Can't Fool The Fool
Hey, you !
With the two faces, the sweet innocent smile, and the
sadistic parasite of our misery, pretending to be separated
in black and white, without any gray, just plain crazy, offe-
ring help and giving your devastating tips of shriveled mind-
slices to those too weak to defend themselves, yes you,
with the soft eyes and the mean grin, who tries so hard to
get noticed and feared, spoiled child that you are, who
wants to impress us, to drain us of our little caring that's
left for anything that's left, you, who grins to these words
You can't fool the fool


Hey, you !
Mind like shattered labyrinth of pitch dark jokes playing
tricks on others without being invited, entering our private
rooms and peeping on our soul to toy with it, you who's wea-
ring masks of masks, who's drowned so deeply into that
selfglorification, whose life is its own monument to its glo-
rious achievements, you with the bastard eyes and the fae-
rie-cackle, you who doesn't understand anything
You can't fool the fool


Hey, you !
You with the childish eyes, always the sickly innocent,
spreading an unmeasurable stench of pure white blackness,
who wants us all grinning stupidly like you, who likes us to
ridicule ourselves, who feeds from those buried fucking fe-
male instincts to protect seemingly innocent bastards like
you, who's exploiting our feelings like an incorporated
worm, you who knows all too well that IT has peeped on
your inward slime that you drag across the borders of your
else-closed eyes
You can't fool the fools


corrupted corruptors corrupting corrupted corruptors


Cattle & Scum
We feed you with lies
We feed you with dreams
We feed from your cries
We feed from your screams


Cattle and Scum


We feed from your greed
We feed from your blood
We feed you with need
We feed you with God


Cattle and Scum
That's what you are
Cattle and Scum
That's what you were
Cattle and Scum
Search us - we're there
Cattle and Scum
Bring us your WAR!


Love is Lust
Love is Greed
Love is everything you Need


Casual Sadism
Red gushing wounds you open inside
Without Thought
Love is naught
I curl up in a corner and try to hide


Words come like Knifes, like shining steel
Without Thought
Love is naught
You don't hear my screams, and you don't feel it.


You browse through my heart, my Dying Bride
Without Thought
Love is naught
I'm nothing to you and your Kain-fucking Pride


You read these poems, but don't understand
that I write to you
that you are a fool
that you in the last night crippled my heart


A drink called misery
Heavily, the glass hits the table. I clench my teeth, drawing
blood in the process. A black fire burns inside me, cripp-
ling me to the core of destruction. My world turns red and
black with unendurable pain. Then, I order a second drink.


Freak Show
A little creature struggles against the Tide, wiggles its ab-
normally twisted tail in an oozing mass of gray-pink-white
Slime, finally reaching a Blob of unspeakable ugliness.


Making contact, it thrusts itself into this behemoth of foul
stench and revolting amorphousness, breaking the surface
with all the voilence common to the rapist, merging with
the blob and hacking it to rough pieces.


Riping like a fruit destined to nurture worms, it finally
emerges in a fountain of pinkish blood and a cacophony of
screams, as the universe itself apologizes for another cri-
me inflicted on the beauty of total nothingness.


Carrying unspeakable deformities, first weak instruments of
destruction, later on wabbling about like uneven tentacles
of a wyrm, the monstrosity strides across the ashcold sur-
face of an artist's nightmare of a rock, carving ruins and
producing nothing but pee and shit.


Sensing the possibility of nurturing the cancer of the
earth, it looks for an equally corrupted counterpart with
the matching deformities, be it a stenching wrinkled
mushroom that doubles ist size and vomits grey slime, or a
wet, stinking wound surrounded by wrinkles hiding
enlarging spots of cancer inside. Pretending to be con-
nected by more than a dim memory of preprogrammed or-
der, they connect mushroom and wound, giving birth to
another freak in this show called life, huddling and fee-
ding it, nurturing the corruption of it, preparing it for the
next cycle.


Eventually, one generation of parasites finally dies, rapidly
decomposing and leaving the only useful substance they
ever created: Dust. Some of them, however, just refuse to
die, finding passing joy in sticking their mouth appendices in
a thick pillar constructed for carrying a ball that is so
ugly that god decided in the last moment to hide ist abnor-
mity withing a flask of roughly carved white material
(must've been in a hurry, the old fart). Anyway, those liches
refuse to become dust like every good little wyrm, but at
least they are not totally without use since they help their
brethren who still force gaseous molecules into a hidden
sack of roots and tentacles to become dust.


Boy, do I love this world.


You, the silent one, the one with the tender eyes, the one
with the soft hair, the one who strode through the woods -
I miss you.


You, the raped one, the one with the jewish name, the
frightened animal hunted by wolves, the one giving me a
little comfort in the void of my existence, the one who I
couldn't save from the cold-blooded passion of a maniac -
I miss you.


Regret is a funny creature. It lingers on the outskirts of
your mind, running through the plains of ignorance,
then striking you unawares. But it doesn't kill you. It bites
deep, forcing screams out of you, letting red drops bloom
out of your eyes. Then it sits on your side, gazing at you
with questions in its eyes, questions that you can't answer,
reminding you of things that could have been, but weren't.
Then it stands up, walking away slowly, hiding in the dark
forests of your memories again.
You, you stare into these, looking for an excuse for
the things you didn't do, but the sand of time roars on.
Roars away into your mind, slowly turning the once beauti-
ful landscape into a desert.
Regret's waiting...



  Shards is (c)1993-2003 by AAS

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