Annie and Jennifer's
Great Central Overland Mail and Stage Stop      
Latest Updates 09/27/09
Some of you may ask, what the heck is a Laramie? Why is this an Overland Mail and Stage Stop page and just who the heck are these people anyway? Laramie was a TV series that aired from 1959 until 1963. It originally starred John Smith as "Slim", Robert Fuller as "Jess", Hoagy Carmichael as "Jonesy" and Robert Crawford, Jr as "Andy". See our link to The Laramie Story for more.

The Laramie Story
Slim, Jess, Jonesy, and Andy


A site for the serious Laramie Fan, and for those who don't know it yet. This effort--and boy was it a lot of effort--is respectfully dedicated to Robert Fuller. That's him over there on the left. Third from the right. See him? Come, sit, browse and check out the links to some of our other favorite things.
We are always under construction, so stop back by any time. We're not official, nor do we claim to be anything other than what we are, fans of Laramie
The Players
Our Favorite Laramie Stuff
Look here for our favorite episodes, guest stars, moments, trivia, fiction and more.

Our Favorite Cowboy!
Laramie Episode Guide
Detailed synopses

Jess Harper and Slim Sherman. Our Favorite Partners!
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