STAFF COLUMN: Career advice to the young

STAFF COLUMN: Career advice to the young

The work of God may be the only sinless occupation left.

The Oklahoma Daily

It has come to my attention that our young people are without direction. With all the temptation that is thrown daily at them, they know not what they do. The schools that ought to impart direction to them have been taken over by sinners. Instead of teaching the word of God, the schools teach such new-fangled heresies as the idea that man, whom God created in His image, is descended from chimpanzees. Since schools have abdicated their responsibility in this regard, churches should step into the vacuum.

Choosing the occupation by which our young folk will make a living is an important decision, and our churches should be involved in it from the very beginning. What occupation can we suggest?

Physics, biology and all the so-called sciences are definitely not good for the soul. They corrupt the minds of people with heretical thoughts. Physics claims, for example, that the earth is not at the center of the universe. Yet, God clearly tells us through His prophets that we are the most important of His creations. They tell us that the earth was formed over millions of years. We should not lead our children into temptation. Steer them away from science.

Medicine is a field of hauteur. These people are arrogant enough to believe that they can interfere with the plans that God has for His children. When God spares the life of a man because he is not yet ready for His kingdom, doctors believe they have saved his life. We will do well to spare young people from the arrogance by which they believe they can better the will of God.

Art is a terrible thing. Remember that God struck down his people and made them wander in the desert for glorying in the beauty of a statue. Remember the trials He put into the path of that sinner, Michelangelo, when he used pagan and sinful themes in his sculptures and paintings? With art becoming increasingly secular, the sinfulness has only grown. Our young people will do well not to join those sinners in their revelry.

Lawyers are sinful to the very fiber of their beings. They lie if they can - by their lies of commission and of omission - make their clients go free. There is no sin greater than the sin of sheltering murderers, adulterers and babykillers. We should not let our young people become instruments of the devil.

There is just one field in which a young man can serve God. He can become a missionary and travel to the remote areas of the world that have not yet heard God's word. Young women need not feel left out, however.

To prevent these young men from being led into temptation in those far-off lands, they should be accompanied by their wives. Young women should seek to marry churchgoing men who will become missionaries.

My advice to young people everywhere is that they become missionaries.

They can deliver the souls of the natives to God and impart to them the benefits of science, law and art - of civilization itself.

V. Lakshman is an electrical engineer who, after much deliberation and many attempts at proseltyzation, remains a pagan.

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