Rhiannon's Tarot

Tarot Introduction
Tarot Basics--Sixth Sense
Tarot Decks
Tarot Basics--The Suits
The Court Cards
What the Symbols Mean
What the Numbers Mean
The Numbered Cards--Minor Arcana
Tarot Colors
Tarot Timing
Tarot Spreads
The Fool Spread
The Crossroad Spread
Card of the Day
Relationship Spread #1
Joint Solutions Relationship Spread #2
Cycle of the Year
The Ultimate Happiness Spread
Progress Cards
Relationship Desires Spread #3
Mind, Body, Soul Spread
Four Card Spread
Issue Reading
Yes or No Reading
Relationship Spread #4
Tarot Readings

Tarot Introduction
The tarot deck (most of them) is composed of two parts: the Minor Arcana and the Major Arcana. The Minor Arcana is fifty-six cards divided into suits (Pentacles, Wands, Cups, Swords). Each suit is numbered from one (Ace) up to ten (Page) and the Court Cards. The Major Arcana has twenty-two cards, and are the cards such as The Empress, The Fool, Strength, Love, etc.

Tarot Basics--Sixth Sense
Meditation means deliberately quieting the mind to reach a state of relaxed awareness. (See also the Advanced Section.) During this state, we expand our comprehension of the underlying concept beneath all things. The Tarot is a richly layered resource of images that can help us reach this state of being. The images date back to the earliest experiences of our ancestors. Use the imagery of the Tarot to trigger your sixth sense, and to help you become more aware of your deeper self. Travel on the path Arcana, believed to be the twenty-two oldest cards of the deck.

Tarot Decks

Arthur Edward Waite is credited with the renaissance of the Tarot in the Twentieth Century. He commissioned artist Pamela Coleman Smith to create what he called the "rectified" Tarot. Created by a member of secret societies, known as a revered mystic, Waite's version has been widely accepted as the standard, and is by far the most popular deck of the century, rich in symbolism and easily understood due to the simple nature of the artwork. Certain decks have a serious tone, some have a dream-like quality, others are full of cartoon images. The true beauty lies in the Tarot's ability to retain its "soul" through each metamorphosis and incarnation.

Tarot Basics--The Suits
Wands/Spears/Staves: FIRE. Wands stands for willpower, vitality, zest for life, creativity, growth, initiation, engagement, accomplishment, power, enterprise, identity, self-confidence, intuition, success, and enthusiasm. (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
Swords: AIR. Swords stands for the mind, mental energy, awareness, knowledge, intellect, decisions, ideas, judgment, originality, freedom, the learning processes, and clarity. (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini)
Cups: WATER. Cups stands for the soul, the inner life, the unconscious, feelings, moods, inner voices, premonition, spiritual experiences. Cups deals with intuitive awareness and knowledge, sense, meaning, joy, sadness, loneliness, emptiness, abundance. (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
Pentacles/Shields: EARTH. Pentacles stands for the body, physical experiences, practical and applied skills, results, facts, production, impressions, work, nature, community, connections, self-awareness, security. (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo)

The Court Cards
Queen: innovative, spontaneous, initiative.
King: thorough, solid, supportive.
Knight/Prince: considering consequences, drawing conclusions, making changes.
Page/Princess: playful, probing.

What the Symbols Mean
Spirals: God, divine force that never ends, illuminations, evolution, superconscious mind.
Semi Circles: The Feminine principle, subconscious mind.
Circles: Physical world, unconscious mind.
Verticle/Horizontal Lines: The Masculine principle, materialism, conscious mind.
Triangle: Futuristic goals, pursuance of dreams, God-consciousness.
Cross: Masculine/Feminine balance, a link of the mind and body, the physical world.
Square: Stability, security, solidarity in the physical world.

What the Numbers Mean
These numbers are for (mainly) the Major and Minor Arcana. For example, the card "Strength" is card number 8 of the Major Arcana.

Zero: Godforce, The Hour of Truth.
One: Masculine, dominant, aggressive.
negative--ego, tyranny, intolerance.
Two: Feminine, passive, knowing, understanding.
negative--untruth, emotional, deception.
Three: Fertility, hope, abundance.
negative--hopeless, insincerity, faithless.
Four: Creation, stability, foundation, authority.
negative--stubborn, weak, controlling, inertia.
Five: Change, chance.
negative--temptation, instability.
Six: Dependability, loyalty, harmony.
negative--betrayal, selfishness.
Seven: Action, mystery, intuition, initiation.
negative--impractical, unsuccessful.
Eight: Karma, balance, strength, decision, control.
negative--karma, fate, polarity, materialism.
Nine: Completion, wisdom, experience, spiritual maturity.
negative--selfishness, detainment.
Ten: Destiny, change, beginning, progress.
Eleven: Justice, ideal, equilibrium.
negative--imbalance, weakness, injustice.
Twelve:Surrender, perfection, accomplishment.
negative--limbo, suffering.
Thirteen: Transformation, ending, beginning, change.
Fourteen: Concentration, meditation, balance.
negative--scattered, unfocused.
Fifteen: Triumph, freedom.
negative--pride, eroticism, lust, desire, weakness.
Sixteen: Major change, inspiration.
negative--oppression, destruction.
Seventeen: Meditation, inspiration, opportunity.
negative--hopeless, short-sightenedness.
Eighteen: Imagination, intuition, subconscious desires.
negative--fear, illness, risk.
Nineteen: Innocence, enlightenment.
negative--trouble, loss, darkness.
Twenty: Freedom, awakening.
Twenty-One: Success, attainment.
negative--Failure, fear.
Twenty-Two: Mental, reason, practical.
negative--weakness, irrational.
Twenty-Three: Spiritual.

The Numbered Cards--Minor Arcana
One (Ace): The origin, root, the goal and the achievement, characteristic power of the respective element (ie. Cups is water), a curse and a blessing.
Two: Strengthen or break open the power of the element. Rupture, disentangling, contrast, complimentary.
Three: The "crux" of the matter, fundamental problem, or the sum of the respective element.
Four: Stability, organization, completion. New challenges and validation.
Five: Versatility, concentration.
Six: Decision, consolidation, changes. joy, danger.
Seven: Test, sort out, refine, critical phase, baffling, transformation, completion in relation to the respective element.
Eight: Conflict or harmony of weaknesses and strengths. Alternating blockage, balance, or support by different characteristics of the respective elements.
Nine: Maturing, becoming aware, self-awareness, searching and finding. Personal atonomy in dealing with the respective element.
Ten: Fulfillment, goal, starting point, tasks, the respective element provides the power to let go of and gain much.

Tarot Colors
White: beginning, ending, healing, white shadow (animus), union through the mind, new intellectual frontier, purity, protection.
Grey: unawareness or deliberate indifference.
Black: the unknown, the centre of the earth or situation, black shadow (anima), the darkside of the soul, new psychological territory.
Red: heart, soul, willpower, vitality, love, passion, courage.
Yellow: sun, consciousness, zest for life, clairvoyance, communication.
Orange: strength, success, joy.
Blue: open sky, space and clear water, spirituality, tranquility, meditation.
Green: healing, prosperity, fresh, young, promising, inexperienced, immature.
Brown: connected to nature and the earth, rooted in the soil.
Violet: experiencing boundaries, a mixture of blue and red meanings.
Purple: spirituality, intuition.
Pink: emotional love, harmony, self-love, friendship.

Tarot Timing
Wands/Spears: Spring
Cups: Summer
Swords: Fall
Pentacles/Shields: Winter
There are several ways to interpret the timing of the tarot cards. Above I have listed the season corresponding to the suit. If you draw the Ace of Swords, it would be the first week of the month in fall. Twos are the week after, threes after that, etc. Some people interpret that Kings stands for the matter/question was concluded the year before at this time. Queens indicates that the matter was concluded in the previous season. Concerning the Major Arcana, if you draw the Death card, which is card #13, it could mean something will happen in 13 minutes, 13 hours, days, weeks, months, etc.

Tarot Spreads

I have included several tarot spreads on my website. Some of them are of my own creation from experiences of my own and several are from some books that I have read. Unfortunately, I do not recall the tarot books I got some of these from. If anyone knows, tell me and I will add the books to this site!

The Fool Spread
This layout helps you find the answer to a question and verify it. Take out the "Fool" card. Shuffle the remaining cards and pick out twelve cards. Add the Fool to the twelve cards and shuffle those thirteen cards. Lay them out, cards touching:

These thirteen cards together are giving you the answer. The Fool represents the Zero Hour, the change in the development, or "The Hour of Truth."

Analysis: 1) The Fool represents the present. It is pointing to the direction of the way things are developing. If the Fool card is at the beginning of the row, most of what you have to do is still ahead of you; you are at the starting gate. If The Fool is near the end, most of what is developing is already behind you.
2) The position of The Fool card within the row also indicates the range of your Question. The card before The Fool indicates what you are consciously aware of the issue. All the cards following The Fool, describe your unconscious state and an unconscious or unknown question that goes beyond your original question.
3) If the Fool card appears at the beginning of the row, most of the aspects concerning your question are either still unknown to you, or the question itself is too narrow in scope. However, if the Fool appears at the end of the row, you can be certain that you have a good framework for your question.

The Cross Roads Spread
Card #1: Significant theme, initial question (chosen beforehand).
Card #2: Where does it come from? Origin and foundation of #1.
Card #3: Where does it lead?
Card #4: What does this mean for me?
Card #5: What are the possibilities inherent in it or what may open up because of it? What can you achieve because of card #1?


Card of the Day
#1: Card of the day.
#2: Present situation, what is on your mind.
#3: Background for the day's events.


Relationship Spread #1
#1: My partner.
#2: Myself.
#3: The power that connects us.
#4: Our common base.
#5: Resources of my partner.
#6: My resources.
#7: Focul point, our mutual goal.


Joint Solutions Relationship Spread #2
#1: My partner.
#2: Myself.
#3: What's important to my partner.
#4: What's important to me.
#5: The joint solution.


Cycle of the Year
Lay out the cards in a circle going widdershins.
Chances and tasks during: cards 1-12 stands for each month.

Ultimate Happiness Spread
#1: My goal.
#2: Which qualities of mine will help me reach my goal?
#3: Which shortcomings keep me from reaching my goal?
#4: How can I reach my goal?


Progress Cards
#1, 2, 3: Love
#4, 5, 6: Creativity
#7, 8, 9: Calling


Relationship Desires Spread #3
#1: My love.
#2: My cravings.
#3: My passions.
#4: Your love.
#5: Your cravings.
#6: Your passions.
#7: Our love.
#8: Our cravings.
#9: Our passions.


Mind, Body, Soul Spread
#1: Soul Position: how you are being spirituality supported.
#2: Mind Position: current thinking processes, attitudes, and beliefs.
#3: Body Position: health, finances, creativity, relationships, work.

Four Card Spread
#1: Physical
#2: Mental
#3: Emotional
#4: Spiritual


Issue Reading
#1: Main issue to focus on.
#2: What I know about the issue.
#3: How thought process relates to issue.
#4: Creative aspects available.
#5: Results I can expect.


Yes or No Reading

Positive/Yes answers: all three cards right side up, or two out of three are right side up.
Negative/No answers: all three cards are reversed or two out of three cards are reversed.

Relationship Spread #4
#1: Relationship as it presently relates between you and partner.
#2: This is the way I feel about my partner.
#3: This is the way my partner feels about me.
#4: What is enhancing or hindering our relationship?
#5: What is the future of our relationship?


Example of Tarot Reading
I use the Arthurian Legend Tarot Deck. It's my favorite because it is a beautiful deck and I have had sooo much success with the cards being accurate! It was almost spooky at first when I realized that they were speaking to me! So I did a little mini reading on myself and analyzed it here for you to use as a guide or an example. Of course, this is just a suggestion, everyone interprets the cards and their meanings in a different way. And of course, each card means something different--if you draw the same card in several different spreads, look at it and apply the meaning to WHAT THE TOPIC OF THE SPREAD IS. Also, a good rule of thumb for tarot readings: if you keep picking the same card over and over again...THE CARDS ARE TRYING TO TELL YOU SOMETHING! Open your eyes and be open to everything the cards are trying to tell you.

Spread: "Four Card Spread"
Card #1 (Physical): Knight of Shields
The card means perserverence and stamina.
SHIELDS signifies the physical body, and physical experiences.
RED signifies heart, vitality.
KNIGHT signifies considering consequences, drawing conclusions, making changes.
SHIELDS signifies winter.

Card #2 (Mental): XVIII-The Moon Reversed
The card in reverse means errors in judgement, emotional instability, and suppresion of critical ideas.
EIGHTEEN signifies fear, illness, risk.
BLUE signifies meditation, spirituality.
YELLOW signifies consciousness.
WHITE signifies new intellectual frontier.
TRIANGLE signifies futuristic goals.

Card #3 (Emotional): II-Cups
The card means love, union, pleasure, and comfort.
CUPS signifies the soul, inner life, feelings, and moods.
TWO signifies the feminine, passive, knowing, understanding.
YELLOW signifies zest for life, communication, clairvoyance.
BLUE signifies tranquility, meditation.
CUPS signies summer.

Card #4 (Spiritual): III-Empress
The card means progress, intelligence, and spiritual strength.
THREE signifies fertility, hope, and abundance.
GREEN signifies healing, prosperity.
PURPLE signifies spirituality, intuition.

So now we know what the cards mean....how do we interpret it them? How do we bring it together as a whole?
The first card is the physical card. The card meaning listed in the guide book that comes with every deck, is very accurate--but so is the suit! From this card and all the meanings and symbolism, I would come to the conclusion that my physical self, my body and my life is doing very well. I have stamina, my body is having POSITIVE experiences (because the card is upright). Shields is also telling me that I need to make changes, perhaps in exercise or diet, or simply the way I treat my body.
The second card is my Mental State. The Moon is in Reverse and it means that I am not thinking things through, I am suppressing ideas because perhaps I can't deal with them now and that is causing me to have bad judgment or I am thinking NEGATIVELY. The colors on this particular card all seem to mean intellect, consciousness, and meditation.
The emotional card! I drew the II of Cups for this card. It fits perfectly since Cups means emotions and feelings and moods. I think the colors are telling me that I need to communicate my emotions, think about my emotions, meditate on my emotions, and understand my emotions.
Finally, the Spiritual card. Amazingly enough I drew a card that is inherently spiritual in itself. The card is telling me that I am in a POSITIVE upswing of my spiritual journey, I am experiencing strength, an abundance of spirituality and intuition.
I hope this helps on how to interpret a tarot reading. It is difficult to SEE everything: symbols, direction, placement, colors, meanings, etc. Take your time, get to know the cards, and work on SEEING their meanings.

Tarot Reading.....

More to come soon! I will also be adding many tarot spreads.

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