
I have rearranged my web sites. If you are looking for genealogy and family tree information, articles from the "All Her Children" Newsletter or lots of old pictures - then please click on the smiley link below and that will redirect you! THANKS!

NEW!!  Click here to see pictures of the 142nd National Guard Unit in Iraq

To see pictures and a history of my old home town, Havana, ND, click on HAVANA.

Pictures of adorable grandchildren can be viewed by clicking on the picture of Logan below.

Logan School picture 2001

HOBBIES---Yah..I have just a few!

One of my favorites is scrapbooking. Click on the sample page below to see more of my fun pages!

This is a "Quilted" page that I made with pictures of

my great niece Emma, her mom Tanya , and my sister Patti.

Family pictures--another one of my favorite things!  Here's more of the motley crew!  Click below if you can stand to see more beauty!! HAHAHAHA

Here's my U.B. (Thats short for "You be good, You Behave")

If you click on his picture you can see more of my cats!

Ok--You've seen it all--Now drop me an email by clicking on the mail box below.


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