Rhiannon's Gods

Invocations to the God of Summer
Prayer to the Horned God
Invocation to Herne
The Charge of the God
God Guide

What's New? I just added a list of some pagan Gods at the bottom of this page. I will be adding more later, but many people were interested in a "God version" of my Goddess Guide. So check it out and let me know if there's a particular god you'd like to see listed.

Invocation to the God of Summer

"Lord of the colors of day,
Untamed awakener of hearts.
Comforter of sorrows,
Clear sighted dancer,
Morning's son,
Vine-ripened seed,
Many jeweled one.
Hunter, wild beast, guide,
Come to us!
You are dry, drink of us!
We are the dew-filled flowers
That open to your golden shaft."

Prayer to the Horned God

"Shepherd of Goats, upon the wild hills' way,
Lead thy lost flock from darkness unto day.
Forgotten are the ways of sleep and night-
Men seek for them whose eyes have lost the light.
Open the door, the door which hath no key,
The door of dreams and whereby men come to thee."

Invocation to Herne

"Herne, winter lord,
We your children call you.
Horned one, Hunter,
We your children ask your presence.
Woodland Spirit,
We your children call to you.
Herne, Winter Lord,
We your children call to you.
Horned One, Hunter,
We your children ask your presence now!"

The Charge of the God

Listen to the words of the Horned God,
The Guardian of all things wild and free,
And Keeper of the Gates of Death,
Whose Call all must answer:

I am the fire within your heart...
The yearning of your Soul.
I am the Hunter of Knowledge and
The Seeker of the Holy Quest;
I who stand in the darkness of light;
I am He whom you have called Death.
I am the Consort and Mate of Her we adore,
Call forth to me.

Heed my call beloved ones, come unto me
And learn the secrets of death and peace.
I am the corn at harvest and the fruit on the trees.
I am He who leads you home.
Scourge and Flame, Blade and Blood
These are mine and gifts to thee.

Call unto me in the forest wild and
On hilltop bare and seek me in the Darkness Bright.
I who have been called; Pan, Herne, Osiris,
And Hades, speak to thee in thy search.
Come dance and sing; come live and smile,
For behold: this is my worship.

You are my children and I am thy Father.
On swift night wings it is I who lay you
At the Mother's feet to be reborn and to
Return again.

Thou who thinks to seek me,
Know that I am the untamed wind,
The fury of storm and passion in your Soul.
Seek me with pride and humility,
But seek me best with love and strength.

For this is my path, and I love not
The weak and fearful. Hear my call
On long Winter nights and we shall stand together
Guarding Her Earth as She sleeps.

God Guide

Anubis: Anubis is the god of the dead. He was usually represented as a man with the head of a jackal, but also as a crouching jackal, and was therefore referred to as the 'jackal god'. He is regarded as the son of Osiris and Nephthys, or the son of Re and Nephthys. In his role of "conductor of souls" he leads the souls of the deceased to the House of Osiris. As the Judge of the Dead, Anubis would take each person's heart and weigh it against the Feather of Truth. Anubis invented embalming and funeral rites. He was the protector of the dead and judge of the dead. God of wisdom, intelligence, death, endings, truth, justice, surgery, hospital stays, finding lost things, anesthetics, medicine, journeys, protection, and astral travel.

Apollo: Greek and Roman; twin brother of Artemis. God of the Sun, the god of light, fine arts, prophecy, medicine, poetry, eloquence, and music and one of the twelve Olympians, Apollo was the son of Zeus and Leto.

Cernunnos: Celtic; Horned God and consort of the Lady. God of Nature. Also called Herne The Hunter. He represents the darker aspects of nature.

Dionysus: Dionysos (or Bacchus) is the god of wine and song and is usually depicted in art and literature accompanied by maenads, satyrs and silens. Dionysus was also associated with resurrection.

Green Man: God of nature: The male spirit of nature, life and growth.

Hermes: Hermes is the son of Zeus and Maia. He is Zeus messenger. He is the fastest of the gods. He wears winged sandals, a winged hat, and carries a magic wand. He is the god of thieves and god of commerce. He is the guide for the dead to go to the underworld. He invented the lyre, the pipes, the musical scale, astronomy , weights and measures, boxing, gymnastics, and the care of olive trees. Messenger of the gods and protector of travellers.

Herne The Hunter: Britain. The dark lord. God of the hunt, wild animals, and forests. Associated with the Gods, Cernunnos and Gwynn ap Nudd.

Horus: Egyptian; Head of a Falcon and body of a man. God of the all-seeing eye and healing. s God of kingship, sky and solar symbology, and victory.

Odin: Scandinavian; counterpart of Freya. This is the God who hung on the Tree of Yggdrasil to obtain second sight. His familiars are the Raven and the Wolf. He is depicted as a terrible God, in his old age as a God of Wisdom and psychic sight. He is the giver of Runes.

Osiris: Osiris is the Egyptian god of the underworld, fertility, ressurrection, and vegetation. He married Isis and was the father of Horus. Osiris was killed, put in a chest, and thrown in the Nile river by his brother Seth. Isis discovered him and recovered his body, but, while she was away, Seth found the corpse and dismembered it, scattering the pieces to the four winds. Isis and her sister, Nephthys, gathered the pieces and were stricken with grief, crying until Ra, the father god, had pity on them and sent Anubis and Thoth to aid them. Osiris was mummified and put into a lion headed pier. Isis transformed into a kite and fanned breath into Osiris. He was banished from the land of the living, and was sent to reign over the underworld and judge the souls of the dead.

Pan: Pan is seen as a faun/satyr type character: a half man, half goat, he only has goat's hooves to run on. He is seen as the in-between of animal and man, a man who has rediscovered his animal side, an animal with the cunning of a man. His is the god of forests and especially glades, he is god of mischief and fun, yet of great depths of unleashed power. Pan is ageless, but mostly associated with younger, scampier ages. Greek; God of Nature and the Woods, Laughter and Passion. Also music and personal abandon.

Ra: Ra is the most important Egyptian god. He personifies the midday sun, created air and moisture, not to mention humankind. In addition, he also created himself from a mound that arose from the primeval waters of Nun, or out of a primordial lotus flower. The sun was taken as his eye (Eye of Ra) or his body, and he was also worshipped in a variety of other forms, such as, Atum (setting sun), Khepri (rising sun) and in connection with other gods (Re-Harachte, Amun-Re for a few). Ra is the Egyptian god represented with a hawks head.

Thoth: Egyptian; God of Reincarnation. Also a Moon God and favorable to science and wisdom.

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