War basics

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This is a guide that's been reposted on several sites, I don't know who the original author was. I'm not even going to read it now to check for errors. Nuking takes 90% practice anyway to be good.

Lesson 1

The Right Equipment
A good nuker needs few things, although they can be very expensive. Here is a few of the tools necessary :

At least 3rd scepter (Harbingers Scepter of Oppression) - This is used for the /da 000,eatme,299 to let you move gold easily.
A Devils Warring Deliverance (DWD) - this Haves all rune protection or balances out the Double Rune Combo (DRC). It is definitely a must for a constant nuker.
Captains Staff of Valor - this is very easy to get and used to /nrage and /chance.this balances out the 2x rune bonus from those who possess it. Go to the surface and sail from port to port and it will randomly drop for you.
High Kingsmanship - With higher KMS than your opponent you are much more likely to get Sneak attacks and less likely to get Ambushed which can save tons of gold. You can skill all the way to 109 and still only have 6 attacks. Remember with the DRC extra attacks aren’t until 110.
Strong kingdoms or lack there of - Either no Kingdoms or well defended kingdoms. Remember if you wipe 100 bucks worth of kingdoms from someone they will be pissed and want to do the same, if they can.
Good Haste - This helps in the speed of course, the faster you can nuke the less defense is possible against you and the less people are willing to try to nuke you back. Also take into consideration that you only have one hour to nuke if you drop a Tecton. Maximizing the amount of damage you do and kingdoms you take is crucial.
Good Funding - You can blow 3 tril in an hour off of a decent nuke. Make sure you can finish what you start.
Double Rune Combo - (DaD, DoD, DwD, DsD) - This allows bonus attacks if you have over 100 kms. It goes as follows:
110 gives 7 attacks
120 gives 8 attacks
125 gives 9 attacks.
Lesson 2
The Tecton
An Essence Element of Tecton is a vital tool when nuking. You can not do reasonable damage to a runed kingdom without one. It gives a 5x bonus to your attacks and stacks with assail, besiege, and /nrage. It also cancels out a 5x rune bonus from a past update.
It is made by standing your kingdom with 999 runes and trading a Rusty Dagger to the Quake Keeper. To use it stand in a Kingdom you would like to Destroy (covered in later lessons) and trade it back to the Quake Keeper.

Lesson 3
What to nuke and what not to nuke
What to nuke depends a lot on what you have and your skill.
Nuking a powerful player with little gold will not accomplish anything and they will come after you. Where a good nuke mule with a good gold supplier via PP or other secure source would do mass amounts of damage.
If you plan to hold kds stick with small nukes. People who can’t nuke you back or you have a 50 rune DRC plex and don’t need to worry.

Lesson 4
Starting the Nuke
The ideal nuke is a long plex in multiples of 3, low runes, unmaxed, full treasury, and no DRC.
Set up your nuke kds. Any you could possibly need, before the hour change. Have plenty of eeots for /chance and /nrage and remember to have more food in your kds than the defending kd.
There are 2 kinds of Nukes: Spikes and Expansion
Spikes are a single line of kingdoms set on a wall or an evenly numbered amount of corresponding lines and rows such as a 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, etc.. Spikes are very effective if properly done. The most successful spikes are often formed into small plexes and runed with a very high amount to make the defender pay out the ass to remove them himself or pay you for the spike itself.
Expansion is cutting off the outer row by nuking in 1 row then besieging the outer row.

Very effective and harder to repair. This is useful when taking entire plexes. Have your rune bank copied to paste into chat to /da xxx,XXX,xxx. Change your chat preference to KINGDOM. This way you don’t slip up and type ‘r/ep’ or any number of errors into chat. Noone wants to look like a nub and slipping out retarded text is the easiest way to get flamed for being a retard. If you pm someone while you have kingdom chat on you will have to reset it seeing as how it makes it revert back to SHOUT.

When the hour changes drop the tect either on a rune bank or 1 kingdom in on the wall.
This will allow you to assail the first kingdom and be able to attack the 3rd with more force.
This is the reason to never have a 3 kingdom wall more walls means more tects to break be sure to have enough.

Always have a 2nd target - This is in case the defender stones, due to large amounts of gold stoning is more common now. Stones are a 10x defense boost to runes and labeled (Citadel). Have a second target lined up and possibly a third. Know the locations by heart or have them on notepad so you dont waste aftershock by walking around looking for the best opening. Ignore pms - Reading only slows you down. You will get alot and if its important they will message you later. Lesson 5 The Nuke When Nuking, nuke as fast as possible. You are limited to one hour.
Spam as much as possible this gives more of a Fear thing and people are more likely to remember your nuke and think twice about nuking you back.

Be ready to start off fast. Get in as far as you can before reppers, the owner or chainkillers arrive. Likewise, always be suited to the best of your abilities and type /shhh to ignore duel spam from possible CKers. CKing sucks balls if your char is too weak to stay alive long enough to move kds or whatnot.

Try to get someone to nuke with you. It's much harder to defend against 2 people than 1 and also possibly forces the defender to use a stone leaving you free to attack your 2nd target. Also if possible have a strong char move along the nuke with you watching for CKers to kill.

Get a rapid pattern of ctrl V and /ref going as fast as you can.

When nuking very high runed kingdoms leave 1 empty kingdom in front of yours for safety reasons. So lots of ambushes won't bother your nuking, although on low rune kds you don't need this and would be a waste.

Lesson 6
The Attacks
Here are some easy nukes to attempt (varies depending on number of attacks 125 Kingsmanship DRC in parentheses):

High Runed (40 to 50runers)
Trebs x 6 (9) Cats x 6 (9) Archers x 3 everything until it falls.

Med Runed (20 to 30 runers)
Trebs (East East for example) x 6 (9) cats x 6 (9) everything until it falls.

Low Runed/ Unmaxed forts (6 to 10runers)
Cats till you get a low % (1 2 or 3% damage)
everything until it falls.

Very Low Runers ( 2s and 4s)
Everything until it falls.

Lesson 7
The Joy of Nuking

Nuking is a Great feeling. You took someone you disliked (or possibly never knew) and ruined their day/week/month.
Then you can enjoy watching people cry and whine for hours.
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