Ribbon Handling Techniques

1.) I normally stitch with the smallest needle I can hold - - it is just my personal preference. BUT, with silk ribbon, you must have a needle with a large enough eye to hold the ribbon without stress, and which will make a large enough opening in the fabric to allow the ribbon to move easily through the fabric.

2.) Use short lengths, no more than 10" - 12" if you are drawing the ribbon through the fabric to reduce stress on the ribbon. A longer length might be used for weaving the SPIDER ROSE, or another stitch which does not go through the fabric.

3.)Lock the ribbon onto the needle as shown, and use a 'soft knot' at the end.

4.) Look for the curve in the ribbon - work with this curve. Follow diagrams for locking the ribbon onto the needle and the "soft knot."

5.) The ribbon is delicate and expensive - - use every inch! The lock stitch and the soft knot help with this.

6.) Drop your needle and use your fingers to gently guide ribbon through fabric rather than holding needle and pulling.

7.) If the edges of the ribbon begin to fray:

a.) try stroking it back into shape;

b.) change to a larger needle;

c.) begin a new piece of ribbon.

1995 © Cynthia S. Wetzel

Please remember, these instructions, diagrams and photographs are copyright protected from unauthorized reprint and distribution just like any chart pack or pattern book you would purchase in your local needlework store.

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