Open your eyes,�
avoid the bite!!
Lariam Action Australia
Lariam Action Australia
Submit your thoughts regarding Lariam - guestbook!
Report the side effects that you have experienced from Lariam!
Lariam Action Australia is a NEW information service regarding the anti-malaria drug Lariam (mefloquine).� Our aim is to:
offer support to people suffering side effects from Lariam;
What can you do to help?� Become a L.A.A. Supporter now!!
raise the awareness and the profile of Lariam Action Australia;
What is in the drug Lariam? -
Lariam Product Sheet produced by Roche.
inform the public of news and facts regarding Lariam;
form a strong association of advocates for Lariam Action Australia throughout Australia.
What does Lariam look like?
Click here to read the latest consumer report on LARIAM!!!
A list of� Lariam Action Groups throughout the world
Research information and helpful links regarding� malaria sites
Try nature's way of preventing malaria - without the afterbite!!l PRESS INFORMATION, PRESS RELEASES
This site remains under "construction status".  It is updated on a regular basis, striving to be the most informative website to help Lariam victims!!  Please have patience.  Thank you!!
Last updated:  24.02.02
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