This website has been visited by these many crazy ppls:
About me!
     Was up, ppls? As you know or don't know, my name is Daffy and this is my site. I am fourteen years old and have about the mind of a twenty-four year old (as my mom would say). I love to write, read, draw, hang out with friends and about any other thing a fourteen year old girl likes to do. I'm half Puerto Rican,  half Dominican & all attitude! I live in Manchester, CT with my mom lil' sis and my step-dad . Anyway, just take a look around my site, from my friends to my stories! So as  you were and please come again!  ^_~

1) Okay just to let you know , I have NOT lost my interest in Inuyasha! I just found out that the show has been taken off the air until they get new episode for next season. And I really liked this background to so I couldn't help it!

2) I am back on Fanfiction! For the past few months my stupid computer wouldn't let me on the site and finally it let me back in!

3) As most of have or haven't heard I was suspended from school for beating the crap out of some girl. (I K.O. that stupid retard! No ofense to anyone!) I thought I would have enough time to work on my story, but turns out that I was wrong...and on top of that I have returned to school with twice as big as a rep. than before, so I will try to update as soon as possible or whenever I can.

Cute pic of the month:
Cute Gif of the month:
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