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Look at the movies Mark has been in here.
To See Mark as Luke Skywalker, click here.
Mark plays David Bradford in the TV pilot for Eight is Enough. He is the oldest brother. I don't remember seeing this on TV, way back when, but I do know it's available on video because I got one! Mark was truely adorable!
Are you a big Mark fan, too? I'd love to hear from you! E-mail me.
I read an article somewhere about the car wreck Mark was in... It seems he was about to start filming The Empire Strikes Back and needed out of his contract on 8 is Enough. The producers or whoever, threatened to sue him if he broke the contract. He was angry and while driving his new BMW, lost control and flipped it.. I've read 2 different accounts of his injuries. One, that he was badly injured, with severe facial injuries and required several different plastic surgeries and another that he
simply broke his nose. 
I wish I knew the real truth...
Eight is Enough
To see Mark in other
TV roles, click here!
Check out this page for other things Mark has done!
Much more recent than 8 is Enough, was Mark on the Oprah show. I have a compilation video of a number of talk shows that Mark did for the re-release of the Star Wars Trilogy. This one was great!
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Updated on 2/08/04
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