Smoke Free ParksWelcome to Lake Cunningham!  Do your part to keep this valuable community resource clean, safe, and family orientated.  By following the park rules stated below and obeying posted information and traffic signs, you can help the park staff provide a safe and enjoyable experience at Lake Cunningham.  Help everyone breath easier... smoking is not allowed in any city park!  If you're unsure of any park rule or need further clarification and explanation, please contact an on-site Park Ranger.  Park Rangers can be found throughout the park and/or at the Marina.  They may be reached by phone at (408) 794-7577

No pets


No kites 



NO Pets (dogs, cats, etc)

NO Helium Balloons

NO Feeding Birds or other  wildlife

NO Remote Control crafts

NO Kites

NO Pocket/mini bikes

NO Swimming



Beginning October 2005... The park will be closed for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.

  • Park Hours – 8:00am – Gates lock ˝ hour after sunset

  • Parking Fees are collected during summer season.  Generally speaking... May through September.

      Go to Fees page for more info

  • Admission fees are collected separately for Raging Waters.

  • No swimming, wading or windsurfing allowed in the lake.

  • Remote control boats, planes, cars, and other remote operated devices are not allowed.  With the exception of wind powered watercraft.

  • No kite flying or balloons allowed.

  • All minors are required to wear helmets when riding anything with wheels

  • All boats must be off the lake by one hour before sunset. Life jackets are required to be worn by those 12 yrs old and under.

  • Motorcycles, mopeds, and all other licensed motor vehicles are to be operated by a licensed driver only on the public roads, not on service roads, walking paths, hillsides or in picnic areas.

  • Minibikes, pocketbikes, and other non-licensed motor vehicles are not allowed.

  • The speed limit is MAXIMUM 15 MPH.

  • Beer and wine are allowed in picnic areas only.  Never within 30 feet of parking lots.

  • All state fishing laws apply, including: Persons 16 years old and older are required to have a valid California fishing license. No live bait except worms.

  • Pets (dogs, cats, parrots, rabbits, etc.) are not permitted in the park due to the abundance of wildlife who make the park their home. Assistance dogs are, of course, excepted.

  • Stay on the designated roads and paths. Climbing, sliding or riding bicycles on hillsides is DANGEROUS to yourself and others. Climbing and shortcutting also creates serious erosion problems which will result in permanently scarred and barren hillsides.

  • Litter is pollution!  Please pick up all of your litter!

  • Air jumpers with reservation only and only in designated areas.

  • Do not feed the wildlife or birds.

  • All San José Municipal Codes and Park Regulations are strictly enforced. Further information can be obtained at the Ranger Office.

Smoke Free Parks

San José Smoke-Free Parks
We can all begin to breathe a little easier in San José’s regional, neighborhood and special facility parks! As of October 2007, smoking is banned in all San José parks per San José Municipal Ordinance 9.44.030F and 9.44.010A and Parks Ordinance 13.44.130. The ordinance bans smoking in any area owned, leased or occupied by the City including: sidewalks, trails and pathways in or around park facilities, park strips and other grounds of any park and within twenty-five (25) feet of any entrance, exit, operable window, or intake opening of any golf course, community center or library. Park signage has been installed in San José parks citing the smoking ban. In addition, an outreach program will educate the public through positive approaches and interaction with the community. The program consists of televised public service announcements, radio public service announcements and billboards.  Violators of the smoking ban may be subject to citation or fine. Everyone deserves the right to clean air, and now, whether you are having a picnic, taking a walk or enjoying the playgrounds, you can breathe easy in San José parks.

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