Larry Norman MP3's
Please find links on this page to music by Larry Norman. To begin we have listed all the songs from Larry's most inspired and creative work "The Trilogy".

Each part of the Trilogy refers to a phase in life. Part 1 (Planet) represents the present. Part 2 (Garden) deals with the past. And finally, part 3 (Land) is about the future. The Trilogy as a whole, is regarded as the most creative material that Larry has ever put out. This was in spite of the censorship that Larry had to face from the record companies over things such as song order and song placement.

Each of the links allows you to listen to the complete song, however, in efforts to not be a free distribution site of Larry's music, the quality is not what you would want to reproduce onto a CD. All of the songs are 16 bit, mono.

Here is the music for the world to listen to, if you like it, buy it.
Larry Links:
Larry Norman Music
Jim B�thel's Unofficial Larry Norman Page
Larry Norman Fan Site
The Word's of Larry Norman
Larry Norman's Official Web-Site
My Info:
Larry Norman
Name: Larry Norman - Not !
Email: [email protected]
Only Visiting This Planet
why don't you look into jesus

the outlaw

i've got to learn to live without you

without love you are nothing

i wish we's all been ready
six o'clock news

the great american novel

pardon me

why should the devil have all the good music

reader's digest

oh, how i love you
So Long Ago The Garden
meet me at the airport

it's the same old story

lonely by myself

be careful what you sign

baroquen spirits

christmas time

she's a dancer

soul survivor

Who would ever have guessed?
In Another Land
the rock that doesn't roll

i love you


i've searched all around

righteous rocker

deja vu

i am a servant

the sun began to rain
shot down

six, sixty, six


one way

song for a small circle of friends

hymn to the last generation
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