Matt, April, Trevor, Zachary, Benjamin, Cooper, and Derek live here.
I've got a new page!!!!
I setup another page that I'll be posting all the new updates to.  I've run out of disk space and bandwidth on this free Geocities page.  It worked ok until now....
The new page is:
Bookmark it, write it down, memorize it.  That will be your new source of the Langenbahn Quadruplet updates.
Date of last update: March 22, 2004
Prior updates
Picture Group I
Picture Group II
Picture Group III
Picture Group IV
Picture Group V
Picture Group VI
Picture Group VII
Picture Group VIII
Picture Group IX
Denver Post
How to help
March 22, 2004
Last update for this page, next update on the new page.
Everyone is doing great!!  The babies are all fine without the oxygen, and getting bigger.  I don't have weights, but I don't need them.  My tired arms tell me they're getting heavier.
April and I have switched to a new routine.  Instead of taking shifts every night, were alternating nights.  Last night, I got to sleep.  I slept for 8 1/2 hours!!!  But April only got 3 or 4.  Tonight, I get to take care of the babies and April gets to sleep.  The big advantage of this system is that April and I get to see each other!!  Hope it works out, it's nice to be able to eat dinner with my whole family.

February 16, 2004
I know, I know.  What takes so long to update this page!!!  Well, feeding and changing four infants  while coordinating doctor visits, all the while entertaining a three year old (with a cold) and working full time pretty much takes all my time.  The four or five free hours April and I get are spent sleeping.
We've worked out a pretty good routine.  I'll wake up about 8 am, and go to work.  April and Serenity take care of all the kids during the day.  About 5 or 6 pm, I go home.  Serenity goes home about this time too, and April goes to bed around 7.  I stay up until about 2, then go to bed, and April gets up.  April usually gets a nap during the day with Trevor too.  All said, we both get about six hours of sleep per night.  Bet you're jealous!!!

New Pictures
February 22, 2004
New Pictures

February 24, 2004
The quads got their last boosters for RSV today, that should really help keep them healthy, here's hoping!!!
New weights!!! 
Cooper 8 lbs 6 oz
Derek 7 lbs 9 oz
Zach  7 lbs 2 oz
Ben 7 lbs 2 oz  (yes, Ben has caught up to Zach)
March 6, 2004

These updates get farther and farther apart, don't they.  Well, things change slowly.
The babies are doing very well!  We haven't weighed them this week, but I can tell they're all growing very fast.
The therapist thinks we can start taking Derek, Cooper and Zach off oxygen.  We'll do an overnight test next week, and if they pass we can get rid of the tanks (I hope so, those tanks are a pain in the A**!)
Derek's hernia isn't very bad, and doesn't seem to be getting any worse.  So we're going to hold off on having surgery as long as possible.
These updates are kind of random, aren't they.
Zach and Ben's eyes are getting more blue every day, I think they'll wind up being the color of my brothers (Paul) eyes, a very light blue/grey.  Come to think of it, those two look a lot like my brother, PAUL!!!!
We got the babies on regular formula yesterday.  No more expensive stuff, now they're all on the cheap stuff.  Our doctor suggested it, he doesn't think they need the expensive formula anymore.
Our daytime helper, Serenity, quit Friday.  She didn't really like the job that much.  I'm not sure if we'll replace her or not.  April has this plan where she'll just give up sleep.  We'll see how long that last.
Here's a few new pictures.

March 16, 2004
All the babies passes the overnight oxygen tests!!!  This means that we don't need the oxygen tanks and tubes anymore.  Yay!!!  Those things are a pain, April and I are glad to be rid of them.  They really limited movement.  Now we'll be able to drag the kids around the house, and maybe even out to the park.  The next step is getting some strollers.  We've been waiting to buy them until the oxygen is gone.
Everything else is going fine.  Everyone is healthy, and growing, including Trevor and Matt (it's not a good thing in Matt's case.)
New Picture
You can always reach me at: [email protected]
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