
April 23
One is a pupa! It is grey. The bottom end is brown - the hook is brown and black. It is about 2 cm long. We see its last skin shed right behind its hook. We can see her wings (?) through the pupa. We can see something that looks like leaf veins which are sort of bluish.
Two others are hanging upside down like "J's" and every now and then are twitching. One other is on ceiling - it just dropped its head down and stretching out and touching the two in J position. Anna thinks it wants to start but is nervous.

April 24
Chester I and Chester II: Found Chester II (bigger) on Sunday. Put together in jar. Chester I on stick. Chester II on jar wall.

April 25
Chester II is almost 4 cm long. Chester II has a white stripe along her back. She has blue and black spots along her sides. She has long, golden brown hair. Her mouth is sort of silvery blue. Her head is black with a white band at the bottom of her head. She is very quick when moving. Chester I is lighter. Her abdomen is brown where Chester II is black. Chester I has smaller, lighter blue spots.
Inchworm: Alice was lost. But we got another in replacement named Popcorn. She is brown. She ate about ½ a leaf. She is 1½ cm long. She feels soft. She doesn't have hairs. She looks hard but isn't.
Painted ladies: We have five pupa! The last caterpillar is 2½ cm long. She is turning whiter. She is eating silk.

April 30
Another pupa! This time it is Chester I or II. It is a big hairy ball thing - oval shaped. It is white and 3 cm long. It is 1 cm wide at its widest part. The remaining Chester is absolutely still and about 5 cm long. We saw a Chester walking around the jar in a circle yesterday. That is unusual behavior for Chesters. Today outside we saw a lot of other tent caterpillars walking around. We had to save a

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