nipples sticking out almost 2 feet. Isis lookes at the moaning croud as she begain to walk through them, picking up all the charms that she saw on the way. She came to the door and closed it, shuting out the moaning, and the screams of pleasure. Isis looked down and saw a river of milk come from under the door. She smiled, as she put back on her cloak and walked outside