Snape's Dungeon

You have entered Professor Snape's dungeon. I, Professor Snape, run this area. I do not tolerate frivolity. This area is educational and intelligent. If you wish to return to The Lair of the Werewolf you may do so by clicking here.

Ask Professor Snape
here you can ask me a question and I will post the answer. You can also see questions that other people have asked me as well as my responses to them.

students at Hogwarts are expected to write essays for grading. This allows we teachers to assess their ability to think (or not). To begin with, at Sarah's behest, I have posted some essays she set titled "My favourite teacher". Try not to vomit.

Encyclopaedia of Spells
an encyclopaedia of spells, also the difference between a jinx, a hex, a charm and a spell.

Encyclopaedia of Characters
an encyclopaedia of characters, what they look like, what they do, whether they're Death Eaters, or members of the Order of the Phoenix. Basically, anything and everything known about each character mentioned in the books.

Book List
a list of books mentioned within the Harry Potter chronicles as well as their authors.

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