Our Trip to Legoland: Windsor, England
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A view of Legoland from the main entrance.  You can see Windsor Castle on the horizon.
Mark, Silas and Cera in front of a dinosaur made to look like its made of Legos.
Some of the large area of villages made out of Legos.  This is the Tower of London Bridge.
I think this is supposed to be a famous monastery, but I can't remember which.  The boats and buildings are all made of Legos.
Silas standing in front of another village, this one is supposed to represent a French cafe.
Saint Paul's Cathedral (I think) made out of Legos.  My brother-in-law thinks it may be the Church of the Sacred Heart in Paris, France.
An actual running fountain made of Legos, in miniature, of course.
This stork was made of Legos, as well as the sign to the right.  Many things like this in the park were made of Legos. 
No, this telephone booth inside the park was not made of Legos.  But this is a typical English phone booth.
This is Mark admiring a motorcycle made completely of Legos.
Rebecca (me), Cera and Silas
Rebecca, Cera, Silas and Mark.
This part of the park was fun.  The boats moved about in the water, vehicles "drove" around on roads, some of the people even moved.  There was even a working lock system with boats going through it!
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