This following poem was written when someone posted a comment in my guestbook, which in now deleted
because no name was given, about the newer poems
having to do with what has happened the last several months.
Try to hide who you are by not giving a name LOL
This person needs to know, since they raised the question,
the scum I dealt with, like they don't already know.
They feel they have done some damage to me
but as you read this poem you will see they have caused no damage.
These people are out for themselves but they NEVER got to me.


Some people in this world are only out to cause people pain
They do this because for them it is some kind of emotional gain.

They lie, steal, harm, and cheat
For them the glory in this is sweet.

The abuse the inflict is great
They love the trauma they create.

To them they feel they are greater than all
They love it when they make people feel small.

I know just what these people are
On me they will never and have never left any scar.

For once these people didn't push someone around
I laugh because they feel they did damage but they never got me down.

They feel they have caused some drama in me life
All they did was cause me happiness and led me to meet my wife.

You think you caused me pain like you did the rest
You didn't succeed in your warped quest.

I am stronger than anyone you have ever seen
I walked away from you unharmed and clean.

So go back under the rock you came from
I think you are nothing but scum.

I am standing tall as ever before
I can stand up to you, and WIN, that is for sure.


Take life's paths wherever they may lead.
Take with you whatever you need.

Take a stroll through all your unfound dreams.
Take hold of them no matter how far they seem.

Take hold of the key that can open the door.
Take the knob and turn it and realize there is more.

Take your frowns and turn them into smiles.
Take them and let the world know you have style.

Take pain away and turn it into delight.
Take it and make it right.

Take the hand of someone who cares.
Take them and a life you can share.

Take the heart of someone who loves.
Take them and put no one above.

Take love from someone who is true.
Take it and realize love greater than you ever knew.

Poetry from the Heart
Poems from the Heart...Page II
Poetry from the Heart...Page III
Dedication Page
Friendship Poems...Page I
Love Poems... All the Emotions of Love.
Love Poems... PG. 2
Words from a new person yet unknown Various love quotes.
My dreams of Marriage.
My artwork

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