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Official Help Site - Includes most updates to the game, chat rules, race info, starting help, skill info, kingdom basics, relic effects, quest items and info, full plane maps, and info on macroing. (Type /help in-game ).

Server1 Server2 Announcments - Recent game announcements, acumen inquest winners, when the next acumen inquest is, and a lot of general useful info throughout. (Type /ann ingame, or click the link on the login page).

Archived Announcements

FAQ - Answers some questions, and includes some rules. (Type /faq ingame)

Information page - Includes info about password safety, stats, experience, leveling, runes, forts, armies, and other kingdom info.

Actions - Tells what all of the things under the Action and Kingdom list do (New Fight, Battle, Duel, Wage War, Options, etc), and include chat shortcuts. (Click on Actions or Kingdom link ingame).

Acumen - Gives information on what Acumen Inquest is.

Computer - Details about the computer that can be won by winning Acumen Inquest. (Click on the banner on the main page)

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