Lists the descendents of George and Margaret Lane of Ireland.  Created by the great-great-great grandson of George and Margaret. The purpose of the web site is to make available to all family members the history of our family including research notes, vital statistics, pictures, old letters, etc.  (Latest update, December 9, 2007).
[email protected]
Family History:
Research notes, vital statistics,  pictures and sources.  Click here! Download the complete file to your database.  Last update, August 14, 2002.
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Alexander Lane R.N.M.D.'s journal.  Click Here! This is far from complete.  I have transcribed 51 pages out of 233 pages so far.  I will post more pages periodically (Last update, August 25 2001).
General Archive:  Click here to view certificates, letters, etc.  (Last update, January 12, 2002).
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