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Make No Mistake About It Ozzy Is The TRUE King of Rock!!!!!
The Thorn of Friendship Or The Rose of Love
Inside my head words are joined   As each day passes more and more words  run together inside my head. I try to jot   them down and hopefully share more of  me with You .. ergo I call this more  ramblings of a demented mind.. The most  important people in my life is first my God  second my children then comes Debb who  I will always Love and cherish then I have  the important people in my life such as a very loving and dsynfunctional family  and a slew of Friends such as Paula and Mary and Sue these few people know me as  I really am Bent warped and very twisted  and as one who loves every breath of life I  can breath in.. Take a moment ,Look at the flowers enjoy  the music of the wind on a star filled  night Listen to God as he sings to you.... Live each moment of Life this way. But above all elses remember why you first fell in love and rekindle it.
Crystal Tears
Screams in The Night
My Personal Writings
Its Not Fun
Its Not Fun Coming Home Any More
My Son Myself
My Son Myself
As Yor Fingers...
As Your Fingers Slipped From Mine
Winters Touch
Winters Gentle Touch
Thank you for allowing me to share theses words with you, as  our journey in life ends it is then we get to stand with our God,  it is then we see the joys our lives has  brought to others, it is  then we understand the path that was given to us I pray each day for the wisdom to  understand the path I am on, I never question my path I rejoice about my life and cherish all that  has been given to me.I look forward to the day I can join my  Jesus, Just as I look forward to the day I spend with my family  and my children. I do not wish to leave this earth for the pain they will endure, I do not wish to leave this earth until my savior calls me home, it is then my job here is done. I am not sad about the thorns of friendships that I have I just hope my rose of love has outshone the pain I may have caused some. As words trickle from my head I wil try to add them.
Guide Me With Each Breath I Take!
Guide me
Crimson Rain
Can you feel the warm breath of the one you love?
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