
1.) Removal of Water-soluble Pen Marks. Work from the back side of the fabric with a damp cue tip. If marks are still visible after drying, repeat until gone.

2.) Washing. Probably unnecessary on such a small piece, but if needed use Orvus, Dreft, or Ivory; not Woolite.

3.) Mounting. Directions for mounting fabric on button form are found on the back of the package.

4.) Convert button to pin. Remove button shank and unbend, forming into a "U". Cut wire so each end is about 1/2" long. Use to attach pin back to back piece of button form: putting one end of wire through each hole in pin back, then through holes in button back piece. Spread out wire and use pliers to bring flush with back piece.

1995 � Cynthia S. Wetzel

Please remember, these instructions, diagrams and photographs are copyright protected from unauthorized reprint and distribution just like any chart pack or pattern book you would purchase in your local needlework store.

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