In pursuit of clean and hygienic surroundings

Oversight, apathy and filth in society and environment are interlinked. Deterioration and sick health of environment are generally a reflection of neglect, abuse and recklessness on the part of government and people, individually and collectively.

The recent success of the movie �Slumdog Millionaire� at the Academy Awards has drawn a special interest in the people and living conditions in slums. Questions have been asked on why the life is so terrible and unsanitary for slum-dwellers in Mumbai and elsewhere, and what can be done to ensure adequate toilet facilities, proper plumbing and running water etc. in slums and poor houses.

The problem related to slums is worsened by ever-increasing population which can be the result of new births locally and migration from outside. These extra people in most of communities far exceed corresponding increases in residential space, energy and water which leads to deterioration in environment and living conditions there. Note that the problems of inadequate space and water etc. are not limited just to slum areas but also occur in other places such as villages and small towns. Thus as the number of people increases everywhere, the available resources and facilities are not able to keep pace with them.

Unfortunately there appears to be little concern on the part of government and majority of people towards unsatisfactory and unhygienic conditions in slums and elsewhere, even in crowded markets and residential areas. This callousness from officials and public has resulted in insufficient number of washrooms, urinals and toilet facilities in public places previously. Note that the inadequacy in public facilities often results in people, needing to use a washroom urgently, to urinate and defecate in the open. This problem is particularly serious for women as they find it more difficult and unsafe to relieve in the open. Note that the inadequacy in public washrooms and facilities is further exasperated because even when they are found presently in public areas, such as in crowded markets, railway stations, bus stops and even in government buildings, they generally happen to be poorly maintained and in filthy condition and usually lacking running water.

The poor maintenance and filthy condition of public washrooms and toilets can be a result of inadequate supply of water and lack of proper plumbing etc. which usually turns away many people from the work of cleaning toilets and washrooms. This regular turn-off for cleaning tasks can over time give rise to attitude among people, making them look down upon such activities and even feel a shame in doing them. In addition, sometimes the religious leaders, politicians and government officials also don�t appear to help in this situation because of their strange outlooks and unsupportive policies towards cleaning and sanitation work.

It seems some religionists unfortunately may look at the work of cleaning and sanitation of toilets and washrooms as a menial, lowly and degrading activity, implying indirectly as if something to be avoided. The government similarly, instead of trying to encourage people and give them incentives to engage in the important work of sanitation and cleaning, inadvertently takes steps to move workers away from it. For example, the caste-based reservations and quotas from government are being used by people everywhere, even engaged in cleaning and other manual work, to seek instead other unrelated jobs (mainly the office type work). This basically indicates that there are social, religious and governmental influences which, somehow and quite inadvertently, discourage people from doing the cleaning and sanitation work, for themselves or others.

Thus it is necessary to bring an immediate change in the attitude of public, religionists and government officials so that the situation related to cleanliness and sanitation can be improved. To this effect, public and officials, who in the past probably were never involved in the cleaning of washrooms etc. and therefore now lack proper understanding in the problems related to sanitation, need to be exposed to such issues. This will need them to acquire important knowledge and training firsthand, preferably through actual participation in cleaning. As a result, they will know the value of such work and even appreciate it. It will also help them to become self-reliant in such tasks and make them realize that manual work is very important and not really lowly and worth shunning. Furthermore, when public officials get involved in such work and become knowledgeable about it, they will be able to make proper decisions and implement effective policies on such issues. Similarly, if politicians, officials and public figures engage in the work of cleaning and sanitation enthusiastically in front of ordinary citizens, it will lessen shame and reluctance among people against such work and even enhance respect and appreciation for those doing it already and making an important contribution to society through such activities (1).

Realizing also that government sponsored reservations and quotas in education and jobs are geared mostly towards office type careers and they hardly give any incentives to manual jobs, government may instead recommend an increase in the remuneration paid to manual workers for the jobs they are doing (e.g. in cleaning and sanitation work). This will improve the financial condition of these workers and help them acquire a better standard of living. Furthermore, emphasis on the part of public and officials should be on trying to make the jobs of cleaners etc. easy, simple, safe and even mechanized. In this regard, they must ensure that there is sufficient water for cleaning and that the latest technological gadgets and tools including latex gloves etc. are available for doing such work. This will lead workers to do the cleaning jobs properly and they will not have to touch and handle filth and hazardous waste with their bare hands etc.

As the work related to sanitation and cleaning becomes refined due to above changes and it results in a better life, more money and respect for workers, there will be a change in the attitude of public towards them and their vocation. Moreover, as their economic condition improves due to higher wages for their work, they might even be able to send their children for any type of education and career on their own without requiring government assistance. Similarly when the ordinary people become aware about the importance of sanitation and realize that the work related to it is not difficult or something to be ashamed of, and can even be quite rewarding financially, they might also be drawn to it rather than shun it as was the case before. This has the potential for a healthy change in society in encouraging people to do manual work, including in cleaning and sanitation. This will lead to a bigger workforce ready to do all kinds of manual tasks.

Therefore it is time for officials and politicians to take lead and emphasize the need for improved sanitation and cleanliness leading to a better environment. They can do this by demonstrating to public that they are ready to take hands on approach to set things right and even willing to clean and maintain a public toilet nicely in front of media and people, especially the citizens in their own area or constituency. Needless to say, such cleaning demonstrations by public officials and politicians will bring a rapid change in the attitude of ordinary citizens and inspire them to do the same at home and outside. This will also give a great insight to everyone, decision makers and policy setters especially, in problems and issues related to poor sanitation, filth and sewage, and that will eventually help in finding the easy, practical, quick and cheap solutions (2).

Finally, note that there is nothing unholy or irreligious about doing the cleaning work, because even the scriptures (e.g. the Gita: Ch. 16 - V. 3, 7; Ch. 17 - V. 14) proclaim that people should seek and pursue cleanliness and clean environment around them. Thus, religiously also, it is imperative that everyone becomes mindful about cleanliness and sanitation and undertakes activities (including for teaching by example to remove any hesitation and stigma) to achieve a healthy and hygienic environment all around.
"Let not the wise upset and alarm the unwise engaged in their selfish and egotistical activities and thinking.
But let the wise, working with devotion, show to them by example the joy of good and important work.
" ..... the Gita (Ch. 3 - V. 26)


(1) Dr. Subhash C. Sharma, Aiding the society as a janitor (bhangi), Dec. 2, 2003,

(2) "Balmiki Samaj protests against political parties", The Times of India, March 14, 2009,


By: Dr. Subhash C. Sharma
[email protected]
Date: March 25, 2009

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