A Splash page or entrance page is what we see first when we visit a web site.
It is the index page of a site, and the  look has changed from year to year.
today most web designers are making entrance pages.  It reflects the site
owner's taste for an elegant look as a visitor enters their site. Unlike the
background sets, with dividers, link buttons, bullets and guest book links,
Lanes Heart graphics and designs creates, this new section will consist of
that single Entrance page. I hope you will enjoy this new section of mine.

Many of these pages were created using paintings of your favorite artist.
I have used these paintings with permission from each artist. You MUST
give credit to these artist as their works are widely recognized on the web.
A logo is on each page linking back to the artist as they retain the copyright
to their paintings.  The pages are listed under the name of each artist.

This is called bandwidth stealing. It means that you are using the 
space that geocities has provided for me. I will be held responsible
and my web site terminated. Download the graphics to your hard 
drive.  Build the page from there. NEVER link directly to a graphic.

I did not intend to open this section of Lanes Heart graphics till
all the backgrounds were completed. But I have uploaded some
created from paintings of Thomas Kinkade. Please check back 
often as more sets will be uploaded each day.  Since thumbnail
shots take time to load you can view the pages by name. 

Click on the artist name to view the sets created from their paintings.

Other artist 

To view other graphics and complete background sets
that include bars, link buttons, and not of this section
click on link below.


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