In an ancient age of magic... One man held power over others.
Clow Reed was a really powerful magician. He created Keroberos (Kero-chan!) and Yue. Not much is said about him in Cardcaptors, but you get the idea that he was a regular play-boy, considering all his women. Later on in his life, he said he was going to die soon, so he sealed the Clow Cards away, along with Kero and Yue. Then he cast a spell on himself to reincarnate himself once the cards had a new master, so he could test the Master.
Psssssttt! A little tip... In the anime, Clow only has one reincarnation. In the Manga though, he split himself in two. Sakura's Father is half and the other half is Eriol or Eli.
In truth, Clow Reed disliked being the most powerful sorcerer, that is why he gave up the Clow Cards and split his reincarnated self in two.
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Clow Reed wears a brown... thing... With a tie... *drool*
Want to learn about Clow's Reincarnation? Come visit Eriol's Site
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