What is Forced Team Profits? Is it like a Forced Matrix? 

Yes and No..A forced matrix will build you a downline as will Forced Team Profits..The major difference between the two is that a forced matrix requires you to refer members to their program before you can participate in the earnings and they will only allow you to communicate with the downline after you've either completed a task or upgraded..Forced Team Profits is a downline builder but it allows you to start earning profits almost immediately..I don't just build a downline for you and claim there are so many people under you, I actually place people under you in a income producing MLM program.  Lets face it, even when you do get to contact the downlines in a forced matrix the response is never good.

The Forced Team Profits campaign will progress through 4 stages..

Stage one:  You agree to this offer by contacting me as directed on the right hand side of this site..I secure your position..I send you a link to join..You join the program I promote in stage one which will be TheNPN.com program..I verify your account..I then place two members under you as your personal referrals (2 personal referrals = membership paid in NPN)..I then place two members under your personal referrals...Then I do the same for their referrals and so on until I run out of referrals to place..You do the math..

So what if you're at the bottom of the downline once I run out of referrals?  How can I guarantee you a income?

Stage two:  I will promote The Bring Your Buddy program and if you were at the bottom of the downline in stage one (NPN) you are guaranteed a top position in stage two..I will take the same downline I built in stage one and start at the bottom and work my way to the top when placing members in the Bring Your Buddy campaign..

Stage three:  I will promote another program and will take the same downline from stage two and start at the bottom and work my way to the top when placing members in the program I promote in stage three.

Stage four:  I will promote another program and will again take the downline from step three and start at the bottom and work my way to the top when placing members in the program I promote in stage four.

You must stay active in each stage to move to the next.

By progressing through the four stages I can guarantee everyone, even the newbies, a income greater than the cost to be a member of these programs each month. 

I will be placing members in the order I receive their responses to this offer..I plan on launching stage one of this campaign in a couple weeks. 

Quick summary:  I give you referrals,..You don't have to refer or upgrade to earn a monthly income...You don't have to promote...You simply contact me as directed on the right hand side of this site and start earning a monthly income once the campaign launches..Plus, it's guaranteed.

This is the newest, most profitable, and easiest way to make money on the net..I debated a long time on how I could make online marketers money instantly and here it is..

Forced Team Profits..A new strategy that guarantees everyone including the newbies a monthly income they can be proud of

Secure your position today..Follow the directions on the right hand side of this site  in blue print.


Forced Team Profits..New strategy that guarantees everyone a income, even newbies.
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my info:
Jason Laney
Email Me
If you did not read the info on the left hand side of this site in green print then go now to truly get your sights set on a path to success that is called Forced Team Profits..

This new strategy GUARANTEES income for all involved.

How do I get involved?

Just send a email to me with "NPN I Want In" in the subject along with the email address you want all info sent and I will conatact you ASAP..Click the "email me" link in the "my info" section of this site.

Yours in success,
Jason Laney
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