Rating:  PG-13 – Violence, some language









Sweat and grime trickled from his shaven head, across his wrinkled brow and down his nose, ending in droplets that fell intermittently.  He wiped the sweat from his eyes quickly and eyed his Klingon opponent with an expert appraisal.  Assessing wounds and weaknesses, looking for one to be exploited.



Thuffin called out to his younger brother, Pyrrhus, as they drove themselves up the steps of the coliseum.  “Hurry, the match is about to start!”  Taking two of the large stone steps at a time, Pyrrhus pushed himself up the stairwell until they reached the upper level of the immense stadium.

Walking along the edge of the highest of the three tiers the two looked for their seats.  From the vantage point provided, they could barely make out the two figures below them in the center of the round arena.  Eight massive columns rose from the edges of the fighting area to support the two upper levels.  The fact that this place was still in use, even though it was millennia old, spoke of the master-builders who had constructed it.  Large vid-screens had been placed at key points along the upper levels, standing out in the anachronistic setting, to provide a proper view of the spectacle below.  .







Karzen stared flatly at the Klingon as though measuring him for a coffin.  The Trill gently flexed his grip upon his sword, the blade seeming to respond to his touch like a living stream of duranium.

The Klingon slowly pulled his own sword from its sheath.  The weapon shimmered evilly as it slid free.  Dancing with the light of countless stars, the weapon gibbered madly as if having a need to feed on Karzen’s blood.



Pyrrhus sat down next to Thuffin and opened the program.  Scanning it quickly he pointed to the equipment list of the combatants.  “See!  I told you the Klingon used a tech sword.  It says so right here.”  Pointing to the vid-screen, Pyrrhus continued with “See, look at the way it shimmers.  You can hear it making that noise too.” 

Thuffin snatched the program out of his brother’s hand and read it.  “It won’t help him any.  Karzen is too good to be distracted by a sword that glows and makes a bunch of noise.” 

Pyrrhus huffed as he took the program back.  “This can’t be right.  The only thing listed for the Trill is his sword and breeches.” 

Thuffin spoke without taking his eyes off the vid-screen.  “That’s all he needs.”



The physical enhancement drugs blasted a storm of energy into its master.  His half-naked body jerked, and the Klingon arched his back in ecstasy.  His pupils dilated.  Breathing ragged and deep, the warrior turned toward his enemy and slowly bore his fangs.

“Oh this is SWE-ET!” The Klingon exclaimed as he moved with syrupy slowness, like a creature soaring through its own ultimate dream.  “I’m not just going to kill you Trill.  I’m going to eat your heart!”



The sound system of the coliseum amplified the Klingon’s words for all to hear.  Pyrrhus, still scanning the program looked up briefly.  “Karzen has to use the drugs.  EVERYONE uses the enhancement drugs.” 

Thuffin slapped his brother in the back of the head.  “I told you, I read it in Kall’tra Match Weekly.  His owner doesn’t believe in drugs.  If Karzen used them, Durzen would kill him.”  Thuffin pulled out a PADD and keyed in a few commands, then shoved it into his brother’s hands.  “See, it says so right there.” 

Pyrrhus examined the PADD and handed it back to his brother.  “He doesn’t have a chance.  You’re going to owe me ten strips when this is over.” 

Thuffin snorted in amusement.  “I’ve heard that before.  You always bet against Karzen.  He hasn’t lost yet.”



The drugs stabbed energy into the Klingon warrior, and he suddenly blurred with movement.  With the speed-giving drugs in his blood, he streaked into the attack, his blade slicing the air with stars.

The Trill’s sword snapped up to parry, sparks spattering as the duranium wailed in agony.  The screaming warrior whirled like a dervish, whipping the dark blade in an almost invisible blur.  The Trill stood like a rock, his own sword blocking the other time and time again.  The dark-sword howled in hunger as it lunged and slashed, but the Trill smashed it aside even as it screeched for his blood.  Sparks showered and skittered all across the arena floor.  The crowd roared with excitement as they saw Karzen stand at the center of a blur of duranium and sparks.



Pyrrhus and Thuffin stared at the vid-screens; the young men enjoyed the brutality of the Kall’tra.  It appealed to the violent passions that most Andorains shared.  “Look at how fast he is.  Karz doesn’t have a chance.”  Pyrrhus declared. 

Thuffin barely moved as he spoke, “He ain’t dead yet.”



Never once going over to the attack, Karzen stood his ground and gave a display of pure, savage skill. He reserved his strength, letting the Klingon come to him in a wild storm of hate and desire.  A myriad of chemicals accelerating the warrior to fantastic speeds, he screeched and swirled like a whirlwind.  The sword blows rained down faster and faster, high and low, coming at unbelievable speed.  A line of blood appeared on the Trills thigh as if by magic, and another across his chest.  Still, the gladiator stood in place, his blade flashing short, staccato arcs as he fought against the Klingons speed.

The Klingon cut high, cut low, then made three lightning fast thrusts at the Trill’s flesh.  The blade flashed left and right as Karzen swayed aside – then suddenly the man whirled and trapped the Klingon’s arm against himself.  Karzen locked the Klingon’s wrist and hammered viciously against his elbow, breaking the arm with a horrific snap.  Moving inhumanly fast, the warrior ripped free, transferring his sword to his other hand.

Thuffin jumped to his feet, with most of the crowd and shouted “YES!!  Give it to him Karz!!”  he turned to look at his brother, antenna twitching in delight.  “I’ll take my latinum now.”  Pyrrhus frowned  “He ain’t dead yet.”

The Klingon danced back out of range, his sword arm hanging broken at his side.  The Trill breathed hard, gave a cold growl, and then surged forward like an attacking bear.  His enemy let his venomous hiss trail up into a scream of manic hate and spun into the attack behind a whirlwind of dark duranium.

He snarled in from above – cut high, cut low, cut again.  The sword’s passage was marked by screams as it smacked time and time again against the Trill’s own blade.  The Trill shifted his weight back and forth, his face cold with concentration as he moved with the short, efficient motions of a master swordsman.



“Look at that!  Karz is the best!  I’m getting that autograph before we leave here.”  Thuffin squealed in delight. 

Pyrrhus snorted in disgust.  “Dead guys don’t sign autographs.”



Framed by a maze of sparks, the Trill scarcely seemed to move, his huge, bear like figure moving slowly forward through a storm of screaming metal.

Suddenly, the Klingon’s power was gone.  The drugs had been metabolized.  The Klingon faltered, and the Trill instantly sliced his sword down.  In response, the warrior threw his own sword up to block the blow, the immense power of the attack slamming him off his feet.  Knocked backward, he slid along the floor of the arena, dodging wildly as the Trill’s blade came smashing down.  One shoulder was flayed open as he tried to roll aside, and the warrior screamed in agony.  The Trill’s sword slashed in a blur.  He dodged left, right, then left again.  Despite the Klingon’s best efforts, the other shoulder was slit open in a sudden horrific swipe of the Trill’s sword.



“Pay up Pyr.  It’s almost over.”  Thuffin grinned as he stared at the vid-screen. 

The brother punched Thuffin in the arm.  “He’s still got a trick or two up his sleeve, I’m sure.  He ain’t dead yet.”



Blood sprayed across the arena floor.  One handed and without his chemical enhanced speed, the Klingon was no match for the raw violence of the Trill.  Karzen roared in anger, the entire arena seemed to shudder to his rage.  The Klingon blocked a cut that would have sheared him in two, panic suddenly sparking in his eyes.  He retreated in fright, only just meeting each attack as the Trill’s raw force smashed his blade aside.  The dark sword came into the attack, only to be flicked away as the Trill ripped his sword across the Klingon’s waist.  The Klingon staggered backward with lavender blood springing from the wound.

Sheathed in blood, the two combatants poised themselves a few meters apart, then charged toward each other in a titanic clash of force, the Klingon whirling in a circle to hack at the Trill’s heels.  Karzen jumped the blade and kicked his enemy in his broken arm, hammering his foot into the wound.  Broken bones grated, and the Klingon gave a screech of agony.

Reeling free, the warrior staggered to the edge of Karzen’s range.  The Klingon stood still for just a moment, once the drugs in his system kicked back in his broken arm healed within moments.  He whirled and came racing at the Trill.



“Damn!  You know, it’s just not right.  Karzen was about to win.  Now the drugs have healed his arm.  I’m not sure they bring anything to the game.”  Thuffin sat back down in his seat.  His disappointment evident in the drooping of his antenna.

“Are you kdding?  They make the matches last longer and more exicting.  If they don’t get the kill in between surges, well…” Pyr waved toward the view screen, “It’s a whole new fight.”



Karzen smashed his blade high and then chopped a lethal blow across the Klingon’s breast.  Chemical accelerants sucked into the injury, healing it the instant it was made.  The Klingon warrior laughed in victory, hacked out with his sword and stabbed the blade through the skin of Karzen’s waist.  Karzen snarled and smashed his elbow hard across the Klingon’s jaw, making monster and his dark blade stagger free.

Running with blood, Karzen shook his head and parried a lethal lunge aimed straight at his eye.  He blocked the blow one-handed, ramming the heel of his fist up into the Klingon’s chin.  His enemy rocked, and the Trill’s sword whipped to tear great slashes across his hide.

The Klingon’s wounds closed instantly, each one diminishing the haze of chemical energy.  As he stabbed at him, Karzen roared and made a killing thrust, ramming his sword into the brute’s heart.  He viciously twisted the blade like a corkscrew, and the Klingon screeched in torment on his hook.  He ripped free, the chemicals hissing into the wound.  The energy flickered out and died.  Only half-healed, the Klingon’s main heart ran with blood.



“Look!  LOOK!  Karzen’s gonna do it!  Drugs or not!”  Thuffin exclaimed. 

Pyrrhus jumped to his feet, thoughts of losing more money to his brother on his mind.  Karzen was obviously out-matched when compared to the Klingon.  There was no way he should be winning.  Frustrated, Pyr replied, “He ain’t dead yet.”



Panting, the Klingon bared his fangs.  He clutched his wound and slowly backed away.  With a malicious hiss, he flicked up his hand.  A brilliant flash of light flooded from a biotech implant within the creature’s hand.

Nine identical Klingons suddenly made a circle about the Trill, all of them running sideways in a hellish carousel.  Nine mouths laughed, and nine dark swords whirled.  He sped around and around the Trill.  Dark sword glittering in a stream of deadly stars.



“THAT’S NOT FAIR!”  Thuffin exclaimed.  “How’s a guy supposed to fight when there’s a bunch of holograms surrounding him?” 

Pyrrhus, a smug expression on his face, said “If he’s so good, it shouldn’t matter.  You want to pay me now, or later?” 

Thuffin shot the younger brother a wicked look.  “He ain’t dead yet.”



Surrounded by screaming death, the trill stood his ground and tried to pick his enemy amongst the ring of illusions.  The Klingon laughed like a hunter winning trophies at a fair.  “Time to die, Trill!” a peal of mirth rose into the air.

The ring of devils raced faster and faster, coming closer to the trill.  The Klingon gave a cry of joy – then halted as he saw the trill bow his head and close his eyes.



“What the fuck is he doing?”  Thuffin and Pyrrhus both exclaimed.  Thuffin asked, “Is he giving up?”  

“He must be.  Look at him, he’s just waiting for the Klingon to kill him.”  Pyrrhus declared.

“How the hell did he get this far into the Kall’tra?”  Thuffin wondered out loud.



Freezing in place, the Klingon stared in amazement.  The gladiator stood with his blade on guard, his stance spread, and his breathing deliberately slow and calm.  With his eyes closed, Karzen left himself open to attack.  The Klingon warrior faltered in surprise, then gave a wild, triumphant cry.  He swirled like a mad dancer, and then the entire ring of images lunged inward for the kill, nine dark swords raised to smash the trill to the ground.

The trills ears twitched.  Moving with vicious speed, Karzen whipped his blade up behind his back and caught the real sword as it came scything at his spine.  The man spun, his sword blurring forward in a lunge.  With a horrific sound, it rammed into the warriors flesh and nine Klingon images screamed in horror as they were run through the second heart.

Eight images flashed and disappeared, leaving the Trill’s enemy impaled on his blade.  The gladiator twisted his sword, ripped it free, then brought the weapon down in one enormous blow.  He hacked the screaming warrior in two, his blade scything down to clang on the stone floor.  With blood exploding from his flesh, the Klingon fell in two twitching halves, his last scream echoing as the dark sword fell impotent against the ground.

            Breathing hard, Karzen slowly lowered his sword.  Blood ran from his back, waist, arms and thighs.  He knelt and wiped his blade clean in his dead foe’s hair, then grimly slammed the blade back in its sheath.



“HA!” Thuffin exclaimed.  “That’s ten strips of latinum little brother!”

            “Karzen HAS to use drugs and tech.”  Pyrrhus exclaimed dourly.  He handed a credit chip to his brother as the duo headed for the nearest stairway

            “No way!!  He’s just that good Pyr.”  Thuffin replied a bit defensively.  “You are such a sore loser sometimes.”

            “That Klingon was fast as shit Thuff.  No way Karzen could have beat him without some kind of enhancement.”

            Thuffin pulled out the article again, slapping it into Pyrrhus’ hand.  “Read the fucking article Pyr.  No enhancements.  That’s Durzen’s deal.  He only gets one fighter past the second round every two or three years, but when he does.  The guy kicks ass.”

            “I still say he had some help.  Even if it was only some type of hearing enhancement Thuff.”

            Thuffin smacked his brother in the back of the head.  “You are such an idiot Pyr.”



The Klingon and Karzen had been pitted against each other to determine which would be named Kall’Tra Champion.  


Karzen had done it.  


He had won his freedom.



To Be Continued…..





Last updated on 20 March 2005
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