Lars Palbøl

This is Lars Palbøl's main page - a small description of what I do and also what makes me tick - especially my wife, Lene Palbøl and our two kids: Thomas and Siri

CareerI hold a Masters degree in Chemical Engineering from the Technical University of Denmark. This, as most of my career, was the result of various strange happenings derailing me from the course set by my father: to follow in his footsteps and become a medical doctor (even though I had a dream of becoming an industrial designer - go figure).

After graduation specialized in ecotoxicology and environmental sciences I took a job as a consulting engineer in a company specialized in litigation in the US (concrete deterioration). This position naturally(!) led to my current position in NNIT as head of the usability team (There's also information in Danish). It has even come so far that I've started bloggin about usability - check out Lars Palbøl: User experience (and some more) It seems quite obvious that I have never had a grander scheme of where my life is supposed to take me (or even some sort of career plan). If you want to get in touch with me: [email protected] (sorry! - de-linked to prevent spam)


Personal17 years ago I built myself what was then considered a pretty advanced racing bike. I rode it just about everywhere and clocked a decent amount of kilometers each week. One night (drinking was involved) I was provoked into a wager that I could ride the Zealand round race (320 km). After that experience (it was rather cold, wet and very, very (really!) windy) I uttered the famous words: "Never again". The bike is now fitted with a children's seat, doubling the weight of the bike. I still ride it to work and that's about it - I'm true to my word.

In the summer of 2000 I became the father of a wonderful baby boy. It came as quite a shock to me that there are things that can be considered more important than the internet. When, in the spring of 2002, another baby was dropped in the household, I realized that no job can be as hard as raising kids.

My wife has lured me into the world of ballroom dancing (she's been dancing competitions until she started her Masters degree). This was another surprise for me; dancing isn't quite as easy as it seems (I thought that it was a bit like skiing).

When we're not dancing we like to "wine and dine". Recommended eating places are: La Buca, Tyvenkokkenhanskone..., Il grappolo Blu, Commes Chez soi, Pré du Moulin, La Beaugravière, - I could go on, but will not. We love buying our wine in Gigondas (if you like their rather brutish style).


InspirationsIn the marketing realm these guys have inspired me: Seth Godin whose books Permission marketing (and to some degree Purple Cow) really made me see some light. The book Futurize your enterprise by David Siegel has also had great impact on me. And you just can't get around Peppers & Rogers. The cluetrain mainfesto (and also Gonzo marketing) are also worthwhile reads (even though they're getting old).

One of my favorite writers (on-line that is) is John C. Dvorak whose pointed pen (keyboard?) is one of the funniest and sharpest on the net. Inside track.

Joe Cartoon is a really, really funny site with impressive use of graphics and flash. Try fishing with a gerbil or maybe giving it a spin in a microwave (remember to turn the sound of your computer up)

HotWired has always been out there pushing the edges of what's possible on the net. Jakob Nielsen's is still a good site, even though it becomes more and more apparent that a bi-weekly column is maybe a bit much for just usability. But Jakob's worst enemy, Jared Spool is way more fun (and just as scientifically unfounded).

The guys at Google just don't stop! They keep bringing new stuff around that you couldn't imagine. Check out the way you can walk down broadway (and imagine the revenue Google will be scooping up when they start asking shops to pay for the prominent ads on their own facades). has perfected the art of upselling and eBay has defined a totally new way of making business. As has Eli Lilly when tapping the powers of the internet with their

This is Lars Palbøl's main page - a small description of what I do and also what makes me tick - especially my wife, Lene Palbøl and our two kids: Thomas and Siri

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