Little Blue Planet

LEXX UNCON2001 page 4

Vlad This lovely lady is called Minna Aaltonen (she's from Finland) and she plays a villain in season four. I won't spoil very much of the plot for you, I will just say that her character is called Vlad and that she kicks Kai's sweet little behind... (If you look at the season four episode guide episode 4.08 is called Vlad.)
I did get her autograph even though she wasn't signing... she just hang around watching the fans I think. (She looks kinda elfin with that smirk... must be the nordic genes!)
Sign my poster or else... After a while Mort and Zith got to the stars, brandishing merchandise, posters and photos to be signed. Especially Mort had packed a veritable mountain of stuff to be signed, and she very rigidly made sure everything was signed in the best way possible...
Aint they cute? Zith and Mort of course got to pose with the cast too. I think Pat and Brian are absolutely adorable in this picture... mommy, can I take them home with me?
Parasite with his tentacle While waiting for the tour to begin the fans that had already got their stuff signed milled around just looking at stuff, breathing in the atmosphere. Parasite fell in love with one of the tentacles as you can see in this picture. If you look to the left of the tentacle you see some photos on the wall... my next target...
Manley Stanley There were a lot of production stills on the wall... some very amusing. Among others there was one of Brian as Stan in a barrel of fish batter, and a couple of stills from what looked like a porno shoot inside the White House! Furthermore, the actors looked suspiciously like Jeffrey Hirschfield and Louise Wischerman (Leykka). This picture shows Stan in a tub, also inside the White House, sporting padded boxer shorts... (Is that a bug in your pocket Stan, or are you just happy to see us?)
Second star on the left and onwards till dawn At last the tour started. We were divided into groups and the first one which I belong to had Lex Gigeroff himself as the guide. First stop was the bridge of Lexx where Lex did his best Captain Kirk impressions. "Lexx, I want... you to blow... upthatplanet!" In the background you se Parasite and Astartae clearly amused.
Hypnotised Lex rambled on and on about this and that and everything he could think of in front of a hypnotised audience. Every fan listening intently on his every word... and he enjoyed every bit of it.
So, which planet should we blow up? Lex explained that the Lexx was a great way to pick up chicks with. I mean, how can a Ferrari or Porsche compared to the most powerful weapon in the two universes, a manhattan sized bug which talks? Just so we would get the picture he demonstrated on Astartae. Hey, it worked!
Lexx, who's your captain? After that the fans got to try out the command post themselves... but I didn't. It felt wrong, somehow. I wouldn't presume to try and fill Stanley H. Tweedle's shoes, if you know what I mean. Just to have been there was enough. Still, I documented some of the others. Here Tree is trying to blow up here least favourite planet...
With this picture I wanted to show the scale of the set. Not only is it wide (easily holding fifty people), it is also very high as evident in the picture. I think the walls stretched up four of five meters actually. Not like in Star Wars where they'd CG in the top of the sets all the time...
What's in a Lexx? This is an interesting picture. Outside the bridge set a drawing of the layout of Lexx was taped to the wall. It shows the different sets used for different parts of the Lexx, and how they connect. As the sets don't connect in reality you need a map to ensure that the actors use the correct exits when you shoot a scene on the bridge.
In the oral office Season four is set on earth, and because the prime audience is North American it is only natural for most of the action to take places in the U.S. Naturally, since the writers are all Canadian, the Lexx version of Earth is more sinister than the real world. For instance, Prince (the villain of season 3) is the power behind the throne, as the chief of ATF (you know, the guys who screwed up in Waco). Therefore the studio had to build a copy of the Oval Office in the White House. Even though they might have got permission to shoot inside the real White House, their version is much more fun... for instance, a water bed comes out of the fireplace... "Oral" Office indead!
The football Lex also told us a few amusing things, such as the story of "the football". "The football" is the Secret Service codeword for the briefcase containing the launch codes for the nuclear weapons... Well, Lex though it would be fun to have "the football" actually be football-shaped. Then they could do lots of visual gags with throwing "the football" between people.
Blow up Belgium!!! Lex then demonstrated how "the football" works... Ooops! There went Belgium! Although he didn't want to reveal the ultimate fate of the Earth (although Lexx does destroy most of the planets it visits) he assured us that some countries would "accidentally" be nuked during the season... he didn't tell us which though.
Priest for president! Just as we were about to leave the Oval Office set, Rolf Kanies popped in to fetch something. Naturally we made him pose behind the desk and in the chair. Although a lot of fans volunteered to be interns, unfortunately no cigars were at hand.
Get back! Get back! Get back to were you once belonged...


Go on home!


More pictures to come soon...
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