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·        Crafting is an easy and convenient way to get items without having to trade with other players.

·        When crafting items, craft the special versions of them (durability, precise, rapid, etc) and NOT the regular kind. This is because it’s cheaper and less crafting delay by doing special items.

·        When crafting relics, only craft up to 3 or 4 and then sell them. This keeps the cost low because each one causes the cost to increase.

·        Chantcrafting is the most expensive to start, but ends up being one of the cheapest overall.

Normal crafting
Special crafting
Chant crafting
Relic crafting

Crafting Skills Used
Weapons Weaponcrafting, Metalworking, Woodworking
Spells Spellcrafting, Gemworking, Glassworking
Bows and Arrows Bowcrafting, Leatherworking, Woodworking
Armor Armorcrafting, Leatherworking, Metalworking
Relics  Reliccrafting, Gemworking, Runeworking
Chantcraft Chantcrafting, Runeworking
treasures Reliccrafting, Runeworking, Metalworking
all items over 1 bil base Runeworking


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