Lakshmi Van
Vegetarian Restaurant

Jerusalén 402
Arequipa - Perú

Dishes and Recipes

Ensalada de Frutas

Chicharrón de Soya

Arroz a la Jardinera
con Tofú

Chuletas de Soya
a la Parrilla


Isle Cream

2 margarine spoons
2 diced onions
1 cup milk

Fry the onions in a pan, using the two margarine spoons. Then put the rest of the ingredients, licuados =liquefy, in the pan.

If the mixture is not consistent, it can be thicken using some flour melted in water.

The dish can be trimmed with some peanuts.


Vegetarian hamburgers

White flour 1/4 kg.
red pepper 1/2
oregano 1 spoon
soya meat 1 1/2 cups
cumin 1 spoon
grated carrot 1/2
1 handfull of parsley


Liquefy the soya meat and, after drained, mix it with the rest of the ingredients. 

First do some balls with the mixture, and then flatten them, giving a round shape.

Then fry the hamburgers in hot oil. When the hamburgers are done, take them out of the pan and absorb the oil on them with an absorbent paper.

This dish can be served with a salad or some rice.


French sauce

Liquefy this ingredients:

Olive oil 
1 spoon
lemon juice


Melon salad

Melon    1
Red pepper    1
Nuts    3


Cut the melon in slices. Also cut the pepper in long stripes. The nuts must be cut into little pieces. This dish is flavored with olive or corn oil.

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