Welcome to our site devoted to animal photography! Although the title suggests that all the pictures were taken in zoos, in fact they come from various places, including parks, wilderness areas, beaches, lakes, greenhouses, and, of course, zoos. Most of the photos were made with a Pentax K1000 35mm camera, 200 speed print film and a 50mm lens. In addition, a polarizer filter, a Pentax 80-200 zoom lens, or a Fuji TW-300 38-65mm tele-wide point-and-shoot camera were sometimes employed.


All photos are copyrighted and belong to the owners of this site.

The larval insect used in the background design is an original graphite drawing of an immature blow fly, or maggot.

In addition to the animal photography displayed here, the LARVALBUG site contains a number of different sections, including a monthly family and investment newsletter with archives of past issues at our main location: LARVALBUG'S HOME PAGE, artwork featuring real and imaginary animals on LARVALBUGTOO, a collection of value investing articles by Larry at larVALUEbug, and galleries of dog and animal photos with commentary on FRISKY'S SECTION and PERIWINKLE'S PAGE. LARVALBUG'S GARDEN is devoted to the plants and animals in our gardens and includes short articles with many close-up photographs of flowers, plants, insects and other small animals living around us. The AUSTIN BUG COLLECTION is a photographic guide to insects and spiders here in central Texas. Presenting free digital nature photos, LARVALBUG EYE offers images in large and small sizes for personal, nonprofit, and educational use. Our free clip art site, larvalbugGIF, features original clip art and GIF versions of old natural history engravings and woodcuts. The links below will be helpful in navigating our site.


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